How to apply facial serum. Facial serum: what is it and why is it needed? What is the effect of facial serum?

The shelves of modern beauty stores are filled with an abundance of cosmetics. Among them you can find many different facial skin care serums. Not all representatives of the fair sex know how to properly use such products. Let's look at everything in order.

Serum selection

  1. If we consider a highly concentrated serum (serum) for the face, then in its composition the manufacturer indicates an abundance of active biological components, which the notorious expensive creams of famous brands cannot boast of.
  2. In addition to the ingredients, cream and serum differ at the molecular level. Small particles of the serum penetrate in abundant quantities into the deep layers of the dermis. This way there is a positive effect on the tissue.
  3. Serum molecules act precisely and in a short time. If you compare an expensive cream and serum, in the second case you will use much less product to achieve the desired result during the procedure.
  4. Don’t delude yourself, you can’t just grab and use the first serum you come across. You need to consult a professional to select a composition that suits your skin type.
  5. Also, do not forget about what exactly you want to achieve and what flaw to eliminate. In this case, compared to a professional cream, the serum has a narrow spectrum of targeted action.
  6. If you have several flaws of a different nature, keep in mind that the serum needs to be selected differently in each case. When purchasing serum, consider the biological age of the body and the area of ​​application of the product.
  7. Also, do not forget about the time of year that has arrived. Don't neglect the serious factor. In winter and spring, give preference to oil-based formulations. In summer and autumn, choose products that contain more liquid.

Serum for young girls

  1. Girls under 25 do not need to resort to professional cosmetics. It is enough to systematically cleanse the skin. As a result, the dermis will look amazing until adulthood.
  2. Most often, serums are used in youth due to problem skin. If you regularly use a serum with a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, the number and size of acne will significantly decrease.
  3. Thus, the serum will prevent the formation of new foci of inflammation and relieve redness. The product is especially effective for delicate and sensitive skin. Such serums contain plant extracts, zinc, propolis, magnesium and hyaluronic acid.
  4. If you have inflammation on your face in the form of acne or comedones, you need to resort to using a serum with an anti-inflammatory effect. This composition will necessarily contain azelaic acid. The substance inhibits the growth of bacteria.
  5. The serum acts as a gentle peeling, slightly exfoliating the upper layer of the dermis. As a result of frequent procedures, the skin whitens and acquires a smooth surface. Be careful, in the cold season the product can dry out the epidermis.
  6. Keep in mind that the serum was originally developed as a product to combat age-related changes. Experts do not recommend using the serum for a long time until the age of 30-33. If you are unable to achieve the desired result after several treatments, consult a specialist.

  1. Cosmetologists recommend using serum for representatives of the fairer sex who are 50+. Women who have overcome the psychological barrier especially need skin tightening.
  2. In this case, you need to choose cosmetics labeled “Anti-Age” (anti-aging). Such serums restore the epidermal barrier of the skin (hydrolipid mantle). The composition fully strengthens intercellular connections.
  3. Such products perfectly increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Enzymes ensure the strength of the skin. In addition, chemical compounds fully saturate tissues with micro- and macroelements.
  4. To rejuvenate the skin, mature women need to use a serum labeled “serum in oil.” The composition produces a two-phase effect. The serum acts in 2 directions - the composition rejuvenates and nourishes tissues at the cellular level.
  5. As a result of systematic use of the product, sagging and dullness of the skin disappears, deep creases disappear, and the oval of the face is tightened. Most often, such products are produced on the basis of cocoa seed oil, rose hips, and black currant.
  6. The positive effect is achieved due to the presence of linoleic acid in the product. The enzyme is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Anti-aging products also contain a high content of peptides.
  7. Chemical compounds are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. Peptides transport hygroscopic molecules to tissues. Thanks to this process, the cells receive deep hydration. The process is required at the age of 50+.
  8. Currently, cosmetic products have made great strides forward; innovative products can increasingly be found in skin care products. Some of them are rich in stem cells or antarcticin.
  9. The substance has a second name, known as high molecular weight glycoprotein. The enzyme is extracted from bacteria that live in the ice of Antarctica. The uniqueness of the product lies in the fact that microorganisms are able to survive in the most extreme conditions.
  10. Anti-aging serum has an effective effect, so it is not prohibited to use it yourself. It is strongly recommended to take into account the cold season, in which case the product should be used along with a nourishing cream.

