An inattentive child: what should parents do? How to treat distracted attention in a child? What to do if the child is not collected

The child is systematically late, does not have time to pack his briefcase, and loses textbooks and notebooks.

Are you surprised that this happens? Is everything different in your family and your friends? So you are just lucky! After all, many children are just like that: scattered, uncollected, unnecessary. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, but they are the same. Everyday being late for classes, a mess in your briefcase, on your desk, in your closet, in your room... The constant search for notebooks, textbooks, pens that disappear with surprising consistency - everything you need to do homework or other things. Time is wasted in endless searches for mysteriously disappearing objects.

This tires both adults and children. After all, such children do not rest at all - they have no time for this! And homework is done at night in a half-asleep, tired state, under the lamentations of equally tired parents. What can be done to restore peace and harmony in family relationships, so that the child stops being late and becomes attentive and collected?

There are children who keep everything in order. For them, putting things back in their place is a natural need, formed from early childhood. How to brush your teeth morning and evening. Automatically. If your children are still small, do not waste time, teach them order, punctuality, and bringing things to their logical conclusion.

What if they are already schoolchildren? It will be more difficult, since children have already developed a stereotype of behavior in a given situation. They can read, thinking not at all about the plot, but about foreign objects. In this case, the work for parents will be long, you need to be patient and persevering.

If a child is late, you should see if he follows the daily routine? Or is it not there at all? Then it is urgent to develop, together with the child, a regime that meets the requirements of the school year (because in the summer it may be different). It takes into account all the necessary points, including before leaving home for school, checking the availability of the notebooks, textbooks, stationery, keys, and mobile phone needed that day.

Since many children have some kind of clubs or sports sections almost every day, it is better to create a schedule for every day of the week. This is especially important at the beginning of the fight against absent-mindedness and inability to organize your time. During the school year, you should not change your time of getting up and going to bed on weekends.

The child may oversleep and therefore be late due to restless sleep. In addition to the usual advice to ventilate the room, especially before going to bed, keep it clean, do not clutter, you need to take into account that the child may not sleep well due to anxious thoughts: he did not do his homework, did not prepare his clothes, he was strongly impressed by an aggressive film watched in the evening etc. Therefore, try to eliminate anything negative that may interfere with your child's sleep. Check if all homework is done? If there is a test tomorrow, ask if he is ready for it. If there are problems, ask what they are. Not sure what will solve the problem? Offer to solve several similar tasks together. Doesn’t understand how to use a certain spelling - read it, understand the content, practice with relevant examples.

If a child has a lot of free time, he is not in a particular hurry. Where? For what? You can search for a textbook abandoned somewhere for at least several hours. And a notebook too. In this case, time is devalued. Help your child organize their leisure time wisely. So that he clearly knows that he only has an hour and a half to do his homework, for example, from four to half past six. And then he should run to his favorite basketball game (or somewhere else), and then take a little walk. And so every day there should be some significant things to do. And in the evening ask: what did you manage to do today? The child must have something to say. Otherwise, there is reason to think about whether your beloved child’s day is filled correctly?

And of course you need to look at yourself from the outside. If parents are late everywhere, everywhere and always, if they scatter their things, every day they live as they have to, and not according to an approximate (at least) plan, then it is not surprising that children are like that too. Monitor your behavior. Maybe we need to start with ourselves. Personal example is the most powerful means of educating the younger generation.

Tatiana Savenko

Good afternoon The eldest son is almost 4 years old. When I turn to him, he doesn’t hear me the first time, he’s very passionate about the game. I have to call several times. On the site, being 3-4 meters away from him, I call, but he doesn’t hear. I come closer, he doesn’t hear me, then even closer, sometimes I have to grab my sleeve to make him pay attention. I see that other children are called and respond immediately, but mine is so carried away that he doesn’t hear anything. He also quickly forgets what is possible and what is not. I say it 25 times, then he remembers it. We study with him using books and magazines, he gets distracted, he can start singing songs, he loves to sing. He doesn’t want to draw at all, maybe with chalk on a blackboard, but not on paper with a pencil.

