I'm pregnant and my husband is driving me hysterical. My husband insults and beats me, and I’m pregnant. Rules of conduct in a conflict situation.

Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the most amazing miracles in the world. And the expectant mother undoubtedly has the right to feel special, because she is more involved in this wonderful event than others.

But, as they say, nothing human is alien to her. Few people never break the recommended diet for nine months. And someone wants to start choosing hair dye at a time when this is, in principle, undesirable. And, perfectly understanding the importance of positive emotions, it is sometimes so difficult to cope with the desire to scream, cry, or further break dishes - in general, create a real scandal!

Why did it happen?

This question concerns not only the friends and closest relatives of a pregnant woman - those who experience unexpected outbursts of irritability and anger. She herself sometimes doesn’t understand why she can’t calm down or quickly forget something that previously didn’t cause any emotions at all. And there are more than enough reasons. The main one is hormonal changes in the body. After all, the amount of some hormones, including progesterone, which is responsible for irritability, increases many times. Another reason is psychological. Almost all pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, experience tension and anxiety. There are so many changes and important things to do, so many worries and problems, but those around you do not understand this. “It just drove me crazy when at work they told me that some report needed to be done urgently, because it was very important. My whole life is changing, nothing more important exists for me! And how can I stay late after a working day , if I’m just waiting for this day to end?”

Those who suffer the most are those at home and mainly the future dad, who sometimes cannot even understand what he is to blame for. He may be to blame for the fact that he arrived an hour later than he promised (you were going crazy with excitement, but he doesn’t care at all); or the fact that he didn’t immediately rush to read the magazine about babies that you bought (he’s so indifferent to the child - maybe he doesn’t want children at all?); or that he didn’t find your favorite tulips in February (and it’s his sacred duty to please you now). Why is it the husband who gets hit? Why are most of the claims brought against him, the person closest to him? Most psychologists believe that this is an instinctive test of the future dad's strength and preparation for ever-increasing responsibility. Another opinion is that nature “conceived” this with the aim of reducing sexual contacts at undesirable times for the baby. One way or another, such sentiments prevail among women, as a rule, in the first trimester, when adaptation takes place and when doctors actually often recommend limiting intimate life.

The second trimester is calmer. Emotional outbursts occur much less frequently, and many characterize this period as “serene anticipation.” The closer to childbirth, the more thoughts of the expectant mother are occupied by thoughts about the baby and the less she worries about all other problems. In the last few weeks, there has generally been emotional freezing and complete immersion in one’s feelings, so if conflicts do occur, then this is an exception.

Of course, in addition to physiological ones, emotionality also depends on other factors.

For example, depending on the characteristics of temperament - impulsive and impetuous natures are always more prone to quarrels and conflicts than calm and reasonable ones. This also depends on the conditions of pregnancy, including its timeliness and desirability. One way or another, all this is absolutely natural, and if you feel that you are overwhelmed with irritation, anger, resentment, give free rein to your feelings and...

Scandal for your health!

Don't hold back or hide your emotions. There is absolutely no benefit from this - neither to you nor to your loved ones. Firstly, it is harmful to health: people who experience everything within themselves are prone to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Secondly, constantly holding back irritation can lead to the fact that at one point it breaks out with even greater force. Thirdly, you can hide the cause of resentment or anger, but not the condition itself. And it’s unlikely that it will be easier for those around you if, saying that everything is fine, you sit all evening with a gloomy look in front of the TV or stand by the window, wiping your tears.

Of course, breaking dishes and screaming is not the only way to return emotions to normal. Everyone knows their own, “bloodless” methods. Women in such a situation, as a rule, want to speak out - after all, they are more emotional than men. So talking to a friend can change the situation for the better. Walking around the city helps some, while others escape anger and stress by hand washing (preferably large items).

If you are one of those who, in order to relax, definitely need to “say everything that’s boiling over,” then consider a few points. First, don't let your emotions control your actions. Remember the wise saying “The morning is wiser than the evening”, now it is very useful. And if, in the heat of a scandal, you have a desire to immediately pack your things and go to your mother, or get a divorce, or quit your job - postpone this decision until the next morning, or even better, the next day.

Second, make sure that your loved ones do not suffer too much from your mood swings, attacks of resentment, or even aggression. Of course, you have every right to all this, especially now, but what should they do? They cannot understand the full range of your experiences, no matter how hard they try. Maybe it would be better if you explained that your condition is not always controllable and asked them to be patient?

