Old age is a joy: pensions for judges and prosecutors will amount to six-figure sums. How much does an assistant prosecutor earn - overview Salary increase in the prosecutor's office per year

There are legends about how much lawyers earn. The profession has always been considered very prestigious and quite profitable. Universities annually graduate a huge number of young specialists seeking to occupy their niche in this field of activity. But few newbies succeed.

The first thing that interests young professionals is the issue of wages. How much a lawyer earns per month depends on his level of qualifications, experience and place of work, region of residence, and personal qualities. According to statistics, the average salary of specialists in this field in 2016 was 48,000 rubles. The maximum threshold exceeded RUB 160,000. The minimum salary established by employers is 20,000 rubles.

It is quite difficult to determine the exact amount how much lawyers earn in Russia. Some of them live from penny to penny, others drive expensive cars and are owners of real estate, both in their own country and abroad. It is impossible to compare the salary of a recent university graduate working in a regional organization with the income of an experienced, highly qualified lawyer who has his own office in Moscow.

The main factors influencing the salaries of legal workers are as follows:

  • the level of education;
  • experience and skills;
  • place of work and position;
  • region of residence;
  • demand.

Level of education and experience

Legal education can only be obtained at a higher educational institution. The more prestigious the university, the more chances a graduate has to get a good job.

Experienced lawyers have good connections, an established clientele, and a reputation. All this presupposes the demand for a specialist, his constant employment, and therefore a high level of income.

Place of work and position

Successful employment greatly influences how much a lawyer receives per month. Specialists solving legal issues in government institutions are unlikely to be able to earn more than 50,000 rubles. Of course, civil servants have the option of earning additional income in the form of a bribe, but it is not worth risking their position, reputation and, in some cases, freedom, for the sake of one-time profit.

Lawyers perform the following functions:

  • accompany the work of the organization;
  • represent the interests of the company in the tax service;
  • participate in legal proceedings;
  • conclude agreements, draw up contracts;
  • make changes to the constituent documents;
  • provide consultations on legal issues;
  • monitor changes in legislation, etc.

Depending on the area of ​​activity, remuneration is also determined. For example, the average salary of a lawyer is about 70,000 rubles. per month. A lawyer leading the affairs of a large commercial firm can receive about 150,000 rubles. and higher. A civil servant with at least 3 years of work experience receives an average of 15,000 - 20,000 rubles.

Region of residence

It is difficult for a newcomer who has recently received a diploma to find a good job if there are no connections in certain circles. In this case, it is better to get a job as a legal assistant in a large law office or commercial company. The average salary of a legal assistant in 2016 was 28,000 rubles: maximum – 50,000 rubles, minimum – 10,000 rubles.

Employees of law firms located in the center of Moscow or St. Petersburg have income several times higher than the salary of provincial lawyers. The average salary of a lawyer in Moscow in 2015 was 100,000 rubles. and higher. At the same time, employers offer newcomers a salary from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles. Specialists looking for vacancies in law firms in St. Petersburg can count on a salary of 60,000 rubles. University graduates who want to become legal assistants apply for a small salary, in the range of 33,000 rubles.

In Samara and Ufa, the salary of a legal specialist is approximately 30,000 rubles. Job openings for beginners require a lower salary: from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles.

But in Russia?

Salary of a qualified lawyer

How much lawyers in Moscow earn depends on the skills and knowledge of the specialist. The employer agrees to pay a decent salary to an applicant who owns a computer, in particular: the legal systems “Garant”, “Consultant Plus”, MS Office. An advantage to karma is the ability to negotiate, knowledge of regulatory systems, and general trends in legal regulation. A lawyer must have all the information related to copyright, antitrust, labor, contract and corporate law. High income is guaranteed to lawyers who have skills in claims and arbitration practice. Professionals who meet all of the above requirements are worth their weight in gold and cost:

  • in Moscow – from 150,000 rubles. per month;
  • in St. Petersburg – from 110,000 rubles;
  • in Ufa – from 60,000 rubles.

