DIY parent corners in kindergarten. Decorating a “Parents Corner” in kindergarten according to the seasons with your own hands

Parents' corner in kindergarten

Information posted at the stand for parents should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least once every two weeks.

When placing any printed material at the stand (medical advice, psychologist, etc.), a link to the publication, including authorship and year of publication, the name of the site is required.

The stand should be colorfully decorated. When decorating a stand, you should use not only inscriptions, but also photographs (preferably children of the group and parents). When designing stands, there is no need to overuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls and toys. The ratio of text and illustrations on stands and information media should be approximately 2:6 (2 parts - text, 6 - illustrations), they must first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information to them.

1. The parent corner contains a tablet about the age characteristics of the children in your group. Throughout the year, the material is updated, including in turn the requirements for physical, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic education of children, peculiarities of children’s speech development, self-care skills, etc. (you can indicate what children should be able to do by the middle of the year, by the end of the year etc.).

2. "Our life day by day." The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, crafts, the text of a song learned during a lesson or a walk, the name of a piece of music listened to, a book read to children, etc. The material is constantly updated. It may contain the following appeals: “Mom, learn with me a tongue twister: “Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked on a dryer”; “Dad, ask me a riddle: “He doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, but doesn’t let him into the house?” etc.

3. "Children's rights." A section for parents, which contains a variety of information on the observance of children's rights in a preschool institution and in the family, addresses and telephone numbers of organizations in your city where you can turn for help, and official documents.

4. Age group mode

5. Advice from specialists You can write down a gymnastics complex or advice on hardening (prepared by the physical education director, music director - the repertoire of the classes, what works were listened to. If such specialists as a speech therapist, educational psychologist, etc. work in a preschool institution, there should be a section , where information about these classes is placed. A psychologist, social teacher, medical worker prepares materials for moving folders or, if necessary (for example, the Health program is being implemented, there are many children from socially disadvantaged families, or other reasons), they have a permanent section in corner for parents

6. Notice board. Only official information is placed on it: when there will be a parent meeting, performance, etc.

In addition to the stand, it is good to have a cabinet or shelves for displaying children's crafts, drawings, as well as a shelf for newspapers and magazines.

The purpose of the next form of visual propaganda - thematic exhibitions - is to supplement verbal information for parents with drawings, photographs, natural objects (samples of toys, gaming materials, artistic work, etc.) made by the hands of children, parents, and educators.

Magazine "Management of a preschool institution", supplement "Working with parents in preschool educational institutions".

Setting up a parent's corner:
new forms and approaches

Travel stands

We work in a large kindergarten with twelve groups. In our team, in addition to educators, there are various specialists: educational psychologist, defectologist, physical education instructor. And everyone needs to convey important and useful information to the parents of kindergarten students. Selecting material for parent corners is a special job. And, you see, it’s not easy to do this twelve times. Therefore, specialists can unite and come up with travel stands. For example, in one of the kindergartens, a boat “floats” in the younger groups, and trains “ride” in the groups for middle-aged and older children.

In each group's locker room, the traveling Stand stops for a week and then moves on to its next destination. After the stand has “traveled” along the entire designated route, the information on it is updated.

Five rules for designing a parent's corner

A wise teacher always uses every opportunity to communicate with parents. He regularly informs them about even minor successes of the child, informs them about the content of classes, and gives advice and recommendations on education. By doing this, the teacher helps parents learn to be attentive to the development of their child, makes it possible to understand the importance of the work of the kindergarten in the upbringing and education of children, and reveals the value of their own work.

Corners for parents are a familiar and long-used way for parents to get acquainted with the life of the group. But how often do we lack the time and opportunity to properly design them!

In the corners hang useless articles written in small print from unknown magazines, obligatory menus and scant words of the program content of classes that frighten parents with pedagogical terms. As a result, parents simply ignore these corners.

In order for the parent corners in our kindergarten to really fulfill their functions, I recommend adhering to the following simple rules:

1. Select articles that are small in volume, but provide comprehensive information and make parents want to continue communication with the teacher on this topic.

2. Do not use terms that are unclear to parents.

3. Place information at parental eye level. In printed materials, use a font of at least 14 font.

4. Supplement articles with colorful drawings, photographs or pictures.

5. In a tight folder with files we place all the information about the kindergarten, consultations with specialists, useful articles from magazines and newspapers.