Third, you should not feel guilty about this. Irritability, anxiety, and anger do not mean that you are a bad wife and mother. This is a completely normal reaction to a change in situation. A little time will pass and everything will fall into place.

Fourth, remember that we can still do a lot to become more balanced and calm. Moreover, it is often enough to use the simplest relaxation methods and “remake” your day a little.

A good mood is your doing

  1. Often, when returning home, we transfer our work activity and excitement to the family. Having failed to get rid of the day's impressions, we take out our bad mood on our family. To reduce the risk of scandals of this kind, establish a tradition: when you return home, immediately relax. Sit in a chair, relax and sit quietly. Listen to your favorite music. Try to completely immerse yourself in the sound, disconnecting from all your thoughts. You can make yourself tea and drink it slowly, in small sips, while also thinking about something extraneous, for example, where this tea grew and who collected it. It would be nice to take a walk in the fresh air, especially since walking is especially beneficial for you now.
  2. If you often feel mental and muscle tension, learn special relaxation exercises that will help you find balance.

It is advisable to perform the exercises in a separate room, without prying eyes. To begin, take the starting position - lying on your back, without a pillow, legs slightly apart, feet turned toes outward, arms lying freely along the body with palms up. The whole body is relaxed, eyes are closed, breathing through the nose.

  • Lie quietly for about 2 minutes. Imagine the room you are in. Mentally walk around the entire room along the walls, then in the opposite direction.
  • Focus on your breathing. Feel how you breathe, feel that the air you inhale is colder than the air you exhale.
  • Take a shallow breath and hold your breath for a moment. Tighten all your muscles at the same time for a few seconds. As you exhale, relax. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  • Lie quietly for a few minutes, completely relaxing and focusing on the feeling of the heaviness of your body. Register all environmental sounds in your consciousness, but do not perceive them. The same applies to thoughts. Don't try to overcome them - you just need to register them.

Perform tension-relaxation exercises for individual muscles of the body one at a time. Start with your legs, then move on to your gluteal muscles, chest muscles, arms, and face.

  • In conclusion, mentally “run through” all the muscles of the body: is there even the slightest tension left somewhere? If yes, try to remove it, as relaxation should be complete.
  • Lie down quietly again - relax, breathing evenly, without delays. You feel rested, calm, full of strength.
  • Open your eyes, close them, open them again. Stretch as you would after sleep. Sit down very slowly, without jerking. Then stand up just as slowly, trying to maintain a pleasant feeling of internal relaxation for as long as possible.
  1. If you suddenly find yourself in a stressful situation, you can find ways to help yourself and calm down. Here are some ways to relieve stress:
  • Calming breathing. Slowly take a deep breath in through your nose. Hold your breath for a moment, then exhale as slowly as possible. Imagine that with each deep inhalation and long exhalation you are partially releasing stress.
  • Look around and carefully examine the room you are in. Pay attention to the smallest details, even if you know them perfectly. Slowly, without rushing, “go through” all the items one by one in a certain sequence. Focus completely on this “inventory”. Say mentally to yourself: “Brown desk. White curtains. Bright flower vase,” etc. You will distract yourself from internal tension, directing your shooting to a rational perception of the environment.
  • Engage in some activity, preferably physical (feasible) labor. In a stressful situation, this will act as a lightning rod - you will direct your energy in a “peaceful direction” and at the same time be distracted.

Rules of behavior in a conflict situation

Of course, quarrels are not always caused by excessive emotionality or tension accumulated by negative events. What to do if the reason is deeper, if a happy relationship is hampered by serious contradictions and mutual claims, when it becomes clear that there is a conflict situation in the family?

It’s also not worth holding back, waiting for everything to resolve itself or for you to get used to this state of affairs. A “good quarrel” will turn out to be better in this case than a “bad peace”, but provided that you are trying to understand each other, convey your emotions to your interlocutor and ultimately improve your relationship, and not destroy it by humiliating your partner and merciless abuse .

If, despite all the problems, you have not changed your desire to live together, you should think about conflict resolution tactics. There are rules for “competently” resolving such situations.