Color, size, shape, he knows everything. We went to a speech therapist, there are no deviations, he speaks really well. But he doesn’t formulate phrases correctly, he might say: “Mom, let’s eat in the morning?” We went to a psychologist, they just said he was distracted, but they didn’t tell me what to do. I don’t scold him too much, I put him in a corner or in the room to sit. I never hit. This is fundamental, my husband and I decided that we shouldn’t hit him.

How to develop attention? What's wrong with the child? Where is the omission? And is there a problem or is it age related? I started noticing this six months ago. Now we are registering for kindergarten, and that’s what I’m worried about.

Thank you very much for your answer! We went to the ENT specialist, everything is fine, there are small adenoids. The neurologist does not diagnose any abnormalities, although she prescribed tenoten and pantocalcin, but the psychologist... We had an appointment today. She said developmental delay. I gave him several pictures, named everyone except the horse, said the donkey, and thought for about three seconds. She didn't give any more tests. To my questions about what it is and what to do, the answer was go to a speech therapist. I understand that she is a free psychologist at the clinic, and I didn’t expect much, but I’m at a loss. Either our psychologists have such high standards, or she determined the lag based on one mistake (maybe a professional) or go to another psychologist. Maybe I really demand a lot from my child, but I am worried about his absent-mindedness and inattention. I’m explaining something to him, I finished explaining, and he said to me: what’s up, mom? By the way, my husband is the same. And my question to you: why does he ignore it and what activities do you recommend with your child? Thanks a lot!!!

Photo: Gennadiy Poznyakov/

A good memory, the ability to concentrate, and listen carefully - all this is necessary for successful study at school. However, children often suffer from inattention and absent-mindedness. And this leads to incorrectly completed assignments and deterioration in academic performance in general. How to fix this situation?

Causes of inattention

How does it manifest? Typically you will notice the following signs:
the child has difficulty presenting information;
It is very difficult to find and correct errors;
math text problems are difficult;
extraneous sounds immediately distract from a specific task;
the child cannot establish a cause-and-effect relationship.

If you see one or two signs, it means the student needs help. He himself is not able to solve this problem.

Why is the child distracted and unconcentrated? There can be many reasons. Here are the main ones:

poor health – the body is fighting viruses and there is no longer enough strength to maintain attention;
with hyperactivity – a child with this diagnosis finds it difficult to concentrate on something for a long time;
great emotional and physical stress - the more tired the child is, the less he controls his attention;
there is a negative emotional situation in the family - parents argue and swear, and this negatively affects the student;
the child is not interested in studying - he is bored, because there are many other interesting activities;
children have a weak nervous system - because of this, the child is not able to quickly switch and concentrate on some type of activity;
parents do not create a working environment for the student - they do not have their own desk, the child is often distracted by conversations.

You can try to fix all this, but you will have to make a lot of effort.

How to help a child?

Of course, if a child is diagnosed with ADHD, then consultation with a specialist is necessary. The doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment and give recommendations to help cope with the problem.

If a student is often sick, then it is necessary. Proper nutrition, a regime of rest and study, hardening, frequent walks - this is what will help the child become stronger and healthier. As for other causes of inattention, different actions are needed.

First of all, parents should pay more attention to their child. Try to watch how the student prepares his homework, teach him to check his work, help him in difficult moments. Do all this kindly, do not criticize or scold the child constantly. This will only make the problem worse. If a student has no interest in learning, it is necessary to instill this interest by any means. This is easy to do with younger students - tell them something interesting about literature, language, mathematics and other subjects. If a child sees that a lesson is not just about boring tasks, but also about receiving new, entertaining information, he will want to learn.

It is very useful to create a lesson plan and daily routine. This will help the child better navigate time, not be distracted by extraneous matters, and be more responsible about their tasks. Make a daily routine and plan together with your child, take his opinion into account.

It is important to prepare the child’s workplace. The student must have his own desk, everything unnecessary must be removed from it - toys, books, telephone. And, of course, a working environment should be created so that the student is not distracted by anything - TV, telephone, computer, conversations.

