Scenarios for February 23 in kindergarten for the older group. Material (senior group) on the topic: Scenario of the holiday “February 23

National holidays are an important part of culture, so holding them in the preschool period is necessary. February 23 is one of these holidays. It is then that the guys can show that they, too, are ready to be considered defenders of their Fatherland.
The sound of solemn marches and songs on this holiday awakens feelings of boundless patriotism and devotion to their country, every child begins to feel like an important member of the state. This holiday also develops the child’s emotional sensitivity and respect for people who laid down their lives to defend their Motherland.

The children in the older group are already quite big and understand everything. It is necessary to take seriously the preparation of the script for the holiday. It is important that every child takes part in it, shows their strength, and is also rewarded for it. Prizes should be awarded for each competition so that the child feels like a winner, regardless of the results of the competition.
We should also not forget about the audience. You need to entertain them with fun games from time to time so that they don’t get bored. It is also a good idea to sometimes call several people from the audience to help in competitions. This will maintain the unity of all children at the holiday.

Scenario “It’s not easy to be a defender”

Competitions take place in the gym. Guests must be seated in the stands. It would also be nice if they had team posters and chants to encourage team spirit.

Presenter 1:
All girls know there is one holiday,
It is celebrated in February.
We all congratulate the boys then
And we wish you every success.

Presenter 2:
Defender is a serious mission, yeah
Not everyone can do this.
But the boys always coped with it,
And they did it beautifully!

Presenter 1:
Of course, to raise a fighter in my son
Parents need to work!
They are always raised following their father's example.
We can be proud of our fathers!

Presenter 2:
Let's start our celebration on the occasion of the bright holiday of February 23!

Presenter 1:
Let's listen to a few words about the history of this event.

Presenter 2:
Defender of the Fatherland Day is traditionally celebrated in our country on February 23. On this holiday, all men are congratulated: veterans, people who are just doing military service, dads, boys. Congratulations are given to absolutely all defenders, be they sailors, ground forces or pilots. The defenders of our country must be very organized, capable of doing various hard jobs. Are all our future defenders worthy of wearing this title? Today we will check it.

Presenter 1:
Today there will be exercises in which our boys will be able to prove themselves and show that they are already real men! Let's welcome our guys!

(Boys exit)

(Applause, participants receive emblems with the names of the teams (“Sappers” and “Miners”))

Game for spectators "Hedgehogs".

Presenter 2: And our dear spectators will act as fans! Let's see who we have more today, boys or girls?

All spectators move according to the words of the presenter and repeat his phrases:

They walk and walk around the clearing (we stomp our feet)
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs. (We depict needles with our fingers)
Cut, cut all the paper (we use our fingers to make “scissors”)
Scissors, scissors. (scissor hand movement)
Jumping in one place (bouncing in place)
Bunnies, bunnies. (we use gestures to depict ears)
Now let's get together: Girls! (only girls scream)
Boys! (only the boys shout)

Presenter 1. What are exercises without brave generals? Let's welcome them!

Jury presentation

Competition "Rise"

Presenter 2. A soldier's everyday life begins with getting up. I ask each team to provide 9 people to participate in the first competition.

When the whistle sounds, the team leader begins to run to the chair, runs around it, returns to his team, takes the second participant and together they do the same. This continues until the whole team has run. The first team to finish is considered the winner. Each participant is awarded the Order “For Speed”.

Competition "Soldier's Outfit"

Presenter 1. Everyone knows that a soldier must be able to dress in 45 seconds. How long will it take for our brave participants to do this?

The team captain must run to his clothes and be fully equipped. You need to put on a hat, jacket, boots, shoulder bag and machine gun. After getting dressed, you need to quickly take off your uniform and run to your team. Then the second participant does the same. The team that finishes it faster wins. Each participant receives the Order “For Excellent Performance”.


Chef competition

Presenter 2. Our schedule reached lunch time.

Two players from each team participate. They need to quickly put on a chef's uniform and prepare a salad according to the recipe. Participants receive a dish with ingredients and a deep plate. You should only use those listed in the recipe.
Ingredients: vegetable oil, fish, lightly salted cucumbers, meat, boiled carrots, boiled beets, pear, potatoes, banana, onion, sauerkraut, jam, tomato. The prize is the Order “For Success in the Kitchen.”

Game for spectators "Jump rope"

Presenter 2: To keep our viewers from getting bored, we came up with a game for them.

