How to make a feather from corrugated paper. Master class: Feathers from threads


Take scissors and start cutting a small, neat fringe along the edge of each feather, forming the silhouette of a real feather from the roundness of the blanks.

Trim the feathers so that one part is slightly larger than the other - when you place one colored feather on top of the second, the multi-colored fringe will peek out from under the contrasting shade.

Carefully coat one of the feathers with glue, stick the second feather on it so that the fringe looks as voluminous and two-colored as possible, press the feathers together and dry the glue.

Glue the prepared stem to the front part of the upper feather with glue, so that one end sticks out freely from behind the lower border of the feather, and the other end does not reach the top of the feather. This will add realism to your work.

You can make many of these feathers and decorate your interior, holiday table with them, make an original gift, or use them as a design solution in your creative projects.

Beautiful handwriting has always been valued. The lucky owners of calligraphic handwriting could get jobs that were not available to those who write poorly. And even now, when the regular pen is gradually being replaced by the computer keyboard, beautiful handwriting has not lost its importance. Close people are pleased to receive news written by your hand. And various documents still have to be filled out manually quite regularly.

You will need

  • - copybook;
  • - a fountain pen;
  • - ball pen;
  • - lined and squared paper.


Evaluate your handwriting and identify its shortcomings. Honestly answer the question of whether it is legible enough and whether you write their elements accurately. Also think about what kind of handwriting you would like. You may have to learn new letter elements. It’s better to do it right away; there’s absolutely no need to relearn it several times.

Teaching calligraphy is not much different from teaching a first grader how to write. Get the copybooks. They can be purchased from either and. Try the same sequence that you taught before. Take care of the correct posture. Sit up straight, place the sheet of paper slightly inclined, take the pencil correctly.

Write a few lines of copybooks with a sharpened pencil. Imagine that you are just learning to write. Try to write all elements evenly, accurately observing proportions and slope. If you control the process, one or two sessions of writing with a pencil will be enough.

Write a few lines with an insert pen and plain ink. Start with the letter elements, then write the entire letter, lowercase and uppercase. If you want to decorate your future handwriting with some curlicues on capital letters, master them now. The most important thing is to write evenly, observing the tilt and pressure. The height of the letters should also be even, so first write the lettering in two lines.

Try writing something on a squared piece of paper. Try to keep the height of the letters approximately equal to 2/3 of the cell. Don't let the vertical stripes confuse you; write the letters with the angle you choose for yourself. Pay close attention to the height of the letters and pressure.

Having mastered writing on squared sheets, switch to a single-lined notebook. Try to maintain the height of the letters; in beautiful handwriting it is about 1/3 of the distance between the rulers or a little more. The height of the capital letters almost reaches the ruler located above.

Switch to a ballpoint or gel pen. Follow the same rules as when working with a pencil and fountain pens. The beautiful pressure characteristic of fountain pens is less noticeable when working with a ballpoint pen, but you still need to do it. Beautiful letters are obtained only if your movements are correct and precise.

Switching to a ballpoint pen, check the process. Try not to look at your notebook all the time. Think for a while about the content of the text, and not about how it will look on the sheet. Then see what you come up with. If you stop paying close attention to how you write, and the letters still turn out smooth and beautiful, then everything is fine. If, being distracted, you stop writing correctly, you need to carefully monitor your studies for some time.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

An adult who does not need to learn everything again can do without intermediate stages. Write a few copybooks in pencil to understand the sequence of movements and learn how to measure efforts. Then you can switch directly to a ballpoint pen. But in this case, you need to more strictly control your movements.

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No one can answer the question with certainty when ink was invented. We can say for sure that ink appeared much earlier than people learned to write.

How ink used to be made

The first ink was used for drawing. The oldest ink is soot. They painted it on the walls of caves, on the human body, on papyrus.
At first, soot was used as a dry powder, then it was dissolved in water. This solution served as the prototype of today's ink.

Soot does not dissolve well in water, and after drying it does not adhere well to the carrier. Therefore, they began to use oil instead of water. The quality of the ink became better: the oil adhered well to the media, the drawing and writing became clearer, and they lasted longer.
Different peoples at different times used their own components. Our ancestors dissolved the powder of dried and ground acorns and growths on the leaves - galls, which therefore came to be called ink nuts, in flaxseed oil.

Later, colored ink was invented. To obtain red ink, iron sulfate was added to the oil. As demand for ink increased and it began to be manufactured in factories, colored inks made from synthetic materials appeared.

