How to make your own body scrub from what you have in the kitchen. Body scrubs at home Useful body scrub at home

Greetings, friends!

You, of course, have heard the word “scrub”. A scrub is a composition of substances that easily exfoliates the top layer of skin. It is used for mechanical removal of dirt and dead skin cells (peeling). During application of the scrub, the skin is massaged, skin unevenness is smoothed out, the process of skin renewal is accelerated, and blood circulation is enhanced.

To maintain a slim silhouette, beauty and velvety skin, you need to pay special attention to deep cleansing of the skin (peeling). This procedure removes dead cells and stimulates their renewal process. Home peeling helps improve the condition of the skin, its color, makes it firm and smooth. Our skin needs hydration and nutrition, and applying nourishing masks, creams, etc. will have little benefit on unprepared skin.

The advantage of home peeling is that each time you prepare a new portion, you can add different active ingredients and aromas to it. You can start with a light oil scrub, and then complicate and improve it (adding various essential oils, creams, etc.) Do-it-yourself body scrub, you will find time-tested recipes in this article, as well as templates for creating a homemade scrub from various ingredients.

Universal formula

The main function of the scrub is exfoliation, and the filler (solid particles) is responsible for this. The more delicate the area of ​​skin on which you apply the scrub, the finer the filler particles should be.

A body scrub can be made with the addition of ground coffee, sea salt, sugar, apricot kernel shells (walnuts, grapes), etc.

To make body peeling at home, you need to mix the selected crushed particles with a base (cream, gel, cosmetic clay, base oil). You can enrich it with essential oil. If you choose liquid oil, keep in mind that the scrub will most likely turn out soft (perhaps even viscous). And if you used only solid oils when making a scrub, it will be difficult to wash it off the skin. Therefore, the best manufacturing option is to use a mixture of solid and liquid oils.

A scrub using an emulsion is easily washed off with water. It contains a filler (for example, coffee, sugar), an emulsifier (soap base), any essential oils, and you can add some coloring if you wish.

You can try to make the simplest scrub. It is enough to take particles that do not dissolve in water (for example, crushed apricot kernels) and add them to cream, cream or sour cream. It is advisable to apply the mixture to the skin for no more than 10-15 minutes. And don’t forget to check the components of the product for individual intolerance.

How to use

Regularly carry out the home peeling procedure, and as a result you will receive deep cleansing of the skin and removal of dead cells. After peeling, the penetration of nutrients and moisturizers into the skin layers improves.

If you have dry skin, do home peeling no more than once a week; if you have oily skin, do it up to two (three) times a week. Try to perform the peeling procedure before bedtime.

To properly care for your body skin, you need to carefully select peeling products. The basis for home peeling can be natural abrasive substances, such as sugar, ground fruit seeds, ground coffee, etc.

The body peeling procedure slightly dries out the skin, so after this procedure, use a body moisturizer.

Favorite recipes

Coffee blend

Two tablespoons of sugar;

A tablespoon of ground coffee or two tablespoons of drained coffee grounds (can be replaced with cocoa powder);

Two tablespoons of sour cream (for dry skin, use full-fat sour cream, for oily skin - with a small percentage of fat content).

Mix all ingredients and use the resulting mixture immediately. Apply it all over your body using massaging movements, paying special attention to problem areas - thighs, buttocks, knees and elbows. Leave for five minutes. Then rinse with water at a pleasant temperature and wipe dry.

Home SPA – peeling

(small) - one glass;

Natural honey – 3 tablespoons;

aloe vera juice - a tablespoon.

Mix everything and apply the resulting mass with massaging movements onto damp skin of the body. Honey nourishes and moisturizes the skin, salt serves as an abrasive, and aloe vera juice is an excellent conductor of beneficial substances.

Citrus peeling

half a glass of salt;

Olive oil;

Lemon or orange juice.

Apply to skin with massaging movements, then take a shower. This home peeling is ideal for morning treatments. The citrus aroma will lift your spirits and invigorate you. Using this scrub will make your skin silky and soften it.

Girls, today I will tell you how to make . The trick of this scrub is that it is not only quick and cheap to make, but also really works. I noticed results within a week of use!

The Internet is simply bursting with all sorts of recipes for body scrubs, especially those against cellulite, but this particular anti-cellulite scrub is just the BOMB!

The skin becomes very smooth after it, it begins to tighten after the third use, I was dumbfounded myself! I use it every time I go to the shower after sports, massage problem areas (I won’t go into details - which ones, everyone has their own;)) for about 5 minutes and wash it off. Then I use body oil, also anti-cellulite. Either from Alverde, about which I already wrote, or also homemade. I will also post the recipe for this oil on my blog soon.

What is a DIY body scrub made from?

What do you need for an anti-cellulite scrub?

