Is it possible to change the ring to a different size? If the purchased jewelry is not suitable - features of returning and exchanging jewelry

Consumer interests are protected by Law No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. This law regulates the relationship between buyer and seller, as well as the procedure for returning goods of inadequate and proper quality.

Is it possible to return jewelry in 2020?

The consumer can exchange a non-food product of proper quality within 14 days, not counting the day of its purchase (Article 25).

An exchange takes place if the specified product has not been used, the buyer has retained its presentation, consumer properties, and there are sales or cash receipts (it is permissible to refer to witness testimony).

If a similar product is not on sale, the buyer may refuse to fulfill the sales contract and demand the return of the amount paid for the product. Money is returned within three days from the date of return of the specified product.

Let's consider whether it is possible to return the jewelry to the store.

But jewelry and other products made of precious metals or stones, cut precious stones are included in the list of goods of proper quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for goods of a different size, shape, or color. The procedure is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55.

But can jewelry be exchanged or returned if it is defective? If the seller does not mention the defects, the buyer can:

If you simply don’t like the jewelry or it doesn’t fit, you cannot return silver or gold items.

Is it possible to return a ring to a jewelry store if the imprint of the state hallmark of the Russian Federation does not correspond to the actual sample of the jewelry alloy? Can.

It is also necessary to check the product for compliance with the product characteristics of the label and quality certificate.

Let's take a closer look at how to return jewelry of inadequate quality to a store.

Products of inadequate quality are replaced with a new product that has not yet been used. When a replacement is made, the warranty period is calculated anew from the moment the product is transferred to the buyer.

Making payments to the buyer if he purchased a defective product:

  • if a low-quality product is replaced with a product of the same brand, the price of the product is not recalculated;
  • if a low-quality product is replaced with a product of a different brand, and the price of the product is lower than the price of the product that is offered in exchange, the buyer pays the difference;
  • If the item being replaced is more expensive than the item being provided, the buyer is paid the difference.

By law, jewelry is returned only when there is a manufacturing defect. After transferring the goods to the buyer, the seller is not responsible for any defects that arise.

Reasons for return:

  • the sample does not correspond to reality;
  • inserts fall out of the product;
  • a watch bought in a jewelry store has stopped working or is not working correctly, the bracelet is broken;
  • Defects soon appeared on a bracelet or chain made of gold or silver: links were loose, the lock did not work well, the jewelry was torn.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 regulates the aspects that jewelry trade must comply with.

Mandatory criteria:

Each piece of jewelry must contain a label with the following information:

  • Name;
  • manufacturer information;
  • type of precious metal;
  • vendor code;
  • try;
  • processing method;
  • price.

If the jewelry contains a non-precious stone, this information must be included on the tag.

The jewelry is returned immediately after the defect is discovered. According to the law, goods made of gold and silver are returned:

  • within two weeks after purchase if visible defects are detected;
  • within 6 months after discovery of a hidden defect.

But you need to pay attention to the warranty period, during which you can make claims to the seller if you cannot prove that the defects appeared after purchase. The manufacturer can set the warranty period himself.

If the deadline is set, the buyer is not required to prove that the defects appeared before the jewelry was handed over to him; the seller must prove this himself.

If there is no warranty period, the buyer must prove that the product was already defective before purchase. An independent examination will help to do this.

Reasons why they may refuse to return money or exchange goods

The law establishes the following grounds for refusal:

  • deadlines were not met;
  • the defect was caused to the product after purchase;
  • The product warranty period has expired.

If the buyer respects the law regarding returns and exchanges, the seller must comply.

If there is an unreasonable refusal to return or exchange a product, it is better to file a complaint. If the situation is not resolved amicably, the next step is to file a lawsuit.

The activity of pawnshops is to provide borrowed funds in exchange for the delivery of personal valuables.

Rules for accepting jewelry at a pawnshop:

The purchase is returned only when an examination has determined that the product is counterfeit.

When purchasing a product, you must ensure that there are no defects by carefully inspecting the product. This especially applies to expensive jewelry.

If the clasp on the bracelet is defective, it may come unfastened and get lost. But if the defect was not noticed immediately, after its discovery you need to familiarize yourself with your rights to return or exchange jewelry.

Can gold and silver jewelry be returned? Jewelry of proper quality cannot be returned to the store or exchanged.

But this statement does not apply to defective products. Sellers in jewelry stores often take advantage of customers’ ignorance and do not accept defective items, citing Resolution No. 55.

This is just an attempt to evade responsibility. If a defect is discovered, the client may demand that the defects be eliminated free of charge, cover the costs spent on eliminating the defect, replace the product with a similar one, or return the amount of money paid.

From precious metal, it will take about 10 minutes. This procedure is simple and is usually done in front of you. It is important that the jewelry falls into the hands of a skilled jeweler. Here's what you need to know about this procedure.

Special attention when adjusting ring size with gems require stones. For example, the most “given” and favorite stone “with meaning” is a diamond. But when heated, when the ring is reduced or enlarged to avoid trouble, It is better to remove the insert from the base of the ring. Even if it is a durable diamond.