2 boys and 2 girls are invited from the audience (one pair for each team). The invited participants jump, first the girls, then the boys. The pair that jumps the most times wins. A point is awarded to the team that the couple supported.

Competition "Minefield"

You need to go through a minefield without exploding. The obstacles are placed randomly, participants must crawl between every 2 obstacles without hitting them. If a soldier is hit once, then he is wounded, the second time he explodes, and no more points are awarded for him. The team with the most points wins. The winners receive the Order for Dexterity.

Competition "Hit the Target"

Each team takes turns knocking down the pins with balls. Number of balls: one for each participant. The team that knocks down the largest number of pins is awarded the Order for Accuracy.

Competition "Report to Headquarters"

Presenter 1: In any army you must always be on guard, always reporting all incidents to headquarters! Now we will see how responsible you are! Hall, attention, volunteers are needed to help with the competition!

Volunteers use hoops to form a tunnel. Each team member picks up a bag with a report, overcomes the tunnel, runs around an obstacle and returns to his team in the bag. The team that completes the task faster receives the Order “For Saving the Motherland.”


Competition "Marathon"

Presenter 2: The training is coming to an end, the last test is ahead - the marathon!

Shuttle run. The team that completed it faster receives the Marathon Runner medal.

Game for spectators “Military Affairs”

Presenter 1: Now let's warm up our viewers! Answer our questions, but don’t hesitate!
(While questions are being asked, you can count the team scores)

1. Success in a battle or competition that ended in the defeat of the opponent. (victory)
2. The main person in the naval army (admiral)
3. Large warship (cruiser)
4. Ground combat vehicle (tank)
5. Cook on a sea vessel (cook)
6. What are the different military ranks? (private, lieutenant, etc.)
7. What types of weapons are there? (pistol, machine gun, etc.)
8. How did Robin Hood fight? (Bow and arrows)
9. Is the soldier on duty? (hourly)
10. Robbers who hunt at sea? (pirates)

Presenter 1: After working your brain, you need to stretch your body! Let's dance "Boogie-woogie!"
(dance with the audience)

Presenter 2: Our teachings have come to an end. All participants are true defenders of the Motherland! Dear generals, please announce the results.

(Summing up, awarding)

Presenter 2: I absolutely agree with the generals. Today we saw outstanding guys who are ready to defend their Fatherland, replacing the older generation. At the end of our holiday, I invite the children to march through the hall in formation.

(teams walk in formation and leave the hall)

This concludes the official part of the holiday, and guests can proceed directly to the celebration.

Sports festival on February 23 for children of senior preschool age with their parents

Goal: formation and expansion of children’s ideas about a soldier, formation of consciousness of the need to defend the Fatherland; instilling patriotism, pride in our soldiers, respect and a grateful attitude towards the fallen heroes of military operations.

The action of the holiday takes place at various military “bases” in the music hall.

Naval Base: Skateboards, 2 ropes, 2 inflatable rings.

Air Force Base: sheets of landscape paper according to the number of participants, two large bottles with a funnel, a bucket of water and 2 mugs.

Border outpost: balls, fitballs, 2 hoops, sheets of cut paper, baskets

Military field base: fitballs according to the number of participants, hoops, gymnastic sticks, inflatable mattress, 2 tunnels.

Celebration progress:

To the music of the march by A. Filippenko"Good Soldiers" Adults and children solemnly enter the hall. They march into the music hall and form two columns. Children of the older group sing the song “Good Soldiers.” Children read poetry.

1. Today is our army day,

And she is already many years old.

Hello to the defenders of the people of the Russian army... – Hello!!!

2. Hello holiday!

Hello holiday!

Celebration of boys, grandfathers, dads!

Congratulations to all military personnel,

Our cheerful kindergarten!

3. Look, nice guests are sitting in our hall!

We saw so many dads at once,

We are a year ago in February.

Song “We will serve in the army”»

Presenter: “Hello, our dear guests! Hello guys! Hello, dear adults! Today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is the holiday of our grandfathers, fathers and boys. After all, they are the defenders of our Motherland. We are glad to welcome you to our fun holiday. We are glad to see strong, brave and cheerful fathers and grandfathers. Now, in this hall there will be fun exercises in which kindergarten children, as well as their dads, will take part. Before we start our competition, I want to introduce the jury members.

Name the jury members: Ovcharenko Natalya Leonidovna, Kiyashko Marina Mikhailovna.

