Men's casual look. Features of casual style for men: basic principles and directions

Finding the true meaning of the expression " smart casual» ( verbatim from English "smart-casual") is not an easy task. The Oxford Dictionary gives the following definition: " neat, casual, relatively informal style, consistent with a specific dress code". But these days the trend is that " smart casual” itself becomes a kind of dress code.

Going online with the request “ smart-casual style“, you come face to face with a huge number of somewhat contradictory guidelines - some advise you to wear shorts ( not very dressy, and not particularly casual), others press on ties of inappropriate colors; Some of them even give the impression that they were carved in stone shortly after the appearance of the Ten Commandments. But today " smart casual” is more than a response to nineteenth-century prudishness.

« Smart casual“- this is a term that was destined for: bad luck for you, buddy!” - says Josh Sims, author of Men of Style. “Fortunately, the recent boom in “ non-designer"brands that offer something very, very everyday do not leave much room for thought about what kind of animal this is - " smart-casual style". In fact, the huge selection of modern casual clothing is quite dressy - and at the same time can be worn easily and casually, without discomfort.”

History of style

The exact origins of the expression “smart casual” are no easier to trace than to get to the bottom of its meaning. Dictionary websites say the term became established in the 1980s, but has been fairly common throughout the last century.

In fact, the first recorded use of the expression " smart casual"dates back to 1924 - it was used in an Iowa newspaper" Davenport Democrat" regarding a sleeveless dress ( far from the type of clothing that we are going to recommend).

Whatever the absolute truth, it's fair to assume that smart casual is in some ways related to business casual, and the two terms are often used interchangeably, although they are fundamentally different: one is strictly workwear, the other is not. But in the good old days, you could dress up like a dandy not only to spend a certain amount of time in the office - elegance and unusualness were welcomed everywhere, even in street fashion. As traditional dress standards crumbled, smart casual became a hastily erected bulwark against sartorial excess and eccentric chaos.

« Smart casual forms the link between formal attire and comfortable clothing with a dose of self-expression, and it is this link that men are increasingly looking for“, says Josh Sims. This style also causes some panic among “ authoritative looking guys» - all kinds of restaurant managers, event organizers. They can’t find a middle ground - and it turns out something like “ well, yes, I’ll dress with comfort and taste, but I’m not supposed to have too much comfort, and I have problems with taste“, so this all results in inescapable confusion. As a result, the man puts on a blazer, and under it a “business” shirt with an open neck. Don't be like this guy, please."

What is “smart casual” today?

"Smart casual" doesn't mean anything - therefore it can mean anything. According to the column " Styling tips" site, "smart casual" is " something smarter than a tracksuit, but less formal than a suit". Fortunately, there is a clarification: “ The ideal option is a blazer, a white shirt, neat jeans and light leather loafers.«.

It just didn’t get any easier, right? Each of the proposed elements in our time has a huge range of styles. In a well-intentioned attempt to delve deeper and clarify the situation even more thoroughly ( and with some irony), « A Guide for the Modern Gentleman" Tom Bryant draws a line between " formal smart casual" And " informal smart casual«.

So, " formal"branch is " jacket or blazer, flannel shirt, corduroy pants or chinos (not jeans!), collared shirt (never a T-shirt!) and comfortable shoes (not necessarily lace-ups, but not sandals or sneakers)«.

« Informal"the option remains without such a detailed analysis, however, certain " comfortable dark jeans without any extra fringe", it is also said that " Polo shirts are better than sleeveless shirts“, and in the end we are advised to “move away from everything that you would wear at home.”

But, although this last piece of advice may seem vague, it is perhaps as good a start as any. One of the reasons why " smart casual" does not have a definitive definition - that it can imply wearing radically different things in different contexts. In a word, this is not only a style of clothing - it is a state of mind.

- Change your attitude!

Photo: Burton, Windson, Next, Reiss

« Smart clothing is about the clothing itself, not the style.", writes Sir Hardy Amies in his " ABC of style«. « Shoes must be laced, trousers ironed, tie knot must be tightened. That's what's paramount«.

The key words here, as you can see, are not “ shoes«, « trousers" And " tie", A " laced«, « ironed«, « tightened up". A white T-shirt, indigo jeans and brand new sneakers can look nicer than a wrinkled shirt, worn-out pants and shoes with cracked leather.

Of course, a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers will not always be appropriate. But smart casual is more about a mood or an attitude than a set of ready-made formulas or a combination of things. Just because the event you want to dress up for is informal, you shouldn’t dress yourself up in any way.

— Think over the “bench”!

Photo: Reiss, Massimo Dutti, Next

We have already been convinced many times that the style “ smart casual" lacks a strict definition. Therefore, it will be much more useful and practical to start with a casual outfit, and then change a couple of its elements to a more presentable alternative.

For example, take a bomber jacket, a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Gives off style " anyhow", is not it? Now - feel free to send a bomber jacket and sneakers to " bench" and choose something more interesting. Change your look and achieve the desired result - but don’t overdo it!

- Throw in some shade!

Photo: River Island, Brunello Cucinelli, Saturdays NYC, Daks

You don’t even have to change the selection of clothes described above in order to adapt it to your smart everyday life. The darker the color, the more formal it is, so making an outfit more presentable can be as easy as dimming a lamp.