Approximate equipment of the parent corner.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do at ... years old)

3. Daily routine.

4. Grid of classes.

6. Menu for every day (save the menu for 10 days)

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

10. Repeat with children.

12. Announcements

Tablets, mobile stands

Shelf or table for displaying children's work,

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, goals and objectives of the age group, reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the educational program of the preschool educational institution.

The material must be:





The design should have no more than two colors

The section “What we did today” indicates the type of lesson, topic, and program tasks. Briefly tells about the activities of the day, demonstrates children's work,

The “Advice and Recommendations” section provides only advice and recommendations to parents. It is advisable to correlate the content of the recommendations with the topics of the teachers' council, parent meetings, current topics, and program material that is currently given to the children in the group.

In the “Repeat with us” section, parents are invited to repeat with their children at home: works of art, poems, songs...

Can be used additionally:

The issue of “Family Newspaper” covers the experience of family education. Parents themselves write about upbringing in the family. When designing a family newspaper, you need to remember that its goal is not only to interest parents with the abundance and variety of photographs, but also to convey to parents the content and significance of a particular issue of education.

In the section “Are you asking? We answer! » teachers post topical issues of social life, issues of theory and practice of raising children

The “We express our gratitude” section reflects the good deeds of parents who provided various types of assistance to the kindergarten, group (all possible assistance in repairing toys, purchasing books, participating in community cleanups). Here the administration thanks the parents for the assistance provided

One of the best ways of unique communication between teachers of educational institutions and families of children is considered to be a corner for parents in kindergarten. Since good communication between children's parents and teaching staff is very important, creating a well-designed parent stand allows you to convey important information to the former in the best possible way.

Mothers and fathers of miracle children will be happy to watch the success of their children, and at the same time learn more about the activities in which they take part, as well as about other events of the preschool institution, and read the right tips on raising children.

Stand options

Proper design of a stand for parents in a preschool institution helps parents begin to be more attentive to their children and closely monitor their achievements and development. Ultimately, parents begin to treat teaching work with more respect. Some are finally thinking about creating a nursery so that the child can develop physically.

Selecting a location

As for placement, the stand for adults should be located at the eye level of visitors so that they are comfortable enough to read and perceive all the information offered to their attention. In addition, the location should be the most illuminated wall.

Without entertainment, children at the dacha will be bored. You can find out how to cheer up your kids by following the link.

What information for the parent corner in kindergarten is recommended by teachers' associations? The stand must contain the following literature:

  1. Characteristics of the age of children (must be updated annually);
  2. Skill level (what every child should be able to do at his age);
  3. Daily routine (must be updated annually);
  4. Schedule of classes and events (changes once a year);
  5. Menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner (should change daily);
  6. Health monitoring throughout the day;
  7. Learning together (updated daily);
  8. Rules for parents;
  9. How we spend the day cheerfully and amicably (the types of activities, their topics, tasks, a brief description of the activities during the day, a demonstration of the child’s work should be indicated here);
  10. Repeat with the kids (everything that the child should repeat at home, for example, songs, poems, works of art);
  11. Announcements about important events and events of the day;
  12. News from the life of a preschool institution for the day, week, month;
  13. Social service phone number, helpline, ambulance, etc.

Recommended Information

Parent corners in kindergarten must contain:

  • Turnstiles;
  • Stands;
  • Tablets;
  • A table or shelf for displaying children’s work, mat;
  • Images or silhouettes of toys and fairy-tale characters.

Also, the design for parents implies the presence of children's drawings, bright pictures, articles with photographs of children during their stay in the group and on a walk. It is advisable to use no more than two primary colors when decorating stands.

Ksenia Zykova

Hello! I would like to acquaint you and myself first of all with the requirements for designing a corner for parents.

Requirements for the design of a corner for parents.


Easy to understand

Alternating design style and placement

Large “readable” font (preferably at least 18-20) (TimesNewRoman)

Not very large volume / Possibility of “book reading”

Graphic images (if necessary)

Availability of bright illustrative design (do not overload).

“Compatibility” of the material, i.e. one information sheet should not contradict another

“Living material”, i.e. what is currently relevant and interesting for parents: In winter: “Winter poems”, “Warm clothes for walks”; In summer: “Games with sand and water”; “Air baths”, “Safety from sun rays”

Particularly important material stands out: font, color stripe, non-standard design of the title or text, bright background.

Today, I decided to go through the groups of my kindergarten and look at the corners for parents in order to analyze and in my group do everything according to the design requirements.