Our cheerful army was divided into two teams: a team of red and yellow stars. The holiday will take place at various military"bases" - naval, air force, military field - and at the border outpost.

One of the jury members says:“All teams in a cheerful mood, go to fun challenges” .

Greetings from the teams.(Each team takes turns saying its motto.)

1 team (yellow):

We really need sports in our family.

We are close friends with sports.

Sport is a helper, sport is a game,

Physical education - hurray, hurray, hurray!

Team 2 (red):

Let the icicles and rusty buckets cry

Drip, drip.

But we are men, we cry for no reason

We can't do it in any way.

I. Naval base.

The presenter talks about the joint relay race between children and fathers.

1) Relay race"Knot" . Teams are built in sequence"adult - child" . The adult runs to the place where the rope is secured, ties a knot in the rope and returns back. The child runs behind him and must untie this knot and pass the baton to the adult again.

Relay race"Building a Bridge"

Dads start: the 1st runs to a certain place and stands in an arch, resting his hands and feet on the floor, the 2nd crawls under him on all fours and stands next to him in the same position. when will all dads become"bridge" , children crawl under it"bridge" one after another, they run to the landmark and quickly return together with their dads to their place.

2) Relay race for dads"Happy Sailing" .

Each team member takes turns putting a life preserver around his neck, sitting on a skateboard and pushing off with his arms and legs."floats" before"buoy" . And then he runs back. Then the next one swims.

Presenter: And now a musical break. Middle group children's song

"White cap"

Host: The second test will take place at the air force base.

II. Military air base.

Our pilots are heroes

The sky is vigilantly guarded,

Our pilots are heroes

Protect peaceful labor.

Senior group dance “We are pilots”

The presenter talks about the relay race in two stages.

1) Relay race"Runway" .

Stage one.

The first team member places a landscape sheet of paper on his outstretched arm with his palm outstretched. In this position, he should reach the counter. And on the way back he puts down his sheet. The next player will place his sheet next to the first, and so on. Laid out from sheets"runway" .

Stage two. The children will have to run(hands to the side) "runway" .

2) Relay race"Refilling fuel tanks" (with overcoming obstacles) .

At a designated place there is a large bottle with a funnel, a bucket of water and 2 mugs - their own for each team. A child and an adult from each team overcoming an obstacle course -(put a hoop over yourself, crawl under the arc) , run up to"gas station" , take water in circles and pour it into a bottle using a funnel. Back, in a straight line, they return to the team. The next players run.

Host: The next test will take place at the border outpost.

III. Border outpost.

Border guard at the border

He guards our land,

To work and study

All the people could calmly.

A game"Catch the saboteurs" .

The game is played in two stages. Each involves children from one team and 2 parents from the other. Children portray scouts - border violators, parents - border guards. Children and adults sit on the balls - hop. In adults"border guards" - hoops. Children jump on balls, dodging adults. Adults should throw a hoop over the persecuted child. Then"saboteur" is considered caught and moves aside.(You can take children from those invited) .

Presenters: And now we will test your intelligence, how you can solve riddles


Far from your country

They go to sea…………(ships) .

Turtle crawling steel shirt

The enemy is in the ravine - and she is where the enemy is......(tank)

The sea ice has split

Sharp nose…………(icebreaker)

Iron whale underwater

Day and night the whale does not sleep

That whale has no time for dreams

Day and night on duty………(Submarine)

Who taxied for takeoff?


Soars up without acceleration

reminds me of a dragonfly

Takes flight

Our Russian……………(helicopter)

This bird is flying towards the stars

Overtakes the sound………………(rocket)

On the mountain

Black old ladies are sitting

If they gasp, people go deaf………(guns)

Captains competition"Destroy the enemy"

There are 2 hoops on the floor, and next to them are cut sheets of paper. At the signal, the captains must fire shells(crumple up as much paper as possible) at the signal to stop, and the dads begin to hit the basket with these shells. Whoever has the most shells in the basket will win.

Musical pause. Our dads, having served in the army, became real heroes. Now they will show what they have become.

Dance"Russian bogatyrs" (dads dance for show)

Presenter: The next test will take place at a military field base.

IV. Military field base.

Our army is dear,

Guards the peace of the country.

So that we grow up without knowing troubles,

So that there is no war

Presenter: tells the rules of the relay game

    Relay race"Crossing" .