A calm home climate is another important point in solving the problem. Communication should be friendly, calm, avoid quarrels and showdowns in front of the child.

All of these tips will help you develop responsibility and a desire to learn.

Games for attention and memory

You also need to play special games that train your memory and promote concentration.

Here are some useful games:
collecting puzzles;
game with letters - make many short words from a long word;
games of chess and checkers;
game - find the object. It is necessary to lay out five to seven objects, the child must remember them. Then the child turns away and the adult removes one item. The child must find out what is missing;
various labyrinths and logical chains;
game – “edible-inedible” (game with a ball);
various children's card games;
the game is shown in two similar pictures.

There are a lot of such games in children's magazines. Although you can come up with them yourself. It is also useful to memorize poetry, look for errors in the text, and describe a picture using as many words as possible.

The main thing is to work with your child systematically, reward him for success in school and simply for trying, because grades will not immediately improve.

Parents often worry that their child is too distracted. Such children are often distracted, cannot concentrate on any task, and forget what they just said. This causes inconvenience, since parents have to control all the child’s actions. For what reasons can children be absent-minded? How to deal with this problem?

What influences a child's attention?

  • Perception. When a child is distracted, he cannot fix his gaze on something specific. His gaze quickly moves from object to object. Subsequently, this leads to the fact that the child does not have a complete and holistic understanding of the world around him.
  • Memory. Children subconsciously remember most of the information they hear and see. The excess then disappears from memory. Absent-minded children need to be taught what to remember and what not to remember. Even after this, they may find it difficult to remember certain things.
  • Thinking and speech. As a result of constant inattention, the structure of speech is not formed. Children can often confuse concepts that are similar in meaning. As a result, the child cannot determine the connections between events and phenomena, as well as the similarities and differences between them.

Signs of absent-mindedness

For a future student, attentiveness is extremely important. How can you tell if your baby is distracted?

  • He cannot do the same thing for a long time.
  • He is distracted by any external stimuli: music, movements and even quiet sounds.
  • You see that the baby is trying, but he still often makes mistakes.
  • It is difficult for him to identify and correct the mistakes he has made.
  • It is difficult for a child to retell even a short story.
  • Since he often fails, he loses interest in any activities that are then assessed. These children prefer games and communication with peers.

It is necessary to combat the child's inattention. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for him to learn the material at school. To get rid of this problem, first of all, it is necessary to determine why the child is so distracted and inattentive. Experts have identified several factors that provoke absent-mindedness in children at an early age.

  • The character of the child is important. If your child is choleric, then he will constantly strive to do a large number of things at the same time. Because of this, he will often be distracted. If the baby is melancholic, then it will be difficult for him to switch attention. Such children can more easily focus on a specific task.
  • A child may be inattentive due to the fact that his body is weakened by a disease. He may have low blood pressure or low hemoglobin levels. For various reasons, children may suffer from frequent headaches. Even a simple cold can be the cause.
  • Sometimes a child does not always show absent-mindedness, but only when engaged in a specific activity. For example, he has difficulty in mathematics or learning foreign languages. Perhaps the child simply does not show interest in this or you need to wait until he is a little older.

How to deal with absent-mindedness

Absent-mindedness is not a death sentence for your baby. Parents must help defeat her. If you cannot cope on your own, consult a psychologist. You can help your child become more focused with the following tips.

  • From an early age, try to teach your child to focus on various objects. Buy him dynamic toys, point to different objects and explain their properties so that the child will keep his attention on them.
  • Mosaics, puzzles, and various construction sets will help develop attentiveness. Explain to your child how to handle such toys. If he is fascinated by this, while playing, your baby will develop not only his attentiveness, but also his logic, as well as fine motor skills. In any case, such games will bring a lot of benefits for the development of the baby.
  • Play the game “Find the Differences” with your child. You can also place several objects in front of him so that he remembers them, and then remove one of them. Let the child guess what exactly you hid. This develops both memory and attentiveness.
  • Go for a walk with your child more often so that he has the opportunity to observe nature and its phenomena. This will broaden his horizons and develop his powers of observation. After all, children at this age are interested in everything. Don't limit his horizons to cartoons. And video games.
  • After watching a cartoon or reading a book, discuss with your child the behavior of the characters, the plot and other details.
  • When your child goes to school, provide him with a comfortable workplace where nothing will distract him from his studies. When he does his homework, the TV and computer should be turned off.
  • A first-grader's daily routine should be clear. Do not overload him with various activities and clubs. Provide your child with adequate nutrition and quality sleep.

