Determining the sex of the child at 18 weeks of pregnancy. At what week can you find out the gender of your baby by ultrasound? The nasal bones lag behind the norm

The woman's figure continues to change, and most people can definitely see that she is pregnant. However, there are many other changes that are happening but no one can see them.

The functioning of the cardiovascular system is affected by pregnancy, and therefore problems associated with low blood pressure may arise. This is why it is important to change your body position slowly. This reduces the amount of dizziness that may occur.

Pregnancy 18 week: baby development

The baby is currently about 16 cm long and weighs about 190 grams. A protective covering called myelin begins to form around the fetal nervous system. This coating will continue to form until the child's birthday. If the birth of a girl is expected, then this week her fallopian tubes and uterus are forming, positioning themselves in the correct position. If a boy is expected, then his genitals may be seen at the next ultrasound. However, many children turn away during this procedure.

Determining the sex of the child

For centuries, expectant parents had to wait until birth to find out the gender of their baby. There have always, of course, been superstitions about how to determine the sex of a baby at 18 weeks - but thanks to the wonders of modern technology, moms and dads these days are able to find out the sex of the baby using ultrasound. This is most often done between 18 and 26 weeks of pregnancy, but some new ultrasound technology can determine the sex of the baby as early as 12 or 13 weeks.

Find out the gender of the baby with ultrasound

18th week of pregnancy, the sex of the baby can be found out using ultrasound. In addition, ultrasound is done not only to reveal the gender of the child; The procedure is done mainly to make sure that the baby is developing properly. During an ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby at 18 weeks, the doctor moves a device across the mother's abdomen while sending high-frequency sound waves through her uterus. The sound waves create a picture of the fetus, which can be simultaneously viewed on a monitor. Depending on the age and position of the fetus, a specialist can determine the sex of the child at 18 weeks of pregnancy.

This is possible if the doctor can see the male or female genital organs. Before this stage of pregnancy, the male and female reproductive organs are not sufficiently developed, which is why most ultrasounds are performed after this point in fetal development. Gender determination at 18 weeks is not 100%, since it all depends on how clearly the doctor can see the baby’s genitals on the monitor.

Other medical procedures can also determine the sex of the baby. These procedures include amniocentesis, which can be used to determine gender at 18 weeks, and is recommended for women who become pregnant later in life or who may be at risk for genetic conditions, birth defects, or chromosomal defects. If an expectant mother during an ultrasound wants to find out the gender of the baby at 18 weeks by looking at the monitor images, it is unlikely that she will be able to do this on her own, without the help of a qualified specialist. Since the child is still small, it is sometimes difficult to understand everything that is displayed on the screen.

To find out the gender of the child using ultrasound or not?

If you are pregnant, determining your gender using ultrasound is quite simple and safe. Many future parents want to know the gender of the baby before the baby is born. In this way, they can prepare well for this event by choosing a name for the baby and preparing clothes for either boy or girl. Some people believe that by determining the baby's gender at 18 weeks of pregnancy, they can strengthen the bond with the baby who currently has a specific identity. At the same time, there are couples who want to wait and prepare for childbirth without finding out the sex of the child until the moment of birth. They want it to be a surprise. Anticipation can make pregnancy and birth more exciting.

If parents still want to know the sex of the child at 18 weeks, then this is very easy to do. During a routine ultrasound, you should ask your doctor about this. For those who do not know where the sex of the child is determined, it should be noted that all procedures are carried out in a hospital, at a mother and child center or at a medical genetic center.

Traditional methods of determining sex

    Chinese diagram. When pregnant, gender determination, according to many women, can be done in accordance with the Chinese chart, which is over 700 years old, and the result is 90% correct if it is used correctly. The sex of the child is predicted based on the month of conception and the mother's date of birth according to the Chinese lunar calendar. When looking for an answer to the question: “Pregnancy, how to determine gender?”, you need to answer that this method is more suitable for emotional release, since no one guarantees accurate results.

    Morning sickness. If a pregnant woman does not know where to determine the sex of the child, then according to popular opinion, this can be done by paying attention to morning sickness. So, morning sickness is much worse if you're expecting a girl. Many people think so because the body is filled with additional female hormones, which make the pregnant woman feel worse as the body reacts to them.

