Essays on the OGE based on the text by V. Astafiev (Belogrudka). Examples of essays on the topic: Kindness and cruelty What is cruelty 15.3

Option 1

Part 1

Part 2

(1) We didn’t like Svetka Sergeeva because she was red-haired and because her voice was terribly shrill. (2) Svetka lived with her mother and two sisters. (3) It was clear how they dressed - after all, they were barely making ends meet. (4) But our girls didn’t take Ryzhukha’s difficulties into account and also despised her for her only worn jeans. (5) We really loved going to the lake. (6) Zhenya and I fished all day long, but in the evening we were unable to fish because of Ryzhukha.

(7) In the evening Svetka takes a boat, rows it out into the middle of the lake and begins to howl.

(8) Or rather, she sang, but we didn’t call it singing. (9) Ryzhukha’s high-pitched voice was heard far across the lake, and we stopped pecking...

(10) Ryzhuha howled for an hour and a half.

(11) “You stupid redhead,” Marinka Bykova curled her lips. (12) - Why is she messing around with us? (13) I would howl at home.

(15) On the day of the last exam, Ninka Pchelkina arranged for those interested to register for the next trip.

(16) Zhenya came up to Ryzhukha and said:

(17) - Redhead, do a good deed, huh? (18) Don’t go for a walk with us!

(19) “I’ll go with you,” said Redhead in a high, trembling voice, “but I’ll be separately.”

(20) Again, separately from everyone else, he will howl on the lake! (21) Zhenya walked away from Red and whispered to me:

(22)—I won’t let Redhead go on this trip, or I won’t be me.

(23) He looked triumphantly at Svetka, as if he had already achieved his goal...

(24) On a warm June day, we settled down on the deck of the ship. (25) The redhead was sitting on the edge of the bench, next to her was an empty space.

(26) A minute before setting off, Zhenya approached Ryzhukha.

(27)—Is this your bag? - Zhenya asked and nodded at the antediluvian bag.

(28) “Mine,” answered Svetka.

(29) - Hello hop! - Zhenya exclaimed,cHe grabbed his bag and ran along the deck with it, and we heard him screaming from the pier. (30) - Hey, Red! (31) Over there, where is your purse!

(32) Zhenya put his bag on the floor and rushed back. (33) The redhead sat and sat, looking lost at the floor, then as soon as she jumped up, she headed for the exit. (34) I barely made it to the shore: the ship immediately set sail.

(35) Zhenya waves his hand at Svetka and yells:

(36) — Goodbye, Red! (37) You can’t go to the lake, you’re scaring away the fish!

(38) And the girls, let’s praise Zhenya for what he did so cleverly with Redhead.

(39) To be honest, I didn’t understand why the girls were happy. (40) After all, Ryzhukha was never with everyone else - it’s not for nothing that she’s not in any photographs. (41) She wandered alone through the meadows, sat alone by the fire when everyone had already gone to their tents, ate what she took with her from home. (42) At the beginning of the campaign, she laid out her supplies on the common table, but Marinka Bykova disdainfully pushed her bread with margarine and eggs to the side...

(43) The ship hasn’t really left the city yet, and we’ve already forgotten about Ryzhukha...

(44) Red didn’t go to tenth grade. (45) The class teacher said that she entered a music school.

(46) And five years later I began studying at one of the St. Petersburg universities and met Natasha, who took me to the Mariinsky Theater to the opera.

47) In the first minutes of the performance, a luxurious golden-haired beauty with the whitest skin and noble posture appeared on stage, and I could not take my eyes off her. (48) When she sang in a high, surprisingly familiar voice, I instantly broke out in a sweat.

(49) - Redhead! - I gasped. (50) - We studied in the same class!

(51)—What are you saying?! (52) This is our rising star!

(53)—What’s her name? — I asked, hoping for something else.

(54)— Svetlana Sergeeva.

(55) I sat through the entire performance without moving, not understanding what was more in my heart - delight or shame.

(56) After the performance, Natasha suggested:

(57) — Maybe you’ll go backstage? (58) She will be pleased to see her classmate.