With some effort, you can help your child become more attentive.

F90.0 Impaired activity and attention

Causes of absent-mindedness in a child

Schoolchildren may suffer from absent-mindedness due to certain illnesses, conflicts with teachers, peers, relatives, etc. In such an environment, the child will be in tension all the time, which will not allow him to concentrate. If signs of absent-mindedness appear, you need to find out what is the reason for this behavior of the baby, and then solve this problem by eliminating the cause.

There are also cases when a child from birth has absent-mindedness - this is a consequence of certain features of the activity of his nervous system. These features are determined by the uneven development of functions and processes occurring in the child’s brain. If there are such problems, the baby will not be able to concentrate for a long time, will quickly get tired and constantly switch from one thing to another.


Inattentiveness and absent-mindedness in a child are often one of the symptoms of ADHD. If this disease is present, the child experiences absent-mindedness such as “fluttering” attention. Signs of this type of disorder are poor concentration and rapid involuntary switching.

This disease is characterized not only by absent-mindedness - such a baby is also very mobile and overly active - he cannot sit in one place for a long time and do one thing. Such children tend to quickly switch from one job to another, even if the work they are doing is truly interesting to them.

A child with ADHD gets into everything and always finds an opportunity to do something. In addition, he is very restless, constantly forgets something, and is quite clumsy. In some cases, he cannot learn to stand on one leg.

The manifestation of signs of the disease mainly begins at school - then doctors make this diagnosis. The student disrupts classes, spins, spins, and interferes with the teacher and other children. At the same time, he does this completely unintentionally. Children diagnosed with ADHD often have various talents and are quite smart, but at the same time they cannot demonstrate these skills.

Symptoms of absent-mindedness in a child

Absent-mindedness in a child - how to recognize and define it? Below are some symptoms that indicate this problem:

  • Hyperexcitability, restlessness, constant fuss;
  • Very often he changes the work he is doing, abandons it without finishing it;
  • Cannot concentrate on one specific task;
  • Memory problems.

Parents should also pay attention to the following signs that demonstrate the development of inattention in a child:

  • The baby cannot concentrate on a specific task, constantly being distracted from it;
  • Always loses or forgets about his school things, toys and other supplies;
  • Constantly avoids any work that requires concentration, patience and perseverance;
  • Problems arise with school performance due to the fact that he cannot complete even the smallest tasks and makes mistakes in simple situations;
  • Completes any task much later than other children;
  • Characterized by daydreaming;
  • Does not listen to instructions;
  • Can switch to another task without finishing the previous one.

In general, some symptoms may appear in every child from time to time, but if such problems are constantly present in a student, one should look into the issue of finding the cause of such behavior.

First signs

Children who start school are often quite inattentive and distracted - their ability to concentrate has not yet developed. But it is necessary to improve this skill, just like the ability to read, write, and count. Attention manifests itself as the precise execution of functions related to it. Attentive behavior allows you to receive clear and clear images, and in general all thinking processes in this case occur much faster. And the person acts more clearly and accurately.

Carefully monitor your child's behavior - absent-mindedness in a child can lead to problems with school performance. If you find that your baby has the following symptoms for more than six months, you should take him for a consultation with a psychologist:

  • Makes mistakes due to his own inattention, cannot concentrate on small details;
  • Doesn't listen when people talk to him, can't hold his attention for long;
  • Constantly distracted by what is happening around;
  • Cannot finish the job he started;
  • Tries to avoid tasks that involve stress;
  • Forgetful - while performing a task, he may forget how to do it;
  • Loses things that are needed to complete the task.

