What is the first wedding anniversary called? Wedding anniversaries, wedding names

A wedding anniversary is a big holiday for many. Round dates, such as the 25th or 50th wedding anniversary, are usually celebrated noisily and cheerfully. And other names of weddings are often forgotten over the years. Although they also deserve attention. In addition, almost every wedding anniversary has its own interesting name. And it is not accidental. The anniversary names are very apt and witty. One can only be surprised at the wisdom of the people who invented them. For modern married couples, knowledge about these holidays will be useful in order to know what gifts to prepare for their life partner.

From wedding day to centenary of marriage

Previously, people almost knew by heart what the names of weddings were. This useful information should be preserved for posterity. And it’s worth starting from the wedding day - it’s called the Green Day, since the relationship of young people is associated with freshness and immaturity. The best gift on a wedding day is not only “greenery,” which implies “money,” but also real, fragrant and fragile greenery, as well as delicate bouquets of flowers.

  1. A year after the official marriage, the turn of the Calico wedding comes. The material with this name is still used today because it has such qualities as lightness and affordable price. This name hints at the fact that relationships are going through the first tests of everyday life, that they are still very “subtle” and simple. As a gift, you can buy something made of chintz - clothing or a souvenir.

2. Next wedding – Paper or Glass. The second anniversary hints at the fragility of relationships during this period. Husband and wife can congratulate each other by signing cards or exchanging glassware. Usually it is not superfluous in the household.

3. Third wedding anniversary - Leather wedding - says that spouses should feel each other's skin. Gifts are given accordingly - leather wallets, bags, shoes, hairpins, jewelry and other items. Those who, due to their convictions, do not buy leather products can purchase a high-quality substitute.

4. The next wedding - the fourth in a row - is called Linen or Rope. Gifts are made using weaving techniques - baskets, for example, as well as linen souvenirs or clothing. On this day, it was customary to tie the husband and wife with ropes and sit them on adjacent chairs. If they could not free themselves, it promised a long alliance.

5. Fifth date – Wooden. It is called so because the tree symbolizes fertility, as well as the presence of its own “hut”. Gifts are given, of course, made of wood.

6. The sixth wedding anniversary is like cast iron - strong, reliable, but at the same time it can break if dropped. That's why they call this day Cast Iron. On this day they did the cleaning, and especially carefully washed the frying pans, bathtub or other cast iron objects. Another six months later, the Zinc Wedding is celebrated, and guests are always invited on this day.

7. On the seventh anniversary - the Copper wedding - guests can give the spouses a horseshoe made of this valuable metal.

8. Eight years spent together is called the Tin Date.

9. Nine – Earthenware or chamomile, whichever you like best.

10. The tenth anniversary - the first significant anniversary - is also associated with flowers. This time with roses. This day is also called the Tin Wedding. Tin is flexible, which means that this is how the relationship between spouses should be. Those who were at the wedding are invited to visit. The couple is given tin souvenirs or roses - red or pink.

11. An eleven-year marriage is called Steel.

12. Twelve years and a half - Nickel marriage.

13. Symbols of the thirteenth anniversary - Lace and Lilies of the Valley.

14. The fourteenth anniversary of the relationship is called Agatov.

15. Fifteenth anniversary - Glass.

But according to tradition, 16, 17 and 19 years of marriage are not celebrated at all.

18. Turning eighteen is a Turquoise day.

20. Two decades of marriage are called Porcelain Day.

21. The twenty-first anniversary is called Opal.

22 years old - Bronze,

23 - Beryl,

24 - Satin time.

25. A quarter of a century – 25 years of marriage – is a respectable period. More information about how this day is celebrated and what is customary to give to spouses will be written below.

26 years old - Jade,

27 - Redwood,

29 - Velvet,

30 - Pearl,

31 - Dark,

34 - Amber,

35 - Coral or Linen,

37 - Muslin,

37.5 - Aluminum,

38 - Mercury,

39 - Crepe,

40 - Ruby,

44 - Topaz,

45 – Sapphire,

46 - Lavender,

47 - Cashmere,

48 - Amethyst,

49 - Cedar,

50 - Gold.