But it is best to find out the gender of the child, where qualified specialists determine it, using reliable equipment.

The baby's fetus becomes larger, and therefore the load on the entire body increases. During this period, if the expectant mother is sitting at home with other children, then she should not miss the moment to take a nap with them at lunchtime. If a woman works, then she should try to set aside 15 minutes of time for herself to lie down and at least partially get rid of stress. In addition, a pregnant woman is advised to be less nervous and in stressful situations; it is better to focus on herself and the unborn child.

An ultrasound performed at 18 weeks is necessary to assess the child’s growth, development, and sex determination. The specialist checks the received data for compliance with the development norms that are established for a certain period. The sonologist will tell the parents the sex of the baby if he can clearly examine the already formed genital organs of the fetus. Sometimes the gender remains a mystery until the next ultrasound. But the main purpose of ultrasound during this period is to diagnose defects in the development of the cardiovascular system and heart.

By 18 weeks, the fetus has grown to 14–15 cm, by which time the baby’s weight is already about 180 grams. There are no significant changes in the child's development during this period. The skeleton, muscles, and all internal organs are in a state of growth. They continue to get stronger.

Almost all expectant mothers feel fetal movements by the 18th week of pregnancy. Active movements of the baby appear in the evening, when the mother eats a tasteless product, as well as when the woman experiences negative emotions.

During an ultrasound, you can see how, at 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby learns about the world around him. It can push itself from wall to wall in the uterus. The fetus feels its face and sucks its thumb. All these moments are clearly visible during a 3D ultrasound; if desired, they can be captured and kept as a keepsake.

Expectant mother at 18 weeks of pregnancy

The expectant mother is usually overwhelmed with positive emotions at 18 weeks of pregnancy. The woman already clearly feels the movements and beatings of the child. A bunch of tests are left behind. The main thing is that by the 18th week, parents already know the sex of their baby. In most cases, it is possible to find out the gender; the deadline already allows.

Sometimes the expectant mother may become nervous, especially if the fetus was moving and then suddenly stopped. In this situation, you need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. He will be able to listen to the fetal heartbeat and also check the likelihood of abnormal development through ultrasound.

By the 18th week of pregnancy, the uterus reaches the size of a melon. Naturally, the tummy increases noticeably. During this period of pregnancy, walking outside is very beneficial. Fresh air is necessary for the fetus's successful development, as well as for the mother.

The expectant mother can gain 5–7 kg by the 18th week of pregnancy. There is no need to worry too much about this because most of the kilograms fall on the fetus, placenta, and amniotic fluid. At this stage of pregnancy, specialists check the amount of amniotic fluid. Its excess or deficiency is considered a deviation from the norm.

Due to the rapid growth of the abdomen, the pregnant woman leans slightly forward when walking. This gait is characteristic of all women carrying a child under their hearts. To ease the increased load on the back, it is recommended to wear special panties and shorts.

Forgetfulness and memory impairment often accompany pregnancy; you should not worry about this, for many this is the norm. But after birth, these symptoms should disappear. To improve memory, experts recommend taking special vitamins.

Baby development

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby has about 100,000 cells in its brain. It is these cells that are necessary for connecting the brain with the nervous system of the body. It is for the normal development and formation of all systems during pregnancy that it is necessary to take all recommended vitamins and their complexes. The baby needs them in order for the birth and development of all vital functions necessary for the body to occur.


Meconium continues to form inside the fetus. This substance is original feces. It is formed from those remnants of amniotic fluid that have not been digested. The baby will pass meconium for the first time after birth (the next day). If the bowel movement occurs inside the mother’s body, this indicates fetal asphyxia.

To check amniotic fluid, it is necessary to carry out a procedure such as amnioscopy. The woman sits on the gynecological chair, and the specialist examines the cervix through the amniotic sac and also evaluates the amniotic fluid.

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, a second trimester ultrasound is performed. During this period, the baby's genitals can be seen very clearly. Parents can find out the sex of the child if he does not hide his private part. Sometimes gender determination is postponed to the next ultrasound. From the 18th week, the child’s body begins to produce myelin (the protective covering of the nerves).