The child and the adult begin their stage at the same time. The adult takes a wide step forward, after which the child crawls between the adult’s legs. Thus, the movement continues to the counter, back through the tunnel, holding hands. The presenter tells the rules of the game

    Relay race"Mattress Fights" .

Dads 1 from each team kneel on the mattress and must move the opponent off the mattress with their hands. The one who fell lost.

    And the last test"Friendly team"

Holding your hands tightly, you need to run to the landmark and back, without breaking your hands. Whose team completes this task without mistakes and quickly will be the winner.

Host: Well, our exercises are over.

1 child

When the time comes for us to serve in the army,

We will live differently - the game will end.

2 child

Who will drive the tank and who will walk?

Who will fly in the sky, who will sail as a sailor

3 – child

I really, really dream of becoming a soldier as soon as possible,

To protect my dear mother and Russia!!!

The jury fails

The jury is given the floor. All teams receive medals and sweet prizes, and dads receive orders.

Host: Let me congratulate you all on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you all the best. The teams take a lap of honor to the music."Farewell of the Slav" .

We offer you a detailed scenario for a physical education holiday for kindergarten. The holiday is called “We will serve in the army and cherish the Fatherland.” The scenario is designed for older children, with the participation of dads.

Holiday goals:

Promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships;

Introduce children to the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day;

Consolidate knowledge about military professions, names of military equipment;

Improve coordination of movements, develop dexterity and accuracy in children;

Foster patriotic feelings.

Materials and equipment: 20 bags, 2 baskets, 2 hops, 1 checker, fabric, buttons, needles and thread, 2 tables and 2 chairs, landmarks, cut-out pictures, prizes, phonograms, 2 apples, matches, rope.

The progress of the holiday

Children enter the hall while marching, change formations and stand in a semicircle (at the choice of the teacher).

Leading. Guys, our holiday is dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

1st child.

Peace is the most important word in the world.

Our planet really needs peace!

Adults need peace! Children need peace!

Everyone needs peace!

2nd child.

We want the birds to sing

So that the streams ring in the spring,

So that the sun warms the earth,

May the birch tree turn green!

So that everyone's dreams come true,

To make everyone around laugh,

So that children have dreams,

So that there is no war!

Leading. Your grandfathers and fathers served and are currently serving in the army or navy. They protect our country so that you can live in peace and study under the peaceful sky of the Motherland. Our glorious warriors are courageous and brave, and you guys, of course, want to be like them. And now we will show how strong, strong, and dexterous you will grow to become a worthy replacement. And our fathers and grandfathers will help us with this.

Children sing the song “I have a sailor's suit...” (music by M. Protasov, lyrics by E. Shklovsky).

Leading. There are many branches of the military in the army, where people of different military specialties serve. Let's remember some of them, but first we need to divide into teams.

Children are divided into 2 teams.

Game for children “Continue the sentence”

“The tank is controlled by...”

“The cannon fires...”

“Sitting at the controls of the plane...”

“He’s scribbling from a machine gun...”

"He goes on reconnaissance..."

“Guards the border...”

“On duty on a submarine...”

"Jumping with a parachute..."

“They serve on ships...”

To become defenders, To fulfill a soldier’s duty, You need to be strong, be strong, Be friends with physical education.

Let's start by warming up our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Well done fighters”

These fingers are all fighters,

Well done guys.

Two - large and strong small

And soldiers experienced in battles,

Two - brave guardsmen,

Two smart young men,

Two are nameless heroes,

But they are very zealous at work,

Two short little fingers -

Very nice boys!

One two three four five -

Fingers stood together in a row -

Ten strong soldiers.

Children's actions

Children show palms with straightened fingers.

The fingers are clenched into a fist, only the thumbs are raised.

Show index fingers.

Showing middle fingers.

Show ring fingers.

Showing little fingers.

Count the fingers on the left hand one by one, starting with the little finger, then on the right.

Clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.

Show palms with straight fingers and clap.

Leading. Now let our dads show their skills, the attraction is called “Salute.” To do this, you need to bring one hand to your temple, stretch the other forward and raise your thumb, then change hands. This must be done quickly.

Dads compete, and then, if desired, children.

Leading. The second test for our men. In the army, in the service of the military, there is equipment, without which it would be very difficult to protect our Motherland, our peaceful life. What kind of military equipment helps defend the Fatherland?

Teams are given cut-out pictures depicting military equipment (airplane, helicopter, tank, ship, submarine), and children and adults must collect as many of them as possible.