We also need to tell you more about the Golden Wedding. But that will come later, but for now we should remember about those lucky ones, whose union is becoming stronger and stronger. Not everyone knows what a wedding looks like by year after fifty years of marriage. But they are easy to remember.

55 years is the Emerald wedding,

60 – Platinum or Diamond,

65 – Iron.

At 67 and a half years of marriage, he is rightly called Stone.

70 years of marriage – Blessed wedding,

75 – Crown,

80 – Oak.

There is also a name for a hundred-year marriage. This is the Red Jubilee. However, there are no married couples who celebrated it now. But history knows long-livers by the name of Ageev, who managed to celebrate this holiday. Few couples celebrate all their weddings every year, but every family tries to celebrate anniversaries.

The most “precious” dates

Now let’s take a closer look at round dates. Anniversary weddings are celebrated on a grand scale throughout the years. Especially the Silver and Gold weddings. A quarter of a hundred years together - the Silver Wedding is the first of those dates whose symbol is a precious metal. It is customary to invite close relatives and best family friends to the celebration. For many years, these people have already studied the tastes and habits of their spouses, which means they know what gifts for wedding anniversaries will be appropriate and desirable. The most symbolic gift for this would be some item made of silver - jewelry, cutlery, dishes, figurine, and so on.

A tray or cup given for the Silver Wedding is a wish for the house to be a full cup. In addition to silver items, a portrait of a couple in a silver frame or an entire family photo album in a silver cover would be a wonderful gift. Those who are engaged in scrapbooking can make an exclusive thematic album with their own hands and fill it not only with photographs, but also with beautiful drawings.

Artists can draw using any techniques and materials. Such a portrait will take its rightful place in the couple’s home and will remind them of the bright moments of life for a long time. If the family is very large and friendly, one of the youth can start researching and creating a family tree. It will be very symbolic. As an addition to the gift, you can present a bouquet of twenty-five flowers - roses, white lilies or others.

Fifty years - the Golden Wedding - definitely needs to be celebrated! It will be wonderful if children give their parents new gold wedding rings. Traditionally, they also give a scarf embroidered with gold threads or lurex. In addition to rings, jewelry and various souvenirs made of precious metal are given on this day. For believing spouses, pendants with the names of saints or small icons would be an excellent gift.

Gold coins will also come in handy, especially since their value will only grow every year. And the most important thing that older people need is the attention of their relatives. Whatever gift is given, it should be presented beautifully, with words of gratitude, appreciation and love. In this case, not even gold, but gilded souvenirs, vases or any figures “for collection” will be incredibly valuable. The spouses will certainly appreciate both poetic congratulations and a song dedicated to them.

A wonderful sign of attention will be gifts that help restore or maintain health - a blood pressure monitor, a water filter, a massager, an inhaler, an orthopedic pillow and other pleasant and necessary things. To prevent them from looking too “medical”, they should be packaged attractively. You can show your concern in another way - by donating modern equipment that makes life easier. And, of course, we should not forget about flowers: let there be exactly 50 of them!

The first anniversary of family life is a chintz wedding. In the old days, chintz was valued for its thinness and lightness, while at the same time being considered an everyday and inexpensive material. So the young family has not yet gained strength, but the romance in the relationship has already begun to be replaced by everyday life.

2 years after the wedding, a paper wedding is celebrated. The union is still considered not very strong, and family relationships are compared to paper that is easily torn. According to tradition, spouses must write declarations of love to each other on a beautiful postcard or colorful notepaper.

Three years of marriage is a leather wedding. A family that has successfully overcome the “paper” period is considered to be quite strong. Husband and wife feel each other through their skin.

Four years - linen or rope wedding. Sometimes on the day of her celebration, a married couple was seated on adjacent chairs and tied tightly. If they could not get out, their union was considered strong and long-term.

The first (5-year) anniversary of married life is called a wooden wedding. In her honor, it is recommended to plant a tree, which was considered a symbol of a strong family hearth. As a rule, by this time the family had acquired its own home and furniture, and a child was already growing up in it.

