Crochet heart patterns. Crochet hearts

There are countless options for using knitted hearts. Crocheted hearts can be used:

  • as a gift for Valentine's Day.
  • as an interior detail - a pillow, a toy, a garland of several hearts, a refrigerator magnet.
  • as a keychain, phone pendant.
  • as a decoration for flowers, we place a voluminous heart on a wire or wooden stick and stick it into a flower pot or bouquet.
  • like a sachet, just putting coffee beans and a cinnamon stick inside the heart.

Tools and materials Time: from 30 minutes to 2 hours Difficulty: 1/10

  • Hook
  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • Needle for sewing knitted items
  • Filling (sintepon, padding polyester, holofiber, cotton wool)
  • Marking ring (if you don’t have one, you can simply use a thread different from the color of the threads of the product)

The size of the hook and the thickness of the yarn threads may vary. It all depends on what size your heart should be. The larger the heart, the correspondingly larger the size of the hook and the thickness of the yarn.

This article will present flat and voluminous crocheted hearts with patterns and descriptions.


  • VP - air loop
  • sc - single crochet
  • dc - double crochet
  • s2n - double crochet stitch
  • ss - connecting post

Step-by-step description with diagram

First, let's look at how to knit a flat heart, the diagram will help us with this

This pattern is quite simple and suitable even for inexperienced knitters.

Step 1: knit 1 row

So, let's start knitting. Take a hook and yarn, make 4 chs and enclose them in a ring. Next, we make another 3 ch for lifting and knit another 12 dc. As a result, we get 13 dc.

Step 2: knit row 2

In the third loop from the beginning of the row we knit 6 d2n. We get the left ear of the heart.

In the 4th loop we knit 1dc. In the fifth and sixth loops we knit 2 dc in each. In loop 7 we need to make 4 dc. First we knit 2 dc, ch and sl st into the previous loop to form the tip of the heart (shown with an arrow in the diagram). Then we knit 2 more dc. We also make 2 dc in the eighth and ninth loops. In 10 - 1 dc.

In the eleventh loop we knit 6 d2n and thus we form the right eye. We close the second row with a sl st in the first loop of the row. So the crocheted flat heart is ready!!!

Crocheted volumetric hearts are made as follows:

Step 1: knitting cups

To get started, make a set of loops - knit 2 ch

1st row – knit 6 sc in the second loop.

Row 2 – increase in each stitch. To do this, knit 2 sc in each loop of the second row. It turns out 6 such increases. As a result, we get 12 sc. Use a marking ring or a thread of a different color to mark the beginning of the row.

Use a marker ring or a different color thread to mark the beginning of a row when knitting in the round. Significantly simplifies work and saves knitting time. There is no need to look for the beginning of the row every time.

Row 3 – in this row we increase through one loop. To do this, we knit 1 sc in the first loop and 2 sc in the second loop, 1 sc in the third loop and repeat until the end of the row. As a result, we should get 18 sc. In order to check the number of stitches, you simply need to count the loops upon completion of knitting the row.

4th row - in this row we also need to knit 18 sc. To do this, in each loop of the previous row we make 1sc.

Row 5 – in the fifth row we will add 3 more loops. To do this, we will make one increase every five loops. Thus, we will start with 5 sc, one sc in each loop. And in the 6th loop from the beginning of the row we will make an increase, knit 2 sc from one loop. Next, five more sc and one more increase and, finally, the last 5 sc and adding one more increase. As a result, at the end of the row we got 21 sc. Count it to make sure!!!

After knitting the fifth row, a cup-shaped piece is obtained. Leave the loop open and cut the thread with scissors (about 10-15 cm). The thread will be needed to connect the two halves. Next we need to knit the second half. To do this, repeat rows from the first to the fifth rows.

Step 2: knit the “body” of the heart

Now both halves are ready.

You can start connecting them and knit the sixth row.

Row 6 – on the first half we left 1 loop open, insert a hook into it and thus we have two loops on the hook. Then we insert the hook into the second loop of the first half and knit 1sc, but through the two loops that were on our hook.

Pay attention to the working thread, it should be from the other half.

Now we knit another 17 sc around the perimeter of the first half of the heart. As a result, we should have 3 unknitted loops left. On the second half we also leave three unknitted loops and, starting from the fourth loop, knit 18 sc. In total, at the end of the 6th row you should get 36 sc, 18 of which are on the first half and 18 on the second half.

It's time to connect the halves in the center.