To do this you will need:

  1. coffee- ideally freshly ground, but you can also use the ground one sold in packages. But NOT TERRIFIED! There is no need to suffer, collecting coffee grounds in a bag every time after drinking coffee! Believe me, it’s of no use, because most of the caffeine has already gone into coffee, and that’s exactly what we need to make our skin elastic and toned! Therefore - only fresh, undrinkable coffee
  2. salt- the best is sea food, finely ground. No need to take a large one and injure your thighs. Beauty in this case does not require sacrifice!
  3. Coconut oil, naturally cold pressed
  4. grape seed oil. But if you don’t have it, in principle, you can replace it with any other oil, be it olive or sunflower (it’s better, of course, that they be cold-pressed)
  5. essential oilslemon, orange and lavender. Lemon and orange have a very tonic effect on the skin, especially orange is suitable for skin with cellulite. And lavender oil will balance hormonal levels, which, by the way, play an important role in the occurrence of cellulite
  6. polysorbate 80(Polysorbat 80) or Tween 80 is an emulsifier made from olive oil. In principle, this is not the most important ingredient in our anti-cellulite body scrub, but it is what makes the entire scrubbing procedure much more enjoyable. The fact is that emulsifiers mix something that generally does not mix: in our case, it will be oils and water. If you make a scrub without an emulsifier, it will also scrub well, but after you wash it off, a greasy film will still remain, and you’ll leave the bath clean. And with polysorbate, the anti-cellulite scrub is washed off without problems, and the skin after it is soft and velvety

How to make your own body scrub

Everything is simple, like everything ingenious;)))


Mix 4 tbsp in a bowl. coffee and sea salt. This calculation is for a medium sized jar. If you need more scrub, stir more. There is only one law: there should be equal amounts of coffee and salt.


Add cold pressed coconut oil to this dry mixture. If the oil is too hard, I recommend melting it in a water bath. On the day I made the scrub, it was very warm, that’s why my oil had such a creamy consistency;))


Then a tablespoon of grape seed oil goes here. Mix everything thoroughly. Make sure the consistency is like in the picture. So that the mass is sufficiently moist, but not liquid, so that it spreads well. The consistency of thick sour cream should be. If the mixture is too dry, add grape seed oil; if it is too thin, add coffee or salt.


First add essential oils to the scrub - 10 drops of orange oil and 5 drops of lemon and lavender. Mix well with a plastic or glass spoon (or whatever else you use for stirring))). We remember that ethers do not tolerate metal and iron! At the end, add polysorbate - 1 teaspoon for this amount. Mix again.

Voila! We have just prepared an unusually effective anti-cellulite scrub, and this is with our own hands!

Please try making this coffee scrub, use it for a week and be sure to post here! I'm sure you'll be delighted with the effect!

The human body is designed in such a way that its cells, after a full cycle of functioning (about four to five weeks), cease to be viable and die. These dead keratinized particles accumulate on the surface of the skin, and ordinary water procedures cannot cope with them.

Moreover, your pores produce oil and sweat, and in addition, dust and dirt settle on your skin. Such factors have a negative impact, becoming a kind of blocks that clog pores and do not block access to oxygen to new, young cells.

For this reason, the skin begins to peel off, becomes dull, loses its elasticity, and pimples, blackheads, and rashes appear on it.

Only deep cleansing of the dermis with a scrub can solve the problem.

The procedure itself is called peeling or scrubbing.

The word “scrub” came to us from the English language, and translated it means “cleaning” or “scraping” and “cleaning”. Such masks with an exfoliating effect were also popular among the beauties of the Roman nobility, and, according to historians, Cleopatra herself, who knew a lot about the intricacies of self-care, loved to make them.

    They will help you cleanse your skin well and deeply of dead cells;

    They will remove excess sebum, cosmetic residues, fat, dust and dirt, toxins that are removed from the body;

    They will soften the skin, allow the nutrients and beneficial substances of cosmetic products to penetrate the dermis;

    They will restore tone and elasticity to the skin, make it smooth and soft;

    Improve blood circulation;

    They will smooth out the relief, give an even and beautiful tone;

    Will have an anti-cellulite effect.

As you can see, such a miracle remedy should be in the arsenal of every woman who cares about her beauty and health. You can either buy the scrub ready-made at a pharmacy or store, or make it yourself at home. By preparing the product at home with your own hands, you will be confident in the naturalness and quality of its components, and therefore in the benefits and effectiveness that they can provide.

Main ingredients of scrubs for home preparation

First of all, you should study some of the features of the composition of these funds. The main active element should be abrasive particles that have a granular texture and can perform the function of exfoliation. They also add some essential oils to flavor the scrub.

Abrasive components

In finished products, manufacturers use either synthetic abrasive particles or natural ones.