  • Discuss only what is causing the quarrel. Then the topic will eventually exhaust itself. If you jump from one topic to another, then the scandal will become an end in itself and as a result you will come to nothing.
  • Eliminate all statements that can humiliate or insult a person, that call into question his human dignity, male (female) viability. “If I knew, I would never marry you!”, “You’re not a man!”, “Loser!”, “A decent man in your place...” - try never to say anything like that.
  • Do not transfer reproaches to other family members, be it your parents or children: “Everything like your mother!”, “What can we expect from children with such a father!”
  • Don't generalize. In the heat of a quarrel, it is sometimes difficult to remember something good, but otherwise the quarrel will also be more difficult to stop, and, in addition, it may leave a very heavy aftertaste. “You don’t like children at all,” “You don’t care about your family.” By the way, women are more prone to such statements than men, and by convincing a husband that he does not need a family, he can ultimately be... convinced.
  • Use the word “I” more often, rather than “you,” and talk about what exactly you don’t like and what you have complaints about. This will help you not go beyond your partnership and will not turn you into enemies.
  • Be sure to talk about your experiences. Share your feelings after a quarrel: “I feel very bad when this happens,” “I would like everything to be the same,” “I’m sorry I said that,” such expressions help close the topic.
  • If you already have children, try not to quarrel in front of them. They may not understand that nothing terrible will follow the screams. Remember that for them your quarrels are one of the lessons on how to behave in a family.

Of course, it would be great if family life could be free of conflicts. Unfortunately, there are no conflict-free families. But quarreling correctly and sorting things out correctly is also an art. And the better you master it, the more viable your family is. This is especially important to remember now - on the eve of the birth of your baby.

Elizaveta Yuryeva, psychologist

Give up your seat!

A girl with a big belly enters the subway car, looks around helplessly, but the passengers all of a sudden fall asleep, or indifferently avert their eyes to the side. Many expectant mothers say that it’s not so hard to stand as it is offensive to realize that other people treat you with indifference. It’s all the more unpleasant when, upon entering the carriage, the hulking “pregnant woman” is overtaken by strong guys and briskly plop down on the seat with the look of champions. Unfortunately, our world is not flawless, and when we need help, not everyone will respond. Even if we just need to stand for a couple stops. In such a situation, you should take the initiative and ask the passenger to give you a seat. This is better than standing and getting angry at the whole world. Learn to ask for help for your own sake. And if this happens, then step aside and. turn to someone else. At the same time, do not flaunt your pregnancy. And be sure to thank for the kindness.

Harmful husband

There are perfect husbands! And they go to stores, and cook, and wash dishes. Sometimes it seems that for some reason these darlings get the most from their wives. A pregnant wife is just looking for flaws in the relationship. She delves into herself, into her husband’s behavior, and organizes concerts from scratch. It is not a malicious character that guides a woman’s behavior, but hormones. She herself is not happy with her whims. For the sake of peace of mind, you can step on male pride. Remember: everything that the wife expresses with bitterness and tears is dictated by hormonal surges, and not by her consciousness. Literally in an hour, when the expectant mother calms down and the world begins to sparkle with different colors for her, she will be ashamed of the offensive words. It’s better for the future dad to just hug his obstinate wife and say: “I still love you.” And the clouds will clear. Expectant mothers want more attention and care, and when they don’t get it, in their opinion, resentments arise, which then develop into quarrels and scandals. But you can’t blame everything on hormones. To understand yourself, go to a psychologist. Perhaps you lack maternal care, and you want to find it from your husband, attracting his attention with such “concerts” and not wanting to grow up. What if the husband really doesn’t act in the best way? For example, isn’t interested in how you feel, doesn’t help you carry heavy bags, isn’t worried about the birth of your baby? Experts advise arousing responsibility in your spouse by telling the future dad about matters related to pregnancy, and more often letting him near the belly. Let him stroke his belly, talk to the baby, and his father’s feelings will awaken. Such communication is very important - attachment is born through it. If your husband likes to lie on the sofa, then try to drive him to the store by any means. Finally, write a shopping list. Many men find it easier to act “according to instructions.”

My second mother

Yes, you can come to an agreement with your husband and make peace easily. With mother-in-law the situation is more complicated. Here is a paradox: many women dream of grandchildren, but at the same time they hate with fierce hatred those who provide them with this happiness - their daughters-in-law. Or they just don’t want to put themselves in their position, help, encourage and support. If the mother-in-law is indeed a monster, it is, of course, better to live separately. And if this is not possible, then abstract yourself from the situation, look at the rancor as if from the outside, play the role of an observer. And it’s better to share your worries between yourself and a neutral person - a psychologist.