  1. Before using the serum, it is imperative to lightly cleanse your face using a cleansing gel. High-quality serums have a dispenser. They can be presented in the form of a pipette or microcapsule.
  2. In this case, you can use cosmetics sparingly. The dispenser minimizes contact of the composition with oxygen. Many chemical compounds lose their healing properties through oxidation. Do not overuse the product, it may cause negative consequences.
  3. Depending on the serum used, it is enough to use about 3 drops to achieve an effective effect. If you take a container with a volume of 30 ml, it will contain about 55 single dosed portions.
  4. Keep in mind that the cosmetic is applied to the lesion or problem area. It is not recommended to use the composition on the eyelids and cheeks; the serum will not have a rejuvenating effect.
  5. It is recommended to distribute the serum with gentle patting movements. Follow the massage lines. The product should lie on the skin in an even thin layer. Do not rub the serum into the dermis of the face.
  6. It is not recommended to use the composition more than once a day. This way you can achieve the desired result in a short time. Experts recommend carrying out the manipulation immediately before bedtime.
  7. At night, during sleep, the restoration process of body tissues occurs. After you have applied the product, wait about 1 hour. After this, you can go to bed to rest. Otherwise, the serum will be absorbed into the bed linen and may cause irritation on the skin (pores become clogged).
  8. Experts recommend using the serum between 18:00 and 22:00. If for some reason you decide to use the product in the morning, carry out the procedures from 7 to 8 o’clock. If necessary, it is recommended to apply the nourishing cream a quarter of an hour after using the serum.

Keep in mind that after purchasing the serum, you should use it strictly according to the instructions, otherwise you risk causing significant harm to the delicate skin of your face. Some products need to be applied gradually, starting with minimal doses. If you use the serum at the age of 50+, the result will be noticeable after 2 months. In this case, long-term use of the product is allowed.

Video: how to choose a moisturizing facial serum

Serum (serum) is a cosmetic product in which the active ingredients are presented in high concentration. That is, the active ingredients are the same as in creams, but their specific gravity is many times greater. The formula of the serum is such that it is absorbed almost instantly and shows results faster than cream. Sometimes - instantly.

The active components are up to 70% serum, while in creams they 10-12% , the rest is the base and structure-forming ingredients: emulsifiers, emollients (softeners), thickeners, film formers.

Types of facial serums

Serums can fulfill a specific mission or a whole range of anti-aging obligations, such as:

  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • regeneration;
  • lightening pigment spots;
  • increasing skin density;
  • stimulation of collagen and elastin production;
  • restoration of water-lipid balance.

And all this in one bottle.

How to use the serum

Any serum is applied:

  • 1–2 times a day, in small quantities - 4–5 drops;
  • only on cleansed and toned skin - It is advisable that it be wet, this will enhance the effect of the serum.

Features of the product

  • Typically, a serum, unlike a cream, does not create an occlusive film on the skin, and therefore requires subsequent application of the cream. If it provides “sealing”, manufacturers recommend using it as a stand-alone product.
  • The great advantage of the serum is that it acts as a catalyst for the effectiveness of creams. By supplementing your care with serum, you will increase the intensity of other products and, accordingly, notice the result earlier.
  • Some serums prepare the skin for cosmetic procedures, prolong their effect, and speed up the rehabilitation process.
  • Serums work well in pairs - for example, antioxidant and moisturizing.

Review of SkinCeuticals facial serums

Serum for correcting acne and age-related skin changes Blemish & Age Defense

An intense acid complex (dioic acid, capryloyl salicylic acid, salicylic acid) reduces the number of imperfections, reduces sebum production, cleanses pores and gently exfoliates. Glycolic and citric acids are responsible for smooth skin.

Retexturing Activator Moisturizing Serum

Hyaluronic acid and a component of the natural moisturizing factor - hydroxyethyl urea - well moisturize the skin, and hepes provides gentle but effective exfoliation and, as a result, skin regeneration. Fermented black tea extract (kombucha) is known for its ability to even out the complexion and add radiance to the skin.

Serum in gel Phloretin CF

Antioxidants phloretin, 10% L-ascorbic and ferulic acids have a synergistic (mutually reinforcing) effect. They protect the skin from early aging and harmful UV and infrared radiation, correct signs of aging, inhibit the formation of free radicals, even out complexion, and prevent age spots.

Highly effective antioxidant serum for dry and normal skin CE Ferulic

The serum is applied in the morning and has a triple effect. Highly concentrated L-ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and ferulic acid provide powerful protection against free radicals and external negative factors, correct imperfections (wrinkles, age spots), stimulate collagen synthesis.

Highly effective antioxidant serum for all skin types Serum 10

Suitable even for sensitive skin. The combination of L-ascorbic and ferulic acids prevents the formation of free radicals, reduces pigmentation and the severity of wrinkles, and protects against the effects of UV radiation. Vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis.

Corrective serum to increase hyaluronic acid in the skin H. A. Intensifier

Apply in the morning. Proxilan, licorice and purple rice extracts increase skin elasticity, help maintain optimal levels of hyaluronic acid and the integrity of the extracellular matrix (connective tissue). Concentrated hyaluronic acid in three modifications simultaneously moisturizes the skin and reduces signs of aging.

Some serums must be used under sunscreen.

Antioxidant gel for dry and normal skin Phloretin CF Gel

Suitable for dry, normal and pigmentation-prone skin. Antioxidants (ascorbic and ferulic acids in combination with phloretin) prevent aging and protect cells from harmful radiation and other aggressive external factors, reduce wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. The “serum in gel” technology increases the penetration of active components and makes the texture light, comfortable even for men’s skin after shaving.