So you take an olive green bomber jacket, a white T-shirt, light jeans and white sneakers... and replace the olive green with military green, and the light denim with a richer dark blue. Do you feel more impressive? Still would! Enhance the effect by swapping out your white T-shirt and sneakers for gray or charcoal. The components of the outfit are still the same, but the overall effect is completely different. The reverse is also sometimes true: a light tone is a smart style dimmer switch.

— “Smooth” is not always “like clockwork”!

Photo: Suitsupply, Avva, Bonobos, River Island

Others ( in fact, one of the main) a factor in a smart casual outfit is texture. Remember the examples of the most formal men's clothing - suits made of worsted wool, tuxedos. They almost always give a smooth, shiny appearance.

However, replace worsted wool with flannel or tweed, and you'll notice the difference on a metaphysical level. Clothes made from such materials often look a little larger, which definitely steps into style territory." casual"as style" smart» prefers smoother, more streamlined shapes.

Such " textured“The rule can be applied not only to suits, but also to many other things - shirts, knitwear, trousers and even shoes.

- Blazers!

Photo: Mango Man, Zara, Windsor, Recman

As mentioned earlier, throwing a blazer over a T-shirt and finishing off the look with jeans and sneakers is the easiest way to “ smart casual". But a blazer is different from a blazer: gold buttons are always a little bad taste, it smacks of the type of people who ride “ Jaguars“, but at the same time they drink penny tonics. The texture from the previous point is also important here: choose one that harmonizes well with jeans - and you are on the right track. Modern thin lapels, patch pockets that look more like stripes - very “ casual"Don't you think so?

By the way, removing the style from blazers smart» hangers will make them too ( at least by feeling) more " everyday"and comfortable to wear.

- Button up!

Photo: Zara, Burton, Carl Gross, Marks & Spencer

The T-shirt may fit the style " smart casual" - if it is simple, high-quality, fits well and has not been washed to death. But if you take a polo shirt instead of a simple T-shirt, it will be even better.

The buttons and collar innocently nod towards the style " smart“, but the overall look of the polo is sporty and comfortable ( in general, as the name suggests, these things were really conceived for purely sporting purposes). No stiff collars or cuffs, a fabric that is pleasant to the body without excessive shine or gloss - what more do you need? And it doesn’t matter that our grandfathers wore them.

Either way, think about how you want to balance your outfit. Polo is more smart". Something without a collar is, of course, “ casual«.

- Try it on, Jersey!

Photo: Suitsupply, Dondup, Next, Bally

Wardrobe items such as a jersey sweatshirt or sweatshirt were not covered in our guide. But swapping merino wool, cashmere or even cotton for these chunky, casual, sporty pieces can add a bit of sophistication to your look.

Throw a simple jumper or cardigan over a T-shirt ( and maybe change into sneakers) and you will look irresistible.

Obviously, a chunky knit won't have the same effect, although a cardigan with a shawl collar instead of a jacket may look more presentable if it doesn't have buttons or chunky moose embroidery. A knitted blazer falls somewhere between these two poles.

A few words about turtlenecks: too tight looks unpresentable, too sleek - as casual as Hemingway’s drunkenness.

- If the trousers don’t jump into your hands...

Photo: Mango Man, Reiss, Gieves & Hawkes, Next

« Trouser"part of the wardrobe is a common thorn for style lovers" smart casual". For the most part, jeans are perfectly acceptable, even for business wear, as long as they are dark and not distressed. But there is always a risk. In case of risk, there is a safe solution - chinos.

Back to our " standard set- bomber jacket, T-shirt, jeans and sneakers; replace jeans with trousers. This is not just a move into a “smart” style, it is a good opportunity to look fashionable.

A textured, not-too-shiny fabric like flannel or linen can add variety to your trouser look, but flirting with linen is definitely not for beginners. Not everyone is comfortable with linen and, to be honest, it doesn’t suit everyone - which is why most men prefer the more versatile jeans or chinos.

- Play by the rules!

Photo: Thomas Pink, Faconnable, Next, Massimo Dutti

As with jeans, nowadays the style " casual“Several rules have been developed, according to which you won’t have to count on sneakers.

If you doubt something, feel free to give up. The right shoes, of course, can sometimes pull you out of a disastrously tasteless image - but only if they are the first thing your eye catches. And this, you understand, is the exception rather than the rule.

What makes a shoe style? smart» more « casual"? Firstly, the color. Black is the strictest, brown is more casual, light brown is the most casual. Secondly, the silhouette: a rounded toe is less formal than a pointed one, and the same applies to a flat sole. Thirdly, the texture is matte suede where “ more casual» shiny skin.

For these reasons " Chelsea«, « Derby", loafers and brogues are a better choice than " oxfords". But in each of the categories there will always be something that looks too formal and something that looks too simple, so, as they say, tread carefully.

— Sneakers are also classics!

Photo: Suitsupply, Mango Man, Next, Zara

Many smart casual guides turn their noses up at sneakers, deeming them completely unacceptable. But this approach is somewhat old-fashioned. As practice shows, sometimes even purely official officials rely on them.

In cases where sneakers are appropriate, the best option is classic: Converse, Jack Purcells, Adidas, Stan Smiths or Common Projects in white. And now - we repeat what we have already covered: the darker the color, the smarter the style. Dark shoes do not attract disapproving glances ( and, in principle, does not attract too much attention) and definitely less messy.

In terms of texture, shiny smooth skin " stricter» suede and matte fabrics; the truth, again, is somewhere in the middle. Knitted sneakers can also look like “ smart“, if made in a dark color, but in some circumstances they look too modern - and too far from the right choice.