Absent-mindedness and inattention in a child

Nowadays, studying at school requires children not only to develop mentally and physically, but also to learn to quickly perceive and process a large amount of information. In addition, during the same period of time, many internal changes occur in their mental and physical state. Individual character traits, ability to learn, and motivation can also have an impact. All this can cause symptoms of absent-mindedness in a child.

In elementary school, a child is required not only to be attentive, but also perseverance and accuracy - all this is quite difficult for him to do at first.

The student may also be inattentive due to conflicts with peers, teachers, or problems in the family. If there are younger children, the child may be jealous of them, he may also be afraid of his parents, quarrel with the teacher or classmates. All these reasons affect concentration and concentration.

If a student has been unable to concentrate for a long time (more than 6 months) and is distracted even when working on something interesting to him, he should immediately consult a neurologist. It is possible that the child has a hyperactive syndrome. In this case, you will need the help of a qualified specialist to solve the problem.

Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness and inattention in children

Absent-mindedness in a child can happen for various reasons. Among them is hyperactivity syndrome, which manifests itself in the fact that he often behaves completely uncontrollably. In addition, one may notice a lack of attention and concentration, excessive anxiety, and absent-mindedness. In principle, a child should be so active and restless, but when he behaves too harshly, completely out of control, this is not a good sign.

There are a number of signs that are considered a manifestation of hyperactivity syndrome in a child. Among them:

  • Inability to concentrate even when performing an interesting task that always fascinated the baby;
  • The child talks a lot, is inattentive, absent-minded, constantly forgets about something, restless;
  • Cannot coordinate own movements;
  • It is difficult for him to organize himself for games, study, and relaxation;
  • Does not want to follow universal rules - at home, at school, during games;
  • Very active and mobile all the time;
  • The mood constantly changes, there are changes in emotions.

If you find at least a third of the above-described signs in your child, you should immediately consult a doctor who specializes in treating childhood hyperactivity.

Absent-mindedness in children of primary school age

There are 2 groups into which inattentive and overly distracted children can be divided:

The first of them includes children who, until a certain point, did not suffer from absent-mindedness. In this case, the cause of the problem could be some long-term chronic disease that eventually depleted his nervous system. In addition to this factor, a child’s absent-mindedness may be a consequence of problems in the family or conflict at school. Due to internal tension, the baby is unable to concentrate on school and other daily activities.

The second group consists of children who have absent-mindedness syndrome from the moment of birth. They are such because of a weak nervous system - they have congenital unevenness in the development of brain functions. This deficiency has the greatest impact on attentiveness. Such kids suffer from a lack of energy and constantly change what they are doing. They may notice many different little things in the environment, note various details, but at the same time they will not be able to concentrate on what the teacher is explaining. It’s not their fault, it’s all about a congenital disease that they are not able to overcome.

Absent-mindedness of a primary school child

For a child who has reached the age of 7, the main activity is schooling. This process seriously changes the functioning of all mental processes occurring in his body. Attentiveness also undergoes some changes, because studying requires more serious concentration from the baby. Very often, problems with academic performance in younger schoolchildren are revealed in a lack of concentration, inability to understand teacher requirements, and concentrate on their own work. All this usually causes the greatest criticism from the teacher.

The attentiveness of first-graders is initially poorly developed and is almost no different from the behavior of preschool children - these children are not yet able to simultaneously listen to a story about the life of an artist and look at his painting - they focus on one thing. Absent-mindedness in a child manifests itself in the fact that when performing a difficult task, he will quickly perform actions that are familiar to him, but will immediately forget the essence of the task itself and how the result was obtained. All this happens due to the fact that in the process of performing a given action, he will focus on only one aspect, not paying attention to other nuances.

Complications and consequences

If your child becomes forgetful and begins to show signs of distraction, this may be due to the development of attention deficit disorder. Yes, and this syndrome can appear as a result of another disease or be an independent problem. The disease may be accompanied by a general state of weakness and may occur due to an infection or virus or problems with the endocrine system. So it should be understood that ordinary absent-mindedness in a child can lead to serious consequences if it is not treated carefully.