All the sensory centers necessary for life are formed in the fetal brain:

  • Hearing;
  • Vision;
  • Smell;
  • Taste;
  • Smell.

By the 18th week of intrauterine development, all organs necessary for life have already been formed. During this period of pregnancy, the fetus experiences their further development. Normally, by the 18th week the following features are characteristic:

  • The fingerprints are already formed;
  • Strengthening of the skeletal system is observed;
  • The rudiments of milk and molar teeth are fully formed;
  • Adipose tissue is rapidly formed;
  • Formation of folds in the skin;
  • The baby's skin is protected with a special lubricant. It protects against prolonged exposure to water;
  • The retina of the eye develops. The eyes are closed, but the baby is able to distinguish external lighting;
  • Centers for hearing, vision, smell, and taste are formed in the brain;
  • The first feces are formed in the intestines, which will be excreted from the body after birth;
  • The genital organs of the fetus are formed. Its gender can be determined with 99% accuracy.

Norms of fetal development by the 18th week of pregnancy

During this period, ultrasound measures such important indicators of the child’s development. Normally they are:

  • Head circumference. Normal exhaust gas is 130 – 160 mm;
  • Biparietal size. BPR – 36 – 46 mm;
  • Abdominal circumference. Coolant – 102 – 114 mm;
  • Fronto-occipital size. LZ – 48 – 58 mm.

During this period, an ultrasound scan should determine the length of the bones. The following indicators, which are given taking into account the norm, are also of great importance for specialists:

  • Femoral – 22 – 32 mm;
  • Shin – 22 -32 mm;
  • Shoulder – 15 – 20 mm;
  • Forearms – 17 – 24 mm.

These indicators are indicated for normal fetal development, but if there are any significant deviations from the norm, it is worth conducting an additional ultrasound and tests.

Preparing for an ultrasound examination

To undergo diagnostics at the 18th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother no longer needs special preparation. There is no need to fill the bladder. The specialist will clearly examine the fetus with an ultrasound through the amniotic fluid, which is already quite sufficient. An empty or full stomach will not affect the diagnostic results.

In addition to the usual ultrasound, from the 18th week of pregnancy, doctors prescribe Doppler ultrasound. It is necessary to assess blood flow in the following organs:

  • Uterus;
  • Placenta;
  • Vessels of the fetus.

Ultrasound of this period will also provide information about:

  • Number of fruits;
  • Location of the placenta;
  • Presentation of the baby.

Prenatal screening is also carried out during this period. This study is necessary for those women who have been identified as likely to develop chromosomal, genetic abnormalities of the fetus. Most often these are pregnant women aged 17, 35 years, or women who had genetic diseases in their family. In such cases, gender determination is considered necessary.

Pregnancy is a difficult period in the life of any woman. It is accompanied not only by serious changes in the fetus inside the womb, but also by changes in the body of the expectant mother. That is why it is very important to monitor the course of pregnancy at every stage, including at 18 (20 obstetric) weeks. An ultrasound procedure can greatly help with this.

In our country, a pregnant woman has the right to undergo preventive ultrasound examinations three times during her entire period. , as on 18 - as a rule, the second one, it is among the necessary measures.

At this stage, the development of the fetus is usually assessed, its sex is determined, and the data obtained are compared with normal samples. The doctor also needs to study and determine the position of the unborn child in the uterus and the health of the mother’s organs.

Important! If any pathologies are detected (or you are at risk), the doctor may prescribe several other procedures and tests to get a complete picture.

Mother's condition and fetal development

During this period of time, as a rule, the woman’s condition and well-being normalizes and stabilizes. Toxicosis and unpleasant sensations are completed by this stage, and the stomach is not yet very noticeable and can be hidden under clothing. However, back pain may begin due to weight gain, which usually gets worse towards the end of pregnancy.

A child at 18 weeks already has mostly formed organs and body parts, so he looks quite proportionate and complete.

What do they look at in the study?