How ink is made today

It would seem that ink is irrelevant these days. But that's not true. Ink is still widely used in inkjet printers, ballpoint, gel, and capillary pens. Important documents and diplomas are signed with ink. Designers and artists work with ink. Ink seals and stamps are placed on documents.

Technologies change, and so do requirements. Like ancient inks, modern inks consist of a solvent: water, alcohol, glycerin, ethanol; coloring matter: fuchsin, indigo and indigo carmine, ferrous sulfate. Modifiers are added to modern inks to improve their properties - wettability, drying speed, viscosity. These are polyhydric alcohols, sugar, dextrins, latex. Preservatives: oxalic acid, ethanol, sulfacilin are intended to preserve the ink itself, the inscriptions and drawings made by them for a long time.

Depending on the type of ink, it has many requirements. Basic requirements: excellent wettability with the carrier and non-wettability with the writing unit; preservation of color and saturation when storing documents in the light; absorbency; drying speed, resistance to water and solvents; the ability to mix to obtain shades; constantly decreasing cost.


The mystery of the ink of Mongolian monks has not yet been solved. They knew how to make mother-of-pearl, ruby, and sapphire ink.

In Rome, red ink first appeared at the beginning of the new era. They were so rare, only the emperor could use red ink.

Ink flows out of all types of pens, including ballpoint pens, due to gravity. Therefore, they cannot be used during space flight in a state of weightlessness. American scientists have been struggling for a long time to improve pens for astronauts. Our compatriots did it simpler and provided the astronauts with... simple pencils.

Tip 4: Which birds' feathers were previously used for writing?

History shows that the development of writing would not have been possible without the use of bird feathers. Moreover, the feather of not every bird was suitable for writing, but only of certain species of waterfowl and non-waterfowl.


Among waterfowl, swan and goose feathers were most valued, although duck feathers were also used. The left wing feathers of a goose were considered suitable for a right-handed person. Flight feathers were used, and only about ten elements from one goose were suitable. Why was the goose feather considered the most valuable? Unlike other birds, the goose feather is a hollow shaft that has a porous base. This allowed the hand to hold it firmly. Thanks to the inclined cut of the tip of the pen made with a knife, the porous interior was exposed, which absorbed ink well. This made it possible to dip it into the inkwell less often. Also, the tip of the pen was moderately soft, thanks to which it retained its shape longer, which saved the owner from frequent sharpening.

In order for all these properties to be beneficial, it was necessary to prepare the pen for writing. To do this, one outer feather or five feathers of the left wing were pulled out from a young and healthy goose. After this, it was necessary to cut off part of the beard so that it would be convenient to grasp the rod. However, it was too early to use writing instruments. An important step is to boil the feather in alkali for about fifteen minutes. This made it possible to degrease it well. The process did not end there - it was necessary to harden the feather that had dried after the previous stage. For this purpose, hot sand was used, the temperature of which did not exceed 65 degrees. The pen could be used after the tip had been sharpened - for this they took an ordinary penknife.

Goose feathers had certain disadvantages. For example, the speed of writing using them was low. They also made a lot of noise and creaking. The slightest inaccuracy resulted in ink splattering. It was impossible to put too much pressure on the pen, otherwise its tip would quickly unravel and grind down. With regular use, the pen lasted no more than a week, after which it was sharpened.

The quill pen is considered a symbol of poetry and literary creativity. It was used for a very long time, until the end of the eighteenth century. The famous A.S. Pushkin wrote great works and portraits with a quill pen. Research has shown that there were more than fifty portrait sketches created in this way. Apparently, the great poet valued the quill pen as a good means of writing.

Other birds

Not only waterfowl feathers were used. In principle, it was possible with any bird feather that had a suitable size and normal tubular structure. Some calligraphers valued grouse feathers. They could also use the feathers of a hawk, ostrich, peacock, and raven.

By the way, in Russia, even in the nineteenth century, it was bird feathers that were used, but many writers did not trust anyone with the process of preparing feathers for writing. Good, high-quality feathers were even given to each other as a sign of respect and special favor.

Tip 5: How and what were pens made for writing with ink?

Since ancient times, people have tried to preserve their knowledge for posterity. This is how the letter was invented. The first accessories were triangular pointed sticks made of wood, bone or bronze and raw clay tablets. These planks were fired, thereby imparting their strength. Writing on them is usually called cuneiform. Now they are exhibits in historical museums.

In Ancient Rome, citizens used codes - wax books. They wrote on them using pointed metal sticks - styluses. When the recording was no longer needed, it was erased and replaced with wax.

The Anglo-Saxons are the inventors of parchment. It was from it that handwritten books began to be made. They became the prototype of modern printed products. But writing on paper with a stylus was extremely difficult, so a new invention was invented - a specially sharpened bird feather.