Six years - a cast iron wedding. The family union is already acquiring the strength of metal. However, cast iron is quite fragile and can break under a strong impact. But the next date is celebrated in six months and is called zinc.

Seven years is a copper wedding. Copper is already quite valuable, but not yet a noble or precious metal. Previously, on this anniversary, spouses were supposed to exchange copper coins, which were considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

The eighth anniversary of family life is a tin wedding. It marks the renewal of family relationships, which have become strong and persistent, like tin.

Nine years - a faience wedding. At the same time, faience can be associated both with a successful union and with the beginning of a rather fragile period in a marital relationship.

The tenth anniversary of family life is a pink or tin wedding. They try to invite the same guests who were present at the wedding day to celebrate this anniversary. On this day, the husband must present his wife with 11 roses: 10 red - as a sign of love and 1 white - in the hope of the next 10 happy years.

Eleven years is a steel wedding. It is believed that the family union has already acquired the strength of steel. But the next date is usually celebrated only after a year and a half. It is called the nickel wedding.

Although the number 13 is considered unlucky, the 13th anniversary of marriage is associated with love and harmony in relationships. It is not for nothing that it has a beautiful and romantic name - a lily of the valley or lace wedding.

Starting from 14 years of marriage, some anniversaries are given the name of gemstones. The first of the “precious” dates is the agate wedding.

Fifteen years of family life - a glass wedding. At this time, the relationship between spouses becomes pure and transparent, like glass. The 18th anniversary is just as pure and beautiful - a turquoise wedding.

20 families – porcelain wedding. A happy union at this time is as beautiful, harmonious and mysterious as real Chinese porcelain. This is followed by opal (21 years), bronze (22 years), (23 years) and satin (24 years) weddings.

One of the most solemn dates in family life is the silver wedding - the 25th anniversary. Spouses traditionally exchange silver rings for it, which can be worn as an addition to their wedding rings over the next year.

Between the silver wedding and the 30th anniversary of married life, the jade wedding (26 years), mahogany wedding (27 years), nickel (28 years) and velvet (29 years) weddings are celebrated.

If the spouses have lived together for 30 years, their union has already turned into a real treasure. That’s why they celebrate at this time. Following her are celebrated dark (31 years), copper (32 years), stone (33 years), amber (34 years), coral (35 years), muslin (37 years), aluminum (37.5 years), mercury ( 38 years old) and crepe (39 years old) weddings.

The fortieth anniversary of family life is called the ruby ​​wedding. The red color of ruby ​​is a symbol of love and fire. Ruby is one of the most durable stones, and such a long-term union cannot be destroyed by anything.

Particularly important is the golden anniversary - 50 years of marriage. A husband and wife who have managed to maintain their family home for so many years exchange new wedding rings and give the old ones to their grandchildren.

The golden wedding is preceded by topaz (44 years), sapphire (45 years), lavender (46 years), cashmere (47 years), amethyst (48 years) and cedar (49 years).

The next, 55th anniversary, is called the emerald wedding. Several more wonderful dates follow. 60 years of marriage is a platinum or diamond wedding, 65 years is an iron wedding, and 67.5 years is a stone wedding. The seventieth anniversary of marriage is a blessed wedding, the 75th anniversary is a crown wedding, the 80th anniversary is an oak wedding.

A century of marriage is a red wedding. True, only one family had a chance to celebrate such an anniversary - the long-lived Ageevs.

There are so many obstacles on the way to family life. One of the most difficult stages of a family is the first year of married life. Unfortunately, not many couples reach their first calico anniversary.

Respect and listen to the opinion of your significant other, try to jointly make decisions that are meaningful to you.

For many young families, the first year of married life is very difficult. Most of them disintegrate before crossing the one-year threshold. There can be many reasons for the breakup of young families. Gradually, romance is being replaced by dull everyday life with a bunch of everyday problems. To my regret, I know many sad examples of married couples breaking up at the very peak of their life together. These are examples from the lives of my friends and classmates. In the first months of family life, there follows a time of discovery of new, and sometimes unexpected, character traits and qualities of a partner.