We need to figure out why the daughter-in-law-mother-in-law relationship has become so critical. Responsibility for establishing contacts lies not only with the “second mother,” but also with the daughter-in-law. We must remember that when coming to someone else’s house, you cannot impose your own rules. You will have to adapt to the rules that apply there. Often, things begin between two women a game of survival, competition for one man. In such cases, you also need to talk to your mother-in-law that she is not losing her son. Show: I am not competing with you, he is still your son. that the world revolves around her. And all requests from the husband’s mother are met with hostility. But, having created your own family, you also preserve the first families. So, you must respect the established traditions (even if they are unfair). that she’s probably having a hard time now too. Sometimes, instead of passionately defending her position, it’s better to laugh it off: “You all know, Marya Ivanovna!” Let's drink tea together." A good example of a recipe for a good relationship with a mother-in-law, according to a psychologist, was given by one famous actress: “When I first got to my husband’s house, before going to bed, I paid attention to how the pillows were fluffed and how there are capes on them. The next morning I did the same. My mother-in-law noticed this and said: “I like you.” That’s how I found an approach to my husband’s mother, and we became friends.”

Circumstances are to blame

If both the husband holds on and the mother-in-law is golden, then the pregnant capricious woman will definitely find a reason for resentment in the environment or the behavior of other people. Anything can be a reason for tears: indifferent colleagues don’t call from work, the apartment is cramped, the weather is disgusting... Midwife and mother of six children Alena Lebedeva advises pregnant women... to think not only about themselves, but also about others. The so-called pregnancy blues (this beautiful word - presumably from the American idiom to feel blue - “to be in sadness” - refers to the unstable states of expectant mothers) is not a reason to become completely selfish. Pregnancy is the most wonderful time in the life of many women. It’s a shame to waste it on insults ! The expectant mother often behaves like a child, and needs care like a baby. But those around her still perceive her as an adult. On the one hand, they may really lack sensitivity. — a pregnant woman should look inside herself and draw conclusions to see whether her offense is really justified.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones

In general, don’t make mistakes so that you have only the best memories from your pregnancy! Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Pregnancy is the beginning of a very long journey that you have to go through with your child. This means it’s better to immediately get ready and walk. Is my husband’s mother again giving bad advice and interfering in things that aren’t her business? Learn to react correctly along this difficult road in high spirits. As they say, to spite the enemy, to the delight of the mother. Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy cause increased susceptibility to external factors. No matter how you are offended, always think that through your experiences you are causing psychological discomfort, first of all to yourself and your child. Try to abstract yourself from everything that can cause negative emotions and communicate more with your baby.

A woman carrying a child is characterized by increased vulnerability and touchiness. A careless word from a husband or the things of an older son scattered around the room can cause hysterics. Ignoring overexertion is extremely dangerous in late pregnancy. If you cannot contain the outbursts of negative emotions, you should visit a neurologist.

Causes of the undesirable condition

The risk of a nervous breakdown during pregnancy increases sharply in women with a hot temper. Women who had a calm, balanced character before pregnancy can also encounter manifestations of hysteria.

Reasons for the hysterical state of the expectant mother:

  • problematic relationship with her husband: not all young men are ready for the birth of an heir and for the changes that he will bring to their lives;
  • a woman’s strong fears of childbirth and new responsibilities; altered state of hormonal levels: in order to provide the future baby with reliable protection and development, the expectant mother’s body produces a significant amount of the hormone progesterone - it increases the patient’s irritability and suspiciousness;
  • difficult experience of first pregnancy and childbirth;
  • miscarriages suffered in the past: the patient is afraid of losing the baby she is carrying - she perceives any unusual condition as a harbinger of trouble;
  • existing rejection of their changed figure: many pregnant women have a hard time experiencing changes in their body; worries about appearance may be supplemented by the fear that the husband will stop loving his wife.

People far from medicine confuse hysteria in pregnant women with a diagnosis of hysterical pregnancy. This is what doctors call a woman’s false confidence that she is pregnant.

Nervousness in early pregnancy

Nervous breakdowns and crying for insignificant reasons are observed in many women during their first pregnancy. The main reason for emotional agitation is changes in the body that are unusual for the patient. The first trimester of pregnancy is a treacherous and difficult time. The expectant mother may be plagued by signs of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting).

Almost all women at this time are worried about weakness and increased sensitivity to odors. If a woman has hidden infections or chronic diseases, pregnancy will expose all the weak points of the body. Against the backdrop of deteriorating health, any external irritant (intrusive advice from relatives, remark from a boss) can cause an outburst of anger in a pregnant woman.

Symptoms of hysteria in early pregnancy:

  • sobbing;
  • scream;
  • active gestures;
  • pallor.