Using this procedure, you can determine the main changes in the fetus. Typically at this stage:

  • the body is proportionally developed, the primary organs are formed;
  • the visual and auditory systems are developed so much that the child can use them;
  • the immune system is laid down;
  • the primary rudiments of milk and molars appeared.

If the child develops abnormally in the womb, the following may be detected:

  • development too fast or too slow;
  • abnormalities of the nervous system and skeletal bones;
  • pathologies of blood vessels, heart and other internal organs;
  • genetic and chromosomal pathologies.

The amount of amniotic fluid and possible deviations of the pregnant woman’s internal organs are also determined. In this way, the presence of possible infections and other abnormalities can be detected.

Is it possible to see the gender of the baby?

The reproductive system of the unborn baby at 18, 19 weeks is formed enough to determine its gender. The probability of the result being accurate is more than ninety percent. But mistakes also happen, because... An ultrasound is performed by a person, and on the screen, especially if the image is not very good, you can confuse the umbilical cord with the genital organ.

Photo of the fetus

In the photo you can easily see:

  • placenta, umbilical cord, uterus;
  • veins on the back of the fetal head;
  • formed arms, legs, some muscles, fingers;
  • ears, nose.

Good equipment will allow you to see the practically formed genitals of the child on the monitor and in the picture. The labia of a girl and the penis and testicles of a boy can be clearly seen.



Normal indicators

During the procedure, it is very important to note the ultrasound indicators of the fetus and compare them with the reference ones. The doctor carefully examines all the baby’s organs, focusing on the size of the fetus.

A sample typically has the following parameters:

  • body length - about 13-15 centimeters;
  • head circumference – from 131 to 161 millimeters;
  • length of the humerus - from 19 to 31 millimeters;
  • thigh bone length – from 18 to 32 millimeters;
  • fronto-occipital length - from 43 to 64 millimeters;
  • abdominal circumference – from 104 to 144 millimeters.

It is also important to take your heart rate into account. Normally it should be from 140 to 160 beats.

Important! Minor deviations of a few millimeters cannot be called pathology. However, the heart rate should only be within the established limits.

Fruit size

At this stage, the coccyx-parietal size (CPR) is about 200 millimeters.

In addition, in some cases, the length of the cervix is ​​measured, which should be at least 28 millimeters. But for this you need to undergo an examination with a vaginal sensor.

Screening study

The doctor may also prescribe an ultrasound screening at 18 weeks. In addition to the usual ultrasound, the procedure will also include Doppler studies, which are done to determine normal blood flow in the vessels and arteries.

Normal indicators with Doppler will be as follows:

  • SDO - indicates the speed of blood flow in the umbilical cord. With normal development, it should be between 4.5 and 4.67 units of measurement.
  • IR – indicates the level of resistance of the umbilical cord arteries to the speed of blood flow. Normally, it should range from 0.62 to 0.82 units.

3D ultrasound at 18 weeks

The image on the monitor allows you to collect more accurate data about the appearance and health of the fetus, and also allows you to determine the gender of the unborn child with the highest probability.

Currently, it can be used at almost any period, including 18 weeks.

How do they do it?

The procedure is very simple - transabdominal. The pregnant woman lies on her back, a special gel is applied to her stomach, and a mobile sensor is placed on it. Thus, the doctor conducts an examination, analyzes and comments on what is depicted for the expectant mother. The patient receives the result. After the examination, all that remains is to remove the gel from the abdomen using a towel.

How to prepare?

It is necessary to prepare for the procedure in advance: if possible, it is advisable not to take food or liquid before it. It is also recommended to rid the intestines of gas formation (drink specialized medications). It is better to take a napkin or towel with you, because... In antenatal clinics, diapers are usually not provided.

Where do they make it and how much does it cost?

The examination can be done free of charge in almost any hospital in Russia. To do this, you can use the right established by law. However, in this case you may have to go through a long line and lose a lot of time. In addition, during the waiting period you will not be able to drink or eat, which will cause additional discomfort for which you need to be prepared.

The most convenient option is a private paid clinic. Here you can count on fast service without long queues and polite staff.

In addition, these hospitals usually have newer and better equipment, and there is a greater chance that it will be possible to obtain a 3D image of the ultrasound procedure. But such an examination can seriously hit your pocket. On average, it costs patients from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles.