Very often, young people try to build their family according to the example and likeness of their parents, adopting the parental “model” of the family, so to speak. Often a young wife compares her husband to her father, and a husband compares his wife's behavior to his mother. I came across an example where spouses found out who was the boss in their family, and the family model of their parents was also used. At the same time, for some, one of the parents dominated more than the other. Children try to build their family following the example of their parents, relying on their experience and good memories, without paying any attention to the mistakes made by their parents. Also, one of the young spouses does not even think about whether this model of behavior will be acceptable for his other half?

Plan your family budget.

These days there are not as many wealthy families as it might seem at first glance. After the wedding, the newlyweds easily part with large sums of money. They easily and without thinking spend money on expensive, sometimes unnecessary things. The newlyweds continue to live by inertia, without planning their family budget, as a result of which financial difficulties arise, and the search begins for the culprit of wasting savings.

Don't try to change each other.

Trying to change each other usually doesn't lead to anything good. After all, before you decided to live with a person permanently, were you satisfied with everything about him? So why change your loved one after the wedding? Firstly, it is impossible to change a person. And secondly, it can negatively affect your marriage as a whole.

Dear newlyweds! Do not forget that family means certain obligations. Each family has its own secret to a long family life. The basis of a strong and happy marriage is the daily compromise between spouses. By sacrificing their own selves, partners adapt to each other throughout their married life.

The fact is that names for wedding anniversaries were not invented yesterday. And not even in the last century. In those days when such an anniversary calendar was created (by the way, it is found in both European and Asian cultures with minimal differences) they hardly thought about gifts. Our ancestors were more interested in the evolution of relationships in a married couple, the formation of family ties and their strengthening. It is from this point of view that anniversaries should be considered.
On the wedding day itself, only close relatives congratulated the newlyweds; exactly two weeks later, a feast was held for friends; a year after the wedding, good friends were expected to visit; two years later, new acquaintances and distant relatives were expected to visit.
Thus, all anniversaries divisible by four were ordered to be celebrated noisily, and the 5th, 11th, 22nd and 33rd anniversaries were best celebrated modestly together, since Neptune is responsible for sexual harmony, or skipped altogether. The most serious dates - 15, 30 and 45 years - are under the influence of Saturn, the planet of stability, and they should be celebrated in a narrow family circle. Now there is no consensus on celebrating anniversaries either; someone celebrates only one year from the wedding day and then remembers the holiday only on “beautiful” anniversaries, multiples of five - 5, 10, 15 years and so on.
For some, a wedding anniversary becomes a reason for celebration only after conversion to precious metal, that is, after a silver wedding (25 years), others conscientiously celebrate an important date every year, and some do not celebrate this holiday at all. However, it is still necessary to have an idea of ​​what anniversaries are called and what they mean.
A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to remember the wonderful moments of the ceremony and leaf through wedding albums. In our fast-paced age, this is a really good reminder of love and family ties, so fragile and so precious...

Wedding anniversary year.

The very first wedding anniversary is the wedding day itself or - Green wedding

The green wedding is the first day of the wedding (wedding day) and the entire first year after this event. The symbolism of the name is a sign of youth, freshness and purity of a young wife and husband. During the first year after marriage, you can celebrate a "wedding anniversary" every month and even celebrate your marriage day every week for the first month.
The symbolism of a green wedding is present in wedding accessories. First of all, is it the famous myrtle wreath or myrtle tree (remember the film “Straw Hat” with Andrei Mironov)? This tradition is more European than Russian, and in Europe in previous years it was developed to the level of a rather complex ceremony - the myrtle tree itself was planted by parents on the birthday of their daughter, and on the wedding day the grown tree was given to the groom. It is difficult to say how much this tradition has been preserved now, but in our time, a green wedding is symbolized by the leaves in the bride’s wedding wreath, the leaves in the bride’s bouquet and the flower in the groom’s boutonniere.

1st wedding anniversary - Calico wedding

1 year from the wedding day is called a calico wedding or a gauze wedding. There is some ambiguity in the symbolism of the name of the calico wedding anniversary. Conservative sources claim that during the first year from the wedding day, relationships are like the most fragile fabric - chintz. And the newlyweds had only just gotten to know each other better during their 1 year of marriage; their relationship is still very fragile, which is why they are “chintz”.
However, perky popular rumor ascribes a slightly different meaning to the name “calico wedding”, explaining the meaning of calico and gauze anniversaries much more simply. People quite reasonably believed that the first year of marriage is notable for the newlyweds’ extremely active actions in bed, which, in fact, leads to the wear and tear of the cotton bed linen to the point of gauze :)
Accordingly, being invited to celebrate the 1st wedding anniversary, guests have the right to bring useful gifts for the chintz wedding - sets of bed linen to replenish supplies :) Purely symbolic “chintz” gifts for the 1st wedding anniversary are also appropriate - handkerchiefs, aprons, and heart-shaped pillows.

Wedding 2 years - Paper wedding

The 2 year wedding anniversary is called a paper wedding. Symbolism - identifying relationships with fragile and easily torn paper. Indeed, in the 2nd year after the wedding, a baby often appears in the family, which entails many real worries and family life no longer seems to be woven from only pleasures. Conflicts are possible due to fatigue and irritability; family relationships on the second wedding anniversary become like paper.
So that the paper can be torn without fear that it will run out completely in the house, guests invited to celebrate a paper wedding replenish the family's paper supplies :) Books, calendars, photo albums, paintings - the whole range of artistic and printing products are given as gifts for a paper wedding: ) Gifts made of plastic and pieces of furniture are also accepted.

Wedding 3 years - Leather wedding

Three years of marriage is the first “significant” date for a young family. The 3 year wedding anniversary is called a leather wedding. It is believed that the “paper” difficulties have been overcome and the third wedding anniversary indicates that the husband and wife, since they have not broken off the relationship like paper, means that they have learned to get along with each other and adapt flexibly. Well, skin is just a symbol of flexibility.
To ensure that this skill is not transferred into the family in the future, guests bring a supply of leather products as a gift for a leather wedding :) The choice is varied - from leather furniture or expensive leather clothes to a simple purse or key ring - anything leather will be suitable as a gift for 3 wedding years.

Wedding 4 years - Linen wedding

If four years have passed since the wedding, then this anniversary is called a linen wedding. There is a second name for the 4th wedding anniversary - wax wedding. We couldn’t get any information about the reasons for naming the date 4 years from the wedding “wax”, but the name “linen wedding” is quite remarkable.
In fact, this is the first of the names of wedding anniversaries, the symbolism of which is not emotional, but pragmatic. The focus is no longer on personal relationships, but on the relationship to the family, to the home. Linen is a symbol of prosperity and security. Handmade linen items are not a cheerful fabric. Having linen items in your home means making a definite investment with a solid outlook for the future.
Well, on the 4th wedding anniversary it’s time to become wealthy :) Therefore, as a gift for the 4th wedding anniversary, guests bring linen tablecloths, towels, bedspreads, etc. A mandatory attribute for celebrating the 4th wedding anniversary are candles (wax wedding), and the entire celebration can be organized by candlelight.

5th wedding anniversary - Wooden wedding

The first “respectable” anniversary of the family - five years of marriage - is called a wooden wedding. A family with 5 years of experience can be compared to a wooden house. This is already a solid structure, which, however, can still be threatened by fires (family quarrels). It is considered a good omen for spouses to plant a tree on their 5th wedding anniversary. They say that a tree planted on the 5th wedding anniversary will survive all adversity and will be a memory for distant descendants.
A wedding anniversary of 5 years is celebrated thoroughly, although gifts for a wooden wedding can be the most inexpensive - wooden carved things,