Resveratrol B E Night Concentrated Antioxidant Gel

The antioxidant trio - resveratol, baicalin and alpha-tocopherol - reduces oxidative stress, triggers the processes of cell regeneration and self-healing. The gel provides effective night care for all skin types. Suitable for men too.

Antioxidant gel for skin care around the eyes against photoaging and signs of fatigue AOX+ Eye Gel

Vitamin C, ferulic acid, phloretin prevent oxidative stress, caffeine improves lymphatic drainage, butruscus root extract strengthens capillaries and enhances microcirculation. The result is hydration, protection, reduction of swelling, reduction of wrinkles, prevention of aging. Do not apply to moving eyelid.

Cosmetic serum is an elite cosmetic novelty with which you can quickly get yourself in order. Initially, serums were used in professional cosmetology, and now intensive products have been created for use at home.

Often, a very high concentrate of fruit acids from exotic fruits is used in the serum as a base. The serum is additionally enriched with concentrates of natural vitamins A and E, as well as healing minerals. Regular use of the serum gives a quick visible rejuvenation effect. The advantage of the serum is that the skin instantly receives the right amount of active substances, and in a form in which they are more easily absorbed.

Serum is a targeted and at the same time extremely strong “blow”, in which the skin immediately receives the required amount of active substances in the form in which it most easily absorbs them. As a rule, the serum base contains special substances - enhancers, which make the skin more permeable. Enhancers provide access to the deep layers of the skin, and active substances in high concentrations moisturize, revitalize, tighten or optimize the functioning of the sebaceous glands - depending on what the specific serum is intended for. That's why, with proper use of the serum, you can quickly achieve noticeable results.

Due to the fact that the concentration of active substances in serums is higher than in any cream, the use of serums can significantly improve the appearance of the skin and complexion, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and increase skin elasticity and tone. The serum is an intensive action product, so it is recommended for women aged 25-30 to restore “tired” and dull skin.

Effects of using serums

Restoring the skin's hydro-lipid barrier, as a result of which the moisture balance in the skin is normalized, the loss of the skin’s own moisture is reduced and its “binding” from external sources increases. Such procedures are recommended after various aggressive effects on the skin, for example, after laser resurfacing.

Restoring the skin’s own synthesis of collagen and elastin, restoring skin elasticity and tone. In such cases, various protein concentrates are used to stimulate skin renewal.

Active whitening effect, which has both preventive and therapeutic directions. Excessive pigmentation is a common problem; serums based on glycolic and lactic acids, vitamin C, and various patented complexes based on plant extracts will help solve it.

Toning and antioxidant effect provide serums based on vitamins, antioxidants, microelements, as well as essential oils and concentrated plant extracts.

Drainage and vascular strengthening effect plant substances - flavonoids, for example, rutin and quercetin. They are indispensable in eye contour serums.

How to use the serum:

A few drops of the product are applied to dry, cleansed facial skin. The serum can be used either alone or together with face cream.
As a rule, serums have a local effect and are addressed separately to the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, and eyelids.
The latter are subject to special requirements: special preservatives and bases, clearly calculated doses of active ingredients. If the pH level of other serums ranges from 5 to 6.5, then in eye serums it should be neutral - 7 (like the pH of our tears).

Any serum is a concentrated product. It contains a huge amount of active substances. This richness of the composition gives two advantages at once. Firstly, it is a quick effect, and secondly, it is cost-effective. Serums are consumed in very small quantities - they are counted literally into drops. That's why they are sold in tiny bottles of a few milliliters. One package usually lasts for several weeks. Many will say that this is not enough, that it is impossible to achieve any global result in such a short period of time. And they will be wrong. After all, serums are so active that they can only be used in short courses. They are applied once a day for 1.5-2 weeks. During this time, the maximum effect is achieved, which is simply impossible to improve. The skin reacts to the first application of the serum. And then the effect only grows.

Serums are used by people of all ages. A teenager who turns to a cosmetologist with an acne problem will receive not only a quick cosmetic effect, but also psychological satisfaction after the procedure with the appropriate concentrate, since the result is visible almost immediately. A woman will notice a noticeable improvement in the condition of her skin and a reduction in wrinkles, and a man with sensitive skin will be able to quickly relieve skin irritation after shaving.
The use of serum depends on the time of year. So, for example, in winter you can apply an oil-based product to your face, but in summer this can lead to clogged pores, resulting in inflammation on the skin. Therefore, during the cold season it is not recommended to actively use antiseptic concentrates - they dry out the skin, while in the summer they, on the contrary, are recommended.

Professional series of serums are sold in special ampoules to make it more convenient for cosmetologists to work with them, since an opened ampoule must be used as soon as possible.

Serums for home use, of course, differ from professional serums in having a lower concentration of active substances. Despite this, before purchasing any product to get an “instant result” at home, it is recommended to consult with professionals to determine your skin type and choose the most appropriate option.

The serum requires the presence of an accompanying cream, since it is quickly absorbed, leaving the skin feeling unprotected. In this case, the task of the cream is to create a kind of protective layer that will protect both the serum (from evaporation) and the skin (from discomfort and dryness). In addition, serum and cream simply enhance each other’s effect.

