Advice from a psychologist to parents of five-year-olds. Advice from a psychologist for parents of five-year-old children Raising children 4 years old

The development of middle-aged children shows special love and affection for their family.

Children already know how to perceive the emotions of others, to be offended, ashamed and disappointed in people - this is the psychology of a 4-5 year old child.

Advice for parents who have children of this age can be very useful for competent correction of the educational process

The age of 4-5 years is a new and important transitional stage for the child, which can be designated as a period of intensive growth and development. It leads to a change in character, improvement of cognitive and communication abilities.

Physical formation is formed harmoniously and is expressed by rapid growth and development:

  • Children of any age naturally and need movement.
  • Children's physical capabilities increase. Moreover, it is significant. In particular, there is a noticeable improvement in coordination. And in general their movements look more confident. These two factors are noticeable even from the outside.
  • Development of motor skills is observed.
  • The agility and speed of the majority of children at this age can be envied.
  • Normally, the increase in height should be from 5 to 7 cm. In weight, up to 2 kg.
  • The skeleton is very flexible because the ossification process is not yet complete. Therefore, there can be no talk of any strength exercises.
  • The peculiarity of the heart’s activity is that its rhythm is quickly disrupted. Outwardly, this can be seen by redness or paleness of the face, rapid breathing, movements with poor coordination, etc.
  • The child’s brain very quickly establishes conditioned reflex connections.
  • A baby at this age is especially sensitive to noise. The reason is that the eardrum is very delicate and can be easily injured.
  • The age of 4-5 years is truly the “golden time” for the development of sensory abilities.
  • Educational measures aimed at nervous processes become more effective.
  • Such a thing as conditioned inhibition is difficult to form. That is, if some action is prohibited, the child will not be able to understand it immediately. You need to constantly reinforce this with him at this age.

It is from this age that you can explain to your child what a healthy lifestyle is and gradually accustom him to it. It's not that difficult. You can start with your daily routine.

That is, just wake up the baby and send him to bed at the same time every day. And then move on to other useful actions.

Mental development of a child

A child of this age is distinguished by good development of psychomotor skills. He can walk for a long time and explore the world. His ability to do something with his hands is increasingly improving.

Children show amazing dexterity when performing any tasks and are interested in everything that surrounds them:

  • strive to be independent;
  • show sensitivity to others and apply ethical skills;
  • actively demonstrate their rich imagination and creative abilities (such unlimited imagination can also give rise to children’s fears);
  • socially oriented toward family and peers;
  • complicate the process of gaming activity;
  • inquisitive about everything that surrounds them;
  • emotionally sensitive and vulnerable;
  • are interested in gender.

Parents who have an idea about the age-related psychological characteristics of children should help them correctly navigate and control all aspects that may negatively affect their development and upbringing. For example, to keep your fantasy under control, or to block emerging fears or anxieties.


Games develop children's imagination. They are already becoming role-playing, modeling, and group.

Now kids can have fun without the help of adults, on their own.

They usually come up with rather complex plots in advance, distribute roles, define rules, and strictly monitor their implementation.

That is, the baby gains many skills through play. He learns to communicate with peers, strives to keep emotions under control, follow the rules (in this case, the rules of the game, which will later be useful in life).

Children often copy adults in their games. Children discover the world of human relations, social functions of people, and various types of their activities.

It is very important to treat children's play as something very serious. Parents should encourage their children to play in every possible way.

Creative skills

Every parent wants to see their baby with a highly developed aesthetic sense.

A person with an independent, open mind, always achieves the goals that he has set for himself.

This is impossible without developing his creative abilities. You need to do this as early as possible.

A child at this age gradually becomes able to master (not immediately, but little by little) the coordination of small hand movements and visual control. This gives him the opportunity to improve his abilities in visual arts. For example, the majority of children draw with great desire, because... coordination between visual and motor perception is a huge achievement for a person of such a young age.

From a psychological point of view, drawing is an important preparatory part of written speech and can say a lot about how the child perceives the world around him.

The child may have a penchant for singing, dancing, or an attraction to non-standard types of creative activities (for example, cooking or exact sciences).

Speech development

Such a leap in development, which children of this age have, would be hardly possible without the gradual mastery of the art of speech.