(59) “No, let’s do it another time,” I answered modestly.

(60) The last thing I wanted was to meet Redhead face to face.

(61) On the way, rather sluggishly, I told Natasha about Svetka, about how she sang on the lake. (62) Now I didn’t say that she “howled.”

(64) - Wow! - Natasha was surprised. (65) - I studied in the same class with Sergeeva!

(66) I didn’t listen to her well: I thought that Svetka was not a redhead. (67) Svetka turned out to be golden. (68) And we are red. (69) The whole class is red.

( According to E. Gabova)

Elena Vasilievna Gabova (Stolpovskaya) is a modern writer. For stories and stories for children, she was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize of the Komi Republic in the field of literature.

The answers to tasks 2-14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which answer option contains the information needed tojustification answer to the question: “Why didn’t the guys want to take Ryzhukha with them on a hike?”

1) ( 37) Ryzhukha’s high-pitched voice could be heard far across the lake, and our pecking stopped...

2) (40) After all, Ryzhukha was not with everyone else - it’s not for nothing that she is not in any photographs.

3) (3) It was clear how they dressed - after all, they were barely making ends meet.

4) 4) But our girls did not take Redhead’s difficulties into account and also despised her for her only worn jeans.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is

metaphor .

1 ) Svetka turned out to be golden.

2) On the way, rather sluggishly, I told Natasha about Svetka, about how she sang on the lake.

3) At the beginning of the campaign, she laid out her supplies on the common table, but Marinka Bykova disdainfully pushed her bread with margarine and eggs to the side...

4) The last thing I wanted was to meet Redhead face to face.

Answer: ___________________________

4. From sentences 34-38, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the subsequent consonant.

Answer: ___________________________

5. From sentences 7-14, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In the suffixes of active present participles formed from verbs of the 1st conjugation, the letter is writtenYU" .

Answer: ___________________________

6. Replace spoken word« antediluvian » in sentence 27 stylistically neutralsynonymous . Write this synonym.

Answer: ___________________________

7. Replace the phrase"disgustedly moved away" , built on the basis of adjacency, a synonymous phrase with connectioncontrol .

Write the resulting phrase.

Answer: ___________________________

8. You writegrammatical basis proposals 7.

Answer: ___________________________

9. Among sentences 55-60, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.


10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. You writefigure , denoting a comma atintroductory word.

I sat through the entire performance, (1) without moving, (2) not understanding, (3) what was more in my heart - delight or shame. After the performance, Natasha suggested:

Maybe (4) you should go backstage? She will be pleased to see her classmate.

No, (5) let’s do it another time, (6) - I answered modestly.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 1. Write the answer in numbers.


12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating connection.

In the evening Svetka takes a boat, (1) rows it out into the middle of the lake and begins to howl.

Or rather, (2) she sang, (3) but we didn’t call it singing. Ryzhukha’s high-pitched voice was heard far across the lake, (4) and we stopped pecking...

Answer: _ _____________________________________

13. Among sentences 1-7, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: ______________________________________

14. Among sentences 60 - 69, find a complex sentence with a non-union and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

Answer:______ ________________________________

Part 3

Using the read text from part 2, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian philologistL.V. Uspensky: “Vocabulary alone without grammar does not constitute a language. Only when it comes to the disposal of grammar does it acquire the greatest meaning.”When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of L.V. Uspensky.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text:“Sveta turned out to be golden. And we are red. The whole class is red."

Bring it in your essaytwo arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the wordCRUELTY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic:"What is cruelty" , taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning:one example - give an argument from the text you read, Athe second is from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 2

Part 1

1. Listen to the text and complete task 1 on a separate sheet. First write the task number, and then the text of the concise summary.

Listen to the text and write a concise summary. Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole. The volume of presentation is at least 70 words. Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14


Option 3

Part 1

1. Listen to the text and complete task 1 on a separate sheet. First write the task number, and then the text of the concise summary.