Junior group (3-4 years)

The corner for parents is decorated in a colorful, bright, easy-to-understand, readable font. The daily routine for kindergarten and family, menu, tips and recommendations, announcements, characteristics of the age of children are presented. The corner meets the annual plan, goals and objectives of the junior group. At the “Advice” stand, recommendations are given to parents on educational activities in the family: a description in an accessible form to parents about the types of educational activities in the family within the framework of the thematic week (update information weekly).

3-4 times a week, as the children’s activities progress, the illustrations in the “Our Successes” corner are replaced.

There are information sheets, booklets, and folders with important information on life safety, traffic rules, and healthy lifestyle.

Also in the reception area there was a stand for children and parents: “You cannot bring it to kindergarten.” Emergency numbers, a helpline and important information “The child has a right” are provided.

Conclusion: the information is easy to understand, large readable font, changeable, bright design. The material is appropriate for this age group.

Middle group (4-5 years old)

This is our group No. 7 “Luchiki”, famous for the fact that the teachers like to decorate everything very beautifully, so you can see how they decorated the walls and doors in the locker room, beautifully. Information for parents is presented colorfully and vividly. Important information for parents: working hours for children. kindergarten, menu, class schedule, etc. The table contains information on issues of pedagogy, traffic rules, healthy lifestyle, information from specialists (their names, office hours, telephone numbers, disease prevention (in a mobile folder).

There is also a stand for children and parents “You cannot bring to kindergarten...”

On the other wall there is “Advice from Experts”

The information is updated by the specialists themselves (psychologist, speech therapist, physician, etc. There are links to the publication, including authorship and year of publication

The information stand “For You, Parents” presents data on the height and weight of children, routine moments of the day, a plan for working with parents for February and a schedule of continuous educational activities in this group.

Also in this group, children’s creativity is presented at the “Creativity Clearing”; children’s daily achievements are displayed here. On the wall there is a thematic exhibition of artistic works made by the hands of children, parents, and teachers. The theme of this exhibition: “Our Dads” dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Conclusion: in the group, all the information for parents is age-appropriate, corresponds to the plan and objectives of the kindergarten, the style of design and placement alternates, accessibility to understanding, and “compatibility of the material.”

Senior group (5-6 years old)

The stand is decorated colorfully, not only inscriptions are used, but also photographs. Designed according to the season (winter, information for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

On the table there is temporary information about the group’s projects, relevant information: advice on raising children, issues of pedagogy, medicine, planning of organized educational activities.

At the stand: “For you, parents!” The work plan for February, the age characteristics of children in this group, the daily routine and the schedule of continuous educational activities are presented.

“Living material”: a story about the winter months, poems about winter, songs, games.

In honor of the upcoming holidays, thematic exhibition folders were made about the mothers and fathers of our group, information was provided by parents

Children's creative activities are hung on creativity ribbons

Conclusion: the information is easy to understand, large font, according to the age of this group, there is “live material”, expert advice, especially important material is highlighted in bright, large font.

Preparatory group (6-7 years old)

The information stand for parents presents: daily routine, schedule of continuous educational activities, plan for working with parents for February. But this group has a special feature: the motto of the group “Why” is announced, and there is also information about the features of winter games and safety rules on the street in winter.

Also on the table in folders are tips on training fine motor skills, logic, memory, speaking, notes on disease prevention, information about the program under which the preschool child care institution operates, recommendations for parents on educational activities in the family: a description in an accessible form to parents about the types educational activities in the family within the framework of a thematic week.

“Our life day by day” here is daily material in the form of a photo report about past holidays

There is also a screen with various photographs and figures on display for parents in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Conclusion: The information posted on the stands is relevant, reliable, recommendations and consultations are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children. The compatibility of the material is observed, as well as the presence of a bright illustrative design.

As a result of analyzing the corners for parents, I discovered a lot of useful information for myself.

The success of the educational process in kindergarten directly depends on the degree of coordination between teachers and parents. In this connection, the exchange of information and experience, the search for interesting ways to organize work with children, as well as awareness of the results of the educational activities of children are very important. All these aspects of cooperation are reflected in the corner for parents. And the teacher’s task is to formalize it methodically, competently and aesthetically.

Goals of creating a corner for parents

A stand or shelf, as well as tablets and mats, which are located in the reception area and are intended to familiarize parents with the life of the group where their child is being raised, are called a corner for parents. The purposes of its creation are:

  • awakening the family’s interest in the life of the group and the garden (materials on planned excursions, creative projects, etc.);
  • demonstration of the results of work on the training, development and upbringing of children (photos, photo collages, drawings by children, crafts, including those made with parents, etc.);
  • familiarization with regulatory documents relating to parenthood (information about the rights of the child, a list of the rights and responsibilities of parents, the charter of a preschool institution, etc.).

The corner for parents should be neat and meaningful

Material supply form

In order for the corner to fulfill its purpose as much as possible, its design should be varied, but not redundant. Based on the methodological experience of generations of educators, we can conclude that for a beautiful and meaningful parent corner it is enough to choose one of the following items:

  • 1–2 stands;
  • 3–4 tablets (the size is selected according to the dimensions of the corner);
  • 1 table or shelf for the exhibition of children's works (they are conveniently placed in the mat);
  • posters or images of silhouettes of toys, fairy-tale characters.

Children's drawings, bright pictures, photographs of children during activities and walks - this is only part of the design of a corner for parents, the content of which can be divided into two groups of materials: permanent and temporary. The first include:

  • annually updated age characteristics of children;
  • a list of age-appropriate skills and abilities (rewritten every year);
  • daily routine for the current academic year;
  • menu;
  • rules “Every parent should know this”;
  • information about the program under which the preschool child care institution operates;
  • telephone numbers of the teacher, assistant teacher, social service, ambulance, helpline;
  • information from specialists (their names, office hours, phone numbers);
  • tips for training fine motor skills, logic, memory, speaking;
  • notes on disease prevention (organized, for example, in a folder);
  • table with data on weighing and measuring the height of babies;
  • letters of gratitude for parents (for helping the group, kindergarten, etc.).

It’s convenient when a place is allocated in the parent’s corner for a lost and found area for children’s lost things.

Temporary materials require the following information:

  • list of birthday people for the month;
  • health sheet with information for a specific day;
  • a list of activities for the whole week (with topics, tasks and a brief description of the content);
  • information about the results of the children’s work (exhibition of works, results of psychological and pedagogical tests, etc.);
  • a list of topics that need to be repeated with children (for example, learn a riddle, poem, proverb);
  • a list of activities for a period of the academic period (usually a month);
  • news from the life of kindergarten;
  • information about upcoming competitions (for example, “Summer vacation for my family”, “Weekend with dad”, etc.)

Where to place

It is best if the corner is located near the window. Any well-lit area of ​​the room will also work.

In many kindergartens, information for parents is placed above the lockers.


As with all educational materials, there are several requirements for the parents’ corner:

  • the names of the headings are highlighted in bright, for example, red;
  • the text must be divided into paragraphs;
  • availability of constant and updated information;
  • The main principle of presenting material is lapidary.

This is interesting. Lapidary - extremely short, condensed.

Regarding the issue of information content, the relevance of the information is important. And the task is not only to match the material to a given moment in the life of the group, such as a report on events, a work plan for the week or a menu, but to create a selection of useful recommendations for parents of a specific age group. So, it will be useful for parents of children in the first junior group to read about the daily routine in kindergarten, so that family members at home can build a similar rhythm to facilitate the child’s adaptation to new living conditions in the group. But for mothers and fathers of preschoolers in the preparatory group, for example, it is very important to learn in advance about tests for first-graders, as well as about the work that is carried out in kindergarten to prepare children for the first tests.

If the sheets of information are not protected by a frame covering, the information will not stay on the stand for long

Design example

There can be many options for creating a corner. It all depends on the creativity of the teacher and the capabilities of the kindergarten’s material and technical base. In other words, using available materials to realize creative ideas, you can design a corner for parents in a unique author’s style. Let's consider the most accessible form in terms of materials, simple in execution and easy to use in the form of train carriages.


  • ceiling tiles;
  • narrow plinth for the ceiling;
  • cardboard (thick);
  • colored self-adhesive;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors and paper knife;
  • colored paper;
  • A4 size plastic pockets.

To create a corner for parents with your own hands, you will need quite affordable materials.


  1. We cut out rectangles of the required size from the ceiling tiles (it all depends on the size of the corner, as well as on the dimensions of the train and the number of cars in it).
  2. Glue the blanks onto cardboard.
  3. Cover with self-adhesive tape.
  4. We place the ceiling plinth on the edges. It can also be used to imitate frames for sheets of information (instead of plastic pockets).
  5. Using a stapler or glue, we attach plastic pockets to the cars.

    Cutting out a locomotive is quite a troublesome task, because it must be proportional to the rest of the cars

  6. We cut out flowers from colored paper, which we use to tie the trailers together.
  7. We print the information on A4 sheets and place it in pockets.