And remember: if leather sandals are sometimes permissible, then flip-flops are one big thing.” No«.

You have been invited to an official or celebratory event. The invitation states that the dress code for this event is business casual. How should you dress in this case so as not to look inappropriate? And what kind of dress code is this anyway? Don't rush to panic! If you are concerned about such issues, we will help you understand each of them. To do this, just read our article.

What is business casual?

First, let's figure out what the phrase “business casual” means? Translated from English it means “everyday business”. That is, in essence, business casual is an unofficial business style. Its main feature is that a man does not have to wear a formal suit. A business casual look is created with the help of separate business-style clothing items that are harmoniously combined with each other. It is also complemented by items that are suitable for everyday wear.

There are a lot of fans of the business casual style. These include top managers, directors of large companies, young startupers, and famous people in creative professions. Therefore, the business casual dress code is appropriate:

  • at meetings with business partners (except official ones);
  • in offices that do not have a stricter dress code;
  • at various special events.

How to dress to comply with the business casual dress code?

First of all, when choosing clothes that comply with the business casual dress code, you should consider what specific event you want to wear it to. Let's look at the basic elements of this style for different occasions.


Shapeless ones are not at all suitable for business casual. This is a very important rule! They should be a little fitted. In addition, plain models are suitable for important events. Plaid shirts can only be worn if you are invited to a party. The same goes for striped and polka dot models.


The most suitable option for business casual is chinos. They should have a slightly loose fit, but not too tight. Jeans are also suitable for some events. However, preference should be given to classic models, without slits, holes and various decorative elements.

Jacket or blazer

A blazer is a classic wardrobe staple for any stylish man. It will always correspond to current fashion trends. In addition, a blazer can be worn both to a business meeting and to attend a special event. In addition, corduroy or tweed sportswear is perfect for business casual style. In the first case, with its help you can create an interesting and at the same time non-standard image. A tweed sports jacket is an English classic that is suitable for all occasions.

Additional items

The business casual style is perfectly complemented by the following items of clothing: jumpers, turtlenecks, cardigans, thin sweaters made of knitwear, cashmere or wool. For example, you can combine trousers with a turtleneck and jacket. And if you prefer shirts, then you can wear a jumper, cardigan or sweater over it. On the one hand, it looks casual, and on the other hand, combination with elements of business style allows you to create an image that corresponds to the business casual dress code.


Classic shoes are perfect for business casual. These could be Oxfords, Derbys, Chelsea, Monks, etc. These shoes are universal because they can be worn with jeans, chinos, and classic trousers, and can also be combined with various types of tops.


As for accessories in business casual, remember that the fewer, the better. A watch, tie, belt and briefcase are perfect for any event.

Business casual color scheme

If we compare business casual with a strict business style, then more saturated color schemes would be appropriate. Clothing is acceptable not only in standard shades, but also in bright blue, dark green, purple, burgundy and many other colors typical of casual wear. Most often, a sweater or cardigan worn over a shirt acts as a color spot. But for shoes, more strict colors are suitable, such as black, light or dark brown.


Thus, the business casual dress code allows for a wide variety of combinations of clothing items. But you should remember that at least one of the things should be reminiscent of business style. Business casual allows a man to look impressive in any situation: from going to work to attending an official event.

Quite a lot has already been said and written about casual style. They know about this easy, everyday image and stick to it with pleasure. It is not surprising that men who follow fashion ask a completely logical question - how to adapt this rather free style to a strict office style.

If, in accordance with the internal regulations established in the organization, your image should be presentable, but not strict, choose a wardrobe in the smart casual style.

Pictured is smart casual for men

Smart casual style for men translated from English means “smart, casual style.” The uncertainty and vagueness of the stylistic direction in clothing is explained by the fact that the concept of dress code in each organization, country, and at each event is individual. For this reason, there are no strict, specific standards for style.

Different dictionaries provide different definitions of this stylistic trend:

  • Australian National Dictionary – attractive, relaxed style;
  • Oxford University Dictionary – neat, traditional, moderately informal style;
  • English slang dictionary - a ridiculous dress code that is suitable for attending parties, concerts and sedentary work in the office.

Wikipedia also provides a rather vague definition, based on the opinions of fashion magazines and experts.

According to designers, smart-casual style is an informal dress code that combines classic and modern wardrobe elements in a certain way.

For the first time, people started talking about a “casual” dress code as a separate style at the beginning of the last century in America during a period when large corporations were actively developing and did not make serious demands on the appearance of employees. However, the new trend in fashion did not become popular.

Only by the middle of the twentieth century, office workers and young business people appreciated the comfort and sophistication of the style. The first smart-casual images turned out to be timid - young people exchanged a strict, classic jacket for a more casual one, made of cotton, and this was the end of the transformation in the image.

Today, the main requirement when putting together a wardrobe is to maintain a balance between the formal and informal dress code. It's not easy to learn how to combine classic clothes with fashionable details.

Smart casual dress code for men

With the advent of this style, office employees received greater freedom in choosing clothes - jeans replaced classic trousers, formal jackets were replaced by blazers and jumpers. A distinctive feature of the style is flexibility, and this is especially true for men with a modest wardrobe. Even a small number of things can be combined, attracting any detail, experimenting and imagining.


Shirt is a basic element of smart casual style

Shirts are the central element of any smart-casual look. In this case, you will need many shirts of different styles and colors.