Problems with attention may be the result of stress that makes the child feel depressed and anxious, or a difficult emotional situation that has happened to him. So, if you notice signs such as an inability to comprehend spoken language and maintain concentration, send your child for an examination. You will need to consult a neurologist and undergo a medical examination. This will avoid the occurrence of various complications, because the doctor will be able to identify the cause of the problem and prescribe the necessary treatment.

In general, problems with attention are considered a sign of illness only if there are other somatic or neuropsychic disorders.

Diagnosis of absent-mindedness in a child

If you notice the signs described below in your child, which are also constantly observed in him, you should be wary. He may have been influenced by ADD. The symptoms are as follows:

  • There is no concentration, the child is constantly distracted from work;
  • Often forgets where he put his books, toys, pens, or even loses them;
  • Avoids tasks that focus on attention to detail and patience;
  • Can jump from one activity to another, does not take advice, directions and instructions;
  • A child is characterized by a state of daydreaming;
  • He is unable to completely complete even a small task and constantly makes small mistakes.

Of course, some of these symptoms are common to most children, but if your child exhibits most of them, and does so more often than other peers, you should be wary. Absent-mindedness in a child can be the result of some kind of disease and manifest itself anywhere - both in kindergarten or school, and at home. Inattention does not depend in any way on what the baby is doing - playing or studying.

It is important to identify this syndrome at an early stage of its development. Children's inability to concentrate and susceptibility to absent-mindedness are dangerous because if this problem is ignored, it will become more serious in the future. With age, it will be much more difficult for the child to cope with its consequences.


Attention is the ability to concentrate the mental activity of the brain on one specific object. Every person, without exception, is capable of involuntarily focusing his attention.

Attentiveness itself is an established character trait of a mature person. An absent-minded child may turn his attention to some task or object, but at the same time he will not be able to fully concentrate. This happens because in childhood such a quality as attentiveness cannot yet become a personal character trait.

Absent-mindedness in a child may be the result of some illness - inflammation of the nasopharynx, the appearance of adenoids, problems with brain function. It is better to analyze the problem with the help of a qualified specialist in order to find out the cause of the violation and make a clear diagnosis.

When starting to find out the causes of absent-mindedness, you should first analyze what your baby’s daily routine is. There is a possibility that he does not get enough sleep, he lacks attention, he receives the wrong nutrition, and is very tired. It is quite possible that this is precisely the reason for the child’s absent-mindedness and inattention. Then all that remains is to eliminate the interfering factor, and everything will improve in his behavior.

Instrumental diagnostics

If symptoms of absent-mindedness appear, you can undergo instrumental diagnostics. The examination course is carried out using the following devices:

  • X-ray of the cervical vertebrae to find out what the level of their pathological mobility is, and whether the child has scoliosis;
  • Ultrasound of the brain to find out whether there are any organic or congenital abnormalities in its vessels and tissue;
  • Ultrasound Dopplerography (Dopplerography) to find out what condition the walls of the vessels are in - their tortuosity, level of compression, narrowing, etc.;
  • Electroencephalography to determine how balanced electrophysiological processes are in brain tissues and cells.

When the entire diagnostic course has been completed, the cause of the disease can be determined and a diagnosis can be made.

Absent-mindedness in a child can be diagnosed using psychological tests. In this case, the development of cognitive processes in a child (involuntary and natural) is studied in detail in an attempt to timely detect and describe voluntary cognitive reactions and actions.

To diagnose your child’s attentiveness, you can use the following play methods:

  • find and cross out;
  • triangles;
  • remember the location of the dots and then arrange them correctly;
  • proofreading test.

Differential diagnosis

In the differential diagnosis of ADD, which may be one of the causes of absent-minded behavior, pathologies that may be inherent in this disease are identified. Its causes can also be a variety of infectious diseases, disorders of the central nervous system and brain, head injuries, lead vapor poisoning, and cerebral hypoxia.

Absent-mindedness in a child, as well as dizziness, headaches, hyperactivity, irritability, and sleep problems can be a sign of neurosis or observed after a traumatic brain injury as post-traumatic syndrome.