Leading. I will ask riddles, and raise your hand if you have a picture with the answer.

Floats boldly in the sky,

Overtaking birds in flight.

Man controls it.

What's happened? (Airplane.)

I fly up without acceleration,

I remind you of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian... (helicopter).

I walk in an iron shell,

Entirely lined with armor.

I shoot shells

I am very formidable in appearance... (tank).

Iron whale underwater

The whale does not sleep day or night.

Day and night underwater

Protects my peace. (Submarine.)

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary... (rocket).

Now listen:

The sound of hooves is heard

This is a brave rider

He flies on a horse.

The military orchestra is ringing its trumpets,

The cavalry flies across the square to the music.

Hot horses rush forward,

The commander with the banner goes first.

Relay game “Horsemen-riders”

Two teams compete: fathers and children. Hop jumps to a landmark and back, dads have checkers in their hands.

A sharp eye is the key to success,

Any soldier will tell us,

So that the desired victory

Finished the right fight.

Relay "Arrow Riders"

The father carries the child on his back to the landmark, the child takes the bag and throws it into the basket, the father returns with the child on his back.

My grandfather once told me:

“Don’t go into the buffet!

There, on the very top shelf,

Evil wolves have settled in."

Grandfather just fell asleep

I quickly pulled up a chair

I opened the door a little,

I pushed away the jar of pepper,

I rearranged all the dishes -

I looked for wolves everywhere...

Grandfather woke up in the morning,

Slowly I went to the buffet.

I was thinking of taking some toffee for tea,

But the toffee is a no-brainer.

He searched everything down to the cracks,

Looked both up and down...

I said: "Probably wolves

They stole your iris."

Competition "Russian Ski Track"

Using one pair of skis, dad and child move to the landmark and back.

Competition “Kind words about dad”

Children say the word and insert a match into the apple. At the end, each team presents its “hedgehog”.

Game "Pull-pull"

Unbeknownst to the children, a rope is inserted into the sleeves of each father's outerwear and the two teams are offered a tug-of-war, while helping the weakest.

Leading. Now let’s test the dads and kids’ dexterity.

Relay “Crossing the Minefield”

Dads and boys each have two balloons tied to their ankles. Participants must run to the landmark and back without stepping on the ball. Hitting the ball is considered an explosion.

Game option

You can use balls from a “dry” pool, scattering them on the floor. Participants must run to the landmark and back without stepping on it.

Now let's go to sea.

Seagulls hover in the open air.

Good for all of us

Sail the seas.

Sailors are cheerful people,

They live well.

And in free moments

They dance and sing.

Children perform the “Apple” dance.

Leading. I wonder if our dads can sometimes replace our moms? For example, can they sew on a button?

Competition “Who can sew a button faster, stronger and more beautifully?”

Summing up, presenting prizes, wishes to fathers and grandfathers.

Final part: common song of children and fathers at the choice of the teacher.

Holiday on February 23rd for children of senior preschool age. Scenario

Goals of this holiday: to form a sense of patriotism in older preschoolers; generalize and concretize children’s knowledge about the Russian Army; teach to treat each other kindly during competitions.

To the soundtrack to the film “Soldiers” “Youth in Boots” performed by the group “The End of the Film” (words and music by Evgeny Feklistov), ​​the girls enter the music room and line up in a semicircle near the central wall. Then the boys come in, marching proudly. They march around the music room and line up in a semicircle, one step ahead of the girls.

Leading. Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate a special holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On February 23, all of Russia will congratulate men - your dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army.

1st child.

Russian warrior protects

Peace and glory to my native country.

He is on duty, and our people

He is rightfully proud of the army.

2nd child.

Calmly let the children grow up

In the Russian sunny Fatherland.

He protects peace and work,

Wonderful work in the name of life.

3rd child.

Army birthday today

There is no one stronger than her in the world.

Hello defenders of the people,

Russian army...

All children. Hello!

4th child.

For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have,

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

That they once defended the world.

5th child.

Thanks to the Russian army,

Thanks to grandfathers and fathers,

For the sun to shine on us!

6th child.

We honor the sons of the Fatherland in uniform,

That the glory of the flag is multiplied

And in a difficult and dangerous age

Our peaceful sleep is reliably guarded.

7th child.

For all centuries, the Russian warrior

He won wars with his heroism.

He is worthy of glorification

He gave his life for the honor of Russia!

8th child.