In the first case, special microscopic balls made of plastic will act as exfoliating components. They are very smooth and pleasant to the touch, so you don't have to worry about the risk of skin injury.

Natural particles are either elements of crushed fruit seeds (peach, apricot, olive), or minerals that have been crushed as much as possible. When choosing abrasive components for a home scrub, consider your skin type.

    Salt has a mechanical exfoliating effect, and in addition, it will also help the skin get rid of toxins and relax the muscles. Well-ground salt will be an excellent abrasive for problematic skin (oily, acne-prone). But it is best to use sea salt for a homemade scrub. As a rule, it is finer ground than usual.

    Sugar - you can take simple refined sugar, but, of course, it is not as good as brown sugar, and besides, it does not have such a pleasant aroma. The effect of sugar on the skin is gentler than that of salt, so it is also suitable as an abrasive for dry or sensitive skin.

    Coffee should only be natural and finely ground (you can also choose from inexpensive brands). The grounds from the cooked product are also used. Coffee contains acid, so its exfoliation function is not only mechanical, but also chemical in nature. In addition, caffeine helps to narrow blood vessels, that is, it will help solve the problem of spider veins and other early manifestations of varicose veins. It is believed that coffee, as an abrasive in homemade scrubs, is suitable for any skin type.

    Another popular exfoliating ingredient is oatmeal. Ground flakes or bran will be an excellent scrub for you if your skin is prone to irritation or is highly sensitive.

In addition to the above, to prepare homemade scrubs, ground nut shells, flax and almond seeds, raspberry and strawberry seeds, rice flour, and semolina are sometimes used as abrasives.

Products included in the scrub

The basic component of each scrub is any softening base - it can be a gel or cream, cosmetic clay or emulsion. Other products are also suitable, such as fatty vegetable oils, honey or pulp of fruits and vegetables, sour cream or yogurt, cream and cottage cheese, etc.

Like abrasive components, the base for the product must also be selected taking into account the characteristics of your skin:

    The creamy base is suitable for both dry and normal skin;

    For those who are sensitive, it is better to take a gel-like base substance;

    For oily and combination skin types, clay is more suitable as a carrier base (it is also good to use glycerin).

Healing herbs will also bring a lot of benefits to the skin. If you have dried herbs, you can grind them into powder and add them to scrubs, but fresh ones will have to be ground in a blender. An excellent addition for home peeling would be: calendula and lavender flowers, mint and lemon balm leaves, rose petals, a little rosemary, basil or thyme.

Base and essential oils

The basis of the scrub can also be cosmetic oils. When preparing the mixture, calculate the proportion so that there is a third of a glass of the selected oil per glass of abrasive substance. There are many natural oils, but for a scrub it is better to take ones that are not too thick so that they can be easily washed off with water. Consider their beneficial properties:

    Almond, avocado and jojoba oil will be well absorbed and moisturize the skin;

    Olive oil will nourish the skin with vitamins and soften it;

    Very light and healthy oils of grape seeds and hazelnuts, in addition, they leave a thin film on the body that will retain moisture inside and protect the skin;

    Melted cocoa or coconut oils are also perfect for scrubs.

The cheapest option, of course, is regular sunflower oil, which is not dense or thick and is easily absorbed by the skin.

As for essential oils, they must be added to the composition very carefully - just a few drops at a time, because these concentrated substances can cause allergies, skin irritation and even burns. Choose your favorite oils to give your scrub a pleasant scent:

    Pamper dry skin with a cocktail of sandalwood, geranium and rose oils (8:6:6 drops);

    Sensitive skin will love the combination of neroli, rose and chamomile (2:4:6 drops);

    Oily dermis will be soothed by a mixture of lavender, lemon and sandalwood (6:6:8 drops);

    Dehydrated - moisturize rose, patchouli and sandalwood oils (10:2:8 drops);

    Frankincense, ylang-ylang and neroli oils will add tone to the skin and restore elasticity (6:6:8 drops);

    Chamomile, cypress and rose oils (6:6:8 drops) will help strengthen blood vessels.

In order for the procedure to bring maximum effect and give you pleasure, you should follow some rules.

    It is recommended to do deep cleansing of the skin no more than once or twice a week, while taking into account your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, then you will need to scrub twice a week, and for those with dry or normal skin, one procedure will be enough. By overdoing it, you risk disrupting the water-salt balance and excessively thinning the protective layer of the skin.

    If you suffer from hypersensitivity or allergic reactions, it is better to consult a doctor about the advisability of using scrubs.

    The mixture must be prepared immediately before use, since it cannot be made in reserve and stored. All products and other components must be fresh. Calculate their proportions based not only on the recipe, but also adjust the ratios based on the parameters of your own body.