Method 1 is to sew together using a sewing needle for knitted items.

Method 2 is to crochet them using a sc and the thread that we left on the first half. To do this, we connect the halves together and knit a sc in each loop, grabbing both walls of the halves - front and back, so that the seam is even. When finished, secure the thread and cut off the excess end.

Row 7 – knit 1 sc in each loop. A total of 36 loops are obtained, as in the previous row.

Row 8 - in this row you need to make decreases. To do this, insert the hook into the first loop. We get two loops on the hook. Next, insert the hook into the second loop of the row and also make a loop. Now we have three loops on the hook. Through these three loops we knit a loop, as in sc and we have one loop on our hook. After decreasing, we knit seven sc and repeat this sequence three more times. Thus, in the 8th row we decreased four loops and it turns out 32 sc.

Row 9 – we continue to make decreases. We knit the first decrease in the same way as in the 8th row. Then we knit 6 sc and repeat this sequence three times until the end of the row. The result should be 28 sc.

Row 10 – make 1 decrease, knit 5 sc and repeat this sequence three times until the end of the row and the result is 24 loops.

Row 11 – make 1 decrease, knit 4 sc and repeat this sequence three times until the end of the row and the result is 20 loops. After finishing knitting the 11th row, we can fill our heart with filler. Stuff tightly and do not forget to stuff as you continue knitting.

Row 12 – make 1 decrease, knit 3 sc and repeat this sequence three times until the end of the row and the result is 16 loops.

Row 13 – make 1 decrease, knit 2 sc and repeat this sequence three times until the end of the row and the result is 12 loops.

Row 14 – make 1 decrease, knit 1 sc and repeat this sequence three times until the end of the row and the result is 8 loops.

Row 15 – we make 4 decreases in the circle and the result is 4 loops.

On the last row, using a knitting needle, pull the remaining 4 stitches together. To do this, we pass the thread through each of the four loops, each time directing it from the center outward. Pull the working thread and pull it together, secure the thread and hide it in the center of the heart.

That's all! The crocheted volumetric heart is ready!

Using approximately the same pattern, you can make a knitted heart with crocheted hands. The “torso” of our voluminous heart is taken as the basis. We also need a wire, which we insert into the “body” at the level of the handles. And then we tie the wire sc in a circle, starting from the tips of the handles to the base. The number of sc depends on the thickness of the wire. You can also tie the legs.

The pattern of a crocheted cat in the shape of a heart is also similar to the previous ones. The “torso” of our voluminous heart is again taken as a basis. We make the tail in the same way as the handles described above. Sew on the eyes, nose and bow.

So we have a cat!!!

Similar materials

A heart made with your own hands is a wonderful gift for friends and family for all holidays.

It is especially relevant as a cute gift on Valentine's Day. But it’s especially nice to receive a heart crocheted from bright multi-colored threads as a gift.

A knitted heart looks original, festive and has many colorful design options. The heart can be flat, voluminous, openwork, with frills, bows and even an embroidered face. It all depends on the imagination of the craftswoman who created it.

If you don’t know how to crochet, you can always find lessons on this needlework on the Internet for beginners. If you know how to crochet, you can easily create a cute souvenir by studying our master class.

To knit a heart you need very little: threads, a hook and a piece of your soul. To design and create a form, you may sometimes need additional materials:

  • Sintepon for filling, glue, sewing needle, floss.
  • Braid, ribbon, buttons, beads, rhinestones and other decorations.

How to crochet a heart

The algorithm for knitting a heart is simple: knit it according to the pattern and design it according to the description, or decorate it using your imagination - then the souvenir will turn out to be even more original.

There are several secrets that will help you knit your cute product easily, quickly and beautifully:

  • The thicker your knitting threads, the larger your heart will be.
  • Choose bright threads for creativity so that your creation looks beautiful and festive.
  • For greater charm, you can embroider a touching, funny or joyful face on the heart.
  • Add a pleasant aroma to your gift by adding a piece of vanilla, coffee beans or a cinnamon stick.

We offer detailed master classes on knitting holiday hearts, both for beginners and experienced needlewomen.

Designations used in knitting patterns:

  • VP - air. a loop
  • sc - st. without crochet
  • psn - half-st. double crochet
  • ssn-st. double crochet
  • s2n-st. with 2 yarn overs
  • ss - connecting art.
  • P-addition
  • U-decrease

Large voluminous heart

We will need: 30 g of red acrylic yarn, padding polyester, hook number 4.