    You can decorate the corner with paper clouds located above the train

Scheme of work analysis and design of a corner for parents

The indicators by which the effectiveness of visual collaboration with parents is assessed are determined by the methodological council of the preschool children's institution, taking into account the specifics of the educational direction of the kindergarten (for example, the organization of the educational process for children with visual impairments). The website of the Educational Resources Database (ERB) provides a sample by which you can evaluate the compliance of the content and form of visual work with the family with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard).

Table: plan for pedagogical analysis of the parent corner

Indicators Points

Parents' corner in kindergarten

Information posted at the stand for parents should be dynamic. The material should be updated at least once every two weeks.

When placing any printed material at the stand (medical advice, psychologist, etc.), a link to the publication, including authorship and year of publication, website name required.

The stand should be colorfully decorated (it is better if this is done by a professional artist). When decorating a stand, you should use not only inscriptions, but also photographs (preferably children of the group and parents). When designing stands, there is no need to overuse decorative elements, naive images of nesting dolls and toys. The ratio of text and illustrations on stands and information media should be approximately 2:6 (2 parts - text, 6 - illustrations), they must first of all attract the attention of parents, then convey the necessary information to them.

1. Parent's cornercontains a tablet about the age characteristics of the children in your group. Throughout the year, the material is updated, including in turn the requirements for physical, mental, moral, labor, aesthetic education of children, peculiarities of children’s speech development, self-care skills, etc. (you can indicate what children should be able to do by the middle of the year, by the end of the year etc.).

2. "Our life day by day."The section presents materials about the past day in the form of drawings, crafts, the text of a song learned during a lesson or a walk, the name of a piece of music listened to, a book read to children, etc. The material is constantly updated. It may contain the following appeals: “Mom, learn with me a tongue twister: “Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked on a dryer”; “Dad, ask me a riddle: “He doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, but doesn’t let him into the house?” etc.

3. "Children's rights." A section for parents, which contains a variety of information on the observance of children's rights in a preschool institution and in the family, addresses and telephone numbers of organizations in your city where you can turn for help, and official documents.

4. Age group mode

5. Advice from expertsYou can describe a gymnastics complex or advice on hardening (prepared by the physical education director,musical director-repertoire of the lesson, what works were listened to.

If a preschool institution employs specialists such as a speech therapist, a foreign language teacher, a choreographer, etc., there should be a section containing information about these activities

. . . A psychologist, social teacher, medical worker prepares materials for moving folders or, if necessary (for example, the Health program is being implemented, there are many children from socially disadvantaged families, or other reasons), they have a permanent section in the corner for parents

6. Bulletin board.Only official information is placed on it: when there will be a parent meeting, performance, etc.

7. Menu. . . .

In addition to the stand, it is good to have a cabinet or shelves for displaying children's crafts, drawings, as well as a shelf for newspapers and magazines.

The purpose of the next form of visual propaganda - thematic exhibitions - is to supplement verbal information for parents with drawings, photographs, natural objects (samples of toys, gaming materials, artistic work, etc.) made by the hands of children, parents, and educators.

Magazine "Management of a preschool institution", supplement "Working with parents in preschool educational institutions".

Equipping a parent's corner in the 1st junior group.

4. Grid of classes.

5. Health corner(Schedule Informationmedical examinations and vaccinations)

6. Menu

7. Study with us.

8. Rules for parents

11 Advertisements


Sliding folders

Shelf or table for displaying children's work

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, goals and objectives 1 ml. gr., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:






O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping a parent's corner in the 2nd junior group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child of a given age should be able to do)

3. Daily routine for kindergarten and family

4. Grid of classes.


6. Study with us.

7 Rules for parents

8. What did we do today?

10. Announcements

11.Health corner (medical information)

Tablets, sliding folders

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten, the annual plan, goals and objectives 2 ml. gr., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:






The design should have no more than two colors

1. “To the educator about working with the family”

O. N. Urbanskaya

Moscow 1977

2. “Design of premises of preschool institutions”

G. N. Panteleev

Moscow 1982

3. “Kindergarten and family”

T. A. Markova

Moscow 1986

4. “Head of a preschool institution”

A. K. Bondarenko

Equipping the parent corner in the middle group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child of a given age should be able to do)

3. Daily routine for kindergarten and family

4. Grid of classes.

6. Menu

7. Study with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

11. Announcements

Shelf or table for displaying children's work, paspa

The most hallowed wall.