First of all, choose a classic Oxford shirt in a rich blue color; it will always be relevant, will not go out of style and will go with any detail of your look, be it jeans, chinos, a tie or a jumper. In addition, the right shade of blue will suit any person - with light skin and dark skin, blondes and brunettes, regardless of eye color. If you want to create the most modern look, choose a shirt without a collar.

A striped and checkered shirt would not be out of place in your wardrobe. A pocket square of a similar color in your jacket pocket will highlight your individuality and style.

Stylist tip: If you decide not to wear a tie, unbutton the top button of your shirt.


The T-shirt can be worn under a jacket or blazer, make sure that it matches the color palette of all accessories. The safest option is a plain T-shirt with a small neckline.

Blazer and tweed jacket

Blazer - a stylish look in warm weather

Many men, due to the similarity of a blazer and a jacket, confuse these two wardrobe items. Outwardly they are similar, but each will be appropriate in certain situations and conditions. In modern fashion, a blazer is called a club jacket.

For the warm season, a cotton and linen blazer is suitable; for cool weather, thicker fabrics are selected. As for the color palette, calm, natural tones - brown, beige, green - look most harmonious.

Tweed jacket - an elegant look in cold weather

A tweed jacket is a great alternative to a blazer when the cold weather sets in. Thanks to its dense structure, tweed warms, and the fabric, made from untwisted, thick thread, is durable and looks very attractive.


This element of the men's wardrobe is named after the man who brought the cardigan into the fashion world - James Brudnell Earl Cardigan. During the Crimean War, he commanded British troops and, above all, valued practicality and functionality in clothing. His favorite wardrobe item was a vest with ties, thanks to which clothes could be removed easily and quickly.

Cardigan - practical and comfortable

The classic cardigan is made of knitted fabric; the knitting can be fine or large; there are also models with an elegant V-neck and shawl collar. Models in a more sporty style have a zipper, while classic cardigans are fastened with buttons. If you want to create an original look, pay attention to cardigans with ties.

In smart-casual style, a blazer is used instead of a vest, with a jacket on top - this option is considered the most formal and businesslike. A tie will complement your stylish look.

Tie and other accessories

A tie is not necessary in this case, just unbutton the top button of the shirt. If the situation requires a tie, choose a thin or knitted model, they will highlight your smart-casual style.

A bright tie clip and sunglasses look original. When choosing a tie, avoid classic styles and standard models that have become familiar in the office.


Pants - no arrows or strict lines

First of all, you should avoid the classics - the smart casual style completely excludes smoothed arrows and clear lines. The best solution is khaki and chinos pants.

When it comes to jeans, stylists have different opinions. According to some fashion designers, jeans are tilting the look towards a loose, casual style. But there is also an opinion in the fashion world that jeans of a certain style and shade may well become the basic element of a smart-casual look for an office employee.

The color scheme of the trousers should have something in common:

  • with a touch of a jacket, blazer or cardigan;
  • with the color of the belt and shoes.

A dark palette gives solidity and seriousness; light shades are more suitable for young guys who do not need to adhere to a too strict dress code.


For hot weather, shorts are an excellent choice; only loose-fitting beach models should be avoided. The optimal solution is a shortened version of chinos without unnecessary decoration and stripes.


Choose a belt that matches your shoes

The choice of belt should, first of all, be based on the style and model of the trousers. For chinos-style trousers, stylists recommend choosing a narrow belt in the same color scheme as the shoes. However, details of different colors are also allowed in one look, because the smart casual style itself implies some recklessness and freedom of action.

Jeans are best worn with a familiar, classic belt.


  • brogues - shoes decorated with perforations;
  • loafers - slip-on shoes with hard soles and low, chunky heels;
  • chukka or chukka - ankle-high boots, they are comfortable and versatile, look like desert boots, they are worn with any trousers and jeans of different styles;
  • Monks are the most classic shoe option for smart casual, shoes with two buckles and a low heel; it is recommended to wear them with tapered trousers so that the edges of the clothing do not catch on the fastener.

There are no restrictions in the choice of color; stylists recommend avoiding the classic black color in shoes and choosing shoes in brighter colors.


Socks - more color and mood

Of course, some shoes can be worn on bare feet, however, in cool weather it would still be better to complement the look with socks. Choose shades and patterns that go with a specific wardrobe item, such as a tie.

Smart casual clothing for men - several stylish looks

1. Smart casual look in its purest form.

Classic smart casual in its purest form

Basic elements: chinos, shirt, jacket and any smart casual shoes.

Start by choosing a shirt; it can be plain - white, blue or pink. If you want to add personality to your look, choose a model with a simple, unobtrusive pattern.

In this case, you don’t need to use a tie; just unbutton the top button of the shirt.

Throw on a blue blazer on top - this is the most versatile item that will suit any smart casual look. According to stylists, such a blazer should be first on the list of must-haves for a man's wardrobe.

Chinos in a safe gray or beige color pair perfectly with chocolate shoes and a narrow belt of the same shade.

2. The second look is smart casual in the “free Friday” style.

Smart casual style for denim lovers

This option, close to denim, is suitable as a dress code for offices where the “free Friday” law flourishes.

For this option, jeans in dark colors are quite appropriate; for the warm season, light colors are also suitable. Modern, stylish smart people prefer to wear jeans in indigo tones.

The height of elegance will be a white shirt combined with a dark jacket. As an alternative, a vest with a tie and a cardigan in dark shades are suitable.

Smart casual for the office where “free Friday” reigns.