Problems with a child’s behavior may not be the result of any illness. Inattention, as well as hyperactivity and impulsiveness, can be due to stress due to the death of someone close or their illness. Or because the child becomes bored - for example, the school curriculum is too easy for him. That is why there should be no rush to make a diagnosis - the child will need to be under the supervision of doctors for six months.

ADD, accompanied by increased activity, must be diagnosed based on anamnesis, which is carried out by interviewing the child’s parents and questioning his school teachers.

Treatment of absent-mindedness in a child

Attention disorder can be treated in different ways. They depend on many factors - on the causes and origin of this symptom, as well as the person himself - his character and individual characteristics.

You can correct absent-mindedness in a child with the help of special activities aimed at improving concentration. These are puzzles and logic problems that the child must solve. It is also important to clearly distribute activities throughout the day, allocating more time for physical activity and proper rest. If no mental illness is detected in the child, then the cause of absent-mindedness will most likely be a lack of interest in the activities offered. So at the initial stage of adjustment, you need to try to solve the problem without using medications. It is necessary to captivate the baby so that he himself is interested in what he is doing - then he will be able to concentrate better.

A growing child's body requires a balance of healthy vitamins, because its absence can also cause problems with attentiveness. In this case, it will be useful to take a complex of vitamins. If the problem arose due to disorders in the immune system, you can undergo a course of treatment with immunostimulants.

Drug treatment

Among the medications that can treat absent-mindedness in a child are psychostimulants, which must be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

  • Glycine, which is a nootropic drug. It helps improve mental abilities, increases performance, and affects the increase in protective processes in the central nervous system. The dosage is 1 tablet. under the tongue.
  • Piracetam, which improves brain metabolism, which helps to better absorb school material. For children, the daily dose of the drug is 30-50 mg.

Side effects: irritability, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, tremors, convulsions.

Contraindications: should not be taken by children with diabetes and allergies to fruit juices. It should also not be administered to infants under 1 year of age.

  • Biotredin, which has a positive effect on the cognitive functions of the brain. It increases alertness and improves memory. The dosage for children is 2 mg/kg body weight for 3-10 days.

Contraindications: do not take together with antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers.

  • Phenibut helps improve blood flow to the brain - it improves brain performance, memory, and helps to better remember a large amount of information.


  • pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • liver failure.

The dosage of the medicine for children is 20-250 mg. More precisely, it is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Side effects: anxiety, irritability, and excessive excitability may occur.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Absent-mindedness in a child can be corrected without the use of medications - the course consists of various procedures, including correction by neuropsychological and pedagogical methods, psychotherapy, and behavior modification methods. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also used.

  • Laser therapy - the course includes 7-10 procedures, one of which involves irradiation of 3-5 zones of the body.
  • DMVtherapy, consisting of 8-10 procedures.
  • 5-10 inhalation procedures.
  • Course of ultraviolet irradiation of the nasopharynx for 3-5 procedures.
  • An ultrasound course consisting of 8-10 procedures.

Parents need to consult a psychotherapist, where they will be explained that they should not perceive such behavior of the child negatively - he does not do this on purpose, so he needs to be treated patiently and with understanding. It is also necessary to ensure that the child follows a daily routine - eats at a certain time, does homework, and goes to bed. Let him get rid of excess energy during long walks, running, jumping, and doing physical exercises.

Because it is difficult for such a child to concentrate, try not to overload him with tasks - let there be only one for a separate time period. You should also carefully select his play partners - they should be calm and balanced.

Traditional treatment

Absent-mindedness in a child can be treated with some folk remedies.

For example, juniper berries work well. You need to eat them, starting with 1 piece per day, and so, gradually increasing by one, to reach 12 pieces. Next, you need to carry out the reverse course - in descending order.

  • Prickly tartar - pour 20g of boiling water over the grass and leave on low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting tincture should be drunk 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp.

Mix together 2 parts of chopped dry root of rosea rhodiola and echinacea and add hop cones (1 part) to the resulting mixture. A tablespoon of this collection is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for a quarter of an hour. Add honey (2 tsp) to the resulting decoction and drink throughout the day, dividing the contents into 3 parts. This course lasts about a month.