And he not only actively learns new words, but also comes up with them himself.

At this age, the overwhelming number of children use almost all parts of speech, and accordingly their vocabulary increases significantly.

Thanks to this, he perceives this world more meaningfully, purposefully analyzing.


How do kids communicate? Different than with adults. The first thing that catches your eye is increased emotionality. They can rarely speak normally. They scream, laugh, squeal, rush around, and at the same time choke with delight. Adults often do not understand such reactions.

That is why the majority of children, especially of this age period, behave more relaxed and freer with their peers. In communication between peers, one can observe more feelings, expressive and facial manifestations than when addressing adults.

Show your child how to initiate communication

When communicating with adults, children try to adhere to at least relative norms and decency. In communicating with each other, for example, they often use completely unexpected sounds, fables, and words.

Sometimes children are embarrassed to communicate both with peers and with adults. To prevent this phenomenon from developing into a psychological problem, adults need to neutralize this phenomenon and look for a way out of this situation.

For example, help a child and introduce him to the social circle of other children with the words: “Hi guys! Our names are Katya and Masha, let's play together.” In the future, the child will learn to get acquainted and communicate on his own.

Emotional Features

A child at this age is a small person who has a fairly developed and varied range of emotions. His feelings are more related to the atmosphere in his family. His emotions and needs gradually become more complex as new skills emerge. A preschooler can express feelings with different intonations and facial expressions.


By this age, children most often become softer and often give in. Their feelings become deeper.

At this time, the baby's cognitive sphere develops.

It is necessary to communicate with your child as often as possible, especially at this age. You need to tell him about the world around him, about the phenomena occurring in it.

At this age, you can negotiate with your baby.

But it is important to remember that positive parenting should be based on love, not fear. It is very important for a child to know that adults will always love him, even if he is disobedient.

Education for children 4-5 years old

Opinions about how and where to educate and develop 4-5 year old children differ strikingly from each other.

Some are confident that the baby must be developed almost from the first days after he is born, while others think that childhood is just that, childhood, and do not demand practically anything from their children.

And only parents can decide which side to take in this dispute.

4-5 years is a very interesting age. And this is not only a positive quality of this period of life. For example, children develop fears. One of them is the fear of darkness or loneliness. Parents should always sensitively and carefully analyze the child’s behavior and development in order to help him overcome all difficulties at a difficult moment and return his development in the right direction in time.

Each age limit for a child plays a vital role in his future existence. For example, at the very initial stage of development, from birth to one year, the baby gets acquainted with the world, begins to recognize his loved ones and gradually gets used to the new environment. In the next stage, from 2 to 4 years, the already formed child can recognize colors, shapes, animals, listen to parents and convey his information to them. According to psychologists, the most important period in a child’s life is the age from 4 to 5 years, also called middle preschool. At this moment, the active development of the child’s body occurs, its character and various abilities are finally formed. Every parent should know the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old in order to help their descendants become happy people.

Formation of positive thinking

Why is it so important to take into account the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old? The psychology of modern child upbringing has several features of a sharp change in their behavior during this period. First of all, thinking is formed, this is as follows:

  • Previously, the child could simply name the type of figure (oval, circle, square, and so on). Now he compares all the objects that surround him with them. For example, the subconscious comes to him that the ball has the shape of a ball.
  • A child can sort several similar objects according to identical characteristics (color, size, shape).
  • He also begins to better orient himself in space; scientists assure that at this age a child can independently find his way from a store, kindergarten or sports section to home, however, such experiments are still not recommended.

Thus, the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old primarily come down to the fact that they develop active thinking, and every day it becomes more and more interesting to communicate with them.

How can you help your child develop positive thinking?

Many parents may notice that in preschool age their child is slightly behind his peers. Don’t despair; you should help your son or daughter develop in the right direction. For example, you can try to develop his visual memory. To do this, you need to make photocopies of pages from his favorite book and cut them into several components. Next, you need to ask the baby to reunite the image into one whole, let it first consist of three elements, gradually their number can be increased.

Characteristics of the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old also imply the fact that during this period it is necessary to continue to develop fine motor skills. The child must learn to assemble pictures from several cubes, hit a ball into a net, or sort cereal into several separate piles.