    You should not apply a scrub to your skin if you have any damage: cracks, microtraumas, rashes and irritation, pimples, boils, burns or cuts. The peeling procedure will only aggravate the situation, so that inflammatory processes may worsen. Pronounced varicose veins are also a contraindication (avoid areas with venous nodes). It is not recommended to use scrubs when you have a fresh tan or during pregnancy.

    Exfoliation is done on both wet and dry skin. In the first option, the scrub should be applied after water procedures (bath or shower), when the skin is steamed and all pores are well open. This method is considered more effective than the second option, which involves applying a scrub to dry skin before a shower.

    The mixture must be carefully and gently rubbed into the body, thoroughly rubbing the skin with massage movements (use circular movements or move from bottom to top). Continue exfoliating for a few minutes, then leave the scrub on your skin for a little while longer to allow it to work further.

    Then you can rinse the mixture with warm water and apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream to your skin. Now your skin will be able to absorb as much as possible all the beneficial substances it contains. If after the procedure you experience swelling or irritation, it means that the chosen recipe is not suitable for you - choose another option for yourself.

Simple scrub recipes for home

Take advantage of effective scrub recipes that can be prepared very simply and quickly at home.

    To a tablespoon of sea salt, add two tablespoons of melted honey (you can use any flower or buckwheat) and five drops of orange essential oil.

    Take coffee grounds (preferably when they are still wet) or freshly ground coffee and mix with crystallized honey. You can add a little olive oil to the mixture.

    Coffee in combination with sea salt or brown sugar and any vegetable oil (two glasses of coffee per half a glass of the second abrasive plus three tablespoons of oil) will be an excellent prevention for cellulite.

    Take half a glass (100 grams) of natural yogurt or sour cream and mix with the same amount of coconut. After stirring, add a tablespoon of sugar.

    Grate or grind one grapefruit (including peel) in a blender. To the resulting mixture, add five tablespoons of sea salt and a teaspoon of olive oil (you can take sesame oil). Zest (orange or lemon) will have a similar effect.

    Oatmeal, ground into flour, can be mixed with cream or honey (2:1).

    A hot scrub made from cinnamon, ground black pepper, sea salt and caffeine in olive oil (all in equal proportions) is very effective. Honey and cinnamon (2:1) will also go well together.

A scrub is exactly the product that will help your skin become soft, smooth and tender again, cleansed of all excess. Especially if you prepared it at home with your own hands from natural ingredients.

What scrubs do you like and prefer to use? Do you prepare your own peeling products? Please share your experience in the comments.

Pros and cons of deep skin cleansing, home peeling procedure. Recipes for preparing body scrubs, rules for applying them.

Beneficial properties of body scrub

Our skin needs a deep cleansing procedure like air. Dirt and dust accumulate on the body every day. In addition to external sources of pollution, there are also internal ones: dead cells, sebum, toxins released by the body. Regular bathing and showering are not enough to clear clogged pores. Peeling will help solve the problem of skin contamination.

The beneficial properties of the scrub are as follows:

  • Cleansing. Solid particles perfectly exfoliate dead cells. They also cleanse the pores of external impurities.
  • Health-improving. After the scrub has dealt with all the impurities, the skin cells can freely receive the oxygen necessary for life.
  • Nutritious. The moisturizing base of the scrub softens the skin and soothes after active mechanical cleansing. The more nutrients and vitamins contained in the base, the more beneficial the body scrub.
  • Tonic. Peeling improves blood circulation throughout the body, thus having a tonic effect on the body.
  • Pull-up. Body scrub helps to achieve a lifting effect and make the skin younger and more attractive.
  • Calming. Essential oils added to the scrub base will help relax and calm the nervous system.
A body scrub is also an excellent way to prepare the skin for the application of various therapeutic creams, such as anti-cellulite creams. After peeling, the skin absorbs cosmetics much faster, allowing them to penetrate as deeply as possible to achieve maximum results.

Contraindications to using body scrub

Scrub is a universal body care product, but it has its drawbacks. You should consider the characteristics of your skin type when choosing a peel.

Body scrub contraindications are:

  1. It is better not to use this cleanser for people with sensitive skin. Solid particles contained in the composition may scratch the skin. After use, scratches and other traces of mechanical cleaning will remain.
  2. It is not recommended to use the scrub if there is damage or irritation on the body. Peeling can only worsen existing dermatological problems.
  3. Pregnant and nursing mothers should temporarily avoid deep cleansing of the skin.
  4. Persons with allergies should carefully select scrub products to avoid an adverse reaction.
  5. Sunburned skin is also afraid of the peeling procedure.

Homemade body scrub recipes

To get perfect and beautiful skin, you don’t have to visit beauty salons and shell out a ton of money. It’s quite possible to create a body scrub with your own hands at home using ordinary products.