The use of serums is usually resorted to when quick results are needed. However, cosmetologists advise using the concentrate in courses, with special equipment or massage. In this case, the active substances penetrate deeper into the skin and accumulate there, resulting in the effect lasting for two to six months. It is recommended to conduct three to four courses per year.

High Potency Ginseng Serum- prevent skin aging, restore youth and freshness. The main components are extracts of ginseng, witch hazel, vitamin A and E complex, hyaluronic acid.
An effective product with a high concentration of plant extracts and a complex of vitamins. Has a lifting effect. Smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes, nourishes.

In the evening, apply 5-6 drops of serum to cleansed skin of the face and neck, massage lightly until completely absorbed. The course of use is 2 weeks, after which a two-week break is taken, then the course is repeated.

About whey
Housewives who make cottage cheese on their own know how whey is obtained - one of the most useful "by-products" of milk processing, which retains all the beneficial properties of cow's milk. When heated, curdled milk curdles, and white flakes form clots, separating from the cloudy green-yellow liquid - whey.

Whey contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, protein and only 0.2% fat. 94% of whey consists of water. The remaining 6% are vital substances: lactose, the content of which in dry matter is more than 70%, proteins with optimal amino acid composition, a full set of B vitamins, calcium and magnesium, probiotic bacteria.
Milk serum cleanses the skin and gives light lifting. Based on the composition of the serum, it should have a protective and regenerating effect on the skin. In addition, it is an ingredient whose safety has been proven for centuries.


There is no woman in the world who would not dream of preserving her beauty and youth for many years. But we have no control over the passage of time and the adjustments it makes to the appearance of each representative of the fair sex. However, we can slow down this rapid process of skin aging.

A minimal percentage of women can afford expensive procedures and cosmetologists. What should the rest of us do? Resign yourself and grow old? No! Preserve youth and attractiveness through improvised and accessible folk remedies. Our grandmothers used them, and we will try them too.

It has long been noted that whey has a beneficial effect on facial skin. It was this conclusion that scientists took advantage of when they began to produce cosmetics for women based on this component.

Nowadays the choice of such drugs on the cosmetics industry market is extensive. Now even those products that do not contain dairy products are called “whey”. How to choose and use the right facial serum for yourself?

What is "serum"?

Translated from English, “serum” is “serum”, or a concentrate of something. Milk processing products contain many useful substances, vitamins and microelements. These are potassium, calcium, vitamins B, C, E. It is recommended for use for prevention and rehabilitation for many diseases of human internal organs.

There is no doubt that this product has a rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face and eyelids, nails, hair when used internally and as a component for home cosmetology preparations.

The same epithets apply to serum (serum), which is sold in stores. In addition to all of the above, it contains special elements - enhancers, which are conductors and catalysts for the active penetration of beneficial substances into the deep layers of the skin. Thanks to such components, the effect of the serum becomes noticeable a few minutes after using the product. What can we say about a whole course of using such a drug!

Choosing the right serum

The choice of serum for facial skin today is extensive. The cosmetics industry does not stop there and regularly releases new, improved products for the care of delicate pores. To choose the right product for yourself, consult a cosmetologist. However, not everyone has this opportunity, so below are a number of recommendations that will help you:

Before the age of thirty, it is not advisable to use serum to care for the delicate skin of the eyelids. You risk causing your skin to become addicted to this potent product, and subsequently you simply will not be able to do without it. It is enough to use regularly. You should start using the drug at the age of 35;
When choosing a product, pay special attention to the characteristics of your skin. Choose the drug that can solve exactly your problem - eliminate darkening, wrinkles, pigmentation, etc.

Serum options for facial skin

Moisturizing serum.

This category of products is intended for ladies with normal facial skin. With its help, the epidermis is saturated with moisture, oxygen, and nutrients. It increases skin turgor, refreshes and brightens it. In addition, it helps eliminate redness and irritation.

Nourishing serum.

The product is designed for ladies with... It is this category of women who learns what facial wrinkles are before others. It eliminates the feeling of tightness, dryness and discomfort of facial skin. The serum helps smooth out fine wrinkles, saturates the skin with moisture and soothes irritations.

Serum with a lifting effect.

This category of products is intended for women over 40 years old. It can be used on problem areas of the face - wrinkles around the eyes, sagging skin on the cheeks, wrinkles around the lips, etc. The high content of the drug provides an immediate effect of smoothing wrinkles and eliminating age-related changes. Ten days after starting to use the serum, you will be surprised at how young and fresh your face becomes.

One of the important problems of aging facial skin is excessive pigmentation. For this situation, a serum with a whitening effect has been developed. It removes old stains and prevents the appearance of new ones.

Rules for using facial serum

Each cosmetic product requires not only the right choice, but also the right use. Therefore, it is very important to know how to use the serum in order to get the desired effect.