If you see that the master begins work without removing the stone from the base, stop him and demand this. Let it cost a little more. Remember that the miser pays twice

How to reduce your ring size

Cutting out a piece of shank. The procedure is most often carried out on rings with stones, where it is important not to damage the overall structure. To reduce the ring by one size, a piece of the shank (base) about 3.14 mm long is cut out, and the joint is ground and polished.

Hammering the shank of the ring. The ring is put on the bolt, and then the metal is heated and knocked down. This method is recommended for adjusting the size of simple rings without stones or decorative elements. This is how classic wedding rings are customized. If the ring needs to be reduced by half a size, the ring is not heated, but simply knocked down. When it is a size or two, the metal is heated gradually and knocked down to the required parameters.

Downsizing. Shrinkage of the ring shank when heated

Insertion without sawing. An additional base metal plate or another additional ring is inserted into the inner part of the ring. This is one of the most expensive methods. With this correction, signs of impact on the ring are excluded, only the internallower diameter of the product.

How to increase your ring size

Ring boring. The inner layer of the tire is cut out. This is the easiest and most painless way to increase your ring size by half a size. Boring- sometimes the only way to increase the size of a ring with a thick shank, stones and decorative elements without damage.

Mechanical stretching of metal. Suitable for increasing the size of classic rings without inserts and stones, most often wedding rings. In this case, the ring should not be too wide, about 10mm. First, the jeweler calculates the size by which the ring needs to be enlarged, and then, by heating and rotating it on the crossbar, he achieves the desired parameters. Cleaning and polishing the ring at the end of work completely eliminates any traces of impact. But this method is not suitable for rings that are too thin; they may simply burst.

Metal insert. When the elements of a ring (complex stone setting, ornament) have high artistic value, the only way to increase its size is make an insert from similar metal. The ring is cut from the bottom, expanded to the required size, and an insert made of the same metal (of the same standard, color and shade) is soldered in. For shine and gloss, even before the procedure, the ring is immersed in a solution of boric acid. As a result, you will not be able to distinguish a corrected ring from a new one.

At the end of all procedures, the master polishes the ring and the stone itself. Then he wipes it with napkins soaked in a special solution.

Polishing and daily cleaning of jewelry

Ideally, such services are not needed. To do this, it is better to try on a hundred times, and only then make the final choice!

Not all citizens of the Russian Federation know their rights regarding returning goods to a store. If a product has been purchased of inadequate quality and a person wants to return it, he should refer to the text of Federal Law 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. It covers all aspects regarding returns and exchanges of any purchase.

The Federal Law specifies the rules for the return and exchange of goods such as household appliances, electrical appliances, food, clothes, shoes, and so on. As for gold and silver jewelry, their return and exchange is possible only in accordance with with Article 18 of this law. The provisions of this article state that if the buyer notices defects in a piece of jewelry that the seller did not report, then the consumer has the right to make a claim.

Jewelry, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998, is included in the list of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged. In other words: an exchange or return is possible only if the purchased jewelry has a manufacturing defect or is damaged due to a reason beyond the control of the buyer. Returns or exchanges are possible only during the warranty period.

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In accordance with the law, The consumer has the right to put forward demands to the seller:

  • about replacing the jewelry with exactly the same one;
  • about replacement with another decoration, taking into account price changes;
  • about a price reduction due to a defective piece of jewelry;
  • to eliminate the defect at the expense of the seller;
  • on reimbursement of expenses incurred by the buyer in eliminating the defect;
  • for a full refund for the paid product (in this case, it is necessary to return the jewelry of inadequate quality back to the store).

Based on their provisions in Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” it follows:

  • in the case when the jewelry does not fit in size, style, etc., then returning gold and silver to the store is not possible;
  • If the jewelry is defective (poor quality) and this fact can be confirmed by examination, then a return is possible.

What does the PPA say about the trade in jewelry?

The Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” in Article 26.2 specifies the rules for the sale of jewelry. The text of this article contains provisions that the terms of trade in gold and silver jewelry are established by the Russian Government.

Download the text of the law on consumer protection

When purchasing something, you need to make sure there are no defects. To do this, you should carefully examine the product, especially for expensive jewelry. For example, if there is a defect on the lock of a gold chain, it may come unfastened and get lost. Therefore, it is important to detect the defect as early as possible.

But if, when purchasing a piece of jewelry of poor quality, the defect was not noticeable, then after discovering it, you need to familiarize yourself with your rights to return the jewelry back to the store. To do this, you should study the full version of the law. You can download the latest edition of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” with amendments and additions at

Do you want to return or exchange jewelry, but the seller refuses to accept the goods, claiming that it is illegal? Let's figure it out!

Answer the questions and we will tell you how to act correctly.

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What to do if your favorite ring has become too big for you, and you don’t want to say goodbye to it? There are several ways to solve this rather difficult problem. You can wear it on another finger. So, they all have different sizes. This option is quite affordable for women and men.