Today we praise those

Who is guarding the Fatherland -

The best and most faithful

Sons of humanity!

O. Chusovitina

A song chosen by the music director is performed.

The boys sit on the chairs.

Presenter. How proudly the words “defender of the Fatherland” sound! Our soldiers, officers, generals are ready at any moment to defend our Motherland and you and me. Our boys really want to be like them, to become as strong and brave.

Let us now congratulate our future defenders of the Fatherland. With all our hearts we wish them to grow up strong, brave, courageous, kind and noble. And always remember the high rank of men.

1st girl.

On a February day, a frosty day,

Everyone celebrates the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

2nd girl.

We won't give you flowers -

They are not given to boys.

Girls, many kind words

They will remain in your hearts.

3rd girl.

When at your fights,

We watch your fights

We believe: with your preparation

We will always defeat the enemy!

4th girl.

Let it bloom under your eye

Purple-blue bruise

Studying is hard,

The battle will be much easier!

5th girl.

So, friends, let's

With all my heart, without further ado

Protect us from all adversity.

But just, mind you, no bruises.

6th girl.

Listen, boys, to us,


We know on this day and hour

It's almost your birthday!

7th girl.

We wish you forever:

So that you don’t be timid in life,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage!

8th girl.

And all the obstacles on the way

Let's overcome it together!

But first, grow up

And you need to grow up.

9th girl.

To our pugnacious half

We send our congratulations.

There are reasons for congratulations

Hurray for the defenders of the country!

All girls. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

The girls sing ditties.

We are cheerful friends

We love to sing ditties.

Morning, evening and afternoon

I'll eat them with pleasure!

We'll sing for you today

And we have one motive:

Congratulations on the twenty-third

The girls and I want it!

The river runs fast,

Clean to the bottom.

Our boys smile

Bright as the sun

We're lucky, girls.

We are very happy.

After all, the boys in our group

Most beautiful!

Happy twenty-third today

The guys congratulated everyone.

We wished them luck

From the heart from all the girls.

The girls take their seats.

Presenter. Now we will hold fun competitions to make sure once again that all the boys are ready to serve in the army. To make the competitions fun and exciting, we will divide the boys into two teams. To do this, I will now give them shoulder straps and caps in two colors: blue and red. Boys, come to me one at a time, get your shoulder straps and caps as soon as possible!

The presenter attaches shoulder straps to the boys' shoulders and puts caps of the appropriate color on their heads. The result is 2 teams of 5-7 people. Having received their shoulder straps and caps, the boys take their seats.

Presenter. As you know, a soldier's day begins with getting up. They get up, quickly get dressed and quickly get into formation. Let's try it too.

The relay race “Company, rise!” is being held.

At the command of the leader: “Company, rise!” the boys get up from their seats and quickly line up. in ranks, in accordance with the color of the attributes. The presenter marks the team that lined up first.

Presenter. After breakfast, soldiers are expected to do various activities: drill and physical training, study of regulations and much more. We will now conduct physical training classes.

The Obstacle Course relay race is being held.

Teams must overcome an obstacle course: crawl under an arc, run along a plank, run around pins, etc.

Presenter. A soldier must be able to shoot well and hit the target directly. I invite our recruits to the shooting range.

The “Sharp Shooter” relay race is being held.

The boys take turns running to the marked line and throwing sandbags into a hoop lying 2 meters away. After throwing, players return to their team. The presenter marks the team with the most bags reaching the goal.

Presenter. While the boys rest a little and come to their senses, the girls will perform the “Ribbon Dance” for them.

Girls perform the “Ribbon Dance” or any other dance chosen by the music director.

Presenter. Soldiers must be friendly. A friend can always help you out if something happens suddenly... Are you guys friendly?

All children perform the song “True Friend”, music by B. Savelyev.

Presenter. I believe, I believe, but I’d better check it myself!

The relay race “If you go on a journey with a friend” is held.

Children stand in pairs and hold a balloon between their heads. You need to hold the ball with your heads, run to the marked place, return to the team and pass the ball to the next players. If the number of players is odd, the first players participate again. The presenter marks the team that finished the competition first and dropped the ball the least number of times.

Presenter. It's not easy to serve. Soldiers must be strong, dexterous, and resilient. They must be able to carry heavy objects. Today we will have a ball as a heavy object. But this ball is not an ordinary jumper, but rather heavy - a medicine ball.

The “Heavy Burden” relay race is being held.