The best toy for developing positive thinking is a construction set. It should consist of several different geometric shapes. The child must understand for himself how to connect them together in order to achieve the desired result.

At four years old, a child should be able to compare a sample with a real object. For example, he should cope with tasks such as building a structure from a picture, assembling a picture from a mosaic, or reproducing a simple puzzle.

You should not make a child a genius and ensure that he succeeds in front of his peers; you need to work with him every day, gradually increasing the level of difficulty of tasks.

Psychological characteristics

It is worth highlighting the age-related psychological characteristics of children 4-5 years old. Medical experts identify several features of changes in thinking during this period:

  • Until the age of four, all children had approximately the same development. From this period there should be a division of the general group of little people into two main categories. Boys begin to understand that they must yield to girls, not offend them, and behave with restraint in their presence. Little princesses must understand that they are much softer, more modest and more delicate than boys. In elite kindergartens, children's bedrooms, locker rooms and sanitary facilities are already separated by gender.
  • Further, the age-related developmental characteristics of children 4-5 years old change. The child develops an interest in role-playing games. He enjoys trying on the image of a fireman, doctor or cook. Children begin to ask their parents for toys of a certain category.
  • Children also begin to develop their own taste. For example, they may not like the clothes their parents dressed them in for the party. Moreover, the little personality will already defend his point of view.
  • At this age, children can already unite in small groups, they develop their own interests, secrets and goals.
  • Children at the age of four already begin to distinguish the intonation of their parents, from which they can understand how mom or dad is in the mood at the moment.

Medical specialists who develop the age-related psychological characteristics of children 4-5 years old call this period the “why stage.” The little man begins to be interested in absolutely all the processes that surround him.

How to help your child develop psychological characteristics?

In a full-fledged family, division by gender should also occur at this time. That is, the girl becomes closer to her mother, they begin to cook together, clean the house, do their hair, dress up and go to themed events. The father, on the contrary, must teach the boy to be strong, be able to stand up for himself and run a household. During this period, parents become an authority for their offspring, so it is recommended to pay attention to their own behavior.

A little personality at this stage of development already knows how to show his feelings, he is capricious, offended, rejoices, takes revenge, and admires. In no case should you ignore her chosen behavior; you should definitely find out the reason for such a change in mood. Psychological consultation is already provided for children of this period. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old should be of interest to every parent, so they will also need additional help from a specialist.

Physical abilities

In the preschool period, the capabilities of every child, without exception, increase more than five times. In total, the following age-related features of the development of children 4-5 years old can be distinguished:

  • Their coordination becomes better. Previously, they made inept movements, which is why the house was constantly a mess. They left marks on their clothes when they ate, drank water, sloppily put toys in a box and dressed sloppily. From this period, their coordination begins to improve noticeably. Every day the child becomes more and more independent and practically no longer needs the help of older comrades.
  • Every movement of the preschooler becomes sharper and more confident. You may notice that children begin to fall much less often and drop objects from their hands.
  • If you close your child’s eyes, he will be able to unmistakably show every part of his body.
  • Many parents claim that their children at this age become restless. They stop sleeping during the day, sit in one place less and are constantly on the move.

In order to understand whether a child is developing correctly, you can compare him with children who are six months younger than him. Compared to them, he becomes faster, sharper and more agile.

How to help your child develop physical abilities?

Of course, the first thing that helps develop the physical abilities of a little person is playing sports. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the psychophysical characteristics of children 4-5 years old. You shouldn’t turn your baby into a great athlete on the first day; the load should be distributed gradually. Under no circumstances should overly tiring sports be allowed. You should first consult with an experienced trainer and draw up a physical training schedule for your preschooler. Let it first be light morning exercises, then specific exercises, after which you can move on to mastering a specific sport.

You should not send your child to several sections at the same time, this may forever discourage his interest in such activities.

It is also worth taking into account the age-related psychophysical characteristics of children 4-5 years old. There is no need, for example, to force a child to do something he doesn’t want to do. If the child’s interests are still unclear, then it is necessary to provide his attention with videos of people who have achieved results in a certain sport, perhaps this will arouse his interest.