Some ladies, while crying hysterically, try to throw a plate or other object at the wall. An alarming signal from the nervous system is convulsions in a pregnant woman.

When a woman screams and sobs, the amount of oxygen in her blood decreases. As a result, the embryo experiences oxygen starvation.

Prolonged hypoxia can cause defects in the development of organs of the unborn baby.

Ways to restore calm

If anger and resentment make you take it out on your husband and relatives, do not escalate the situation. For a woman who has a difficult relationship with her husband, a psychologist may recommend a change of scenery.

To prevent a woman’s sobbing from turning into a hysterical faint, doctors advise her to do the following in difficult situations:

  • drink a glass of cool water;
  • wash your face with cool water, moisten your face and neck;
  • balance your breathing: when tears are choking, take 10–20 deep breaths, exhaling, imagine that all the negativity comes out and dissipates in space;
  • count to 50;
  • roll a round object (ball of thread, ball) on your palm for several minutes.

Psychologists advise pregnant women to avoid watching sad films, as well as reading books containing scenes of violence.

Imbalance of the nervous system is often observed in women with low levels of B vitamins. The gynecologist will prescribe you a vitamin complex, which includes vitamins B1, B6 and other valuable substances.

Disruptions in the second trimester

The second trimester is called a quiet period for young mothers. Symptoms of toxicosis have passed by this time. If a pregnant woman’s health is normal, and the fetus develops without pathologies, the woman has no reason for hysterical behavior.

But sometimes tantrums happen in the second trimester of pregnancy. Fear for the unborn child is the main provocateur of hysterical manifestations. A nervous breakdown can occur in a woman who suffered from depressive thoughts before pregnancy.

A sudden fright or sad event (a fire in the house, a serious illness of a relative, an attack by a robber) often causes a woman to become hysterical.

The expectant mother may experience the following ailments:

  • weakness in arms and legs;
  • partial memory loss: the woman cannot remember the event that shocked her;
  • uneven gait;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • imaginary loss of consciousness - this state can last from 2 minutes. up to 5 days; during the period of immobility, the woman does not respond to painful stimuli, as well as to the voices of doctors and relatives.

If you had a momentary tantrum, don't beat yourself up over it. Stay positive and protect yourself from stress. Women whose emotional background is far from stable need to control themselves.

When stressed, adrenaline and cortisol are produced in large quantities. These hormones overcome the placenta barrier and enter the bloodstream of the unborn baby. They can negatively affect the formation of the nervous system of your unborn child.

Calming methods

A good way to balance your state of mind is to take up pregnancy yoga. You can sign up for the pool. By strengthening your muscles and ligaments with proper exercise, you will prepare yourself for childbirth and forget about worries. Before visiting the pool, a woman should consult a gynecologist.

If a lady experiences more frequent dramatic scenes, she should visit a neurologist.

To make sure that the patient does not have structural changes in the brain, he will prescribe an electroencephalography. To reduce the emotional stress that is debilitating you, a specialist can prescribe herbal-based sedatives for you.

Tantrums in the third trimester

Mood swings can be observed in women in the later stages of pregnancy. Starting from the 34th week of pregnancy, the cause of hysteria is discomfort associated with an enlarged belly. Ladies complain of frequent urination, lower back pain, and numbness in the legs.

Some women listen too much to themselves, so they perceive a decrease in the activity of the unborn child with great fear. The baby pushes less intensely in the stomach, because he is cramped in the uterus. Women, overcome with panic, are sure that something depressing is happening to their unborn heir.

If a woman cries for a long time, fusses, or makes sudden movements, the child begins to push hard.

Sobbing, fussiness, a pessimistic perception of one’s condition are reasons to visit the clinic. The gynecologist will refer you for an ultrasound to confirm the well-being of the unborn baby.

Young women often experience tantrums during the 9th month of pregnancy. The patient's body is intensively preparing for childbirth. Training contractions can begin at any moment. They are irregular and less painful than labor. Physical discomfort tires a woman. Because of this, she breaks down and sobs.

The husband and closest friends of the pregnant lady should convey to her the idea that due to hysterics, her labor may be difficult.

Consequences for the baby

Tears and scandals harm any person. A woman in a special position should avoid prolonged hysterics.

During pregnancy, the consequences of hysterics can be the most unexpected:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • heart defect in a baby;
  • vulnerability of the child’s vascular system;
  • postpartum depression in young mothers;
  • a child's tendency to anxiety and phobias.