Lawyers whose work experience exceeds 5 years have the right to count on the most favorable offers. International companies will be happy to hire a competent lawyer who speaks English, knows foreign law and has experience in supporting international transactions. In the capital, such employees receive at least 200,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 140,000 rubles, in the provinces - from 85,000 rubles. per month. The income of lawyers and assistants is influenced by the number of cases won, and the larger the case, the higher the fee.

The conclusion that can be drawn based on the listed factors is: what a lawyer’s salary in Russia depends, first of all, on the desire of a person who is ready to work hard and for a long time in the future. It is important to know that at the moment the average age of applicants for a lawyer position is 30 years. More than 95% of specialists have higher education and own a PC. 50% of representatives of this profession speak English.

Income of lawyers in the USA, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine

For comparison, you should consider the salaries of lawyers in the United States and neighboring countries. The income of American lawyers also depends on where they work. For example, if employers in New York and Los Angeles offer experienced applicants a salary (in terms of rubles) within 800,000 rubles. per month, and for beginners - about 450,000 rubles, then in the provinces the income level drops to 400,000 rubles. per month for venerable lawyers, and up to 200,000 rubles. – for young professionals.

In Kazakhstan, lawyers receive from 25,000 to 200,000 rubles. per month. In Ukraine, the income of an experienced lawyer working in a metropolis varies between 45,000 – 60,000 rubles. In small Ukrainian cities, lawyers earn from 6,000 rubles. per month. The salary of their colleagues in Belarus varies from 18,000 rubles. Specialists working in Minsk receive the most.

Legal services on the Internet

Modern lawyers can improve their financial condition using the Internet. This is especially true for young “advanced” users who have certain skills and are familiar with the law, but do not have the necessary work experience to join a reputable organization. Some tips on how to make money for a lawyer on the Internet.

  1. Creating articles on legal topics is the easiest way to make money on the Internet. A good income will come from a large amount of work performed. Sample topics: “How to sell an apartment profitably”, “How not to become a victim of a swindler”, etc. Texts sell well on the Advego, TextSale or Etxt exchanges. You can earn from 10,000 rubles.
  2. Conducting consultations on specialized services will bring good income with some complexity in execution. Earning money through real communication with people is offered on Liveexpert.ru. Experienced consultants earn at least 500 rubles. in 30 min.
  3. The best option for a lawyer is to create your own website, where you can not only combine the types of income listed above, but also run advertising, create a video blog, etc. A platform can be easily and cheaply created using WordPress or Joomla. You don't need to know any programming languages ​​to do this.

Modern, experienced lawyers try to combine several types of income, constantly improve their skills and learn foreign languages. This allows you to earn more than 130,000 rubles monthly. even those who live in small towns.

Of course, few employees view the position of assistant prosecutor as their ultimate goal. Rather, they consider it another step towards achieving more tempting heights. Nevertheless, many people in this position are forced to remain in it until retirement, and therefore count on the salary that this position implies.

Let's determine how much money assistant prosecutors earn in Russia and what career prospects they have.

Salaries in Russia

Currently, the salary of an assistant prosecutor in Russia varies from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month, or 240,000–600,000 rub. per year, depending on the specific structure in which he works, on the region, and, of course, on the qualifications, experience, personal merits and achievements of the employee. Actually, his rate is calculated on the basis of 30% of the salary of the prosecutor, whose subordinate the employee is.

But, in addition, there are various bonuses and additional payments, both general for this category of employees and personal.

In addition, senior assistants may be given an incentive for the proper completion of assigned tasks in the amount of 2.5 salaries, and ordinary assistants - 1 salary. This norm came into force in 2013.

At the same time, persons who have not yet passed certification can count on a salary of no more than 18,000–20,000 rubles per month.

Now let's find out how much assistant prosecutors earn in different regions of Russia. Average salaries for this category of workers in the largest cities of Russia are as follows:

  • Moscow – 46,000 rub.;
  • Tyumen – 39,000 rub.;
  • St. Petersburg – 35,000 rub.;
  • Kazan – 24,000 rub.;
  • Nizhny Novgorod – 21,000 rub.