Procedure: crochet a heart according to the attached pattern, inserting filler on the 27th and 30th rows. Before closing the loops, you can put natural flavoring inside.

Flat crochet heart

We will need: leftover pink or red yarn, hook number 4.

Work order: knit the product according to the given pattern. The size of a heart made from wool yarn is 3 cm, from cotton yarn - about 2 cm. These hearts are knitted very quickly, so you can make them as a gift for all your friends.

Knitting pattern:

  • 3 air We close the loops into a ring and knit in a circle.
  • 3 air lifting loops, 4 tbsp. 2 yarn overs, 3 tbsp. double crochet, picot from one loop, 3 tbsp. double crochet, 4 tbsp. 2 yarn overs, 3 chains. loops, connect. Art. to the center of the circle.
  • We cut and bring the thread inside out.

We offer you a few more simple patterns for knitting flat hearts.

Openwork heart

We will need: cotton threads, hook No. 3, button, beads.

Work order: knit according to the pattern, trim with beads and sew on a button.

Volumetric heart with beads

We will need: cotton threads, beads, hook No. 2 or No. 3.

Procedure: crochet the heart according to the pattern, stuffing it with padding poly before closing the loops. Then we decorate the heart with beads, as shown in the picture.

A few more ideas

Useful tips

A crocheted heart can be a wonderful addition to a gift, a nice souvenir or part of a decoration.

Crocheted heart (description)


v.p. - air loop

sc - single crochet

Ub. - decrease (grab the thread from the first and next loops and pull the main thread through them)

Arr. – increase (two sc in one loop)


· Any yarn, the larger the yarn, the larger the heart will be

·Embroidery needle


The pattern starts from the bottom.

After each row, count your stitches to make sure you have the correct number of stitches.

Chain of air loops: 3 in. p. plus 1 lifting loop (air loop).

At the end of each row we always knit 1 instep stitch and turn the work at the end of each row.

1st row: 3 sc plus vp, turn (3 sts)

Row 2: approx. in the first loop, sc in the second loop, inc. in the last loop (5 sts)

3rd row: approx. in the first loop, sc in each loop, inc. in the last loop (7 sts)

Row 4: repeat as in the previous row (approx. in the first and last loop and in the middle of the sc) (9 sts)

Row 5: repeat as in the previous row (11 sts)

Row 6: no additions. sc in each loop (11 sts)

Row 7: approx. in the first and last loop and sc in the remaining loops (13 sts)

Row 8: approx. in the first and last loop and sc in the remaining loops (15 sts)

Row 9: approx. in the first and last loop and sc in the remaining loops (17 sts)

Row 10: no additions. sc in each loop (17 sts)

Row 11: approx. in the first and last loop and sc in the remaining loops (19 sts)

12, 13, 14 row: no additions. sc in each loop (19 sts)

Now let's start knitting the right lobe of the heart.

15th row: 9 sc, in. p. and turn. Remember, at the end of each row we knit a ch. (lifting loop)

Row 16: dec, sc in remaining stitches (8 sts)

17th row: kill. at the beginning and end of the row (first two and last two loops), sc in the remaining loops (6 sts)

Row 19: two dec. (2 p.)

Cut the thread.

We begin to knit the left lobe of the heart

Make a slip knot.

Row 15: sc in the 9th loop on the left, another 8 sc, in. p. and turn (9 p.)

One loop in the middle of the 15th row will not be knitted.

16th row: sc in the first 7 loops, decrease (8 sts)

17th row: kill. at the beginning and end of the row, sc in the remaining loops (6 sts)

Row 18: kill. at the beginning and end of the row, sc in the remaining loops (4 sts)

Row 19: two dec. (2 p.)

The heart is ready, but do not cut the thread right away.

Starting where you ended, work around the outer edges of the heart (1 sc in each space at the end of the row).

When you reach the tip of the heart, make 3 sc in one loop, at the same time when you reach the groove, make a decrease to gather a little. After tying, cut the thread and hide the end of the thread.

Crochet a heart for beginners

This simple heart can be made very quickly in a variety of colors and makes a great addition to a gift.

Make an amigurumi ring and 4 chain stitches.

Then inside the ring: 2 double crochets, 3 double crochets, chain stitch, 1 double crochet, chain stitch, 3 double crochets, 2 double crochets, 3 chain crochets.

Tighten the ring.

Make a connecting post in the center of the heart.