Creative skills

Many kindergartens and older groups provide parents with a useful reminder. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old can already be directly related to creative activity. Parents are also gradually beginning to notice that creative supplies are increasingly appearing in their home: colored paper, sketchbooks, paints, brushes and felt-tip pens. Most of all in this age category, kids like active creative activities, for example, they enjoy plot modeling; from plasticine they create various objects, cartoon characters, vehicles and much more. They also love to draw themselves and their loved ones. Once the image resembled individual stripes, circles and dots, now the drawing becomes a means of self-expression. The ability to compose is also excellently developed. A preschooler can independently come up with the end of a certain story; a vivid imagination will perfectly help to cope with this task.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old are focused on the complete mastery of fine motor skills, so making an application for them will not be difficult.

Joint activities will help develop your child’s creative abilities. You can watch a cartoon together, and then try to depict the recently seen plot on a piece of paper. It is recommended to create characters yourself and play with them; mothers can sew beautiful clothes for dolls together with their daughters.

Development of speech abilities

Separately, it is worth touching on such an important topic as the development of speech abilities in this age category. It should be noted that active progress may be observed during this period. Age-related characteristics of the speech of children 4-5 years old come down to several features:

  • Psychologists have repeatedly noticed that sometimes up to the age of four, a child can speak slurred, swallow words, or remain completely silent. Moms and dads worry about this, taking their offspring to various specialists. But, to their great disappointment, this does not help cope with the problem. To their surprise, when the baby turns four years old, he suddenly begins to speak fully.
  • During this period, the vocabulary also improves significantly; as a rule, the child already knows more than three thousand different words.
  • There is noticeable progress in terms of sound pronunciation. The child’s speech becomes understandable not only to his close people, but also to everyone around him, even complete strangers.
  • During this period, the child can already fully communicate with his peers, expressing thoughts, telling stories from life and telling complete information about himself.
  • A preschooler can already fully describe a certain effect, describe a picture and reveal all his emotions.

There are also a huge number of categories into which the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old fall. It is absolutely impossible to describe them briefly. It is also worth considering the fact that each child masters information and brings it to life at a completely different speed.

How to help your child develop speech abilities?

There are only a few ways that can affect the speech age characteristics of children 4-5 years old. First of all, you should not panic when a child does not speak upon reaching this age, but try to avoid this situation. From the very moment of birth, you should talk to your baby about everything that happens around him. Parents make a huge mistake when they leave their child alone, minding their own business. Because of this, he may become withdrawn.

You should constantly read books, poems and fairy tales to your children. It is best to simultaneously show in pictures what is being discussed at a given moment in time. Scientists have proven that visual memory in children is developed several times better.

Also, do not neglect kindergarten at an early age, especially if the child is constantly with his mother and does not communicate with his peers. Children begin to develop better by looking at people like them. The ideal age for going to preschool is 1.5-2 years. Each parent should keep track of the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old; it is recommended to record monthly how much their vocabulary is increasing and note whether there is progress at a given time.

The role of the family in the development of the child

Every normal parent dreams that his child will be the smartest, most capable, developed and will definitely achieve success in life. They send him to various sections from a very early age, buy expensive intellectual toys and take him to various events. In kindergarten, they want to hear about how their baby behaves in their absence, attending parent-teacher conferences again and again. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old do not depend on any of the above facts. Scientists have repeatedly proven that no matter how much financial resources are spent on children, they will not grow fully until harmony is established in the family.

In order for a child to grow up happy, the first thing to do is to achieve mutual understanding with all family members. A little person, looking at how her parents constantly argue, may come to the conclusion that she was the cause of their unhappy relationship. To prevent this from happening, you should quarrel only at times when the youngest members of the household are not at home; it is also recommended to spend time with your family as often as possible and communicate more.

Age characteristics of children 4-5 years old are an incredibly important topic for every parent. You should not turn to experienced teachers, development centers and modern technologies for help in this. Only the love of parents will help a child grow up to be a full-fledged, healthy and happy person, so with the birth of a baby, you should forget about baby monitors, constant work to replenish your finances and household chores, devoting as much time as possible to communicating with this little meaning of life. Only in this case, after four years, parents will not think about what they did wrong and why their child is not developing fully. However, every love must also have certain boundaries. Also, you should not compare your children with others, because each small organism develops at a completely different pace.