Thus, as we see, the highest salary level is expected for assistant prosecutors from Moscow. Next comes the “oil capital” - Tyumen, the “northern capital” - St. Petersburg, and the largest regional and republican centers of Russia

Immediate prospects

Of course, it is planned to increase the salaries of assistant prosecutors in the future, since, despite a significant increase in 2012–2013, the income level of this category of civil servants remains at an average level, which is an additional factor provoking the development of corruption.

But certain adjustments to these plans may be made by the growing economic crisis in Russia.

But the main prospect for an assistant prosecutor is, of course, not a passive expectation of an increase in salary, but a promotion through the ranks. He has a goal that he must strive to achieve with all his might - to become a prosecutor, and then, who knows, perhaps even be appointed regional or general.

The main thing here is to show determination, hard work and a certain flexibility, as well as to use your professional skills as effectively as possible to achieve the goal.

Although at the same time it is necessary to state the fact that, despite rather rosy hopes at the beginning of their careers, many employees remain in the position of assistant until retirement.

Promising position

We can conclude that, despite the average level of salaries by national standards, the position of assistant prosecutor is quite promising for further career growth. However, many Russians even regard it in itself as a pretty good employment option. Moreover, planned salary increases are constantly being carried out in this area of ​​the public service.

Any society must live by laws. This was the reason for the emergence of the supervisory service, which is so important for our society. Thanks to the decree of Peter I, a prosecutor's office was created in 1722 to “fight evil and disorder.” The first prosecutor general was Pavel Ivanovich Yaguzhinsky, who took on the role of the “eye of the state.” A prosecutor's office was created to oversee all government bodies.

Until 1917, 33 people served as prosecutor general. Each of them went down in history in their own way. Thanks to their enormous contribution, for two centuries the Russian prosecutor's office was considered one of the best in Europe. Strictness and at the same time humanity - these are the basic principles on which the work of the prosecutor's office has always been based.

In 1917, after the October Revolution, the institution of the prosecutor's office was abolished. Supervision of legality was entrusted to revolutionary tribunals.

Only in 1922 was the prosecutor's office revived again and its supervisory function was fully restored. The first prosecutor then became D.I. Kursk.

The fundamental principles on which the activities of the modern Russian prosecutor’s office are based:

— centralization;

- unity;

— independence;

- publicity;

— legality.

The tasks of the prosecutor's office are:

— identifying violations of compliance with the law and applying measures to prevent them;

— prevention of offenses and crimes;

— conducting prosecutorial checks in order to strengthen law and order;

- follow the principle of the inevitability of punishment for a crime committed;

— supervision of legality, etc.

There are quite a lot of functions and tasks assigned to the employees of the prosecutor's office. Today, the number of FSSP employees totals more than 800 thousand employees.

The average salary of officials at the federal level is approximately 70 thousand rubles; at the regional level, salaries are half as much. Now it is clear why corruption is so widespread in these bodies. In 2012, a law was passed to increase salaries for prosecutors in 2013. The increase was carried out in several stages. But due to the economic situation, this process was suspended. If the process of increasing salaries resumes, it is expected that the salaries of prosecutors in 2016 will increase by about a third. In addition to this, various additional payments and incentives will be added. Let's hope that it will be so.

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Prosecutors, like other hired employees, have the right to count on a pension based on length of service and on other grounds. Pensions for prosecutors in 2015 are provided upon reaching a certain number of years worked in the prosecutor's office and based on the amount of salary together with allowances.

The legislative framework

Pension provision for investigators and prosecutors in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office” (Article 44). According to him:

  • . The procedure for calculating a prosecutor's pension is identical to that for calculating the amount of payment to citizen military personnel of internal affairs bodies. The payment is due both to the prosecutor himself and to members of his family in certain circumstances.
  • . If the applicant is already entitled to a pension and has 20 or more years of service, an additional payment in the amount of half the pension due by law is paid every month.
  • Severance pay is also due. It is provided upon retirement, resignation, establishment of a disability group, poor health, upon reorganization of an institution, or upon reaching the maximum permissible age for work in the prosecutor's office.