They were usually taken from geese. This is due to the fact that the feathers of this bird have thicker walls, which increases the service life of the feather. They are also larger, which means they are more convenient to hold and work with. Later, composite writing instruments appeared, the elements of which were the feather of any rare bird, a spacer - a holder and a writing end. These instruments can be considered the ancestors of fountain pens. They wrote with them until the 18th century.

Steel nibs and ballpoint pens

Over time, when people learned to handle metal skillfully enough, steel feathers began to be created. Their first appearance was recorded in Germany in 1748. However, it was inconvenient to write with them, as they splattered the ink, making the text difficult to read.

In 1792, the Englishman D. Perry solved this problem with the help of a longitudinal slot in the tip of the pen. She retained the ink inside herself and did not allow it to splash in different directions. This improved the quality of my writing. At the beginning of the 19th century, steel feathers began to be produced en masse. Over time, they replaced the usual birds and existed until the 1950s of the last century.

In the mid-20th century, the ballpoint pen was invented. At first it was used mainly by the military, but over time they gained great popularity. In the 1960s, the Japanese invented a pen with a felt tip. It had a porous rod, which was soaked in a liquid based on alcohol or nitro. Later these pens began to be called .

Feathers are one of the beautiful works of nature. In order not to injure the birds by plucking their tails, you can simply take a sheet of colored paper and make as many feathers as you need - of any size and color.

Now I will show you how to make a feather from paper. All you need is paper - colored or white, scissors and glue. Well, inspiration.

If you decide to make not simple feathers like mine, but Firebird feathers like in the picture, you will certainly succeed too.

So, first we take the feather template from the monitor or print it out. To see the template in full size, click on it.

Take the paper, fold it in half along the width of the template, cut off the unnecessary part (Fig. 1, 2).

We trace the template with a pencil and cut out the blank for the pen (Fig. 3).

Then we make the feather itself out of it (zoologists call this part of the feather “fan”) - we cut the folded workpiece with scissors into narrow strips diagonally, about 2/3, not reaching 1/3 of the fold (Fig. 4, 5, 6)

To add fluffiness to the future feather, slightly twist the resulting fringe in different directions (Fig. 7).

But you can do without this, then you will get an ordinary neat feather, like this (Fig. 8).

Now we need to make the pen shaft: take a strip of paper approximately 15-20 cm long and 2 cm wide and twist it into a tube, twisting it onto a match or toothpick (Fig. 9).

When rolling, apply glue to the strip of paper in several places. Be sure to coat the end of the strip with glue (Fig. 10).

Apply glue to the pen blank along the inner fold (Fig. 11)

Glue the feather shaft to the feather itself (Fig. 12).

This is what happened in the end (Fig. 13).

The green feather is made in exactly the same way as the pink one. It only differs in shape and size (Fig. 14).

Please note that no animals (birds) were harmed in the making of these feathers!

I showed how to make the simplest feather out of paper. There are other options: for example, you can make feathers from foil, corrugated paper, thick paper; paper folded in several layers; starched fabric; from threads; glue or sew a wire along the bend of the feather, which will allow you to bend it in the desired direction.

So, without special expenses, you can make a magnificent decoration for the interior, a toy for a child, a souvenir or anything else!

Volumetric paper birds can become an original decoration.
In addition, the bird is hollow and you can put a small thing in it and give it to your loved ones!
you will need:
- Printer,
- hot glue gun or quick-drying glue,
- two sheets of medium-weight paper,
- scissors.

Print out the bird's details and carefully cut them out.

Watch the video for the paper bird assembly sequence:

If you cut out the parts from thick cardboard, then in the future they can be reused as a template.


See how you can make this cute swallow out of paper:
You will need black, white and red colored paper, glue, a stapler, and scissors.

Let's get started.

First you need to cut out the parts shown in the figure from colored paper.

Now take a small strip of black paper - this is the future head of a swallow. Fold it into a ring and fasten it with a stapler. The large black stripe is the future body of the bird with a forked tail. Let's fold it and fasten it with a stapler, as shown in the figure.

Then we glue “shirt fronts” made of white paper to the swallow’s body and head. Do not confuse: the shorter part goes to the head, and the longer part goes to the body.

connect the head and body of the bird using glue or a stapler.
The next step is to glue the wings to the body.

Then we’ll decorate the swallow’s head and glue on the eyes. You can purchase them at a sewing supply store or simply glue them together from larger white paper circles and smaller black paper circles.

All that remains is to glue the beak. Let's take the remaining piece in the form of a diamond made of red paper, fold it in half and glue it to the bird's head.