Reference! If you suspect any abnormalities, it is best to sign up for a medical examination at a paid clinic in order to reduce the required amount of time for this.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that additional tests will also have to be done for a fee.

Useful video

This video describes in detail the development of the baby and the condition of the mother at 18 weeks of pregnancy.


A medical examination procedure using an ultrasound machine is one of the best ways to analyze and evaluate the condition of the expectant mother and child. That is why it is important to undergo it in accordance with the plan and if there is a threat of the development of pathologies.

In addition, at 18 weeks, with a high probability, you can find out the gender of the unborn baby, and modern high-quality equipment can also show a 3D image to obtain more accurate examination results.

As soon as a woman finds out about pregnancy, she begins to be interested in the question - who will be born, a boy or a girl?

Parents come up with a name for the baby in advance, and closer to the birth they buy the necessary things: a stroller, diapers, baby vests and rompers in the appropriate colors.

I wonder if there are reliable methods to determine the sex of a baby at the beginning of pregnancy?

Scientific methods for determining the sex of an unborn child

There are several medical methods that allow you to accurately determine the sex of a child. But not all are recommended without sufficient evidence.

The main medical methods for determining the sex of an unborn child include: ultrasound, genetic blood test,.


Ultrasound diagnostics is currently performed for every pregnant woman. The technique is absolutely safe and has no side effects. The indication for examination is not only the mother’s curiosity.

Ultrasound helps identify possible abnormalities throughout pregnancy.

At what age can you determine the sex of a baby using ultrasound?

The accuracy of the result increases starting from 21 weeks, when the child’s genitals are already fully formed. At week 12, the forecast accuracy is 50%.

However, the possibility of error exists even in later stages, since the baby may close its legs, covering the genitals.

During multiple pregnancies, children may also cover each other, preventing the gender from being seen. The likelihood of error is significantly reduced if the clinic is equipped.

Chorionic villus biopsy

This method also allows you to determine the sex of the child at an early stage. This method is used only in cases of a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities, late births, or the birth of children in this couple with pathologies caused by other reasons.

During diagnosis, a special catheter is inserted through the abdominal wall or vagina into the space of the amniotic sac and part of the amniotic fluid with chorionic villi is taken.

However, this procedure is carried out only according to strict indications. It has a number of disadvantages.

Outside interference can cause a miscarriage or infect the fetus. Therefore, to satisfy curiosity, chorionic villus biopsy is not used.


During the manipulation, it is necessary to pierce the amniotic sac and take a small volume of fluid for examination.

Amniocentesis is recommended at 16-18 weeks to detect genetic disorders, such as Down or Hunter syndrome, in cases where the mother is diagnosed with hemophilia, if the parents have Tay-Sachs disease.

It is considered quite dangerous, since, despite ultrasound control, an insufficiently qualified doctor can touch vital areas of the fetus with a needle and negatively affect the development of the child.

In addition, there is a high risk of infection of the fertilized egg.

During the study, you can find out the gender of the baby with 100% accuracy.


Unlike the previous method, blood is taken from the fetal umbilical cord for analysis by piercing the walls of the abdomen and uterus with a special needle.

The information content is very high and makes it possible to identify genetic disorders in the development of the fetus, as well as its gender.

Complications of the analysis may include hematomas, short-term bleeding in the puncture area, and a slight risk of infection of the embryo and spontaneous abortion.

In private, in the absence of the necessary indications, the analysis can be performed for a fee. Its cost is approximately 1.5 times lower than amniocentesis.

Determining sex by maternal blood test

The method is based on detecting the concentration of fetal DNA and gives a positive result in 90-95% of cases.

In the future, the accuracy of the forecast increases, since as the fetus develops, the level of DNA containing the Y chromosome increases if a boy is expected.

Since the maternal and fetal circulatory systems are connected, Y chromosomes will be detected by routinely collecting and further testing a sample of the mother's blood. At what week can you determine the sex of a baby using this method?

However, you can donate blood earlier - at 7 or 8 weeks of pregnancy. However, in this case the results may be questionable.