Pull the thread through and bring it inside out.

Volumetric crochet heart


sc - single crochet

Ub. – decrease (knit 2 single crochets together)


hook 3.75 mm

Red yarn


·Embroidery needle

Use a marker on each row to avoid confusion when counting stitches.

1st calyx

Row 3: *2sc in first stitch, 1sc in next, repeat from *around, (18 stitches)

Row 4: *2 sc in first stitch, 1 sc in next 2 sts, repeat from *around, (24 sts)

Cut the thread, leaving a tail 15 cm long, and set the piece aside

2nd cup

Row 1: ch 2, 6 sc in first stitch, place marker

2nd row: 2 sc in each loop in a circle (12 sts)

Row 3: *2 sc in first st, 1 sc in next, repeat from * around, (18 sts)

Row 4: *2 sc in first stitch, 1 sc in next 2 sts, repeat from *around, (24 sts)

Don't finish, remove the hook and take the first circle

Using the tail from the first circle, we connect two circles with a half single crochet. You will get an "eight".

Rows 5 – 13: Start crocheting two circles (42 stitches)

Row 14: *decrease, 1 sc in next 5 stitches*, repeat with * around

Row 15: sc in each stitch

Row 16: *decrease, 1 sc in next 4 stitches, repeat with * around

Row 17: sc in each loop

Row 18: *decrease, 1 sc in next 3 stitches, repeat with * around

Row 19: sc in each loop

Row 20: *decrease, 1 sc in next 2 stitches, repeat with * around

Row 21: sc in each stitch

Start filling the heart with filler

Row 22: *decrease, 1 sc in next stitch, repeat with * around

Row 23: sc in each loop

For the hardworking - a bright light burns through life, for the lazy - a dim candle

Crochet heart – 7 patterns and 1 master class

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Hello, dear craftswomen. Today I will tell you how to crochet a heart as a gift for Valentine's Day. Crocheted valentines can be a gift on their own or decorate a gift box and greeting card.

In our article you will find ready-made patterns, one master class, as well as ideas for independent creative crocheting of a heart.

Crochet heart – BASED ON SQUARE.

The most convenient and easiest way creating an openwork heart with crochet - this is if first you knit a square doily, and then on two adjacent sides of this lace square knit semicircles– separately – first right, then left.

You need to start knitting this semicircle from the center point on the side of the square- first a small semicircle in the center, above it another row of columns, and more until you reach the corners of the square. And the same thing on the other side.

Using this principle, you can crochet hearts without even having a pattern - by eye.

Crochet heart - LACERY PATTERNS.

But it is better to knit such hearts strictly according to the pattern if you are a beginner crochet maker. But a master with extensive experience can come up with similar openwork heart-shaped motifs right as he knits.

Crochet heart – ON WIRE FRAME

When you crochet a heart, you can simply use it as a napkin, or you can pull it onto the wire frame and decorate a window or wall. This crocheted heart can become an elegant element of your interior.

This is easy to do, straighten your napkin on the table and made of strong thick wire or cable bend the outline of the heart, repeating the shape of the napkin.

Next, you need to wrap the threads around the entire wire and during the winding process, pass the thread through the edges of the lace heart. That is, you simultaneously wrap the threads around the wire and grab, As you work, tie the knitted heart itself to this wire.

Crochet heart - SIMPLE MASTER CLASS.

Such a garland of hearts can decorate your room if you spend a couple of evenings on the sofa in the company of a crochet hook and balls of thread.

The principle by which this heart is knitted is clearly and clearly depicted in step-by-step photographs.

First we dial chain of 5-6 air loops, we close it in a ring. We tie this ring next to it single crochet– you get such a knitted circle (Fig. 1).

Next we start in a circle a new row of double crochets, and in the first loop of the bottom row we knit 5 columns at once with a double crochet (Fig. 2) - we did it upper left “ear” of the heart.

We continue tying in a circle, one double crochet in each loop of the bottom row (Fig. 3), until we reach the place where it will be pointed lower tip of the heart– here we knit in one loop 2 double crochets.

Again we continue to knit in a circle, one double crochet in each loop of the previous row, until we reach the penultimate one. There we will knit second “ear” of the heart– that is, we knit 5 double crochets into one loop of the bottom row at once (Fig. 4).

Last, the column closing this 2nd row(the one between the ears) we do without a crochet.

Now take yarn of a contrasting color and we tie our heart with single crochets– and only where the heart has a pointed lower tip can you knit a couple of double crochets.