The stylish “highlight” of the look is suede desert boots with laces, medium height (up to the ankle).

3. The third image is when it’s cool outside.

Autumn smart casual looks great with a turtleneck or sweater

For rainy and cool weather, purchase trousers made of wool, tweed or corduroy, which go harmoniously with warm turtlenecks. If such a tandem is not to your liking, replace the turtleneck with a polo shirt and cardigan. You can throw a vintage blazer over a turtleneck and wear desert shoes.

Layering is an easy way to add warmth to your look while maintaining style. You will need:

  • simple, classic, plain shirt;
  • V-neck knitted jumper;
  • jeans;
  • cardigan;
  • socks imitating the same knitting, but thin.

If desired, you can complement the look with a tie.

5. Image five – if movement is your way of life.

Sneakers are an unusual and stylish element of smart casual style.

An active lifestyle is invariably associated with comfortable sneakers. These shoes are the most comfortable and go well with the smart casual style. Although in this variation your style will turn out to be more casual than smart.

Let's sum it up

If we evaluate current styles in men's fashion by the degree of comfort, smart casual will undoubtedly be in the top three, second only to sports style. In addition, by combining clothes to your own taste, you can create strict outfits in accordance with the dress code or light looks for fun get-togethers with friends.

The uniqueness of a smart casual wardrobe lies in its minimalism - you don’t have to fill your closet with a lot of clothes, just buy basic pieces and combine them, relying on a specific situation and your own sense of style.

Regardless of the look you choose, smart casual style is based on one rule - you should look stylish and good, but not at the expense of comfort. Give preference exclusively to natural materials, choose shoes made of genuine, glossy leather. Find your style, experiment and improve.

Issues discussed in the material:

  • What are the features of casual style for men?
  • What are the trends in casual style?
  • What men's shoes suit the casual style?

Nowadays, casual style for men has become so widespread and familiar that it is quite difficult to interpret it. The general essence of the direction is contained in three words: comfort, everyday life, practicality. Casual clothing is an excellent choice for a man’s main wardrobe. It is suitable for various occasions and will be appropriate both for a walk and at work. However, things must be combined correctly for the style to be consistent. You can find out how to achieve this by referring to the article below.

Basic principles of casual style for men

This trend in the men's wardrobe includes opportunities for self-expression, convenience, and a number of classic street style features. Here, seemingly incompatible elements are successfully combined, and in the end we get interesting images for every day that reflect human nature, forming a confident and harmonious image.

From English casual can be translated as “everyday”, in another interpretation – “careless”. This definition shows the difference with the classic genre, because even the business casual style for men presupposes convenience, freedom of use and a democratic approach.

There are different opinions about the origins of the casual trend. Some sources claim that the style appeared in the 90s of the last century, during the growing popularity of computer specialties in the labor arena. Reputable corporations, hiring programmers, most of whom are accustomed to wearing jeans and jumpers, have somewhat relaxed their dress code requirements.

However, there is another version of events, according to which this style owes its origin to Scottish football fans. It says that these guys created their own style of clothing, comfortable and acceptable in normal use, but at the same time allowing them to stand out and be recognizable to their circle.

Casual style is based on the following principles:

  • Measure in everything. Casual – calm style, nothing shiny, bright or pretentious, away with unnecessary accessories.
  • Relevance. When choosing clothes, it is worth considering a number of particular factors: the season, the person’s age, the specifics of his figure, the situation and other indicators. In the summer, a sweater or warm shoes will not fit, and the office option is unlikely to allow very tight jeans.
  • A fine line of elegant negligence. A casual look will be presentable and beautiful, but will not allow its owner to be suspected of narcissism.
  • Beyond stereotypes. Fans of this style do not have to worry about conforming to standards. Within reasonable limits, experimentation will only add flavor.
  • Neatness and care. Washed or wrinkled clothing is not acceptable. The carelessness at the heart of the style carries a different message.
  • Convenience. All components of a casual wardrobe should be comfortable and not interfere with movement; pressing or rubbing things are excluded here.

Despite the fact that casual clothing for men has no significant limitations, it is quite easy to identify its main “shores”. For example, extremely strict suits or a military theme would not be appropriate in such a wardrobe (although camouflage notes in the form of a print may be found). Pronounced ethnic motifs and specific attributes of individual subcultures will also remain outside the framework. The sports style works well with the casual style, but only in its figurative part: the sports equipment or paraphernalia itself will look strange in everyday use.

For a man's casual wardrobe, practical things, natural fabrics, and discreet but original colors are suitable. The most commonly used materials are denim, suede, and knitwear. The look includes joggers (without a sharply sporty accent), slacks, chinos, and various types of jeans. A variety of modern sweaters are suitable as a top: sweatshirts, hoodies, V-neck jumpers, high-neck sweaters, long sleeves, sweatshirts.

Don’t think that shirts and shirts are excluded from a man’s casual style. They are present, but also with their own subtleties. For example, shirts are wonderful in checkered design: these are suitable for both the office and a friendly meeting. The fabrics are soft and comfortable, the cut is predominantly loose, and the colors, despite their practicality, are very interesting and set an original tone for the image.

Shirts allow for a variety of not only colors, but also patterns. In addition, there are often free touches in use: for example, you can not tuck in a shirt, but leave it over jeans or trousers. However, it is necessary to ensure that its color and texture are combined with other details of clothing.