The consequences of the hysterical sobbing of a pregnant woman can appear in a child in preschool age or during school years.

Overcoming increased excitability of the nervous system

Ways to deal with hysteria:

  • sleep and rest regime: the duration of sleep for pregnant women should be 8–9 hours;
  • walks in the open air;
  • meditation;
  • motherwort in tablets: you can take this remedy no earlier than 16 weeks of pregnancy;
  • “Novopassit” and other drugs: sometimes neurologists prescribe these pills to pregnant women; you should not take medications without consulting a gynecologist; watching comedy films, reading entertaining literature;
  • gymnastics and yoga for pregnant women;
  • aromatherapy;
  • a balanced diet: a pregnant woman’s menu should include raw vegetables,
  • fruits, cottage cheese, boiled chicken, turkey;
  • art therapy (drawing, singing): when irritation and resentment come over you, try switching to creativity.


A common problem for expectant mothers is hysteria during pregnancy. The reasons for this condition are family troubles, hormonal changes in the woman’s body, and fear of new responsibilities. A woman’s psyche is most vulnerable at 34–37 weeks of gestation. At this time, the girl’s body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth. Pain and discomfort can be physically and mentally debilitating. Aromatherapy, yoga, and visiting the pool will help you cope with irritability and sadness.

Nervous breakdowns during pregnancy. and got the best answer

Answer from Natalia Ch[guru]
at the moment of a quarrel, you don’t think about the child, but think about your pride, any phrase hurts you twice because you also add the thought “and he’s a goat, I’m carrying his child” - a common stupidity!!! In fact, think about the baby, when because of such little things the kids get sick or grow up restless, you will be ready to put everything back in place, but it will be too late to change everything! and you must understand that you are carrying the child for yourself first of all, you will soon be a mother and you will understand that the child is your own blood, and men come and go! God forbid, of course, that you will have a wonderful husband and dad, but now think about the child together and at least start with yourself! You may have hormones, but a man doesn’t need to prove anything in your situation, he’ll never be in it anyway... even if you get drunk or get stoned, you know who’s worse off for it yourself...

Answer from Katya Solovyova[guru]
Woohoo! It is strange that there is no toxicosis that causes an aversion to tobacco smoke and smell. Beating yourself is a teenage theme, but you still seem to be planning to carry your pregnancy to term? You need to visit a forum where failed mothers discuss the causes of miscarriages, stillbirths, and missed abortions so that your priorities fall into place.
Your husband is annoying you, and you take it out on the fruit... It's mean.

Answer from Ariafan13 ariafan13[guru]
What if you don’t communicate with him for a while before giving birth?

Answer from Evgenia Grigorieva[guru]
I have never had such a terrible relationship with my husband as during the second half of pregnancy. A month before giving birth, I wanted to get a divorce, despite the fact that I’m not particularly eager to take rash steps. I had already laid out in my head how I could cope on my own... I persuaded me to wait until the birth... Everything was very bad.
At the same time, it never occurred to me to be hysterical, much less to beat myself...) My task was to carry and give birth to a healthy child. Compared to her, everything recedes into the background. What the hell are cigarettes? What kind of suicide, God forbid???
Your condition may be due to hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. If I were you, I would immediately see a doctor, today.

Answer from Victoria Mokrushina[guru]
Alice, don't do this. The baby in the belly is very nervous. Calm down, give birth, do not pay attention to external stimuli - the child is very dependent on you now

Answer from Zarema Magomedovna[guru]
Well, ask your husband not to pester you! My mother, too, when she was pregnant with my brother, hated my dad, and when I was with me, she couldn’t live without him))

Answer from Belle xxx[guru]
There are some men who cannot get into the position of their girlfriend (wife, etc.) and the fact that hormones play during pregnancy, he was warned, he does not give in to provocations. Nothing has changed in the relationship, he can also persistently argue with you, criticize and make remark, and now you react to everything very sharply and painfully. You want to be pitied and taken care of, because these 9 months will fly by, and you won’t even have anything to remember except quarrels and insults. Try to pay less attention to your husband, go for a walk, go shopping, read an interesting book, watch movies, chat with friends. You, just like him, need to rest emotionally.

Answer from Di[guru]
When you give birth to a baby, you will realize that you were a fool, but it will be too late. Why do you need such a husband? Chose a man instead of a child?

Answer from Antonina Tikhonova[guru]
Why harm yourself when you can have a blast on someone who makes you hysterical?) beat him)
I understand that you yourself have become like a pregnant gopnik)