Reading time: 7 minutes.

It seems that the crisis is 3 years behind us, and the baby has already gotten used to kindergarten - it would seem that parents can exhale and relax. But preparation for school is already looming on the horizon and a new wave of tasks for the education and development of your child appears.

How does raising a 5-year-old child differ from previous periods? How can we help develop the abilities needed to be successful in school? How to interact with your child during this period?

Important tasks of raising a child

  • develop communication skills;
  • instill norms and rules of behavior in society;
  • promote the development of self-control in behavior;
  • develop mental abilities and thirst for knowledge;
  • notice in time the child’s interests and inclinations for one or another activity in order to help him develop his talent;
  • find a middle ground between playing and time for learning activities;
  • Raising a 4-year-old child should still be filled with your care and love for him, because he spends a lot of time in kindergarten and clearly does not get enough attention.

Problems in raising a 4-5 year old child

At this age stage, difficulties in parenting may arise due to a prolonged crisis of 3 years. And its resolution is usually hampered by incorrectly chosen methods of interaction with the child, numerous prohibitions and punishments, suppression of the child’s will and inability to understand his needs and the true reasons for his behavior in time.

Some parents do not take into account the needs of their children that have changed with age and continue to communicate with them at the same level, trying to engage them in the same activities as before, although the child may no longer be interested in them. This position is unfavorable for child development and learning new skills. Therefore, adults should be very sensitive to the preferences of their child in order to understand what can interest him.

If parents contributed to the development of the child’s independence and gently guided his actions, then there will be significantly fewer problems in raising a child at the age of 4-5 years and in the future.

Features of development of children 4-5 years old

  1. Fine motor skills develop more actively than before, the child more skillfully uses pencils, brushes, pens and other accessories for creative and educational activities.
  2. The child plays a lot of time with his peers and communicates with them.
  3. Strong cognitive interest develops. The kid strives to find out everything and asks a lot of questions to adults. He actively absorbs new information.
  4. The child controls his body well and coordinates movements.
  5. At this age, children practically no longer need daytime sleep. In kindergarten this remains a necessity, and they obey those requirements. But at home, most children no longer sleep during the day.
  6. A 4-5 year old child knows basic geometric shapes, numbers from 0 to 9, assembles simple puzzles, finds similarities and differences between two objects, names a group of objects with a general word, knows basic professions, knows how to ask questions correctly, can retell the content of a fairy tale or recite it by heart a simple poem, knows how to color pictures neatly.

Differences in the behavior and upbringing of boys and girls

At the age of 5 years, there are some differences in the behavior and upbringing of boys and girls.

Games and toys for 4-5 years old

Involve children of this age in outdoor games, including sports, role-playing games and board games at home. Various construction sets, puzzles, blocks for learning to read, dolls and cars of different brands.

Coloring books and art kits, of which there are a lot on sale now, will also delight the child. A bicycle, scooter, skates, skis are very useful acquisitions for active recreation. And, of course, don’t forget to read books together every day, discuss their contents, retell them, and learn poems.

Even though your baby is becoming less impulsive and his learning abilities are increasing every day, he is still a child who needs play, activity and your attention. Remember that you cannot take his childhood away from him ahead of time.

Elena Vladimirovna Lakeeva
Age-related psychological characteristics of children 4–5 years old

Age from four to five years is called the "relative period"

calm." The child has come out of the crisis of three years, which means that he has become more

independent, obedient, calm. In that age period for children

fatigue decreases, mood becomes more stable, less

subject to changes.

U children's interest in everything increases sharply what surrounds him. In that age

children begin to understand the feelings of other people and empathize with them. The child has

there is a great interest in peers, and the need for recognition and respect on their part also increases.

Four-year-olds are very inquisitive. They ask a lot of questions about everything

What they see. But their voluntary attention is not yet sufficiently developed.

Therefore, it is difficult to force them to do something that is not interesting to them.

Imagination is actively developing. A child lives in a world of dreams, fantasies, and fairy tales.

In his fantasies he becomes what he would like to be. But feeling

insufficiently protected from the outside world, the child often experiences

various fears.