Homemade coffee body scrub

Coffee is the most common exfoliating ingredient in store-bought cosmetics. Many manufacturers give their preference to it.

Coffee gives the skin smoothness, freshness, and perfectly tones. In addition, a homemade coffee body scrub is a proven remedy for combating orange peel on the thighs and stomach. This essential component can give the skin a bronze tint, thereby acting as a self-tanner.

Let's look at recipes for coffee scrubs to make at home:

  • Based on applesauce and coffee. Brew three tablespoons of ground coffee. Take an apple, peel it and grate it finely. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil to the apple puree. After straining the coffee, combine with the puree. Instead of an apple, you can also use a peach.
  • Coffee with cream. Take two tablespoons of the grounds left over from brewing coffee. Add two tablespoons of cream.
  • Honey peeling. It is necessary to use coffee grounds, cream and candied honey in equal proportions, for example, two tablespoons each.
  • Gel scrub. Prepare two tablespoons of ground coffee and go to the bath. Apply regular shower gel to your body, pour coffee grounds into your palm and rub thoroughly into the skin. Afterwards, rinse everything off with water.
  • Pull-up. Take 100 grams of ground coffee and one tablespoon of grape seeds. To these components add 10 drops of any anti-cellulite essential oil, for example, grapefruit, rosemary, orange.
  • Burning scrub. To prepare, use coffee grounds, sea buckthorn oil and black pepper in equal proportions.
Homemade coffee scrubs should not be applied to sensitive skin and face; they are most suitable for the body. It is best to use coffee grounds while they are wet.

Homemade body scrub with salt

Sea salt is useful not only as an additive to dishes, but also for use for cosmetic purposes. It contains minerals that enrich and nourish the skin. Scrubs based on sea salt gently cleanse the skin and revitalize it.

Salt peeling recipes:

  1. Oil based. Take it? cups sea salt, two tablespoons of almond oil, a spoonful of jojoba oil, 20 drops of citrus oil. First mix the salt and almond oil, then add the remaining ingredients.
  2. Sour cream. For the scrub you will need two tablespoons of sour cream and one tablespoon of fine salt. You can use either sea salt or regular table salt.
  3. Citrus. Grind the grapefruit in a blender, add a teaspoon of olive oil and five tablespoons of salt.
  4. Relaxing peeling. Take a container and place half a cup of sea salt, a teaspoon of apricot kernel oil, a tablespoon of baking soda and a couple of drops of lime essential oil. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and add one green tea bag. The consistency should be very thick.
  5. Exfoliating. Brew half a glass of ground coffee, add two tablespoons of sea salt and a spoon of olive oil.
  6. Scrub with turmeric. For this recipe, you will need half a glass of sea salt, ground in a blender, 1 tablespoon of turmeric, two tablespoons of sandalwood oil and one teaspoon of milk powder. This scrub must be left on the skin until completely dry, then rinsed with water.
For peeling, you can use both sea and table salt. Larger particles will act harsher and help unclog severely clogged pores. But such a homemade body scrub can damage delicate skin. Fine salt will help achieve a gentler cleansing.

Cinnamon body scrub

Cinnamon is popularly used in home scrubs to combat cellulite and fat deposits. This oriental seasoning improves blood circulation and prepares the skin for further fat-burning procedures.

We present to your attention recipes for homemade cinnamon scrubs:

  • Softening scrub. Pour four tablespoons of warm milk into a bowl and add three tablespoons of oatmeal. Leave this mixture for ten minutes. Then add two teaspoons of cinnamon and one teaspoon of almond oil.
  • Pumpkin peeling. Take half a teaspoon of pumpkin pulp and add half a spoon of ground cinnamon. Next, add five drops of vitamin E to the mixture and mix with? cups of coconut oil and a cup of brown sugar.
  • Cinnamon with honey. The recipe for this scrub is very simple: take cinnamon and honey in a ratio of one to two and mix.
  • Slimming scrub. Use half a teaspoon of cinnamon, two tablespoons of salt, half a teaspoon of coarse pepper and one teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Rice scrub. Grind three tablespoons of uncooked rice, add a tablespoon of cinnamon. Then heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil in a water bath and pour into the mixture.
  • Clay based. Take 80 grams of clay and bring it with warm water to a creamy consistency. Add one tablespoon of cinnamon powder and sea salt to it.

Homemade sugar body scrub

Sugar is well suited for dry and flaky skin, as it is perfectly absorbed, moisturizing it. Unlike coffee, a sweet scrub brightens the skin and removes tan residue.