The boys stand in columns. There is a medicine ball in front of each column. You need to spread the legs wide and bend over and roll the ball to the last participant in the column. The last participant takes the ball, carries it to the beginning of the column and starts rolling the ball again. The presenter marks the team in which the first player to return to his place is the one with whom the competition began.

Presenter. Now each team will receive an encrypted message. To understand it, you need, first of all, to look into these envelopes.

The “Encryption” competition is being held.

Each team receives an envelope. Each envelope contains a military-themed postcard cut into pieces and a piece of paper with riddles.

Presenter. As you can see, the encryption is unusual - you need to assemble the postcard to understand what is written on it. And, of course, I will help you read the riddles. But you'll have to guess for yourself.

Music is playing, children are collecting postcards. The leader marks the team that finishes first. Then he reads riddles from the envelopes, one for each team.

You won’t see it with your eyes, you won’t take it with your hands, and you won’t go into battle without it. (Hooray!)

If it flies, it barks, if it falls, it crumbles. (Projectile)

A man on the shore spits across the river. (Gun)

There is a turtle - a steel shirt. (Tank)

A grouse was flying, in the evening, not now, it fell into a quinoa, I can’t find it. (Bullet)

Two araps, knee-high brothers, walk with the soldiers everywhere and protect them. (Boots)

It breathes fire, it breathes flame. (A gun)

A raven is flying, completely shackled; whoever pecks is death. (Bullet)

Black Kochet wants to roar. (Gun)

Two heads, six legs, two arms, one tail. Who is this? (Rider)

Presenter. Well, our boys coped with this task perfectly. The main thing is that there are no losers today. Now you can relax! Boys, invite your beautiful fans to dance!

Children dance freely to pop music.

Presenter. Today we are convinced that a worthy generation of defenders of the Fatherland is growing up in our country. And this means that we will have someone to defend our Motherland. We congratulate everyone once again on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you health and happiness. And may the sky over Russia and the whole world always be blue!

The script for the matinee for February 23 in kindergarten “Defender of the Fatherland Day” consists of thematic poems from children, competitions and riddles, as well as a solemn oath from the boys. Suitable for multi-age groups.

Educator: Hello, guests of our holiday! Tell me, what kind of day is today – February 23?

Guests: Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Educator: Do our guys know what kind of holiday this is? Let's check it now! I will read the verse, and you guys will need to fill in the words I missed.

Today we congratulate

Our boys and... (dad)

And we invite you to the holiday

To our favorite... (kindergarten)

This holiday is celebrated

All defenders of the fatherland

And sailors and pilots

And of course …(infantry)

They admire the fighters

Daring fellows

Congratulations to all the guys...

(We love, we believe, we respect!)

Educator: now the boys will tell us what they know about our army.

Poems from boys

  1. Fearless look, nerves of steel

An airplane takes off into the sky

The fastest is the first

In the army, of course, there is a pilot.

  1. Jump from a height, flight to nowhere,

The enemy will be captured everywhere and always

There is no stronger soldier on earth,

Than someone who serves in the Airborne Forces

  1. I carry the St. Andrew's flag,

I want to become a sailor!

The paths to the seas are open to me

I will be the captain of the ship!

  1. I look at the sky at night

I catch the shine of stars in my dreams.

Gravity, bye!

I'll join the space forces.

5. I will go to the plains and mountains

Stand on patrol as a soldier

I will guard the border

Defend your native country!

Educator: and now the time has come for the boys to take a solemn oath as defender of the fatherland. The boys all go out to the center and stand in a line.

A military march sounds.

Educator: guys, I will say the words of the military oath and you will answer “I promise”

Military oath:

Here, now and forever

Promise us friends

Bring only peace, do good

Love your parents.

Boys: I promise.

Respect children and adults

Do not offend those who are weaker

Boys: I promise.

Be polite always everywhere

Help a friend in trouble

Boys: I promise

Grow, learn, develop.

Don't forget to exercise.

Boys: I promise.

Protect family and homeland

Follow our laws.

Boys: I promise.

Educator: guys, tell me what you need to do in the morning to be brave and strong?

Children: exercise!

Educator: then we’ll all stand in a line

Let's have some fun exercises!

Educator: guys repeat the words and movements after me.


You can't live without charging

You will remember friends

To become a strong soldier

Need to train strength

We raise our hands higher

And we lower it to our toes

Raise your legs up

Let's clap loudly! loudest!