Listen to the text and write a concise summary. Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole. The volume of presentation is at least 70 words. Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14

Option 4

Part 1

1. Listen to the text and complete task 1 on a separate sheet. First write the task number, and then the text of the concise summary.

Listen to the text and write a concise summary. Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole. The volume of presentation is at least 70 words. Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14


Option 1

Option 2

You scare away

Option 1

Cruelty is a property of people who do not know pity or kindness. Hard-hearted people are unable to feel someone else’s pain or empathize with the sufferer.

So, the girls, classmates of Svetka Sergeeva, “didn’t even want to touch her,” despised her for her “only worn jeans.” They could not even imagine what Red could feel at that moment when Marinka Bykova disgustedly pushed her “bread with margarine and eggs to the side.”

Cruelty is also terrible because it has no boundaries. At a nearby school, three high school students beat a second-grader unconscious, who annoyed them with his thick glasses... Is there anything human left in these teenagers?

That’s why people like them are rightly called non-humans: people behave differently.

Option 2

Cruelty is a heartless, unkind, rude attitude towards people. A cruel person easily causes suffering to others, without thinking about how deeply he can hurt, how much he can offend.

That is why Zhenya’s act from E. Gabova’s story can be called cruel (sentences 31-34). If the boy had thought for a minute about Redhead’s feelings, he would have realized that she wanted to go to the lake no less than the other guys, that tricking her into staying on the shore at the last moment was inhumane, but he didn’t care. He just didn’t want to spoil his vacation with her “howling.”

I was also struck by the similar cruelty with which the schoolchildren in the film “Scarecrow” mocked their peer, Lena Bessoltseva, who took the blame for the cowardly Dimka Somov and thereby saved him from the reprisals of his classmates. As punishment, they insulted her, humiliated her, even beat her, considering themselves “fighters” for justice.

Yes, it is scary to become an object of bullying from your peers. It's scary to be different from everyone else. But it’s even more terrible to find yourself together with the soulless majority, because sooner or later a merciless conscience will wake up and it will not give you peace.

Option 3

Cruelty is a rude, inhumane, insulting attitude towards people. It is scary because it has many faces, from the cruelty of words to the cruelty of actions.

In the story by E. Gabova, Svetka Sergeeva was given a humiliating nickname by her classmates - Ryzhukha. They despised her not only for her appearance and high-pitched voice, but even for something that would have evoked compassion in a normal person - for her poverty (sentences 1, 4). And her classmates called her singing “howling,” and she herself, in their opinion, was a “stupid redhead.” The boys’ ruthlessness is also striking in the episode of expelling the girl from the ship (sentences 34-43). A whole class of soulless, cruel people! Is it possible that even when they become adults, they will remain the same?

I would like all people to understand that cruelty is unacceptable in human relationships.

Text for work

(I) We didn’t like Svetka Sergeeva because she was red-haired, freckled, with coarse hair the color of copper wire, and because her voice was terribly shrill. (2) Svetka lived with her mother and two sisters. (3) It was clear how they dressed - after all, they barely made ends meet. (4) But our girls did not take into account Redhead’s difficulties and did not even want to touch her, as if Svetka was a leper, they also despised her for her only worn jeans.

(5) We really loved going to the lake. (6) Zhenya and I fished all day long, but in the evening we were unable to fish because of Ryzhukha.

(7) In the evening Svetka takes a boat, rows it alone into the middle of the lake and begins to howl.

(8) Or rather, she sang, but we didn’t call it singing. (9) Ryzhukha’s high-pitched voice was heard far across the lake, and we stopped pecking...

(Yu) Ryzhuha howled for an hour and a half and, if it seemed to her that some song was not very successful, she started it again and again.

(II) “You stupid redhead,” Marinka Bykova curled her lips. (12) - Why is she messing around with us? (13) I would howl at home.

(15) For some reason, it never occurred to Zhenya and me to talk to Svetka like a human being, to ask her not to sing over the lake and not spoil the fishing. (16) Maybe she didn’t know what was bothering someone.

(17) On the day of the last exam, Ninka Pchyolkina arranged for those wishing to register for the next trip.

(18) Zhenya approached Ryzhukha and said:

(19) - Redhead, do a good deed, huh? (20) Don’t go for a walk with us!

(21) “I’ll go with you,” said Redhead in a high, trembling voice, “but I’ll be separately.”

(22) Again, separately from everyone else, he will howl on the lake! (23) Zhenya walked away from Red and whispered to me:

(24) - I won’t let Redhead go on this trip, or I won’t be me.

(25) He looked triumphantly at Svetka, as if he had already fulfilled his promise...

(26) On a warm June day, we settled down on the deck of the ship. (27) The redhead was sitting on the edge of the bench, next to her there was an empty space, because no one sat next to her.

(28) A minute before setting off, Zhenya approached Ryzhukha.

(29) - Is this your bag? - Zhenya asked and nodded at the antediluvian bag, which probably contained sandwiches with margarine and eggs.

(30) “Mine,” answered Svetka.

(31) - Hello hop! - Zhenya exclaimed, grabbing the bag, he ran along the deck with it, and we heard him shouting from the pier:

(32) - Hey, Red! (ZZ) There's where your purse is!

(34) Zhenya put his bag on the floor and rushed back.

(35) The redhead sat and sat, looking lost at the floor, then she jumped up and headed out: she probably felt sorry for the sandwiches. (Zb) I barely made it to the shore: the ship immediately set sail.

(37) Zhenya waves her hand at Svetka and yells:

(38) - Goodbye, Red! (39) You can’t go to the lake, you’re scaring away the fish!

(41) - Goodbye, friend!

(42) - We won’t see you again!

(43) And let’s praise Zhenya for what he did so cleverly with Ryzhukha...

(44) To be honest, I didn’t understand why the girls were happy. (45) After all, Ryzhukha was not with everyone else - it’s not for nothing that she is not in any photographs. (46) She wandered alone through the meadows, sat alone by the fire when everyone had already gone to their tents, ate what she took with her from home. (47) At the beginning of the campaign, she laid out her supplies on the common table, but Marinka Bykova disdainfully pushed her bread with margarine and eggs to the side...

(48) The ship hasn’t really left the city yet, and we’ve already forgotten about Ryzhukha. (49) Only at the evening dawn did I remember about her, and something unpleasant rushed into my heart. (50) But no one on the lake made any noise, the bite was excellent, and Zhenya was especially animated. (51) But this “something” prevented me from rejoicing...

(52) Red didn’t go to tenth grade. (53) The class teacher said that she entered the music school.

(54) And five years later I started studying at one of the St. Petersburg universities and met Natasha, who took me to the Mariinsky Theater to the opera.

(55) In the first minutes of the performance, a luxurious golden-haired beauty with the whitest skin and noble posture appeared on stage, and I could not take my eyes off her. (55) When she sang in a high, surprisingly familiar voice, I instantly broke out in a sweat.

(57) - Redhead! - I gasped. (58) - You understand, this is Ryzhukha! - I shout to Natasha in a whisper. (59) - She and I studied in the same class!

(60) - What are you saying?! - the friend was alarmed. (61) - Do you understand who this is? (62) This is our rising star!

(63) - What is her name? - I asked, hoping for something else.

(64) - Svetlana Sergeeva.

(65) I sat through the entire performance without moving, not understanding what was more in my heart - delight or shame.

(66) After the performance, Natasha suggested:

(67) - Maybe you’ll go backstage? (68) She will be pleased to see her classmate.

No, let’s do it another time,” I answered modestly.

The last thing I wanted was to meet Redhead face to face.

On the way, rather listlessly, I told Natasha about Svetka, about how she sang on the lake. (72) Now I didn’t say that she “howled.”

(73) - Wow! - Natasha was surprised. (74) - I studied in the same class with Sergeeva!

(76) I didn’t listen to her well: I thought that Svetka was not the red one. (77) Svetka turned out to be golden. (78) And we are red. (79) The whole class is red.

(According to E. Gabova)

I believe that when a person has done something cruel to someone once, there is no doubt that he will do the same the second time. Unfortunately, in our life we ​​often see injustice and cruelty towards everything around , but not honest and decent attitude to others.


Cruelty is a disease of the heart and soul that causes the human self to become stale. The person becomes merciless towards others. I once saw a guy tormenting a little street kid on the street..
kitten - I was in pain.. I was outraged such an attitude towards defenseless animal so I asked him why he was doing this.“Because these bad creatures, they bother me,” he answered.

I didn't want to continue the conversation with?

this man who has already experienced the first stages of human degradation. Why are people around me so cruel? Repeatedly I see mothers beating and scolding their children because they cry..

Come to your senses! Is this a way out?! Why can't we live in a civilized manner? Before you do something cruel, you need to put yourself in the place of the victim. Would you be pleased if they beat you because you simply exist? Or because you were offended and you cry? Human cruelty knows no bounds . Sometimes it's easy rash decisions And he just did one wrong step, which you can later regret for the rest of your life.

Therefore, you should always think carefully before doing something. You can't decide the fate of those around you. We have no right to dispose of someone else's life. The main problem today is cruelty , which covers more and more people, denigrates their soul . I can't calm down react to this , because my heart bleeds when I think how much evil there is in this world, which gives rise to the same evil and.


15.1. Text by V. Astafiev (see manual by I.P. Tsybulko, 2015, version 9) Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian philologist L.V. Uspensky: “» …

Grammar allows us to connect any words with each other to express any thought about any subject.

“Grammar allows you to connect any words with each other in order to express any thought about any subject,” says L.V. Uspensky. One cannot but agree with the statement of the Russian philologist.

In our language there are a huge number of words that make up human speech. Correctly compose a phrase or sentence from words, fully and accurately convey your thought - this is exactly what the rules of grammar teach us.

Let us turn, for example, to sentence 42 from this text. It consists of words representing different parts of speech. The idea contained in this sentence helps to convey not only the semantic connection of the words, but also the grammatical one, that is, it is subject to special rules. All words are connected to each other here in a certain way: the adjective agrees with the noun (“wooded slope”), the verb controls the noun, which is attached to it using a preposition (“they live on the slope”), the adverb adjoins the verb (“they live calmly”).

We can convey our thoughts using different sentences: simple and complex. We can supplement sentences with introductory constructions, use appeals and interjections. For example, the introductory word “perhaps” helped the author of the text to express some doubt in sentence 2.

15.2. Therefore, L.V. Uspensky is absolutely right: the laws of grammar help to express any thought competently, figuratively, completely.

The touching story of Belogrudka, told by the writer, could not leave me indifferent. I fully support the author, who, with the words of the ending of the text, seems to be telling us how good it would be if all the animals and birds living next to people lived in peace.

People should treat the environment and animals with care and take care of them. But, unfortunately, they often act inhumanely towards “our smaller brothers.” The story about Belogrudka talks about boys who destroyed a marten’s nest and stole her defenseless cubs from their mother. Children came up with a cruel game by torturing helpless little kittens: they turned them over with their bellies upside down and flicked them on the nose.

Animals find it difficult to protect themselves from evil people. But after reading the story, we are convinced: sometimes animals can also take revenge for an insult. The loving, caring mother Belogrudka, who “warmed” the cubs with her body, “licked” each one until it shined and got food for them, having lost her babies, became a ferocious predator causing harm to people.

Story by V.P. Astafiev is very instructive, especially for the guys. Are there any children who like to bring home baby animals and birds found in the forest or park? These guys must remember forever: animals are not toys.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word HUMANITY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “ What is humanity?«…

I believe that humanity is a kind attitude towards all living things on earth: people, animals, birds, plants. This is the ability to feel with your heart the pain and suffering of others, to show generosity towards the weak and defenseless. To be humane means to be indifferent to any manifestation of evil: cruelty, rudeness.

In the text by V.P. Astafiev we see an example of the inhumane act of boys who, for fun, took the cubs of a caring marten mother from the nest and brought them to the village. The game seems like a mockery of defenseless animals: one of the boys “turned them upside down and flicked them on the nose.” The “carefree boys” also turned out to be cruel when they abandoned the little martens near the forest, without following the adults’ orders to take them back to the nest.

Mercy, a sincere desire to lend a helping hand to someone who needs it, are the personal qualities that make up the concept of “humanity.” Even very simple, at first glance, actions - helping an old woman carry a heavy bag or sheltering a stray kitten - can be considered a manifestation of humanity.

All people should be humane. I think then our life will become better and more beautiful.

Option 1

Cruelty is a property of people who do not know pity or kindness. Hard-hearted people are unable to feel someone else’s pain or empathize with the sufferer.

So, the girls, classmates of Svetka Sergeeva, “didn’t even want to touch her,” despised her for her “only worn jeans.” They could not even imagine what Red could feel at that moment when Marinka Bykova disgustedly pushed her “bread with margarine and eggs to the side.”

Cruelty is also terrible because it has no boundaries. At a nearby school, three high school students beat a second-grader unconscious, who annoyed them with his thick glasses... Is there anything human left in these teenagers?

That’s why people like them are rightly called non-humans: people behave differently.

Option 2

Cruelty is a heartless, unkind, rude attitude towards people. A cruel person easily causes suffering to others, without thinking about how deeply he can hurt, how much he can offend.

That is why Zhenya’s act from E. Gabova’s story can be called cruel (sentences 31-34). If the boy had thought for a minute about Redhead’s feelings, he would have realized that she wanted to go to the lake no less than the other guys, that tricking her into staying on the shore at the last moment was inhumane, but he didn’t care. He just didn’t want to spoil his vacation with her “howling.”

I was also struck by the similar cruelty with which the schoolchildren in the film “Scarecrow” mocked their peer, Lena Bessoltseva, who took the blame for the cowardly Dimka Somov and thereby saved him from the reprisals of his classmates. As punishment, they insulted her, humiliated her, even beat her, considering themselves “fighters” for justice.

Yes, it is scary to become an object of bullying from your peers. It's scary to be different from everyone else. But it’s even more terrible to find yourself together with the soulless majority, because sooner or later a merciless conscience will wake up and it will not give you peace.

Option 3

Cruelty is a rude, inhumane, insulting attitude towards people. It is scary because it has many faces, from the cruelty of words to the cruelty of actions.

In the story by E. Gabova, Svetka Sergeeva was given a humiliating nickname by her classmates - Ryzhukha. They despised her not only for her appearance and high-pitched voice, but even for something that would have evoked compassion in a normal person - for her poverty (sentences 1, 4). And her classmates called her singing “howling,” and she herself, in their opinion, was a “stupid redhead.” The boys’ ruthlessness is also striking in the episode of expelling the girl from the ship (sentences 34-43). A whole class of soulless, cruel people! Is it possible that even when they become adults, they will remain the same?

I would like all people to understand that cruelty is unacceptable in human relationships.

Text for work

(I) We didn’t like Svetka Sergeeva because she was red-haired, freckled, with coarse hair the color of copper wire, and because her voice was terribly shrill. (2) Svetka lived with her mother and two sisters. (3) It was clear how they dressed - after all, they barely made ends meet. (4) But our girls did not take into account Redhead’s difficulties and did not even want to touch her, as if Svetka was a leper, they also despised her for her only worn jeans.

(5) We really loved going to the lake. (6) Zhenya and I fished all day long, but in the evening we were unable to fish because of Ryzhukha.

(7) In the evening Svetka takes a boat, rows it alone into the middle of the lake and begins to howl.

(Or rather, she sang, but we didn’t call it singing. (9) Ryzhukha’s high voice resounded far across the lake, and we stopped pecking...

(Yu) Ryzhuha howled for an hour and a half and, if it seemed to her that some song was not very successful, she started it again and again.

(II) “You stupid redhead,” Marinka Bykova curled her lips. (12) - Why is she messing around with us? (13) I would howl at home.

(15) For some reason, it never occurred to Zhenya and me to talk to Svetka like a human being, to ask her not to sing over the lake and not spoil the fishing. (16) Maybe she didn’t know what was bothering someone.