Homemade sugar scrub recipes:

  1. Orange scrub. Take an orange and grate it, add one tablespoon of cane sugar, five tablespoons of yogurt.
  2. Creamy peeling. The recipe is very simple, mix 4 tablespoons of sugar and 5 tablespoons of cream.
  3. Chocolate cleanse. For the scrub, use one glass of cocoa butter and half a glass of sugar.
  4. Almond scrub. Take one glass of sugar and add ten drops of any essential oil, mix. Next, stir half a cup of sweet almonds into the resulting mixture, and finally add six to seven drops of vitamin E.
  5. Banana. Mix one cup of sugar and one ripe banana in a blender. Add also? cups of shea butter and? cups of coconut oil. You should get a foamy mass.
  6. Mango. Grind mango and use it as a scrub? the resulting pulp. Add half a cup of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. At the end, you can add three drops of orange oil to the puree mixture.
  7. Lavender-vanilla peeling. Place one and a half cups of sugar, one cup of grapeseed oil, a couple drops of lavender essential oil and one teaspoon of vanilla extract in a bowl. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Lavender and vanilla will help soothe your skin and relax all your muscles.
  8. Flower scrub. Take 1 glass of sugar, a tablespoon of honey, half a glass of dried rose petals, 1 tablespoon of jojoba. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add a couple of drops of rose essential oil.
  9. Exotic coconut. Use two tablespoons of brown sugar, one tablespoon of grated coconut and three tablespoons of sour cream. The scrub is suitable for girls with delicate skin.

To prepare a body scrub at home, brown sugar is well suited, as it has a healing and relaxing effect.

How to make a body scrub at home

For a homemade scrub to be effective, it must be prepared before starting the procedure. The following are perfect for the base: sour cream, cream, milk, yogurt, honey, vegetable oils. As solid particles you can take: salt, chopped nuts, sugar, coffee, bran, fruit seeds, cinnamon. To give a special mood and plunge into the magical world of aromatherapy, just add a drop of essential oil or your favorite perfume.

Since the skin becomes very sensitive during peeling, it is important not to cause an infection. Use only clean dishes for mixing ingredients; it is better to rinse them with boiling water first. The process of preparing a homemade scrub is greatly simplified by using a blender. Thanks to this kitchen technique, the consistency is more uniform.

If you use coffee to make a scrub, it is better to take natural fine or medium grind so as not to scratch the skin. Do not use instant coffee, it is ineffective.

Any scrub must be checked for individual intolerance, especially if you have added essential oils to it. Apply a little mixture to your hand and check the skin's reaction.

How to apply body scrub

To achieve maximum effect, you need to know the basic rules for applying a body scrub. Before you begin a cosmetic procedure, make sure your skin is ready for it. It is important to thoroughly steam your body by taking a hot shower or visiting a sauna. These actions will help open the pores. Before applying the scrub to your body, you can massage it to improve blood circulation.

Any scrub is applied to the skin using gloves in a circular motion. This method of application helps in the fight against cellulite. The cleanser is left on the body for six to twelve minutes. Afterwards, you need to take a shower and rinse off the scrub. Don't forget to apply any moisturizer. After peeling, the skin is more receptive than ever to therapeutic lotions.

The regularity of using the scrub depends on your skin type. Peeling is performed once a week for normal skin types. It is better to clean dry skin once every 13 days, and oily skin every 5 days. Using the scrub regularly, you will achieve the following results: the skin will become smooth and silky, the color will improve, the skin will begin to “breathe”, cellulite will disappear, the skin will soften and rejuvenate, a pleasant aroma of essential oils will emanate from the body.

The result can be noticed immediately after the first procedure, but it will take longer to deal with excess deposits in problem areas, about two to three months. Taking care of your body not only helps you cope with skin imperfections, but also creates a great mood for the whole day.

How to prepare a skin scrub at home - watch the video:

Skin peeling is one of the most useful and accessible procedures at any time of the year. Epidermal cells die every four weeks, which is why it is so important to remove them on time and renew the skin.

Translated from English it means “scrape”. This is its main purpose, as well as: to cleanse the skin by scraping off dead particles, dust, dirt and sebum. Cleansing occurs due to the fact that the composition contains abrasives - solid particles: crushed apricot kernels, salt, sugar, etc. Surely this can be found in every kitchen, and if not, it can be easily found in any store or pharmacy.

Homemade body scrub: pros and cons

Beneficial features

  • Using a scrub, you can gently and without damage cleanse the skin until it “squeaks.”
  • The scrub helps not only cleanse the skin, but also fight cellulite.
  • Stimulates the functioning of blood vessels and makes the skin more elastic.
  • Provides a mini-lifting effect: the skin after its use is smoothed, becomes smoother and silkier.
  • Prepares the skin for the application of anti-cellulite creams, wraps, and massage.
  • It does not harm the body, since it contains only .


  • The scrub should not be used by women with thin, sensitive skin, as abrasive particles easily injure it and cause irritation.
  • It should not be used in cases where the skin has wounds, scratches, eczema, or atopic dermatitis.