U children from 4 to 5 years of age, interest in rules of behavior awakens. Exactly

In that age children especially pay attention to the fact that someone is doing something

did it wrong.

What parents of four-year-olds should pay attention to.

Determine your family laws and rules that the child is obliged to

observe. But remember that there should be few such prohibitions. After all

a large number of restrictions the child of this age is simply not in

able to comply.

Prohibitions generate anger, protest, and guilt in the child. Therefore, when prohibiting something, offer your child an alternative. For example, some

Parents whose children draw on the walls hang a roll of old wallpaper on the wall. A rope is threaded through the core of the roll, the ends of which are tied. The rope is attached to a nail in the wall. Then the wallpaper is unrolled all the way to the floor. Children draw with great pleasure

the wrong side of the wallpaper. Then the painted part of the wallpaper is rolled up into

roll and lies on the floor. And its place is taken by a clean part of the wallpaper. Having this

a place for creativity; children, as a rule, no longer draw on the walls.

If possible, avoid using words "it is forbidden" And "No". For example,

Instead of saying to kid: “You can’t tear books!”, it would be better

say something like this: “Books get damaged when they are torn. It’s bad to tear up books.”.

Be an example for your child. After all, children perceive not words, but actions. If parents prohibit their child from playing computer games, and

They play them themselves, will the child accept such a parental ban? Of course not. Do not tell stories in front of your child that may cause him fears. These are stories about bandits, serious illnesses, death, etc.

If a child is afraid of something, then you cannot ridicule or shame him for it.

It is necessary to listen carefully to the child’s stories about his fears.

Find opportunities for your child to play with other children. Emphasize more often that the child did something himself, that he has already

knows a lot. This will be a good incentive for the development of hard work and independence. Discuss his fantasies with your child, suggest

twists in the storyline, give moral assessments to the actions of the heroes.

Treat everyone with respect, even the child’s wrong ideas.

After all, any manifestation of disrespect on the part of adults for conclusions

a child can discourage him from interest in cognitive activities, as well as deprive him of self-confidence. Adults should not judge children,

and discuss with them their thoughts and argue with them as if on equal terms,but not

Show an interested and friendly attitude towards questions

child, even if he asks the same questions several times.

After all, children who do not receive answers to their questions from an adult,

begin to show traits of isolation, negativism, stubbornness, and disobedience towards elders. Discuss with your child on his

language any events and phenomena that interest him.

A baby who has successfully survived the crisis of three years of age, the transition to a new stage of his life, characterized by relative calm. Despite this, parents do not need to relax. The age-related (psychological, intellectual, physical) characteristics of children 4-5 years old will tell you which direction to move in, how to develop the child and help him overcome the difficulties of this period.

At this stage, the psychological characteristics of children 4-5 years old play a very important role, on which behavior and personality development depend. Taking them into account, parents can build a logical and competent line of education.

  1. The desire for independence. A child of this age no longer needs the help and care of adults. Openly declares his rights and tries to set his own rules.
  2. Ethical ideas. According to experts, the peculiarities of the psychological development of children 4-5 years old are such that children of this age learn to understand the feelings of others, empathize, and get out of difficult situations in communication.
  3. Creative skills. At 4-5 years old, a child’s imagination actively develops. He lives in his own world of fairy tales, creating entire countries based on his fantasies. There he is the hero, the main character, and achieves the recognition he lacks in the real world.
  4. Fears. The unbridled imagination of a child at 4-5 years old can give rise to a variety of fears and nightmares.
  5. Socialization. The child breaks away from the circle of intra-family relationships and joins the sea of ​​the surrounding world. He needs recognition from his peers.
  6. Gaming activities become more difficult. The game continues to dictate and shape the psychological characteristics of a 4-5 year old child, but it becomes more multifaceted. It takes on a role-playing orientation: children play hospital, store, war, and act out their favorite fairy tales. In the process, they become friends, get jealous, quarrel, make peace, help each other, and get offended.
  7. Active curiosity forces children 4-5 years old to ask adults a wide variety of questions about everything in the world. They talk all the time, discuss something, without stopping for a minute. A fascinating conversation and an entertaining game are what they simply need now. If you push your child away at this moment, you can forever discourage him from being interested in something.
  8. Children of this age perceive not only praise but also remarks very emotionally; they are very sensitive and vulnerable. Therefore, when punishing and scolding them, words must be chosen with great care. Otherwise, this may provoke in them the development of internal complexes that hinder socialization and the formation of a full-fledged personality.
  9. By the age of 5, they begin to be interested in gender and wonder about the differences between boys and girls.