A casual style shirt goes well with classic colors: black and white, blue, gray, burgundy would be good. But in the case of colored shirts, it is better to include several options, which will add variety to a man’s wardrobe. The correct selection of collar width and sleeve length remains relevant. If your look involves a jacket, a well-chosen shirt will protrude about a centimeter from under its sleeves.

An iconic element of casual style for men is the leather jacket, which throughout much of the 20th century symbolized the desire for freedom and even some rebellion. Be sure to take care of such a jacket in your clothes. You can successfully pair it with classic shoes, a T-shirt and jeans.

If we talk about jackets, then the denim version also asks for inclusion in the collection. The denim jacket associatively takes us back to the 90s of the last century, when it was extremely popular. However, at the moment, these models are again rising to the crest of the fashion wave. In addition, chinos or corduroy trousers and a T-shirt are suitable. Just don’t combine such a jacket with jeans - you risk creating the effect of pajamas, looking completely unstylish, and adding difficulties with the dress code.

Jeans are a great replacement for chinos (or simply chinos). It is recommended to purchase them in a formal version and in a more casual one.

We implement the first option through neutral tones: dark blue, beige, gray, brown. Solutions in burgundy, orange or green will be bolder - choose what suits you best. A man can wear a sports blazer or jacket with chinos. The material varies depending on the season: in cold weather it is better to choose tweed or corduroy, and in warm weather it is better to choose cotton or a cotton-linen mixture.

For all its restraint and dislike for the shiny and flashy, the casual style for men perfectly accepts various accessories made in a suitable manner. These can be watches, bracelets and pendants on a chain, ties and scarves, elegant glasses and hats, interesting belts and bags.

The popular casual style is very multifaceted: it has its own trends. For example, business casual is preferable for the office, and smart casual or city casual for a walk. Let's look at each facet separately.

This style does not have strict accents (like, for example, business casual), and the overall image will give off refined notes of a dandy. This kind of clothing is comfortable, it fits perfectly into the street genre, but will certainly make its owner stand out in the crowd and emphasize his originality. It would seem that a man who dresses in this way also has trousers, jeans and shirts - like others. But the secret is in the design, the special execution, which will immediately make it clear that this young man definitely has taste.

This style subtype can also be found under the name “clean casual”. What are its main features? Light negligence, which is necessarily maintained in an aristocratic manner and imbued with elegance. Here colors are combined quite boldly, and severity is kept to a minimum.

The main components of smart casual for a man are:

  • shirts or long sleeve polos equipped with a fastener;
  • jeans - always dark, calm tones, slightly tapered or straight, without any flashy elements;
  • comfortable shoes: boat shoes or moccasins, for example, are suitable.

This could very well include other things: a blazer, neat shoes, a matching jumper. What this genre does not tolerate is obvious and direct negligence; in this it even comes close to the business option. However, it remains in its own way: the smart casual style for men much more often includes jeans and knitted items, and also gravitates towards sophisticated accessories such as scarves, stylish glasses and hats.

The smart trend will not allow itself to be confused with other subtypes of casual, if you remember its basic laws: neatness, harmony, exclusion of catchy and bright. In other words, it is not so important what specific types of things you take - it is much more important that they are impeccable in appearance and combination. High-quality ironed clothes, perfectly polished or laced shoes are mandatory attributes of the smart casual style.

2. Business casual(from English – “casual with shades of business style”)

The times of uncompromising tight ties and strict suits for men are becoming a thing of the past. Modern business style, while being true to its canons, is becoming much more democratic. This is understandable, because people spend almost the whole day at work, and it is very unreasonable to keep them stressed from uncomfortable clothes all this time, while expecting high results.

As a solution to the problem, a business casual style appeared, in which comfort and severity, restraint and originality meet. In order to dress in business casual style, you don’t need to buy half a clothing store. A two-piece suit with an interesting design will do, or buy slacks to pair with a classic shirt. This will be the basis of your image, and the remaining elements can be selected and changed to taste.

Business casual for men allows you to wear jeans in an office setting - but again, make sure they are appropriate. Not just any will do. A good solution for jeans in this style is a straight cut, soft colors, medium rise (slightly high rise is acceptable), the overall look is calm and laconic. Other components should be in the same noble spirit. Elegance and restraint are the credo of this image. A plain shirt will do, with a good blazer. Suede lace-up shoes complete the set.

3. City casual(from English - “urban everyday”)

This branch is full of freedom and gives the go-ahead to bolder palettes. Multi-layering is allowed, natural fabrics predominate, and the cut is loose. For example, jeans and a cropped sweater with an untucked shirt peeking out are suitable. Such liberties distinguish this subtype from smart and business casual, but accuracy has not been canceled here either.

Things should not be wrinkled, dirty, provocative or strange. An example of a successful set for a man: combine a comfortable long sleeve (possibly with an inscription) with chinos (take plain ones, with cuffs on the legs), complement everything with comfortable bright shoes.

This direction also has a second name – street casual. His idea is originality, experiments, colorful accents. The emphasis is on individuality, which will not allow you to disappear into the crowd. Bright colors, unusual accessories, original details are used: this could be a special scarf, a scarf around the neck, a specific headdress, socks with a bold pattern or shade, or even none at all.

4. Sport casual, which stands out along with the previous substyles (from English - “everyday with features of a sporty style”).

Casual is a style for every day, which implies comfort and cozy, discreet things. Practicality, attractiveness, and convenience determine the choice of this particular style by the vast majority of modern men under the age of 40. The advantages of the style include its versatility: such a wardrobe will be appropriate in the office, on a walk, on a date, at university, and at a friendly meeting.