How to make an organic remedy at home?

Before how to make homemade scrub, you need to decide what will be used as solid particles and base.

The most suitable abrasives are:

  • sugar: regular white, as well as cane and coconut sugar will do;
  • salt: black sea, regular rock, iodized;
  • sand;
  • semolina;
  • ground coffee beans;
  • oatmeal, etc.

As a moisturizing or nourishing base you can use:

  • various oils: olive, almond, coconut, avocado, etc.;
  • yogurt, kefir, milk, cream;
  • chopped soft vegetables and fruits;
  • regular shower gel.

All products are thoroughly ground in a coffee grinder/mill and mixed with the base. The proportions can be changed by adding more scrubbing particles or oil, focusing on what is more suitable for a particular skin type. The finished mass is stored in an airtight container or jar in the refrigerator.

ADVICE. It is advisable to prepare the scrub 1-2 times, because due to the presence of natural ingredients in the composition, it will not be stored for a long time. 10-14 days is the maximum.

Technology for proper application of homemade body scrubs

For a homemade scrub to work, you need to prepare for the procedure:

  1. Carry out initial cleansing of the skin with soft products: tonic, milk, hydrophilic oil or foam.
  2. Warm up the skin so that all the pores open and are ready to receive active substances; to do this, take a bath or hot shower.
  3. Apply the required amount of scrub to the glove or hand and rub it over the skin: in a circular motion over problem areas and the entire body, avoiding the neck and décolleté.
  4. You can rub the scrub in from 1 to 15 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the skin and the composition of the product.
  5. After self-massage, you need to completely rinse off the composition and lubricate the body with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

ADVICE. The scrub will work even better if you massage it with a dry brush before applying it.

For dry and sensitive skin

It is better not to scrub sensitive skin at all. An exception may be a scrub that is made from soft ingredients: a mixture of cottage cheese, sour cream and ground coffee beans, fruits and semolina crushed in a blender, etc. These products will definitely not harm your skin.

It is important to apply a small amount of the product and rub it in for about 2 minutes, no more. After scrubbing, the skin should be lubricated with cream.

For oily skin

Oily skin is less sensitive than dry skin. Therefore, to cleanse it, you can use scrubs with hard and large particles: salt, sugar, ground fruit seeds and nuts.

You can massage your body for longer than 5 minutes. At the end of the procedure, be sure to use a light nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Homemade scrub recipes

Salt based

Salt scrubs cleanse the skin and enrich it with useful substances: iron, iodine, magnesium.

Kefir and salt

Thoroughly mix 5 large spoons of salt ground in a coffee grinder and 10 spoons of kefir. Instead of kefir, you can use cream.

Sea salt and lemon juice

For this recipe you will need fine sea salt - 5-8 large spoons, olive or any other cold-pressed oil - 2-3 tablespoons and a little juice from a quarter of a lemon. Thanks to lemon, the scrub whitens and tones the skin.

Sea salt

You need 5 tablespoons of sea salt, a few tablespoons of cold-pressed vegetable oil and quite a few essential oils of your choice.

Anti-cellulite cream made from sea salt, grapefruit and olive oil

To prepare the anti-cellulite composition, you will need sea salt - 5 tablespoons, the zest of half a large orange, 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed oil and a few drops of grapefruit or lemon essential oil.

From orange peel, ginger oil, sea salt, cedar oil

Mix 2 large spoons of salt, powder obtained from 2 cups of orange peels, and oil: 2 drops of cedar, 3 drops of lemon and 1 large spoon of olive.

Cinnamon, pepper, salt and olive oil

The combination of cinnamon, pepper and salt crystals is ideal for the prevention and elimination of fat deposits on the thighs and buttocks. You need to mix 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and black pepper, add a large spoon of salt and a little oil. You need to wash off the scrub at the moment when a burning sensation appears.

Coffee based

Coffee perfectly exfoliates dead cells and improves blood circulation.

Coffee scrub

The classic coffee scrub contains natural coffee and oil: avocado, coconut or olive. The proportions can be approximate, the main thing is that the mass does not crumble.

ATTENTION! Instant coffee is not suitable for coffee scrub. It scrubs poorly and does not bring any effect.

From coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are more suitable for making a scrub than ground coffee. It contains less caffeine, so it practically does not stain the skin and has a more pleasant smell.

To prepare the scrub you need 2-3 large spoons (or large pinches) of coffee grounds and your favorite shower gel.

Made from coffee and applesauce

You need ground coffee and applesauce (can be replaced with grapefruit pulp) in a 1:2 ratio.

Sugar based

Sugar scrubs are suitable for sensitive skin. Sugar nourishes and moisturizes the skin, cleanses well and helps fight cellulite.