(Clapping underfoot)

Run in place faster

Let's run more fun

Will jump above the clouds

We will defeat all enemies

(Show fists. Take a fighting stance)

Educator: Well done, they did the exercises like real soldiers.

And to become an officer

We need to increase speed.

Guys, can you make charging twice as fast?

Charging is faster.

Educator: real officers! Guys, do you want to become generals?

Educator: Exercise will also help us become a general. But this will already be an exercise for the mind.

Takes out the “sea battle” card

Educator: guys, we will now divide into two teams. ( The teacher divides the children into two teams and places the teams opposite each other) Each team on this map has its own fleet. The team on the right has a fleet on the right; the team on the left has a fleet on the left. I will ask questions and make riddles, if the team answers correctly, then the participant who answers can remove the ship from the enemy fleet, if the team does not answer, then the question goes to the opposing team.

Game "Sea Battle"

Riddles and questions:

  1. On the ice, quickly slide on the ice

Shoot the puck into the goal,

Favorite game…


  1. I'm wearing a vest and beret

I'm dressed in navy uniform

I'm sailing to distant lands

What kind of service do I have?

(Marine Corps. Sailor)

  1. I conquer fire and smoke

I save people's lives

(Fire service. Firefighter)

  1. I'm leaving for an urgent call

I turn on the siren loudly

Let the attacker be afraid

He's in a hurry to catch him...


  1. Saves kids from illness

Attentive look and white coat


  1. You need to move fast in the snow



Educator: guys, you all know that in the army you need to get dressed very quickly, just like in our garden. It is generally accepted that boys dress faster than girls, now we will check who dresses the fastest. Boys, you all need to stand in a line shoulder to shoulder to each other on the left, and the girls in the same line on the right. I give each team this rubber band; you need to put it over your head and take it off through your legs and pass it to the next team member. The team that can do it faster will win.

Competition “While the match burns”

Educator: and now you and I will put the elastic band on through our legs and take it off over our heads. And we will pass it in the opposite direction

Competition “While the match burns 2”

Educator: and now a real army test for the boys. The boys need to line up in a column one at a time and overcome the obstacle course. First you will need to walk along the line, then jump over the bumps, then run around the pins like a snake. To do this, the whole team needs to line up in a column one after another. I will release the participants one by one. And you and I will support them with loud applause.

An “obstacle course” consists of a drawn line or jump rope, bumps slightly larger than a foot, and pins. The leader releases the next participant onto the obstacle course when the previous one has overcome the first obstacle “line”

Educator: the boys overcame all obstacles, and the girls prepared congratulations for them!

Poems from girls

  1. We congratulate our dads

We say thank you

For your understanding look

When we get a little naughty

  1. Thank you boys too,

For what you protect

Us from glass and bugs

And you give up your place!

  1. We want to tell boys and dads

Thank you for not letting us get bored!

  1. For strong hands, for a kind heart,

For opening your doors for us!

  1. We are coming to you for help,

And you help us

You won't offend us

Always protect us everywhere!

Educator: the boys are strong, brave and smart. Now we will check your attentiveness.

I'm going to ask all the boys to turn away now. One of the girls will leave. And you boys will need to tell me who is missing.

Educator: and now the hardest part is that the girls will change places, and you will need to understand who is in the wrong place.

Game "Guess who's missing"

Educator: Well, both the boys and girls showed their worth today, but they forgot a little about the father defenders. We challenge dads for a test. I put a rope in the middle, the boys stand to the right of the rope, and the dads to the left. A ball fight against dads is announced! Now I will give out a balloon to all the boys and to all the dads too. On my command, the dads throw balls at the boys, and the boys throw them at the dads. When I say “stop” the fight stops, and we count the balls, which side has more of them, that team lost.

Ball fight

Educator: the boys and dads are doing a good job, but now let’s call the moms and girls for help.

Ball fight 2

Educator: great, and now it’s time for a truce. We play music, dads invite girls to dance, and boys invite moms.


Educator: thank you, our dear and beloved fathers and boys! Happy holiday to all our defenders! girls, let's all applaud our boys together, and mothers and girls can kiss their most beloved defenders on the cheek! Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Props for the matinee on February 23 in kindergarten “Defender of the Fatherland Day”: the “Sea Battle” card is divided into two sides and three ships are glued to each side with double-sided tape; elastic band 70 cm – 2 pcs.; balls according to the number of participants.