Parents who know the age-related psychological characteristics of their children at 4-5 years old can help them. In particular, block their fears, control their overly unbridled imagination, captivating them with entertaining games and educational conversations. In parallel with psychological development, intellectual development is actively underway, which needs to be taken care of especially carefully. After all, how successful the child will be at school will depend on this aspect.

Note to parents. Please note that at 4-5 years old, all the shortcomings in a child’s upbringing gradually take root and turn into negative and, unfortunately, already stable character traits, which only a psychotherapist can correct in the future. Don't overlook this feature.

Smart Features

As we found out, the characteristics of mental development suggest active curiosity in children 4-5 years old. This leads to the formation of intelligence and requires all possible support from parents. If, in response to the child’s questions, they brush them off and do not provide him with educational games and full-fledged educational conversations, an important moment may be missed forever and the child may experience depression. Hence the child’s reluctance to subsequently study at school. Therefore, strive to develop the following skills in your baby.

Math skills

  1. Determines the location of objects: back, middle, right, left, top, bottom, front.
  2. Knows the basic shapes of geometry: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle.
  3. Knows numbers from 0 to 9. Counts objects, correlates their quantity with the number.
  4. Arranges numbers in the correct sequence and in reverse (from 1 to 5).
  5. Compares different numbers of objects, understands values ​​such as equal, more, less.

Logical thinking

  1. The type of thinking characteristic of a 4-5 year old child is visual-figurative. All his actions are practical. Visibility comes first. But by the end of the 5th year, thinking gradually becomes generalized and turns into verbal-logical.
  2. Memory capacity increases.
  3. The stability of attention increases.
  4. The child finds differences and similarities between pictures and objects.
  5. Folds according to the model of a building (pyramid, construction set) without outside help.
  6. Folds the cut picture into a single whole (there should be from 2 to 4 parts).
  7. The development of nervous processes allows a child to perform one task for several (at least 5) minutes, without being distracted by anything else. This is a very important age feature.
  8. Inserts missing fragments of canvas and pictures.
  9. Names a specific group of objects with a general word. Finds an extra object and pairs.
  10. Selects opposite words.
  11. He sees objects in the picture that are depicted incorrectly and explains what exactly is wrong.

Speech development

  1. Uses a thousand words, constructs phrases of 5-9 words. A 4-5 year old child should be understood not only by his parents, but also by strangers.
  2. Knows the structural features of a person, that it differs from an animal: name parts of the body (nails - claws, hands - paws, hair - fur).
  3. Uses plural.
  4. Finds an item according to its description.
  5. Understands the meaning of prepositions.
  6. Knows professions.
  7. Maintains a conversation: answers questions and asks them correctly.
  8. Retells the content of a fairy tale or story. Learns poems and nursery rhymes by heart.
  9. Says his first and last name, how old he is, the city where he lives.

You can read about the diagnosis and treatment of delayed speech development in a child in one of them.

The world

  1. Distinguishes between vegetables, fruits and berries.
  2. Knows insects.
  3. Names pets.
  4. He guesses the seasons from pictures and knows their signs.

Everyday Skills

  1. He fastens buttons and zippers, unties his own shoelaces, and handles a spoon and fork.
  2. Strings beads and large buttons onto a thread.
  3. Accurately draws lines without lifting the pencil from the paper, thanks to the development of sensory features.
  4. Shades figures with straight, even lines, without going beyond its contours.
  5. He traces and colors pictures without going beyond the edges.
  6. Distinguishes between right and left hands.

You can work with your child at home on your own, or you can hire a specialist or enroll in a child development center. Taking into account his age characteristics, we must try to ensure the maximum development of his intellectual abilities. This way he will be 100% ready for school, will be successful and will avoid stress. At the same time, do not forget to take care of his full physical development.