That's it, our crocheted Valentine is ready.

Crochet heart - WITHOUT PATTERN.

And here are photos of crocheted hearts, for which I did not find a pattern. But here and from the photograph you can figure out how it is connected.


Here's a version of the heart napkin that uses the fabric crochet technique.

Cut out an 8-pointed star from fabric. You thread a red thread into a needle (the same threads from which we are going to knit a heart) and tie the edges of our fabric napkin with an overcast or other suitable seam.

From these knitted edges you will begin to knit one heart at a time, heart by heart.

Crochet valentine - INTERRUPTION.

Here we simply knit simple strips of stitches from threads of 2 contrasting colors. We intertwine the strips with a checkerboard pattern and fix our design with semicircles.

Crochet heart – CUP HOLDERS.

I didn’t find a pattern for knitting these particular cup holders, but I did find another pattern suitable for such knitted valentines.

Crochet heart – ELEGANT LACE.

And here are a couple more crocheted hearts.

Knitting these hearts is very similar to knitting a regular lace collar. Therefore, you can find a suitable pattern among the crochet collar patterns and slightly modify it - that is, add knitting elements to it, thanks to which the heart will have a pointed tip at the bottom and round at the top, forming 2 semicircle ears.

This lace heart-collar can be decorated with knitted flowers and leaves. Or thread a bright ribbon and embroider it with beads.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, souvenirs, gifts and crafts in the shape of hearts become especially relevant. And if we are all already accustomed to the paper version of the symbol of love, then such a sign of attention as a knitted heart is already a more original version of a DIY valentine.

If you already know how to crochet a heart, then here are at least 10 options where you can apply it:

  1. The heart can be used as a keychain or a refrigerator magnet.
  2. It can be used as a decoration for a flower pot (by planting it on a thick, durable stick secured inside a bouquet or flower stems).
  3. Crocheted hearts with a special loop can be hung on furniture handles or on various hooks, i.e. used as a cute interior detail.
  4. Several multi-colored knitted hearts can be arranged in a glass vase - elegant and modern. Or similar homemade gizmos can be a decoration for a holiday table, you just need to arrange them in an interesting way between dishes.
  5. By attaching a piece of Velcro to the back of the heart, you can attach it to your clothes as a symbol of involvement in the holiday.
  6. The heart can be embroidered with beads or beads, decorated with braid or lace, making it a real small work of art.
  7. You can make a funny little man with arms and legs and a heart-shaped base. Children will love this surprise.
  8. You can embroider a face on a knitted heart, and let its emotions be an expression of your feelings.
  9. Sewn lace wings will make such a souvenir more touching.
  10. Finally, the knitted heart itself can be a self-sufficient Valentine.

For those who don’t know how to crochet a heart, don’t worry. This is not difficult to do; the process itself will take a little time. When working, we focus on the size of 5.5 by 6 cm.


  • Hook (ideal size - 3.5)
  • Yarn (100% acrylic)

You can choose the yarn for knitting your future souvenir yourself, but you need to choose the right hook size for it.

So, to crochet a heart, first we make a magic ring. To do this, we begin to knit a rise column - three air loops.

Then we connect them with the lifting column into the upper (third) air loop.

And again we knit a rise column - these, as we remember, are three air loops.

After which we again knit a chain of three air loops and, using a half single crochet, connect them to the bottom (first) loop of the instep column.

Now we vertically knit a half single crochet between the stitches of the inner circle of the heart.

We must knit a circle and then connect it to the beginning of knitting (using a half single crochet).

After this stage, we knit along the contour of our heart according to the pattern: 1 single crochet, 2 single crochets in a loop, 1 single crochet, 2 single crochets in one loop, etc.

Now we need to form a picot: at the bottom of the heart (where two double crochets are knitted), in the first double crochet we carefully knit 1 loop, then 3 air loops, connect the third loop to the first using a half single crochet.

We knit one stitch into the next double crochet and continue (as before) alternating: 2 single crochets, 1 single crochet, 2 single crochets, 1 single crochet, etc.

We tie the last rise stitch with three single crochets, cut the thread, pull it out of the last loop, connect it to the beginning of the first rise stitch.

On the back side of the heart we tie this thread and the thread used for the magic ring. Of course, we cut off the tails of the knot.

Our souvenir is ready! Now you know how easy it is to crochet a heart.

For 2 more master classes on knitting valentines, watch the video tutorials: