Plan outline for a knitted New Year's toy. Lesson summary "New Year's toys" Video

Summary of organized artistic and creative activities with children in the preparatory group for school. Topic: "New Year's toys"

Program content:

Arouse interest in the upcoming New Year holidays.
Develop communication skills, improve the lexical side of speech.
Review the safety rules for decorating the Christmas tree.
Expand children's horizons: get acquainted with the ancient custom of making toys for the Christmas tree.
Foster a desire to participate in decorating the holiday tree.
Improve the technique of relief modeling from salt dough.
Develop creative abilities.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction on a winter theme. Examination of illustrations, postcards with a picture of a Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations.

Vocabulary work:

Homemade toys, an ancient custom.

Materials, tools, equipment:

Flat cardboard balls on a string, salted colored dough (red, yellow, green, blue, brown, white), stacks, caps from felt-tip pens, a rag, a glass of water, brush No. 2, beads, beads, treats.

Introductory part:

Children enter to the New Year's melody and sit down at the tables. There's a knock on the door. The postman comes and gives a letter.


Guys, here is a letter for you: “To the children of the preparatory group of kindergarten No. 11 “Geese-Swans.” Who is it from? Let's open it and find out what's in it (I print it out, take out a sheet of paper, read):

“Hello, dear guys!
The new year is coming soon. My faithful friend the snowman will bring a fluffy Christmas tree to your hall. I prepared some toys for your Christmas tree, but an evil blizzard came and broke all the toys. How to decorate the Christmas tree now? Guys, help me, make toys for the New Year tree. Thank you in advance. Wait for me on holiday.
Your Santa Claus."


Guys, do you think we can help Santa Claus?



How can you decorate a Christmas tree?


Toys, firecrackers, garlands...


Is it possible to decorate a Christmas tree with lit candles? What could happen?



That's right, of course you can't decorate the Christmas tree with candles.


And this is how Korney Chukovsky decorated the Christmas tree so beautifully, the poem is called “About the Christmas Tree”:

We would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the path.
She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock
Spin around the Christmas tree
Toys -
Multi-colored lanterns,
Let's spin around the Christmas tree
From crimson and silver
We'd laugh at the Christmas tree
Matryoshka dolls
And they would clap for joy
In the palms.
Because tonight
At the gate
The cheerful one knocked
New Year!
New, new,
With a golden beard!


Guys, do you know that there used to be an old custom of making homemade toys: firecrackers, eggshell fish, foil stars, houses, huts, garlands...

Let us also decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys. For this we will need: a flat ball on a string, colored dough, beads, beads, caps, stacks and your imagination. Look at these balls (I show cardboard balls). Will they look beautiful on the Christmas tree?



And why?


They are not beautiful…


How can you decorate them?


Christmas trees, hearts, snowman...


Well done, indeed, our balls can be decorated in different ways, but in order for us to work well, let's stretch our fingers a little.

Finger gymnastics “Herringbone”

There is a Christmas tree in front of us:
(fingers are intertwined, the thumbs are the top of the “Christmas tree”)

Cones, needles.
(fists, index fingers pointed)

Balls, lanterns,
(“balls” from fingers - up, down)

Bunnies and candles,
(“ears” from the index and middle fingers; both palms are folded, fingers clenched)

Stars, people.
(palms folded, fingers spread, middle and index fingers on the table)


And now let each of you think about how he will decorate his ball, what he will need for this and can get to work (I’m handing out the balls).

Main part of the lesson:

I turn on the New Year's melody. I approach each child and ask what he will sculpt. I give advice to children who find it difficult to come up with ideas.

Final part:

Children bring their work for viewing (put it on the table).

Lesson Analysis:


Guys, who remembers what toys they used to decorate the Christmas tree in the old days?
Who enjoyed decorating Christmas balls today?
Who had a hard time at work?

Well done, you all got some unusual New Year's toys. We still have a few days left before the holiday, so our toys will have time to dry, and then we will decorate the Christmas tree with them. I think your toys will look very beautiful on the Christmas tree.

There's a knock on the door and a crow flies in.


Kar-kar-kar. Hello, friends! And I flew in from Santa Claus to find out if you fulfilled his request.



Well done, what wonderful toys you have made for the Christmas tree, how beautiful... car-car-car. For your excellent work, Santa Claus sent you a treat.


Thank you very much, crow and Santa Claus for the treat.


Goodbye, guys. Kar-kar-kar. (The crow flies away).

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Lesson notes

"Toys for the New Year's tree"

(second junior group).

Purpose of the lesson: to teach children to create an image of a festive Christmas tree based on an unfinished composition (silhouette of a Christmas tree).

Objectives: continue to master shape and color as means of figurative expression; continue to introduce children to the non-traditional technique of drawing with cotton swabs; learn to distinguish colors; develop aesthetic perception, cultivate neatness.

Preliminary work. Drawing a Christmas tree with gouache paints in collaboration with a teacher and children.

Equipment: large sheet (whatman paper) with the silhouette of a Christmas tree, gouache, cotton swabs, napkins, glue, artificial Christmas tree, several Christmas tree balls, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

Contents of the lesson.

There is a Christmas tree in the group room.

Educator: Guys, I came to kindergarten today, and there was a Christmas tree on the threshold. Who do you think brought it? And here there is a bag near the Christmas tree. Let's see what's in the bag: Multi-colored toys and a letter “Hello, girls and boys! I, Grandfather Frost, brought you a Christmas tree and toys. I'm just in a hurry about my business. You decorate the Christmas tree and wait for me with gifts. And so that you don’t get bored, I’ll leave you a song. Goodbye! “Who brought us the Christmas tree? -What kind of song did Grandfather Frost send us? - Guys, how can you decorate the Christmas tree?

Looking at Christmas tree balls. - I have several Christmas balls. What are they? (Round) What color? What's on them? How can you decorate a Christmas tree with them? (Hang on strings). Let's hang the balls on the Christmas tree. (children hang up balloons) - Is our Christmas tree beautiful? There are just a few balls on it. Let's draw a Christmas tree and decorate it with even more balls. - Look at the tables. What will we draw with? (With paints) What else is on the tables? (cotton buds). Today we will need them for decoration. Christmas balls.

Finger gymnastics.

Our fingers will be working now, let's do some exercises for them.

This finger is the thickest, the strongest and the biggest! This finger is for showing it off! This finger is the longest, and it stands in the middle! This ring finger is the most spoiled! And although the little finger is small, it is dexterous and daring! We will hide our fingers in our fists: in our fists, in our fists. We'll wave our fingers: go away, go away.

The teacher shows how to draw balls and decorate balls with cotton swabs (we put paint on a cotton swab and decorate the ball). -Choose the paint that you like best. What is color? (Children decorate the Christmas tree balls and draw patterns with cotton swabs.) The teacher monitors and provides individual assistance) - Guys, let the balls dry, while we wash our hands.

Decorating the Christmas tree with balls. - Did we have a beautiful Christmas tree? Do you think Grandfather Frost will like it?

Summary of the lesson.- What did we do today? -Let’s dance a round dance for our beautiful Christmas tree and sing the song “Yolka.” (Children dance and sing).

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

"Khyrkasin Children's Art School"

Cheboksary district of the Chuvash Republic

Lesson summary

in decorative and applied arts

for first year students


Shataeva Tamara Anatolyevna

Lesson topic: making a Christmas tree toy “Snow Maiden”


Outline of a lesson on making a Christmas tree toy "Snow Maiden"

Program section: “Crafts for the New Year holiday”

Lesson topic: "Making a Christmas tree toy"

Form of training organization: lesson

Type of lesson: Combined

Form of work: Frontal

Teaching methods: story, demonstration, display, reproductive, partially search

Target: Learn how to make a New Year's toy



- to form a cognitive interest in studying the traditions of the New Year holiday, the history of the emergence of Christmas tree decorations;

To instill in children the understanding that a New Year's toy is not only an attribute of the winter holiday, but also part of the history of our country;

- expand children’s understanding of papermaking techniques to create new forms;

Practicing skills in working with templates;


Develop cognitive skills;

Promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers;


- cultivate a respectful attitude towards the cultural heritage of our country;

Create a festive atmosphere on the eve of the New Year;

Lesson duration: 60 min.

Age of participants: 1st year of study (grades 2-4)

Means of education: colored paper, colored cardboard, PVA glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, felt-tip pens, thread.

Handout: Templates, cards (Reflection)

Software and hardware: Laptop, projector, screen

Lesson plan:

1. Organizing time

2. Introductory conversation

3. Watch a video

4. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

5. Preliminary planning of upcoming work actions:

– analysis of a product sample;

– drawing up an oral plan for the upcoming work

6. Reinforcement of safety rules

7. Practical work for children - completing the task

8. Conducting a physical education session

9. Analysis of children's work, summing up the lesson

10. Reflection

11. Cleaning workplaces

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

Guys! Today guests came to us, they will see how we work, what we have already learned, and what we will do in this lesson. Let's say hello to them.

Hello! They sat down quietly.


Guys, what time of year is it now?

That's right, winter. Winter-winter. This is how the Russian people affectionately call the harshest time of the year. But I think that for all of us, winter is still a joyful, long-awaited and beloved time.New Year is the most beloved, wonderful family holiday. A holiday with magical transformations and gifts from Santa Claus. The time of the New Year holidays is the time of a beautiful, kind fairy tale that comes to every home at the end of every year with the onset of winter cold. “What is New Year?”, “Who invented it?” “What are New Year’s toys for?”, “What types of Christmas tree toys are there?” and “How did our ancestors decorate the Christmas tree in the old days?”

Previously, in Rus', only 200-300 years ago, the Christmas tree was decorated with vegetables from the garden, which, of course, were silvered and gilded. Of course it was potatoes. Then people learned to make glass balls. The art of their manufacture was kept in the strictest confidence and was passed on by masters by inheritance, from generation to generation. These balls, sprinkled with silver and gold dust, were very expensive and only a few could afford them. All sorts of goodies and sweets were hung on the tree: candies, apples, nuts - each country has its own New Year's decoration. And how much joy the children had when they were able to pick and cut something tasty from the tree! And there was also gingerbread! Previously, in Rus', even in rich families, children were not

they ate sweets randomly, every day, and received sweets for the holiday in a little bag or hung them on the tree and received them as a prize. Glass jewelry appeared only in the 19th century in Germany. According to one legend, this happened completely by accident. Once upon a time there lived a master glassblower. And when it came time to decorate the Christmas tree, it turned out that he had no money for either candy or nuts. But could he leave his children without a holiday? The master thought and thought and finally came up with an idea. Having waited until the children had fallen asleep, he took up his usual work and blew all kinds of toys out of glass: apples, candies, gingerbread cookies - and all of it sparkled, shimmered and sparkled. They say that the children liked these decorations so much that none of them were upset that they could not be eaten! The master’s idea turned out to be so successful that it soon became fashionable and then became a tradition. And Christmas tree decorations began to be made from paper, wax, cotton wool, and foil. Decorating the interior for the New Year is a very exciting, but at the same time responsible process, and in order to make the holiday bright and unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, I want to decorate my home. There is one beautiful tradition that came to us from Western countries - hanging a Christmas wreath on the door. Of course, you can buy a wreath in a store, but it’s more interesting to make it yourself. Guys, I suggest you make a Christmas wreath from fragrant pine twigs that will fill your home with a pleasant aroma. According to folk traditions, the Christmas Wreath should appear in the house four weeks before Christmas. Every Sunday before the holiday, a candle is inserted into it, each of which symbolizes a certain bright feeling: love, faith, hope and friendship. And I also want to invite you to make a New Year's decoration for your guardian angel Christmas tree. The figurine of an angel is traditionally associated with the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Teacher: Guys, have you decided on the choice of souvenir??

Reporting the topic and purpose of the lesson

Really underNew year full of miracles, everyone is in a joyful, wonderful mood, everyone is waiting for gifts and welcoming guests. And it so happened that our lesson is taking place on the eve of this wonderful holiday. Do you know thatNew year - This is the oldest and most popular of all existing holidays on Earth.

Do you guys loveNew year ?

Why do you love him?

What New Year traditions do you observe in your family?

Well done! Very good! You are all great, you know what this holiday cannot do without. And which of the above is the most important without which the New Year

Don't want to meet?

Of course the Christmas tree!

What decorations can you decorate a Christmas tree with?

Where can I get toys for the Christmas tree?

Is it possible to make toys yourself and decorate the Christmas tree with them?

Guys, how many of you have already guessed what work you have to do in class today?

Let's formulate the topic of our lesson together.

Topic: “Making a Christmas tree toy”

We will really do todayNew Year's decoration for the Christmas tree.

Demonstration of the finished toy “Snow Maiden”

Preliminary planning of upcoming work activities

Before we start work, let's decide what material we will make the craft from?

That's right, from paper.


(Children answer)

To complete the work we need to make a verbal plan.

Drawing up a verbal action plan:

Selection of the necessary material and tools;

Let's corrugate a sheet of paper (you can decorate the sheet first);

Fold the sheet like an accordion and, using glue and a strip of paper, fasten it just above the middle (you will get a body);

We will make two cuts in the upper part of the accordion;

Bend two side strips in different directions (these will be hands);

Let's straighten the middle strip (this will be the neck, we will glue the head to it);

Using templates, outline the head and cap;

Let's draw a face (we design it according to our own wishes);

Let's connect all the parts and glue the loop;

A reminder about safety precautions when working with cutting tools.

Practical work

Let's get to work. Remember what the “working man’s” rule says: “Take care of tools, save materials, always think about how to do the job better.”

The teacher monitors posture and the correct execution of operations. Encourages, corrects, reminds about the rational use of material.

In the middle of the lesson, the teacher conducts a physical education session.(Annex 1)

The guys continue to work, assembling the craft. Help those lagging behind

Analysis of children's works. Summarizing

At the end of the work, the teacher analyzes the children’s work:

Let's see what we got?

Have we achieved our goal? Completed the task?

Are you satisfied with the result of your work?

What was the most difficult part of your job?

What was interesting?

At the end, the teacher addresses the children:

Well done guys, did a good job. Today you learned how to make a Christmas tree toy - “Snow Maiden”. Now you have a New Year's decoration created with your own hands, and this work, no matter how skillfully it is made, will always be one and only. After all, there are traces of your fingers and the warmth of your heart on it! I am sure that you will be happy to decorate your beautiful New Year's tree with it.


I can work independently;

I can work with the help of a teacher;

Understood nothing;

(multi-colored squares).

What mood will you leave class in?

The children answer.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Now, put your workspace in order, the lesson is over.

Application 1

Physical education minute

We turn the mill forward,

And then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward)

We will all bend down

It's like jumping into a pool. (Bends forward)

And then we'll bend back,

Let's warm up well. (Bends back)

And it's time for us to jump,

We haven't jumped since the morning. (Jumping in place)

Step on the spot in prison,

This is also an exercise. (Walking in place)

We galloped, stretched -

So we had a nice rest. (Children sit down)

Plan - outline

open lesson on basic technical modeling

"Making a New Year's toy."

Teacher: Khrabrova S.P.

Lesson objectives:

    Making Christmas tree toys.

    Formation of the ability to analyze a sample of a product according to the teacher’s questions, carry it out according to instructions and demonstration of techniques; ability to work from a template, use scissors, ability to cut out parts.

    Introduce the history of New Year celebrations.

    Development of small muscles of the hands, imagination, thinking.

    Development of horizons.

    Cultivating hard work and accuracy.

Equipment:technological map, New Year's posters, various New Year's toys, paper Christmas tree, plastic Christmas tree, spruce branches, safety tables, table with vocabulary words, safety tables, with a work plan; record player.

Age of the circle members: 6-7 years

Progress of the lesson

    Org. moment.

Guys, let's check if everything is ready for class. I will read a poem, and you listen carefully and check that everything is on your desks.

So that the work begins to boil,
Get everything ready for business
We will glue, make -
Everything should be fine.
Scissors, paper, glue
Put it back quickly.
Don't forget about the pencil -
He is our helper in work.

Well done! Everyone is ready.

Guys, in what mood did you come to class? Show with facial expressions. I'm glad you're in a good mood.

I wish you success!

    Introductory part. (Reading a poem by a teacher)

a) In December, in December
All the trees are in silver
Our river, like in a fairy tale,
It was frosty overnight.
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From the warmth of home,
Then she stopped crying,
She breathed and came to life.
Then they decorated the Christmas tree
The tree is looking good!

b) What holiday is the poem talking about?
Who loves this holiday?
How is it different from other holidays of the year?

c) Additional material.

People have been celebrating New Year since ancient times. Previously, the holiday was celebrated in the spring. The holiday was dedicated to the sun. That's why they decorated fruit trees with lights. Over time, everything changed; in many countries they began to celebrate the New Year in winter. In the winter forest, bonfires were lit around the fir trees and songs were sung. And the decorated Christmas tree in a warm, cozy room, when it was frosty outside, was especially cute.

We are all waiting for this favorite holiday, preparing for it.

New Year is the most fabulous, most family-friendly, most magical holiday. On New Year's Eve, colorful Christmas trees light up, we sew fabulous outfits, and prepare gifts for each other.

And today, guys, you have to become wizards.

I invite you to Santa Claus's Workshop!

In our Workshop today
Many dear guests
I invite you guys
Work in the workshop.
You work hard
To please your guests!

Guys! Why is there a Christmas tree on my table? (there is a plastic Christmas tree on the table).

What is New Year without a Christmas tree?

The Christmas tree is dressing up (reading the quatrain)
The holiday is approaching
New Year at the gate
The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.

Every year a lot of Christmas trees are cut down. And I really want people to save the life of the tree.

The poem “Christmas tree, live” (reading a poem by a child).

They bought me a Christmas tree!
They bought me a Christmas tree!
In the forest at the edge they did not cut it down
And they made the Christmas tree at a good factory
Good uncles, funny aunts
But the forest tree remained alive
Stands at the edge of the forest, nodding with the top of his head.

Indeed, your Christmas tree is not from the forest, but it was made in a factory.
Look at the Christmas tree. Decorated Christmas tree? (No)
What is missing from this Christmas tree to make it look elegant? (toys)

The store sells a lot of beautiful toys. (Exhibition of Christmas tree decorations) To buy toys you need money. But you are not working yet, and you do not have the opportunity to buy toys.

    Report the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today in class we will make a New Year's toy with our own hands. And you will find out which one if you guess the riddle.

“She doesn’t sew anything herself, but she’s stuck with needles for a whole year.” (Christmas tree)

What kind of toy will we make?

What are New Year's toys for? (For decorating the Christmas tree).

At the end of the lesson we will decorate the Christmas tree. She will decorate our classroom.

Christmas tree decorations are a wonderful gift for the New Year; you can give them to your family and friends.

In order for the toy to turn out beautiful, each of you must try, be attentive, be able to work according to a template, cut it out, and glue it. And also during the lesson they must follow the rules of a working person. (There is a table with the rules on the board)

    Work at your workplace.

    Before you start work, properly prepare your workplace.

    Keep your work area tidy while working.

    Take care of your tools, save materials, always think about how to do things better.

    When you finish your work, carefully clean up your work area.

Main! We need to work together.

At the end of the lesson, everyone will receive a gift from Santa Claus for their work.

    Task orientation. Working on the topic.

1. Sample analysis.

Look at the sample.

What's unusual about it? (Herringbone ribbed). Explanation of the meaning of the word ribbed, table on the board.

What material will we need to complete this job? (Colored paper)

What colors will we use? (green)

What geometric shapes does a Christmas tree consist of?

How many are there?

What tools will we need?

2 . Safety rules when working with scissors .

Use scissors only in your own workplace.

Store scissors in a specific place and closed.

Cut while sitting, do not swing the scissors, do not drop them, watch your fingers.

Pass the scissors closed, rings first

Do not hold the scissors with the rings facing up.

Don't leave them open.

Do not take instruments without the teacher's permission.

IV. Progress of work (technological map)

1. – circle the Christmas tree templates
- cut out details
- fold the Christmas tree in half (colored side inward)
- applying glue to the halves of the parts
- glue the parts
- make a loop on the top of the Christmas tree

2. Making a plan.
Where will you start?
What will you do next?
What's next?

V. Practical part.

They do it independently (I call children who can do the work on their own), I provide assistance to children.

Physical exercise.

Are you probably tired?
So let's take a rest.
Warm-up begins
We stood up and straightened our backs.
Right - leaned left
Now let's turn our heads.
That's how we'll think better.
We work with our hands
One-snatch and two-snatch
We squat according to the count,
One two three four five
We walk next to the desk,
Now let's sit quietly
And we will continue to work.

Continuation of the practical part.

VI. Report on the work done (verbal)

What did you do in class?
From what materials?
How did you start working?
Then what work did you do?

VII. Assessment of the quality of completed products.

Before evaluating our work, let's remember once again in what order we did the work.

Evaluate your work. How is it made?

Compare your toy with the example.

Give yourself a rating.

Well done! Today everyone worked hard, showed their skills, what beautiful toys they turned out to be.

What other Christmas tree decorations can you make with your own hands? (examining a spruce branch decorated with handmade toys)

Now we will decorate the Christmas tree with toys that you made with your own hands.

Christmas tree decoration. (The guys decorate the Christmas tree)

VIII. Summing up (on the teacher’s table there are postcards of different colors)

Did you enjoy working in Santa Claus's Workshop?

Now let's see how much you liked the work.

If you think you have done the job, take a red postcard (Christmas tree design) and hang it on our Christmas tree. And if something doesn’t work out, take green. (evaluating your work).

Look, our Christmas tree has become even more beautiful!

We not only made New Year's toys, but also decorated the Christmas tree, in a word, you were the wizards of Santa Claus's Workshop. You yourself were able to evaluate your work. Well done!

You will receive gifts for your work. (Teacher presenting sweet prizes).

And our little wizards also prepared gifts for the guests. (Presenting gifts to guests made by children in the previous lesson)

Well done! Thanks for the work! Happy New Year!

Open lesson: “The history of New Year’s toys”


Development of horizons.

Getting to know the history of New Year's celebrations and the history of New Year's toys

Making Christmas tree toys.

Formation of the ability to analyze a sample of a product based on the teacher’s questions and carry out work according to the sample.

Development of fine motor skills of hands, imagination, thinking.

Fostering hard work and friendly relations.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Children line up in a circle


Here's my hand...

Here's my hand...

We will distribute the warmth of all our hands to friends around

(As we pass the ball around, we say kind words.)

2. Children are seated at their work stations.

What time of year is it outside?

What are the winter months?

The most beloved winter holiday is approaching. Which? (New Year)

And the theme of our lesson: “New Year at the gates...”

Why do you love this holiday?

Everyone begins to prepare for the New Year in advance. And you are also preparing for the holiday in different lessons. In drawing you drew New Year's pictures to decorate the classroom and school, in labor you made New Year's toys and decorations, in music and rhythm you learned New Year's songs and round dances, in reading and speech therapy you learned poetry, in life safety you repeated the rules of PB when decorating the Christmas tree and celebrating matinees.

Pay attention to who came to visit us for classes. (Milka)

Hello guys! It's been so long since I've seen you.

At night I heard an argument between New Year's toys in our class. Which of them is the eldest?. They never came to anything in their argument, because they do not know the history of the New Year's toy.

We will help resolve this dispute.

Let's get acquainted with the history of the New Year's toy.

(Presentation “The History of the New Year’s Toy”)

In Russia, the custom of celebrating the New Year was introduced by Peter the Great, and he also ordered that the spruce become the main New Year tree. The custom of decorating a Christmas tree came to Russia under Nicholas the First.

Every time we open a worn cardboard box with Christmas tree decorations, with undisguised trepidation and tenderness we take out the toys and hang them on the tree. What could be nicer than finding a toy that you remember from childhood. Such toys are carefully stored and passed on from generation to generation, like a relic.

Do you know what toys were decorated with many years ago, when our grandparents were still children?

Let's trace the history of this subject, familiar from childhood.

The most favorite toys for many years were edible dough figures, which were wrapped in colored foil, gilded nuts and apples. Also in Russia, toys were produced from fabric, cotton wool and papier-mâché. The first glass jewelry was made in Germany.

From 1927 to 1935 New Year's celebrations were prohibited. In 1935, on December 28, an article appeared in the Pravda newspaper: “Let's organize a good Christmas tree for the children for the New Year!” From that moment on, the “rehabilitation” of the holiday undeservedly taken from the people began. It was then that Christmas tree decorations became a direct reflection of Soviet history.

What events in the history of our country do you consider the most important, because they left their mark on the Christmas tree decoration?

Children's answers.

The toys of the 30s of the last century looked in accordance with historical realities: “paratroopers” made of cotton wool, glass airships with the inscription “USSR”. In 1937, a series of Christmas tree balls were released... depicting members of the Politburo! (It was probably very scary to hang them on the Christmas tree - what if you break one of the party leaders?).

In peacetime, the New Year tree is truly the main attribute of the holiday. What could have been her fate during the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War?

Children's answers.

During the war years, toys were produced in limited quantities. But New Year's decoration was mandatory - this ritual reminded of a peaceful life and gave strength to hope for a quick victory. “Military” Christmas trees were decorated with “soldiers,” “tanks,” “pistols,” and “orderly dogs”; even Santa Claus beat the Nazis on New Year's cards...

With the end of the most terrible war of the 20th century, New Year's toys have changed. What events in the post-war history of our state do you think they could reflect now?

Children's answers.

In 1949, for the anniversary, toys depicting characters from the poet’s fairy tales were released. While Stalin was in power in the country, everyone, including toy manufacturers, was guided by his opinion. Stalin had great respect for hockey - accordingly, “Christmas tree hockey players” appeared; he loved the circus - circus characters appeared on Christmas trees. In the early 1950s, when there was a shortage of food in the country, many toys were made in the form of fruits, berries and vegetables (inedible, of course). Fairy-tale characters also appeared: Aibolit, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Cipollino, various animals: squirrels, bears, hares... At the same time, in the 50s, a fashion for glass beads and compositions from glass balls, beads and sticks appeared.

What achievements marked the Khrushchev period in Russian history?

Children's answers.

In the 1960s, “cobs of corn” and “sheaves of wheat” were hung on Christmas trees. And also “satellites”, “cosmonauts”, “rockets” appeared

In the 1970s, Christmas tree decoration factories “stamped” similar series of balls, “cones”, “pyramids”, “icicles” and “bells”... In the 70s, many toys with clothespins were also produced. In the 1970s and 80s, foil “rain” became popular.

In the 1990s, many Christmas tree balls with images of animals - symbols of the coming year - appeared on sale.

Do you pay attention to what modern Christmas trees look like - the beauties in supermarkets and squares?

Children's answers.

Several years ago, a fashionable Western tradition emerged of decorating Christmas trees with balls of two colors that match each other, for example, red and gold, blue and silver, and also tying brocade bows on the branches. And no tinsel or “rain”!

The best part is that all this splendor has already appeared on the shelves! The New Year is just around the corner and at the very thought of it, a premonition of a fairy tale awakens in us. And walking through stores filled with boxes of shiny balls and hung with shining tinsel will definitely lift your spirits! On the eve of the holiday, hold a Christmas tree toy in your hands - this piece of magic that you so want to believe in for the New Year!

Do you believe in New Year’s magic and that any New Year’s fairy tale can come true?


Today in class we must finish making a New Year's toy.

We take jobs. Let's take our work. The last stage of work is to decorate the toy with patterns made of plasticine, beads, paper figures and flowers, etc.

(children decorate the toy)

The toys turned out beautiful and elegant.

You can decorate the Christmas tree,

But in order for the festive beauty to bring us joy and not misfortune, we must follow some rules.

Why do you think glass toys need to be hung on the Christmas tree with great care?

(they can break and a person gets hurt)

Why can't cotton wool be used to decorate a Christmas tree?

(it can catch fire and there will be a fire.)

Can you decorate the Christmas tree with candles and sparklers?

(NO, it might catch fire. It's better to hang the garland on the tree.)

Well done, we remembered the safety rules, we can safely decorate the Christmas tree.

Milka - Oh, where is our Christmas tree, what are we going to decorate?

Take your toys by the loops and line up in a circle.

Close your eyes. The magic begins. (at this time a student wearing a YOLKA costume appears in the circle.)

Today everything is unusual and the Christmas tree is also unusual and we will decorate it with unusual toys (we decorate the “Christmas tree” with made toys)

Children read poetry:

We slept in a box for a whole year
New Year's toys
We were very bored in the dark
Bunnies, gnomes and Parsleys,
But they almost faded,
Their outfit is just as bright
We'll hang them on the tree -
Let them sparkle, let them burn!

This is how Korney Chukovsky decorated the Christmas tree so beautifully, the poem is called “About the Christmas Tree”:

If only the Christmas tree had legs,

She would run along the path.

She would dance with us,

She would have clicked her heels.

The toys would spin on the Christmas tree -

Multi-colored lanterns, firecrackers.

The flags would spin on the Christmas tree

Made from crimson and silver paper.

They would laugh on the Matryoshka Christmas tree

And they would clap their hands with joy.

Because tonight at the gate

A merry New Year has come knocking!

Cheerful, daring New Year!

And he invites you guys to a round dance!

Dance - round dance.

We wish our guests a Happy New Year...