Jeweler's help

Also, if a gold ring is important to you, then you can turn to a jeweler for help. This service does not cost quite a lot of money. Anyone can use it.

The cost of this service is about 500 rubles. This amount is small. Husbands often mistakenly choose the wrong ring for their wives. And to get a partner, the girls manage to wear it on different fingers. You can also reduce the size. This mainly applies to simple products, without engraving and complex composition.

Three ways

What to do if the ring is large in size? Jewelers can reduce size in three ways: adding, cutting and shrinking. Addition is considered the most rare procedure. More expensive in price. Another thin one is added inside the ring, and because of this the size becomes smaller. Compression is the application of high temperature. During this procedure, the ring becomes smaller. Cutting occurs as follows: simply part of the metal is removed, and the product becomes much smaller.

Downsizing houses

So what if the ring is large? What to do at home? Many people ask these questions. Of course, you can correct it yourself, but take into account if it is ordinary jewelry.

Of course, you shouldn’t squeeze it with great force. You can give it an oval shape. Then the product should fit you in size. It is worth taking this work seriously. Because with significant effort, you can simply ruin your favorite ring and, thereby, get upset.

Big wedding

What to do if the engagement ring is too big? Yes, sometimes that happens. That is, it happens that the ring purchased for a wedding does not fit in size. There is a sign that if the engagement party turns out to be big, then love and happiness go away with it. But still, don't be upset. Since everything can be fixed, it is worth taking action quickly. You can move the decoration to the middle finger, it is thicker than the ring finger. This option is suitable for women and men. Perhaps just hang a chain and wear it around your neck. But this option is not suitable for everyone. Since many people prefer to wear it on the ring finger. If you put a ring on your other finger, other people will not perceive it. They will assume that you are not married and may constantly ask questions on this topic. The best thing to do would be to contact a jeweler. He will measure everything and adjust the ring to the desired size, and you will be satisfied with the result. The price is not too expensive, and anyone who has encountered this problem can afford it.

Indian method

There is another excellent method for reducing a ring at home, and it was developed in India. This turns out to be quite simple and quick, and there is no need to go to a jewelry workshop for help. You need to create a braid of black nylon thread; it should be dense. You need to wrap the thread and methodically tie it on the rim. The reduction of the ring will depend only on the thickness of the thread.

You can track the size during the process. Next, the ring will take on an unusual or even unique appearance. You can even select threads based on a color close to your ring. Also often chosen is a universal black thread. You should pay attention that the thread is synthetic, since natural thread will be wiped off and also absorb not only dirt, but also sweat coming out of the skin. This method is not suitable for everyone. Because the ring takes on a different look and doesn’t look as good as originally wanted.

Transparent enamel

What to do if the ring is too big? There are situations when jewelers are unable to help and refuse to take on the work. These can be rings with multiple stones, which after alloying can simply either deteriorate or melt during operation. And then you have to try different methods at home. One of them is to buy clear nail enamel.

You need to paint the inside of the ring in ten layers. Carefully remove the excess with a knife for cutting linoleum or an ordinary stationery knife. It all needs to freeze. And then you can try on the product, even if it is still too big for you, you can apply several more layers of enamel. Reviews about this method are positive and indicate the popularity of the method. The duration of this method depends on external factors. If the product is frequently exposed to various chemical influences, the enamel can quickly fall off. And it will last for several years.

In general, there are many ways to fix this problem. In any case, you need to think it over carefully and make the right decision. Many people immediately resort to a jewelry workshop for help. They will not only give you advice, but also help you choose the right option for your ring. And if this is ordinary jewelry, but you have unusual stories associated with it or simply value it, then you can use different methods at home, which are listed in this article.

The engagement ring will be more difficult to deal with at home. But still, many people wonder what to do if the ring is large? It especially often happens that a man bought and guessed the possible size. At the same time, the ring was not the right size for the girl. It is not recommended to bend it yourself at home or perform other methods to eliminate this problem. It’s better to turn to specialists for help; they will choose the method themselves to ensure that your ring fits in size. According to omens, the ring should be worn on the ring finger. Some people simply hang it around their neck with a chain or another finger. This is not entirely correct and will lead to unnecessary questions that are not entirely pleasant, as we have already said above.

Therefore, it is better to wear the wedding ring on the right finger, follow the omen and, most importantly, believe in it.


When purchasing any jewelry or gold product, you need to make sure that it is of high quality. And in the case of gold, it is necessary to look at the sample of the product. After all, if the purchase is made of low-quality metal, then it will not last very long. Therefore, you need to take into account all the nuances so that problems do not arise in the future.

A little conclusion

If you notice that your ring has become large, we described above what to do in such a situation. In this case, you do not need to immediately run to the workshop and give money. It is worth carefully analyzing why this happened. If you have lost weight and it happened by accident, you can simply replace it and try to gain it back if you need it, without harming your health. And if you have already bought it, then in some cases there are ways to exchange the item in a jewelry store. Whatever method you choose, the main thing is that it brings results.