Facial serums are available for daytime and evening use. Morning preparations perfectly even out skin tone, moisturize and soothe it. In addition, they are also designed to minimize the negative impact of components of decorative cosmetics.

The evening version of the serum should be applied to the face after swimming, 2 hours before bedtime. They are denser in consistency than daytime ones, and contain more oily inclusions. For the most part, these are representatives of anti-aging facial preparations.

The rules for applying serum to the face are not complicated:

Wash your skin with cool water and foam;
Wipe with tonic;
Apply the serum to the face, neck and décolleté in a thin layer;
Wait until the serum is absorbed and apply a cream from the same series of products on top.

An instruction for use is printed on the tube with the drug. As a rule, the recovery course lasts from two to three months. You can use the serum once every three days.

Eye Serum

The facial serum is intended only for this skin. Serum for the skin around the eyes is a separate product, and everyone should remember this. This drug is recommended for women over 25 years of age. Darkening under the eyes, a fine network of wrinkles and swelling do not delight anyone. However, using an eye serum can quickly solve these problems.

You can use a mixture of different essential oils as homemade eye serums. To do this, mix a few drops of jojoba oil, avocado oil, olive oil and Damask rose oil and apply to the skin around the eyes at night. You can vary the ingredients depending on what you have on hand or your own preferences.

Serums should not be applied to the delicate skin of the eyelids using smearing or rubbing movements. Gently dip your fingertips, apply the product in dots and spread it with patting or tapping movements.

Just one homemade whey recipe

For those who live in the village, it is not difficult to find serum. City ladies can buy whey in the store. It’s even easier to cook it yourself. To do this, put half a liter of milk in a saucepan on the stove, and a minute before boiling, add a tablespoon of lemon juice to it. We fold through cheesecloth. It will remain in it, and the resulting liquid is whey.

This tool is easy to use. When warm, it should be applied to clean facial skin. It is recommended to use the serum for oily and porous facial skin. After drying, you should wash it off with warm water.

12 January 2014, 17:55

Modern cosmetology tirelessly pleases women with the creation of innovative formulas and completely new products. Micellar water, exfoliants, fluids, biphasic ampoules, essences - there are so many things that it is difficult to figure out what exactly this or that product is intended for.

Despite the fact that facial serum has existed on this market for decades, it provides worthy competition to all these drugs - annually occupying a leading position in all ratings of the best cosmetics for regular skin care. And yet, not all representatives of the fair sex understand what it is and why it is needed. It's never too late to understand this issue.


Everyone knows that any skin care cosmetic product is enriched with all sorts of beneficial substances that work to eliminate a specific problem. Vitamins nourish, minerals participate in metabolic processes, organic acids exfoliate, hyaluronic acid moisturizes and rejuvenates, etc. The more natural ingredients, the safer and more effective the drug is considered. So, a facial serum is a concentrate of biologically active components, which are several times more numerous than in other cosmetics.

Information for comparison and proof of this fact: in ordinary creams the content rarely exceeds 10% of the total composition, while in serum its percentage can reach up to 50%.

Just like other cosmetics, it is needed to solve various dermatological problems: for moisturizing, rejuvenating, brightening, lifting, etc. But its distinctive feature is that it is not multifunctional. If a cream can be both rejuvenating and moisturizing at the same time, then the serum can have either one or the other effect, but not both at the same time.

On the one hand, this distinctive feature does it credit: there is a thorough study and almost 100% elimination of the problem. On the other hand, to completely put your face in order, it will take months with such a product.

But it works in the shortest possible time. If the same cream is designed for long-term results, which you will see only after 3-4 weeks, then here you are guaranteed an instant effect.


So, what does serum do to your skin? It saturates every millimeter with the maximum amount of biologically active substances. Thanks to innovative formulas, they penetrate deep into the dermal layers. The main active component enters into chemical reactions at the cellular level and becomes an active participant in many processes occurring in tissues.

Depending on the type of serum chosen and its composition, one or another deficiency is eliminated. Don’t forget about the special feature of this product: you don’t need to expect a moisturizing or whitening effect from the anti-aging concentrate as an additional bonus. If this is, for example, lifting (preparations such as Lifting expert from Shary, Siero lifting Micro Biocellulaire from Guam, collagen from the company Venets Siberia), then the expectations should be appropriate:

  • the facial contour will become clearer and more beautifully defined;
  • catch up;
  • the double chin will go away;
  • will disappear;
  • wrinkles will be smoothed out;
  • will clean up, etc.

As has already been said, the serum is focused on solving only one, specific problem, and you should not expect miracles of multifunctionality from it. But it copes with its immediate purpose 100 percent.


The composition of the product depends directly on what specific problem it is intended to solve. Since recently the cosmetology industry has taken a direction towards organics, among serums there are those in which more than 90% of all components are of plant and animal origin.

Soon Pure Face Serum with Snail Mucin

If you like these kinds of drugs, look for the word “natural” in the name:

  • natural regulating for oily and combination skin from Baikal Herbals;
  • Lavander Luminosity - natural with lavender from Avalon Organics.