Helpful advice. At this stage, it is very important, taking into account the age characteristics of the child, to cultivate in him kindness, politeness, responsibility, responsiveness, and love of work.

Physical development

The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old are of great importance in terms of physical development. Parents should focus on normal indicators in order to notice deviations in time and correct them, if possible.

  1. The general physical capabilities of children at 4-5 years old increase significantly. Thus, their coordination improves noticeably. Most movements look more confident from the outside.
  2. They still need movement.
  3. The child becomes dexterous and fast.
  4. Muscles grow quickly, but unevenly. Because of this, a 4-5 year old child gets tired instantly. This feature must be taken into account by adults; in order to dose physical activity, pauses for rest are needed during exercise.
  5. The average increase in height per year should be 5-7 cm, body weight - up to 2 kg.
  6. The skeleton is flexible because the ossification process is not complete. So strength exercises are contraindicated, but parents and educators need to constantly monitor their posture and posture.
  7. The body's need for oxygen increases. The peculiarity of the respiratory system is that the abdominal type is replaced by the thoracic type. Lung capacity increases.
  8. The peculiarity of cardiac activity is that the rhythm of heart contractions is easily disturbed, so that with significant physical exertion the heart muscle gets tired. This can be seen by redness or paleness of the face, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, and uncoordinated movements. Therefore, it is so important to switch to a different type of activity in time.
  9. This age is called the “golden time” for the development of sensory abilities.
  10. Another physical feature of this age: the lens of the eye has a flat shape - therefore, the development of farsightedness is noted.
  11. The eardrum at this age is tender and easily injured. Hence the special sensitivity to noise.
  12. Nervous processes are far from perfect. The process of arousal predominates, so that in moments of resentment, violent emotional reactions and demonstrative non-compliance with the rules of behavior cannot be avoided.
  13. The effectiveness of educational measures aimed at nervous processes is enhanced.
  14. Rapid formation of conditioned reflex connections.
  15. Conditioned inhibition is difficult to form. Therefore, having forbidden something to a child once, there is no need to expect that it will be imprinted in his memory forever. In order for him to fully understand this or that prohibition, it is necessary to constantly reinforce it with him.

These are the features of the development of children 4-5 years old in terms of physiology. They help parents understand many of the processes occurring in a small organism. You need to know what will benefit the baby, and what activities and educational measures will be not only empty, but even harmful.

Keep in mind! It is from this age that the child needs to be explained what a healthy lifestyle is and accustom him to its features. Light gymnastics, a daily routine, constant walks, and proper nutrition will help the little man meet the physical development of his peers.

Taking into account all the above-mentioned features of the development of a 4-5 year old child, parents will be able to get the maximum benefit from them in order to raise a full-fledged personality and qualitatively prepare the child for school. Psychologists and teachers advise building a relationship with your baby in the following way at this age.

  1. There should not be too many prohibitions, rules and laws: due to his mental age characteristics, the child will not be able to comply with them all. On the contrary, if there is an exorbitant number of them, get ready for war: the baby will stage a protest.
  2. React with restraint to the child’s justified insult and anger.
  3. Tell him about your feelings and experiences. This way he will better understand you and the people around you.
  4. Discuss with him the features and details of any difficult ethical situations in which he finds himself in the yard and in kindergarten.
  5. Don't overload his conscience. There is no need to constantly tell him about his mistakes: a destructive feeling of guilt, fear, vindictiveness, and passivity will appear.
  6. A 4-5 year old child does not need to be told scary stories, shown horror films, or talk about death and illness.
  7. Be interested in your baby's creative abilities and successes. But don't criticize.
  8. Allow him to play with his peers as much as possible.
  9. Answer any questions, ask for his opinion. Tell me how to independently search for information.
  10. Play with him at home.
  11. Read books.
  12. Reinforce any knowledge you gain.

Those parents who care about the development of a full-fledged personality of the child should keep in mind all of the above-mentioned age-related features of the development of children 4-5 years old: they are a guideline. Knowing about them, it is much easier to guide the child in the right direction, understand his inner world, and help him cope with the difficulties that this period is fraught with. Such a policy will make it possible to qualitatively prepare a preschooler for his upcoming studies at school and facilitate social adaptation.