Sugar and olive oil

You will need 6 large spoons of sugar, 4-5 large spoons of olive oil and very little essential oil: about 3 drops. Sugar can be either regular white or brown.

Latin American Sugar Scrub

You will need 1 cup of unrefined cane sugar, 3 tablespoons of cold-pressed oil: coconut, olive or almond, 4 teaspoons of milk or cream and 3-5 drops of essential oils: vanilla, lemon or rose.

On brown sugar

Mix 1 cup brown sugar, ? glasses of olive oil, 3 large spoons of honey in liquid form (but not heated) and just a little vanilla essential oil or vanilla extract for aroma.

Sugar-sour cream raspberry anti-aging scrub

The ingredients include 6 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of sour cream and a large handful of fresh or thawed raspberries.

Made from sugar and coconut

You need to take 1 glass of fine sugar (about 100 g), 3-4 large spoons of melted coconut oil, 1 pinch of natural coconut flakes and 6 drops of lemon essential oil.


Fruit scrubs, due to the fact that they contain fruit acids, whiten the skin well.

Strawberry scrub

Strawberries (3-5 pieces) must first be ground to a mushy state. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 vitamin E capsule.

Cranberry Date Moisturizing Scrub

Ground dates are used as scrubbing particles - 8-10 pieces. To them you need to add 1 cup of cranberries and 1 tablespoon of wheat or oat bran.

Orange scrub

You need dry and well-ground orange zest - 2 large spoons, sea salt - also 2 spoons, ground oatmeal - 1 spoon, white clay and sugar - 1 teaspoon. Mix the ingredients and add 7 drops of essential orange oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1-2 capsules of vitamin E.

From orange peels

Orange peels need to be ground in a blender or home mill, then take 1-3 large spoons of the resulting powder and mix with 2 large spoons of olive oil.

With orange zest and yogurt

You need the zest of 1 orange, 5-6 tablespoons of plain yogurt, 3 tablespoons of orange juice and 1 tablespoon of sugar.

From ginger

Ginger beauty products are designed to combat cellulite. Ginger stimulates metabolism and improves blood circulation.

To make the ginger scrub, you need to prepare 1 large spoon of chopped or grated ginger, 1/2 cup coconut oil, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1/2 cup salt, 1/2 cup coconut oil and 1/2 cup cold-pressed vegetable oil. . You can add any essential oil to the mixture.

From corn flour

Corn flour is an excellent remedy that removes dead skin cells and helps fight comedones and acne. Corn flour can not be mixed with anything, but immediately applied to well-steamed skin and massaged intensively. To achieve a warming effect, you can prepare a mixture of flour and honey.

Made from honey and cinnamon

Honey nourishes the skin with nutrients, saturates it with moisture and helps prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. Cinnamon rejuvenates and tones the skin, helps fight inflammation. To prepare a scrub from honey and cinnamon, you need to mix these components in a 2:1 ratio.

Oatmeal with cinnamon

A mixture of oatmeal and cinnamon is suitable for skin that is prone to oily skin. Ground oatmeal (3-4 pinches) is mixed with cinnamon (1 large spoon), a small amount of fermented baked milk and 1-2 capsules of vitamin E.

The best natural body remedies at home: TOP 10

To make it easier to choose the right homemade scrub recipe, we have made the TOP 10 most popular products:

1 – Coffee. Coffee is used most often, as its effect is immediately visible: it tones, refreshes and smells very pleasant.

2 – Honey. Honey scrub is very popular as it is great for preventing cellulite.

3 – Coffee + honey. Naturally, the TOP includes a mixture of the most popular ingredients: honey and coffee. This is a powerful remedy in the fight against cellulite.

4 – Saline. There is salt in any kitchen, but for the recipe it is better to use sea salt, as it contains more valuable minerals.

5 – Oatmeal. Ground oatmeal allows you to get a very gentle scrub, but at the same time effective: it cleanses the skin well without injuring it.

6 – With ginger and cinnamon. This is a burning scrub that instantly improves skin tone. But because of its pungency, not everyone likes it.

7 – Sugar. Every housewife has sugar, just like salt. This affordable ingredient is great for exfoliating the skin.

8 – Coconut. A very fragrant, soft and effective scrub. You can use both coconut oil and shavings at the same time.

9 – Rice and coffee. This scrub is quite gentle and suitable for sensitive areas (décolleté and neck).

10 – Carrot-apple. A juicy and effective scrub; you can use starch or semolina as scrubbing particles.

Homemade beauty products for cleansing your skin can be made from almost any ingredient in your refrigerator. The most important thing is that their composition includes ground particles and a high-quality base is selected. You can follow the proportions, or you can come up with your own: it all depends on what consistency you need to achieve and how much scrub you want to get.