But the plant extracts in most serums are just background. To eliminate serious cosmetic defects, manufacturers use innovative formulas and long-proven components. Most often you can find proteins, acids and collagen in them:

  • milk (lightening with milk proteins from Berrisom, Expert - softening ampoule with milk proteins from Vprove) is usually used to lighten age spots and as a natural softener for keratinized or flaky skin;
  • with vitamin C (from the Russian company Levrana and the Israeli brand Spa Pharma) - this is an effective and efficient whitening;
  • with hyaluronic acid (from Israeli Dr.Sea and Japanese Japan Gals) - anti-aging;
  • with amino acids (from Naniwa, Yokota Lab) - the same rejuvenation;
  • with collagen (intensive anti-wrinkle therapy from Delia, Skinlite) - restores firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Be sure to pay attention to what is included in facial serums, because their effect will depend on the main active ingredient. Usually it is included in the name or written somewhere next to it on the front of the package. As an example: Levrana Moisturizing hyaluronic, Bodyton Lifting with marine collagen, Janssen Ultra-moisturizing ampoule concentrate with hyaluronic acid, etc.


The range of products offered by modern brands in the beauty industry is quite wide. Depending on their main purpose, they are divided into several types. Here are the most popular types with specific examples:

  • for hydration, which is required by all skin types (hyaluronic acid for moisturizing and lifting the skin from Shary);
  • for sensitive facial skin, which instantly reacts to any factors with redness or rash (Rosaliac - for sensitive skin prone to rosacea, from La Roche-Posay);
  • anti-aging serums are the most popular of all, since they can actually lose 5 years, smoothing out wrinkles and making the epidermis incredibly elastic, like in youth (EGF from Bodyton, Olive Oil from Aphrodite, MitoVitan, Aqua Mineral Optima+);
  • for skin tightening - a variation of the previous type, more aimed at clearly defining the oval of the face and eliminating sagging (Peptide - Youth Vaccine from Vitex, Granat-Apfel from Weleda);
  • for problem skin - rather rare concentrates, since they are too powerful for adolescence, and yet some brands produce them (Beauty Cafe, Stopproblem companies);
  • refreshing - the lightest consistency, allowing you to enjoy peace and comfort after hard working days (refreshing concentrate Vitamin Cocktail from Beauty Cafe, Lumene Lahde);
  • for oily skin - a real find for those who are tired of greasy shine, blackheads and enlarged pores (regulating from Baikal Herbals, normalizing from Teana);
  • whitening against age spots of any origin, acting directly on melatonin (available in product lines from the companies Achromin and Comelyco);
  • for dry skin - not just moisturizes, but saves from dehydration and prevents it, copes well with areas of peeling and microcracks (available in Natura Siberica and It’s Skin);
  • modeling, very similar in its effect to lifting, but works mainly with the oval of the face (intensive against deep wrinkles from Natura Siberica, saturated in oil for oval modeling and skin regeneration from LovEcOil).

In addition, there are types of serums depending on the time of their action. If the package does not indicate when to use them, use throughout the day. And there is, for example, a night one - this is Double Care Ampoule Day-Night Single Pack from Deoproce or Multi Cell Night Repair Ampoule from Secret Key. It will be most effective exclusively in the evening.


Serum is a concentrate of biologically active substances that have a very powerful effect on the skin at the cellular level. This is precisely what causes numerous side effects after its use, if the following contraindications are not taken into account:

  • - a relative ban on the use of this cosmetics, because some brands produce serums specifically for sensitive skin prone to rosacea, but for all other cases, if there are spider veins on the face, such products will have to be abandoned;
  • (concentrates provoke their growth and development);
  • before tanning, as there is a risk of getting burned: after serums, the upper layer of the epidermis is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation;
  • age up to 25 years (with the exception of acne medications for teenagers), otherwise you are guaranteed early aging;
  • : concentrated ingredients can only activate pathogenic bacteria, and the spread of rashes will become even more extensive;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • not healed, fresh wounds, cuts, abrasions on the face;
  • : concentrated substances stimulate increased production of pus;
  • sun and thermal burns.

Rarely does any cosmetic product have such an extensive list of contraindications. On the one hand, this closes the door for many to the world of beauty under the influence of serums. On the other hand, it proves their effectiveness, since only a very powerful drug becomes a source of such a large number of prohibitions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Forms of release of serum cosmetics

To many, serums seem like a real miracle product that can come to the rescue if any problem arises with the skin of the face. In fact, they also have the other side of the coin - shortcomings that are better to find out about in advance, and not after purchasing the coveted bottle. Weigh the pros and cons, are you ready for such disadvantages?


  • high efficiency: noticeably improves the condition of the skin;
  • maximum enrichment of the skin with necessary components;
  • easy to apply;
  • does not create a filmy, tight or greasy feeling on the face;
  • a wide range of;
  • acts from the inside, strengthening subcutaneous blood vessels;
  • Even a small bottle lasts for a very long time, because application requires a minimal amount - just a few drops.