Located at parental eye level. The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, and the goals and objectives of the secondary school. groups, reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:






All text material must be typed on a computer in 14 font or drawing font.

The design should have no more than two colors

Equipping a parent's corner in the senior group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do at 5 years old)

3. Daily routine for d/s and family

4. Grid of classes.

5. Menu for every day

7. Repeat with us.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

12. Announcements

Tablets, mobile stands

Shelf or table for displaying children's work,

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level. The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, the goals and objectives of the senior group, and reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten.”

The material must be:






character All text material must be typed on a computer in 14 font or drawing font.

The design should have no more than two colors

Equipping a parent's corner in the preparatory group.

1. Characteristics of the age of children

2. Level of skills (what a child should be able to do at 6 years old)

3. Daily routine for d/s, family

4. Grid of classes.

6. Menu for every day.

8. Rules for parents

9. What did we do today?

10. Repeat with children.

12. Announcements

Tablets, mobile stands

Shelf or table for displaying children's work,

The most illuminated wall.

Located at parental eye level. The content of materials must correspond to the direction of the kindergarten’s work, the annual plan, and the goals and objectives of the preparatory school. groups., reflect the content of work with children in accordance with the requirements of the “Education Program in Kindergarten”.

The material must be:






The design should have no more than two colors

Note: 1.

Information material 1;2;3;4; - changes once a year.

2. Anthropometric data (standard and survey result) changes 2 times a year (September, May).

4. Sections 6;7;9 - changes daily.

5. Section 12 – drawn up as necessary.

The section “What we did today” indicates the type of lesson, topic, program tasks. It briefly describes the activities during the day, demonstrates children’s work,

The “Advice and Recommendations” section provides only advice and recommendations to parents. It is advisable to correlate the content of the recommendations with the topics of the teachers' council, parent meetings, current topics, and program material that is currently given to the children in the group.

In the “Repeat with us” section, parents are invited to repeat with their children at home: works of art, poems, songs...

In the “Speaking Kazakh” section, parents are invited to consolidate the words their children have learned in Kazakh language classes

Can be used additionally:

The issue of “Family Newspaper” covers the experience of family education. Parents themselves write about upbringing in the family. When designing a family newspaper, you need to remember that its goal is not only to interest parents with the abundance and variety of photographs, but also to convey to parents the content and significance of a particular issue of education.

In the section “Are you asking? We answer! » teachers post topical issues of social life, issues of theory and practice of raising children

The “We express our gratitude” section reflects the good deeds of parents who provided various types of assistance to the kindergarten, group (all possible assistance in repairing toys, purchasing books, participating in community cleanups). Here the administration thanks the parents for the assistance provided

Setting up a parent's corner:
new forms and approaches

Travel stands

We work in a large kindergarten with twelve groups. In our team, in addition to educators, there are various specialists: an educational psychologist, a defectologist, and a physical education instructor. And everyone needs to convey important and useful information to the parents of kindergarten students. Selecting material for parent corners is a special job. And, you see, it’s not easy to do this twelve times.

Therefore, specialists can unite and come up with travel stands.

For example, in one of the kindergartens, a boat “floats” in the younger groups, and trains “ride” in the groups for middle-aged and older children.

In each group's locker room, the traveling Stand stops for a week and then moves on to its next destination. After the stand has “traveled” along the entire designated route, the information on it is updated.

Five rules for designing a parent's corner

A wise teacher always uses every opportunity to communicate with parents. He regularly informs them about even minor successes of the child, informs them about the content of classes, and gives advice and recommendations on education. By doing this, the teacher helps parents learn to be attentive to the development of their child, makes it possible to understand the importance of the work of the kindergarten in the upbringing and education of children, and reveals the value of their own work.
Corners for parents are a familiar and long-used way for parents to get acquainted with the life of the group. But how often do we lack the time and opportunity to properly design them!
In the corners hang useless articles written in small print from unknown magazines, obligatory menus and scant words of the program content of classes that frighten parents with pedagogical terms. As a result, parents simply ignore these corners.
In order for the parent corners in our kindergarten to really fulfill their functions, I recommend adhering to the following simple rules.

1. Select articles that are small in volume, but provide comprehensive information and make parents want to continue communication with the teacher on this topic.

2. Do not use terms that are unclear to parents.

3. Place information at parental eye level. In printed materials, use a font of at least 14 font.

4. Supplement articles with colorful drawings, photographs or pictures.

5. In a tight folder with files we place all the information about the kindergarten, consultations with specialists, useful articles from magazines and newspapers