  • Immortelle herb is poured with boiling water (about 10 grams), after which this tincture should be wrapped in a towel and left to infuse for 30-40 minutes. When the decoction is ready, you should drink it in a dosage of one-third of a glass. The procedure is performed 3 times a day.

Very useful for the body in general, and for improving alertness in particular, ordinary garlic. Eat 1-2 cloves before each meal.

Herbal treatment

You can improve your child's attention in various ways. In this case, taking medicinal herbs will not hurt. They have a positive effect on the body, although we must not forget that such treatment should also be prescribed by a doctor. Herbs such as chamomile and lemon balm have a good effect on absent-mindedness in a child. They promote better concentration, providing a calming effect.

A method such as herbal medicine is also used.

  • Hawthorn tincture has a positive effect - drink a quarter glass of it daily. The recipe is as follows: grass flowers (1 tbsp) are poured into a glass of hot water and infused for 2 hours;
  • Drink 2-3 times daily 2 tablets of valerian tincture - it also has a calming, softening effect;
  • A medicinal herbal mixture consisting of various herbs. It includes motherwort (take a dose of 3 parts), cudweed (also includes 3 parts), hawthorn (again 3 parts of the mixture), chamomile in the form of flower baskets (1 part). Next, take 1 tbsp. the resulting product is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 8 hours. Next, the collection is filtered and taken twice a day after meals, half a glass.


Homeopathy can be used as an alternative to drug treatment. It may be prescribed if a child exhibits a toxic or allergic reaction to medications. Homeopathic remedies improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the body's defenses, treat adenoids and behavioral problems - for example, absent-mindedness in a child.

This symptom can be observed in the presence of hyperactivity syndrome. The child not only becomes too noisy, rowdy and uncontrollable, but also behaves inattentively - he may forget, lose things, etc. Numerous examinations have shown that with this disease the behavior of children who took individual doses of homeopathic remedies improved significantly - they became calmer, more careful, more attentive, constant absent-mindedness has disappeared. Among the most effective homeopathy remedies for ADHD are:

  • Stramonium, used as a decoction for baths, take 20g of the product per bucket of water (dilution level 3 or 6);
  • Cina – the course lasts 2-3 months, take 7 grains of the drug 1 time/week;
  • Hyoscyamus niger, used as bleached oil, which is used for external rubbing into the skin.


If your child shows signs of inattentiveness, this does not mean that he is sick. For the purpose of prevention, you can train his voluntary attention from an early age - you can give the child a mirror in which he will examine himself, trying to concentrate on what is happening. There are also a huge number of toys that help develop concentration. In infancy, children can be shown a variety of objects, while explaining why they are needed. This also trains voluntary attention well.

If you notice absent-mindedness in a child, you should buy him games that will develop his attentiveness - such as lotto, mosaics or puzzles. Play these games with your child - tell us about the rules, explain how to assemble a picture from individual parts, etc. Joint activities should captivate the child, helping him learn to concentrate.

For a school-age student, you need to create an atmosphere that sets him up for work. You should not place the table near the window so that the child is not distracted by what is happening on the street. Also, while he is doing his homework, you need to keep silence in the house. It would also be a good idea to place him in the first desk at school so that he can concentrate on the teacher and the board.


The disorder, described as "fluttering" attention, does not require special treatment. It mainly occurs due to previous illness or fatigue. In this case, the child’s absent-mindedness will be a temporary phenomenon. But only if you identify the cause of its origin and eliminate it. This pathology occurs due to a temporary decrease in the child’s mobility in nervous processes. The cause may be cerebral atherosclerosis or oxygen starvation of the brain.

Often, parents of children suffering from absent-mindedness and poor memory send them to consult a doctor to find out how serious this disorder is and how it should be treated. In this case, what could be the prognosis for the treatment of constant absent-mindedness?

Often it is quite positive, since if there is difficulty switching attention and problems with concentration, no special treatment is required. This is mainly a consequence of ordinary fatigue - it can be either mental or emotional, or physical. Overtired, a person becomes distracted and loses the ability to concentrate normally. It is clear that in such a situation you should simply give the body rest or change the environment for a while.