Our wonderful paper craft is ready! It was not at all difficult to make. Children will enjoy playing with this swallow, and in the process of making it, they will learn how to make three-dimensional paper crafts with their own hands.

Paper swallow - costume element

Volumetric birds

These birds will consist of the same elements - body, head, tail, beak and eyes.
First, you will need to prepare strips of certain sizes, depending on what part of the bird they will be used for.
So, for the body you will need 5 paper strips with a width of 2.5 cm and the following lengths - 7.5; 10; 12.5; 15; 17.5 cm.
For the head, two strips of similar width, the lengths of which are 6.25 and 8.75 cm,
and for the beak the strip should be 5 cm long.
For the tail, you need to prepare 5 strips, 3.75 cm wide, the length of which will be 5; 7.5; 10; 12.5; 15 cm.
You should also cut out two circles with a diameter of 1 cm - these will be the eyes of the bird.
A bird from paper strips can be made as follows:
The body blanks should be twisted into a circle and the ends glued together. Then put all the circles inside each other and glue them at the base.
It is better to secure the fastening area with a clothespin until it dries completely.
Similar actions should be done with blanks for the head.
When both parts of the bird are ready, they need to be connected and begin making the tail.
The strips for the tail should be given a triangular shape using scissors and the wide ends should be slightly curled.
Next, lay the parts on top of each other and glue them on the narrow side, and then attach them to the body.
All that remains is the beak and eyes.
To make the first one, you need to fold the strip in half, then bend the corners on the bend side and fold them inward.
The eyes are made by wrapping a small circle around the end of a toothpick until it forms a ball. Now you need to attach the last two parts to the appropriate places - and the craft is ready.

Blue bird from egg

Wash and dry the egg thoroughly.
Then use a thin needle to make a hole on both sides and “blow” the contents into the bowl.
Next, the egg needs to be given a blue color - this will be the body of the bird.
This can be done using either special paint or watercolors.
When the workpiece is dry, it should be positioned horizontally and the wings should be glued to the “back” and the tail to the back.
To make these parts you will need strips of blue chiffon or mesh fabric.
The beak needs to be cut out of yellow paper and glued to the appropriate place, and two eyes should be drawn with black paint.
Pass the fishing line through the previously made holes in the egg and tie its ends - this will allow you to place children's crafts in a visible place.
Birds made from eggs by your children can decorate any room in the house.

I doubted whether to put up these “creations”, but at work my fellow mothers became interested, and I photographed the manufacturing process just in case, so I present for your consideration this invention of mine, in a “manner”, or rather technique, that is unusual for me.

As always, it arose in the process of working on flowers; I tried to make greenery or twigs from threads.

For work you will need:

  • wire,
  • threads,
  • glue,
  • Instead of a tube, you can take any base for winding. The wider it is, the larger the feathers will be.

Any threads (I have the thinnest ones). Only later did I realize that you can wind them on a ruler (not necessarily a round base), the main thing is that the center of the “trunk - feather” is in the middle of the base. We wrap the wire with a napkin or corrugated paper (lubricate it with glue), after a few turns we again lubricate it with glue (only the place where the wire itself is), and at the very end we also lubricate it. We wind as many threads in a circle (along the base) so that there are no gaps. And also IMPORTANT: let it dry thoroughly (before cutting). I dried it on the radiator for about half an hour. We cut from the back side of the “trunk” (exactly opposite the wire), preferably with a scissor (scissors are not very convenient.)

We glue the top with separate tassels (on the back side of the feather). Yes, this is the advice given by the riveter after my MK: “In order not to glue the top, bend the wire, insert a bunch of threads into the loop, twist the tip, you get a fan of threads.” (I think it’s more convenient....)
We trim the excess with scissors - creating the shape of a feather - of your choice.

We comb it, paint it with watercolors, glue sequins, in short, whatever you have enough imagination for. . Comb again with a fine comb and spray with hairspray - for greater strength...

This is an experiment with different threads...I tried white threads last, and from them the feathers were born....Before that, the greens were “tormented”)))))

You can make Christmas trees like this (I added the toys and beads in Photoshop)

The same principle applies to these thistle flowers that I’m making for a field bouquet (it’s still in the project). How to sculpt these little white ones - I show you in

Is everything clear here? First we wrap one color, then another on top. Put a little glue into the sepals.

After the sepals are formed, we also varnish them.

The female colleagues immediately put the feathers into a fan. Or maybe hang it on the Christmas tree? Or maybe use it for a carnival costume? I don’t know...I hope my idea will find application

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