For a successful casual style look, various shoes are suitable, but you should avoid overly formal, classic ones (“work shoes”, patent leather boots). You can take shoes of a more democratic design; models such as loafers, monks, boat shoes, deserts, and brogues are also suitable. If the occasion is informal, feel free to take moccasins or sneakers. Suitable shoes will be made of suede, textile or leather (the latter should be without varnish and lightweight).

Men's casual shoes are increasing in popularity, and therefore include more and more new types. For example, in the advice of fashion experts you can often find low shoes, UGG boots or boots. Moreover, in the wardrobes of men who choose democracy and style in one bottle, slip-ons, espadrilles and sandals are thoroughly located.

Often, casual includes the same shoes as other styles, but has different design elements. What parameters will help you make the right choice? To begin with, of course, pay attention to the color. Black shoes are more formal, brown shoes are closer to everyday wear, and if the brown is in a light tone, it’s extremely close. The shape is also indicative: a sharp toe refers to the official style, while a rounded toe is the opposite, as is the flat sole. Next, we take into account the material: shiny leather leads to formal shoes, and suede builds a casual look.

Thus, if you choose from modern models of men's shoes, brogues, derbies, Chelsea, loafers will win over oxfords, but not everything is so simple: you need to look at the situation and the specific option. In every line you can find an overly prim or careless couple, so a reasonable balance is important.

More than one casual guide has rejected sneakers as an outfit detail in this style. But we note that this is too categorical and old-fashioned position. Sneakers are on the crest of fame, they have a bunch of modifications, so sometimes even very respectable people can be seen wearing just such shoes. But again, we look at each specific case. Is it appropriate to wear sneakers? Choose calm whites.

In general, dark tones of shoes are preferable for casual ones: then they will not attract attention, but will be practical. For this reason, business casual welcomes black, brown or cream colors. Material: suede or light leather.

Speaking of material: it plays a significant role in the stylistic sound. Shiny leather shoes will definitely be more formal and stricter than suede or fabric items. Also, sneakers can be suitable for smart casual – say, if they are knitted and in a dark tone; but it’s easy to make a mistake here, look at the specific circumstances, otherwise you can look too democratic or even completely inappropriate.

Men's casual shoes should be chosen according to the season, but style here is also evident in the details. Summer shoes of this type may well be represented by sandals, if they are in a high-quality leather version. However, under no circumstances will, say, flip-flops fit!

A good choice for summer would be high-quality black and white sneakers without any unnecessary decoration. Moccasins will help enrich your casual line, and boat shoes are also suitable.

The casual style for men, when winter comes, ideally takes on boots that resemble high-top sneakers with fur; Color design is preferable in black, brown or burgundy.

What to wear in spring and autumn? Loafers, deserts, brogues, Chelsea or Timberlands are perfect. Brown suede boots are appropriate for almost any time of year. But not all stylists approve of Oxford shoes, finding them too formal for casual wear.

However, there is a way out here too. Give preference to those models that avoid stiffness, are made with perforations, textured solutions or in suede. With such shoes you cannot be accused of being official; your Oxfords will maintain a completely calm everyday style. Military style shoes are absolutely not suitable.

What about sports? According to the canon, it has a chance to slip into your casual wardrobe, but still not in business or smart variations. However, standards change over time, and sneakers begin to gain a place in the sun. White or black laconic models without any unnecessary decorations are already combined with very formal clothes. It's comfortable and on trend.

Don't be afraid to experiment, try different shoes and clothes, see the result. If the overall look remains simple and even somewhat classic, you can pair these shoes with more formal clothes.

The combination of formal and casual is the basis of casual, for this reason a number of shoe models fit perfectly into the picture, for example loafers, brogues, and, less often, monks. Derbies are also suitable, but in our case only those made of suede. Let's take a closer look at these casual look helpers.

  • Derby

These boots resemble oxfords in appearance, but the difference is in the lacing: in oxfords it is closed, but here it is open. The overall impression is also different: Oxfords mostly look formal, but Derbys are very casual, or rather versatile. If they are made of smooth black leather, they will perfectly complement the office look, and they come in brown derbies or even two colors - these shoes are suitable for everyday use.

  • Monkey

They differ in that they do not have laces. In their place, these boots have a strap with a buckle (or several) - purely for beauty. Monks are your versatile pair; they will help you with both an office suit and a walk.

  • Brogues

These shoes are known for their perforations on the side seams; It's not uncommon to see them have a W-shaped pad on the top of the vamp (like brogues). Attention! Brogues are not suitable for pairing with a business suit, since shoes with perforations are no longer considered a formal style. Wear them as part of your everyday looks.

  • Loafers

Here you will not find any laces or buckles. But the shoes may well have nice tassels, at least on models made in accordance with the standards. Loafers have a small heel with a thick sole and are good because they go equally well with jeans and a business suit.

As partially mentioned above, the casual style for men accepts not only classic boots of various types, but also other categories of shoes, including:

  • Deserts

Made from suede, these boots reach to the ankles, lace up, and have leather or rubber soles. They go great with jeans and go with chinos and other casual trousers.

  • Moccasins

These are soft shoes without buckles, fasteners or laces. But it has a specific seam that connects the side parts to the top. Men's moccasins look very dignified and status-worthy when made of natural suede or leather; such shoes even emphasize the taste of their owner. The next advantage is its excellent compatibility with almost any clothing. But most importantly, moccasins are incredibly comfortable and soft, giving comfort and a relaxed gait.