  • does not provide the skin with adequate protection from negative external factors, including ultraviolet radiation;
  • may clog pores;
  • provokes the appearance of a greasy sheen on oily skin in hot weather;
  • this is a fairly expensive cosmetic product;
  • the shelf life is very short, so you need to keep an eye on it;
  • not multifunctional: they solve only 1 problem at a time.

Despite all these shortcomings, serum remains one of the most popular facial care products - its sales are constantly growing, the range is expanding, and its place in the ratings is rising higher and higher.

Criterias of choice

In order not to get lost in the assortment of modern cosmetics and choose a decent product with a high-quality composition and quick effect, pay attention to certain criteria.

  • Volume

If you are trying the product for the first time, choose a small bottle or even a sample. This is due to the fact that the skin often reacts negatively to such a concentrated product. Therefore, test first and do not throw away money for a large quantity.

  • Skin needs

Decide which cosmetic problem you want to get rid of first. Yes, you may have dark spots on your forehead and crow's feet in the corners of your eyes. But problems need to be solved gradually. For example, first, we whiten the skin using a lightening serum with milk proteins. And after eliminating this deficiency, you can take a closer look at rejuvenating collagen and hyaluronic concentrates for the orbital area.

  • Age

An important criterion that, unfortunately, falls out of sight of most manufacturers. The same anti-aging serum - it is clear that it is created for mature and wrinkled skin, but at what age can it be used? Always choose these products according to your age.

In this regard, the companies Belita-Vitex (Belarus) and Eveline (Poland) differ: after 30 years (Mix Belita-Vitex Hyaluronic Acid 30+, Biodermin 30+), after 40 (mesofacial serum intensive rejuvenation 40+ from Belita-Vitex, Gold Lift Expert 40+ from Eveline).

  • Season

In the warm season, choose water-based concentrates; they have a lighter consistency, will not weigh you down, but will moisturize perfectly. In winter, it is better to give preference to an oil foundation and a denser texture.

In addition, do not forget to pay attention to the expiration date, which is usually much shorter for concentrates than for other cosmetic products. An expired product carries the risk of not just side effects, but serious dermatological complications, which will then have to be treated.

Price is a very important criterion in choosing cosmetics. You need a lot of facial care products, and the budget, as a rule, is not rubber and is limited to certain limits. Therefore, many women have to save money and choose mass-market drugs, less often middle-market ones. However, at least one product in your cosmetic bag should still be premium, and let it be serum.

Rating of the best brands

  1. Silk SOS eye serum - for tightening the skin around the eyes. Christina (Israel). $29.5.
  2. Concentrated serum. Matrix (France). $24.4.
  3. Revitalift - anti-aging, anti-wrinkle filler. L'Oreal Paris (France). $15.3.
  4. Serum-sculptor for modeling the oval of the face. Teana (Russia). $14.8.
  5. Lifting with marine collagen. Bodyton (Russia). $11.5.
  6. The secret of the snail. Welss (China). $9.3.
  7. Moisturizing hyaluronic. Levrana (Russia). $7.6.
  8. Normaderm - cream. TM ChocoLatte (Russia). $4.8.
  9. Active moisturizing for dry, tired and dehydrated skin. Baikal Herbals (Russia). $3.9.
  10. Ampoules Hyaluron Fluid is an ultra-moisturizing ampoule concentrate with hyaluronic acid. Janssen (Germany). $2.4.

The most effective branded face serums

Korean serums occupy a special place in this niche. Interest in them is constantly growing for the following reasons. Firstly, there is a very large assortment, and all products can be ordered through numerous online services. Secondly, more products from . Thirdly, a unique composition (snail mucus and other national characteristics of cosmetics from South Korea). All this can be clearly demonstrated by the following top.

  1. Biological Fermento Moisture - emulsion with bioactive components. Suiskin. $42.4.
  2. One Solution Super Energy - brightening. Holika Holika. $23.4.
  3. White In Milk Capsule Serum - brightening with milk proteins. Berrisom. $19.8.
  4. Urban Eco Harakeke Ampoule - ampoule with flax extract. The Saem. $18.7.
  5. Milky Piggy Bifida - anti-aging. Elizavecca. $18.
  6. Power 10 Formula Q10 Effector - concentrated lifting product with coenzyme Q10. It's Skin. $15.1.
  7. Signia Serum - anti-aging. Hera. $4.2.
  8. Filler serum with a lifting effect for the face and eye area. Estelare. $2.2.
  9. Lifting expert - lifting expert. Shary. $2.
  10. With peptides. Skinlite. $1.7.

Japanese manufacturers are also entering this market. Their product is of very high quality and price. Their other features are the latest developments, hypoallergenicity, careful processing of all ingredients, not masking, but eliminating deficiencies. The range is not very wide yet, but companies from Japan are working in this direction.

  1. Hyaluronic. Japan Gals. $23.3.
  2. With silk amino acids and hyaluronic acid. Naniwa. $54.3.
  3. With amino acids. Yokota Lab. $49.6.

Before purchasing a product, study the ratings and reviews so as not to make a mistake with your choice and not be disappointed in the product you have already purchased.