The method of genetically determining the sex of a child is absolutely safe and has no side effects.

The analysis of a maternal blood sample has been used since 2007 and has already proven its effectiveness in practice.

Despite the possibility of determining the sex of a child using medical diagnostic methods, many parents continue to use pseudo-scientific methods, arguing that in most cases the predictions are justified.

Pseudo-scientific methods

Official medicine refutes the reliability of such methods. However, they are popular among the people because they allow you to determine the sex of the child without an ultrasound.

Chinese calendar

It is believed to have existed for several thousand years. Knowing the age of the mother and the month in which conception occurred, you can use the table to determine the sex of the baby. In addition, the method allows you to plan the birth of a child of the desired sex.

Japanese table

This method became known relatively recently. They say that Japanese scientists had a hand in its creation. To do this, you need to know in what months the parents were born.

Using the first table, find out the number at the intersection of these months. By substituting the number in the second table, you can find out in which months there is a high chance of conceiving a boy or a girl. Knowing the month of conception, it is easy to determine what gender the baby will be born.

Women who have used the Japanese table claim that its effectiveness is about 80%.

Freiman-Dobrotin method

The methodology is based on the use of 12 tables compiled by M. Freiman. The method was tested in practice. Professor S. Dobrotin, who checked the tables, claimed that the forecasts come true in 99% of cases.

Unlike other methods, it has not gained wide popularity, as it seems quite complicated.

To obtain the result, it is necessary to determine the day of conception with maximum accuracy and then work to determine the sex of the child using several tables.

Currently, many sites use simplified schemes that allow you to determine the gender of a child based on the age of the parents. But these schemes are based on the Freiman-Dobrotin method.

Although the technique is considered pseudo-scientific, before the advent of ultrasound, it was this method that obstetricians resorted to when determining the sex of the baby.

It has been established that at 12-14 weeks the heartbeat of a boy and a girl differ slightly in frequency. In boys, the number of heartbeats does not exceed 140 per minute, in girls the figure is higher.

Blood renewal technique

You can determine the sex of the child. The method is based on the theory that every 4 years in men and 3 years in women, the blood is completely renewed. To determine who will be born, it is enough to divide the age of the mother by 3 and the age of the father by 4.

If the mother gets a smaller number when dividing, we should expect the birth of a girl, if the father is likely to have a boy.

How to determine the sex of a child by the last menstruation

This method was especially popular in past centuries, when there was no ultrasound diagnostics. First you need to determine in which month conception occurred (for example, January - 1, June - 6, etc.).

Then add this number with age, not the moment of conception. Add one to the resulting amount. If the resulting number is even, then you should expect a girl, if not, then a boy.

Blood group compatibility

The theory, based on, states that the blood types of parents have a significant impact on the gender of the unborn baby. For example, if both parents have blood of the first group, a girl will be born. If mom has type 3 blood and dad has type 2, you should expect a boy. The Rh factor also has an effect.

Doubts are raised by the fact that a couple will always have children of the same sex, since the blood type does not change throughout life.

In practice, the method of determining the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents does not work well, since the same parents have children of different sexes.

Budyansky method

is a calendar and is based on the developments of Johns Hopkins University. It turns out that eggs are capable of secreting chemicals whose aroma attracts sperm.

Moreover, their “taste preferences” are different depending on the presence of X or Y chromosomes. Accordingly, it is possible to reproduce the aroma and ensure the birth of a baby of the desired gender.

Unfortunately, American scientists were unable to bring the development to its logical conclusion. However, the Budyansky couple took advantage of their idea, creating a calendar by which a woman with a regular menstrual cycle can determine when the substances produced by the egg attract sperm with X chromosomes, and when with Y.

If a woman has her own even-numbered menstrual cycle, then she can conceive a girl only in even-numbered cycles, and a boy only in odd-numbered cycles. And vice versa.

Even and odd cycles are determined from the table.

What if all the methods used to determine the sex of a baby show different results? In this case, it is worth holding off on choosing a name, as well as purchasing the necessary things. And don’t be upset that it’s impossible to determine in advance whether to expect a boy or a girl. Let this be a pleasant surprise!