Severance pay for retirement can be paid under certain conditions in the following amount:

  • up to 10 years of experience - 5 salaries;
  • 10-15 full years of work - 10 salaries;
  • 15-20 years of experience as a prosecutor - 15 salaries;
  • over 20 years of work in the prosecutor's office - 20 salaries.

Right to pension

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 942 indicates that the following can apply for a pension:

  • Attorney General;
  • Chairman (his deputies) of the Investigative Committee;
  • advisers, assistants (including senior ones) to the first deputy and other deputies;
  • head of department, department, department and his deputies;
  • the head of a structural unit and his assistants and deputies;
  • prosecutor-criminologist;
  • investigator for particularly important cases;
  • senior investigator;
  • military prosecutor;
  • senior assistant and his family members and so on.

The pension is assigned subject to compliance with the requirements of the law:

  • . dismissal from the prosecutor's office;
  • . total experience - at least 25 years;
  • . service - at least 12 and a half years.

These conditions must also be met if the prosecutor is dismissed due to assignment of a disability group, health status or reaching the maximum possible age for such service. On the day of dismissal from the prosecutor's office, the future pensioner must be at least 45 years old.

The amount of pensions for prosecutors in Russia is 80% of the monthly salary, which includes all types of incentives, bonuses, and allowances. The main requirement is the transfer of the corresponding SSC (pension contribution) from the salary amount.

If the required length of service (25) is missing, but the length of service as a prosecutor allows you to apply for a minimum pension upon reaching a certain age (35 and 30 years for men and women, respectively), the pension is calculated based on the number of full years worked as a prosecutor. As in other cases, the amount of payment is calculated based on the salary - 80% of its amount.

Prosecutors' salaries increase almost every year. In 2014, such an increase was planned at 30% of the current salary. According to the bill published back in 2014, a gradual increase is planned in the period 2015-2017. In 2015 (from October 1), its size will be 5%. If what was planned had happened, the prosecutor’s salary would have been at least 8,090 thousand rubles.

But due to the crisis, the increase was frozen. This made it possible to save a certain amount in the budget, but did not equate prosecutorial pensions with reality. In return, the Government proposed to “adjust” the salary level in accordance with the inflation rate through various incentives: bonuses, allowances.

It should be noted that there is no reason to expect a quick increase in salaries and, accordingly, pensions. For several years now, the possibility of reducing the staff of prosecutors and investigators has been considered. Today the federal apparatus has more than 40 thousand employees, and regional and local prosecutors have almost a million people.

Prosecutor's pension in 2016

Despite the crisis, the reduced indexation of pensions, the latest news about the ban on indexation for pensioners who continue to work after retirement, the Ministry of Finance made a proposal to increase pensions for prosecutors and investigators already in 2015.

According to the project, as of October 1, 2015, a pension supplement in the amount of 2,500 rubles per month will be introduced for retired prosecutors (currently this supplement is 1 thousand rubles). According to estimates, such an increase will cost the budget half a billion rubles every year.

When calculating such a payment, the amount of salary (with bonuses and allowances) at the last place of employment is taken into account. The prosecutor's salary is directly dependent on the salary of judges. At the same time, the note to the bill contains information that judges' salaries will not be indexed. It is for this purpose that it is proposed to make a monthly additional payment to retired employees of the prosecutor's office.

  • 131 million rubles will be needed to increase payments to employees of the Prosecutor General’s Office;
  • more than 23 million - for former employees of the Investigative Committee;
  • in 2016, it is planned to allocate 418 and 47 million for this purpose, respectively.

Pensions for employees of the prosecutor's office are provided according to the calculations of the Pension Fund. For registration, as in other cases, you will need a work book, a personalized account, a passport and a certificate of salary.

Salary issues are one of the main ones when a person gets a job. After all, a lot directly depends on what rate they promise him: his interest in work, a person’s standard of living, and much more. Moreover, it does not matter at all in what field a person works - civil, military, or works in the internal affairs bodies. So, for example, today one of the questions of interest to many is the following: what will be the increase in the salaries of prosecutors in 2016.

What are the job responsibilities of prosecutors?