(17) On the day of the last exam, Ninka Pchyolkina arranged for those wishing to register for the next trip.

(18) Zhenya approached Ryzhukha and said:

(19) - Redhead, do a good deed, huh? (20) Don’t go for a walk with us!

(21) “I’ll go with you,” said Redhead in a high, trembling voice, “but I’ll be separately.”

(22) Again, separately from everyone else, he will howl on the lake! (23) Zhenya walked away from Red and whispered to me:

(24) - I won’t let Redhead go on this trip, or I won’t be me.

(25) He looked triumphantly at Svetka, as if he had already fulfilled his promise...

(26) On a warm June day, we settled down on the deck of the ship. (27) The redhead was sitting on the edge of the bench, next to her there was an empty space, because no one sat next to her.

(28) A minute before setting off, Zhenya approached Ryzhukha.

(29) - Is this your bag? - Zhenya asked and nodded at the antediluvian bag, which probably contained sandwiches with margarine and eggs.

(30) “Mine,” answered Svetka.

(31) - Hello hop! - Zhenya exclaimed, grabbing the bag, he ran along the deck with it, and we heard him shouting from the pier:

(32) - Hey, Red! (ZZ) There's where your purse is!

(34) Zhenya put his bag on the floor and rushed back.

(35) The redhead sat and sat, looking lost at the floor, then she jumped up and headed out: she probably felt sorry for the sandwiches. (Zb) I barely made it to the shore: the ship immediately set sail.

(37) Zhenya waves her hand at Svetka and yells:

(38) - Goodbye, Red! (39) You can’t go to the lake, you’re scaring away the fish!

(41) - Goodbye, friend!

(42) - We won’t see you again!

(43) And let’s praise Zhenya for what he did so cleverly with Ryzhukha...

(44) To be honest, I didn’t understand why the girls were happy. (45) After all, Ryzhukha was not with everyone else - it’s not for nothing that she is not in any photographs. (46) She wandered alone through the meadows, sat alone by the fire when everyone had already gone to their tents, ate what she took with her from home. (47) At the beginning of the campaign, she laid out her supplies on the common table, but Marinka Bykova disdainfully pushed her bread with margarine and eggs to the side...

(48) The ship hasn’t really left the city yet, and we’ve already forgotten about Ryzhukha. (49) Only at the evening dawn did I remember about her, and something unpleasant rushed into my heart. (50) But no one on the lake made any noise, the bite was excellent, and Zhenya was especially animated. (51) But this “something” prevented me from rejoicing...

(52) Red didn’t go to tenth grade. (53) The class teacher said that she entered the music school.

(54) And five years later I started studying at one of the St. Petersburg universities and met Natasha, who took me to the Mariinsky Theater to the opera.

(55) In the first minutes of the performance, a luxurious golden-haired beauty with the whitest skin and noble posture appeared on stage, and I could not take my eyes off her. (55) When she sang in a high, surprisingly familiar voice, I instantly broke out in a sweat.

(57) - Redhead! - I gasped. (58) - You understand, this is Ryzhukha! - I shout to Natasha in a whisper. (59) - She and I studied in the same class!

(60) - What are you saying?! - the friend was alarmed. (61) - Do you understand who this is? (62) This is our rising star!

(63) - What is her name? - I asked, hoping for something else.

(64) - Svetlana Sergeeva.

(65) I sat through the entire performance without moving, not understanding what was more in my heart - delight or shame.

(66) After the performance, Natasha suggested:

(67) - Maybe you’ll go backstage? (68) She will be pleased to see her classmate.

No, let’s do it another time,” I answered modestly.

The last thing I wanted was to meet Redhead face to face.

On the way, rather listlessly, I told Natasha about Svetka, about how she sang on the lake. (72) Now I didn’t say that she “howled.”

(73) - Wow! - Natasha was surprised. (74) - I studied in the same class with Sergeeva!

(76) I didn’t listen to her well: I thought that Svetka was not the red one. (77) Svetka turned out to be golden. (78) And we are red. (79) The whole class is red.