By the way, such shoes may well be made of artificial raw materials - then it is better to wear a simple, quiet thing with them, for example a T-shirt. The harmony of the image is guaranteed!

  • Topsiders

This type of shoe did not immediately come into widespread use. It was conceived as a wardrobe item for yacht lovers. Boat shoes are very similar to moccasins, but they lace up. The upper part is based on leather or a special waterproof textile material. Today, these shoes are worn by men with casual clothes and even have a smart casual pass.

  • Slip-ons

An option for those who don't mind standing out. The slip-ons do not lace up and have a high rubber sole. Acceptable for smart casual, but not in any version. If you're a slip-on lover but are afraid of missing out, try solid mesh ones. Such models fit best into smart casual and are suitable for experimentation.

  • Sneakers

Officially called upon to work in sports, sneakers these days have greatly expanded the scope of their application. Of course, for a casual style, say, profile running sneakers are not suitable. Here we mean stylized models, neat and laconic. As a rule, they have laces, the sole is straight and low.

  • Sneakers

This shoe is familiar to everyone due to its popularity. Smart casual is also friends with sneakers, but not just any: sparkles, rhinestones and other feathers will not work. Classic sneakers are best, but all-white models are also good if they have no decor.

  • Sandals

They will help you out in the hot summer, when using other shoes becomes difficult. Comfortable models are being developed specifically for this period, for which your feet will definitely thank you. Sandals are available with open or closed toes. For a strict look, a closed version is suitable for a man.

  • Smart casual

This type of dress code is not particularly strict or even well defined. In general, this is a very free style, which is a democratized version of the usual office style and allows a man to create numerous combinations even from a small set of clothes. This is what makes it stand out from other styles. It differs from the classics in its wider color possibilities, the acceptable use of semi-adjacent styles, knitted items, and prints.

Smart casual allows you to unbutton the top button of your shirt, wear the shirt itself under a jumper, or use a scarf or scarf if they match the color of your suit or sweater. If you find it difficult to understand what a casual clothing style for men is, find photos with examples of such images and see which elements and combinations of them are close to you.

For smart casual, the following types of shoes are suitable: loafers, deserts, brogues. In some cases, other models are acceptable, such as classic-looking sneakers (Converse).

  • Business casual

The classic business dress code leaves a man with not so much choice of clothes: trousers, shirts and jackets. It is for this reason that the business casual style was born, which, having gained popularity, is today the most widespread in the office world. The success of this style lies in the fact that it becomes possible to dress comfortably and even with space for choice and experimentation, while the representativeness of the image is preserved. In this style, a man can look decent and feel good both at a meeting with partners, at a party with friends, and at a romantic evening.

Business casual clothing for men, of course, has mandatory elements (about a dozen), but on the whole it remains a variable and open system, where there are interchangeable components and the possibility of an individual approach.

Brown lace-up shoes will be universal shoes in this wardrobe: they look good with a business suit and blue jeans, and the top is also easy to select. In addition, classic shoes, monks, derbies, oxfords, and moccasins are suitable. The color scheme is best to stick to light brown, dark brown and black tones.

Casual style for men is unusual, special and diverse. It makes it possible to include almost all types of classic shoes in your images, as well as many options for everyday and even sports shoes. Therefore, within the framework of the style, you can experiment very freely. In the classic style, everything is stricter and more unambiguous: a business suit accepts only certain types of shoes, very few. However, it is more difficult to make a mistake with them, because these shoes, although categorical, always look decent and fit in place.

6 mistakes in creating a casual look

Despite its flexibility and versatility, casual style can turn out to be a failure for you if you don't pay enough attention to some details. Avoid the following mistakes when creating an image:

  1. Slogan on a T-shirt
  2. Suitable only for teenage clothes; it is better not for an adult man to wear this.

  3. Shirt in white
  4. Alas, she is too formal for a casual wardrobe. Even if you unbutton one of her buttons and roll up her sleeves.

  5. Ripped jeans
  6. Yes, we have a democratic style. But everything is good in moderation. Huge holes in jeans will not work under any circumstances. For originality, it is allowed, for example, denim made from aged material with slight abrasions.

  7. Rolled up trousers
  8. In principle, this is allowed by this style. But again we remember moderation! Don't end up being a portrait of Tom Sawyer.

  9. Shorts, T-shirts
  10. Slippery edge. These things look good only on fit, strong figures, and not in every case will they fit into the image and situation. Wide beach-type shorts are generally unacceptable.

  11. Flip-flops
  12. A gross violation of the style rule. Such shoes are not suitable in any case. If it's hot outside, choose moccasins, sandals, and light sneakers.

In order to see a sophisticated dandy with elegant casualness in the mirror, you need to work on your understanding of smart or business casual style for men, carefully select basic items, complement them with suitable accessories, and make sure that the combinations are successful. With all that, you have an interesting field for experimentation. Discard stereotypes, try, bring your own vision - and the result will please you.

Where to buy casual shoes for men

If you are interested in the latest men's and women's shoes from Italy, take a look at our Vivendi store. Here you will find models from more than forty Italian designers. The presented assortment will allow you to get acquainted with the latest trends in both women's and men's shoe fashion.

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  • DELIVERY IS FREE! Delivery to any region of Russia is free upon purchase of more than 20,000 rubles.
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