Rules of application

Be sure to read the information on how to use facial serums correctly. Their effectiveness will depend on this.


  1. Before applying, cleanse your face (you can wash your face, but it is not necessary to exfoliate, apply tonic).
  2. Do not wipe your face dry: apply the serum correctly to moisturized skin if you want to achieve maximum effect from it.
  3. Due to the high concentration of active substances, the amount used should be minimal: the applied layer should be very thin.
  4. The application itself occurs as follows: a few drops are squeezed out and distributed over the skin with fingertips, without rubbing or rubbing, but simply with light massage movements in the direction of the lymph flow (along the massage lines).
  5. Don't forget to treat your neck and décolleté area.
  6. The cream is applied only after the concentrate is completely absorbed.

Little tricks

  1. The optimal time is during evening procedures, an hour before bedtime.
  2. Cosmetologists recommend using the serum until the cosmetic defect you are actively struggling with completely disappears. But at the same time, if there is no effect and within a month you have not seen any results, you should stop and choose another remedy.
  3. In winter, concentrates should be used an hour before going outside.
  4. If you notice that after you start using it, your pores begin to clog, just take it more often - up to 2 times a week.
  5. If a greasy shine occurs (one of the disadvantages), just always carry matting wipes with you.
  6. Try to use cream and serum from the same series - this will increase their effectiveness significantly.
  7. Change them every six months, depending on the season.

Correct use guarantees no side effects and achieves maximum results in a short time.

Home Recipes

You can prepare serums for facial skin at home. However, it is immediately worth considering that their effectiveness will not be as high as that of branded products. Entire teams of specialists are working on the development of the latter, and innovative complexes are being created. And by combining a couple of components with an ordinary spoon in the kitchen, we may get a concentrate, but a mild one.

  • Dairy. Cold cooking method

Place kefir in the freezer until completely hardened. To defrost, place on a sieve or multi-layer gauze over some container. Everything that drains will be natural whey with all the amino acids preserved. No heat treatment is required.

  • Dairy. Thermal cooking method

Cover fresh milk with a lid in a saucepan and leave in a warm place to sour. After this, put it on low heat. The product will curdle and curds and whey will form. Remove from heat and leave covered until completely cool. Strain and use the liquid component for facial care.

  • Milky lemon. Brightening

Boil milk, add the juice of half a lemon. Stirring constantly, wait for coagulation. Cool, strain.

  • Rejuvenating

Add phenylethyl alcohol (no more than 3 drops) to coffee hydrolate (35 g) and mix. In a separate container, mix (ampoule), almond hydrolate (5 g), grape skin (5 g). Use a wooden spatula to break up any lumps that have formed. Add aloe vera gel (5 g), combine all parts.

  • Moisturizing

Wash 2 eggs thoroughly. Break, clean the shell from the white and yolk, wipe dry, chop. Boil it in boiling water for 8 hours. Pour the water into a jar, place the remaining eggs in a container with whey until the shells are completely dissolved.

  • Lifting
  • Refreshing

Mix 3 tbsp. l. almond oil, 5 drops of chamomile ether, 10 drops of neroli.

  • For wrinkles

Mix 2 tbsp. l. hazelnut oil, 8 drops of neroli ether, 5 drops of lavender and fennel, 8 drops, 2 drops of carrot.

  • For wrinkles under the eyes

Mix 2 tsp. jojoba oil, 5 drops each of chamomile and rose ether.

Homemade facial serums have one undeniable advantage over branded products: they are 100% natural.

Which is better: serum or cream?

This question in itself is incorrect, because these two cosmetics should not compete with each other. Despite the fact that serum solves most cosmetic problems more effectively, it cannot replace any other products with it - the same cream. They have completely different functions and occupy different places in the skin care routine.

Here's how serum differs from cream and beats it:

  • it contains a higher percentage of biologically active components, since it is a concentrate;
  • it has a more powerful effect on all layers of the epidermis, penetrating deeper and maintaining the effect longer;
  • easier to apply;
  • does not create a feeling of oiliness or dryness on the face;
  • has a more liquid structure;
  • absorbed without residue.

However, there are moments in which it loses to cream, and you shouldn’t forget about them either:

  • it does not protect the skin from negative factors;
  • has more side effects, which manifest themselves quite often due to the high concentration of biologically active material;
  • has many contraindications - almost like a medicine;
  • it is not recommended to use it until the age of 25, while the cream ends up in girls’ cosmetic bags from a very young age;
  • it is not a basic and mandatory skin care cosmetics.

The cream is better according to your skin type: dry, oily, normal or combination, and then look at what particular cosmetic problem it solves along the way. With serum it’s exactly the opposite: first we select a product to eliminate the deficiency, and the type of epidermis fades into the background.

This is what it is - a cosmetic serum for facial skin care. The wide range and effectiveness of this product allows you to solve the most difficult dermatological problems that other drugs cannot cope with. You should definitely splurge at least once and buy this miracle of the modern beauty industry for your cosmetic bag.