In any society there are individuals who do not like and categorically refuse to obey general laws and always try to break them. Prosecutors are employees of the judicial system who must support the idea of ​​the inevitability of punishment for a violation.

The responsibilities of prosecutors include:

  1. presentation of a guilty verdict during a court hearing;
  2. identification of violations of the law;
  3. conducting prosecutorial checks to identify offenses and much more.

Prosecutor's duties are extremely important and without such employees it would be quite difficult to fight for the protection of law and order. This means that much attention should be paid to such an item as the salary of prosecutors in 2016.

What does a prosecutor's salary depend on?

The salary of a prosecutor depends on several different criteria, each of which has its own impact on the salary of a prosecutor. So, for example, the following are taken into account:

  • employee experience;
  • his rank;
  • the rank in which he is located;
  • length of service.

Various bonuses and other increasing coefficients may be applied (for example, depending on the territorial basis of the prosecutor’s work). All this forms the wages of such a cohort of judicial system employees.

Today, the average salary of prosecutors ranges from 40 to 60,000 rubles. Far from the lowest salaries in the country. However, given the responsibility these workers bear, this is not the largest figure. The number of their job responsibilities is also quite large. Therefore, the conversation about whether there will be an increase in the salaries of prosecutors in 2016 in Russia continues to remain very relevant.

What documents regulate salary increases?

The indexation of prosecutors' salaries for 2016 is regulated, as before, by the May decrees of the country's president. According to them, all civil service employees should increase their well-being by almost 2.5 times over a period of 6 years. For several years, these decrees were strictly observed, and it was in their wake that the employees of the judicial service received salaries noticeably higher than they had before.

However, now the situation in the country has changed significantly; budget capacity has seriously decreased. Because of this, the question arose: will there be another indexation of salaries for judicial workers in the country.

What is happening to the salaries of judicial employees today?

Fresh news that there will be an increase in prosecutors' salaries has not yet been announced. But many are waiting for such an increase, because... in 2015, the State Duma decided to freeze salary increases for prosecutorial employees, leaving only an increase in social benefits at a level of about 5% (this is the official inflation rate today).

Experts from the Ministry of Finance believe that in this way it will be possible to save the budget more than one hundred billion rubles. According to representatives of the Committee on Labor and Social Policy, it is necessary to follow the intended indexation of 5.5%. This figure is based on the official inflation rate currently set in the country.

But here lies the main problem - real inflation is many times higher - this can be easily understood by going into any store. The cost of food has increased significantly for everything.

Given that the increase in prosecutors' salaries has been frozen, many experts and analysts expect that it will definitely take place in 2016. Otherwise, the income of judicial workers will seriously decrease due to the difference with expenses.

What about the reduction

Against the backdrop of a more complicated situation in the country's economy, various departments are conducting a wide variety of programs that will allow them to free up funds to fulfill their obligations. Many of them decided to take an extremely radical path and decided to make cuts. Moreover, such changes occurred in fairly large Ministries. Therefore, optimization may well affect judicial records management.

Naturally, against this background, the question becomes extremely relevant: will there be a reduction in prosecutors in 2016? There are those among experts who are sure that yes, reductions in this area should be expected. However, others oppose them, arguing that there is a serious crisis in the field of professionals, and those who work for law enforcement cannot be fired, because there will be a crisis in the industry.

Where to track news on salary increases for prosecutors

An increase in the salaries of prosecutors, the latest news on which many are awaiting, will certainly be announced immediately when experts make a decision on this issue. Today there are those who still have doubts that this will happen in 2016. After all, the budget's capacity will not increase too much, and the level of salaries will not be so low.

Those who are waiting for information on this issue should carefully monitor the news on the websites of relevant departments. Everything will also be announced in all media.

In the meantime, judicial specialists should understand that things may well develop in different ways. After all, it is unclear how the situation with the country’s economy will develop further. International pressure, instability of relations with the main geopolitical partners, speculators and resellers - this does not allow the country to be restored as soon as possible. However, the chance that indexation will take place is still quite high. After all, it is impossible to violate the laws regarding the annual indexation of salaries of public sector employees.