Wedding 6 years - Cast iron wedding

The 6th wedding anniversary - the first of the "metal" anniversaries - is called a cast iron wedding. According to one version, the name of the anniversary is due to the fact that the relationship is already strong, like metal, but it is the most fragile of all metals - despite its apparent strength, cast iron can easily break from a strong blow.
According to another version, the “cast iron” name of the 6th wedding anniversary glorifies the strength of the hearth. They say that on this day, women in the villages polished cast-iron dishes to a shine and proudly displayed them for passersby to see :)
As a gift for a cast-iron wedding, it is recommended to give cast-iron pots and pans (if only you knew where to get them now), as well as cast-iron fireplace grates (extremely important for modern high-rise buildings, yeah). It is worth noting that in America and Western Europe the 6th wedding anniversary is called the candy anniversary, and in Latvia - the rowan anniversary. According to Latvian tradition, a bunch of rowan berries is considered a symbol of the family hearth, which preserves love, protects against illness, and brings a son into the family. This symbolism of 6 wedding years is perhaps more romantic.

Wedding 6.5 years - Zinc wedding

This is the name of the first of the partial wedding anniversaries. This strange “anniversary out of the blue” can only be explained by the desire to arrange a small celebration for yourself on a weekday.

7th wedding anniversary - Copper wedding (or wool wedding)

The copper wedding is celebrated on the 7th year after the wedding. Copper is a symbol of family strength, beauty and prosperity. This is no longer ferrous metal, cast iron, but valuable. But she is still far from noble or precious. In previous years, as a sign of the 7th wedding anniversary, the couple exchanged copper coins.
Nowadays you can give each other handicrafts - candlesticks, decorative cups, embossing, etc. - as a gift for a copper wedding.

8th Anniversary Wedding - Tin Wedding

It is believed that on the 8th wedding year, family relationships are renewed. This is what the new sparkling tin should symbolize. Accordingly, as a gift for 8th wedding anniversary, both tin products (kitchen utensils, household items) and simply everything sparkling and similar to tin products are presented - tea, sweets in tin boxes.
An associative gift for a tin wedding can be (if funds are available) anything that can be interpreted as a symbol of the renewal of the family hearth 8 years after the wedding: new furnishings and even apartment renovations.

9th wedding anniversary - Faience wedding

Faience wedding - celebrated on the 9th year of family life. The name 9th wedding anniversary has two (and completely opposite) interpretations. According to one version, every year family relationships become stronger and stronger, like good tea - and earthenware cups filled with tea are a symbol of the beauty of family relationships. According to another version, 9 years after the wedding the family is going through a critical period and is fragile, like earthenware.
Accordingly, the motive for giving gifts for 9 wedding years also differs. You can give a tea set (and mention the strength of the relationship), or you can give earthenware or crystal, hinting that some fragile things can break if handled carelessly.

10th wedding anniversary - Pink wedding (or tin wedding)

When it is 10 years since the wedding, this anniversary is called the Pink (or Tin) Wedding. The first round anniversary of the family is celebrated “in full” - everyone who was present at the marriage 10 years ago is invited to the celebration.
The strength of family ties on the 10th wedding anniversary is considered unbreakable, so the main thing in gifts for a pink wedding is not hints of family conflicts, but their beauty. Gifts for 10 wedding years should be as beautiful as the relationship between husband and wife that has endured 10 years. Even the less popular “tin” name for the 10th wedding anniversary is associated with the flexibility of the tin metal - that is, with the ability of the spouses to adapt to each other.
Accordingly, gifts for a pink wedding are very romantic and symbolic. The husband gives his wife 11 roses: 10 red - as a symbol of love and 1 white - as a symbol of hope for the next decade. All guests give roses to spouses to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. It is very good if it is possible to include elements of pink symbolism (color, pattern) in clothing details. On the table there is rose wine, tea with rose petals and a cake decorated with roses.

11th wedding anniversary - Steel wedding

Steel wedding - the 11th anniversary of the family - the beginning of a new decade of life together. 11 from the wedding day means that the countdown of the next 10 years has successfully begun, that the relationship has hardened, become stronger and stronger. An obvious gift is stainless steel products - a set of pots, a tray, etc. - everything that is made of steel and at the same time “for the family.”

12.5 wedding anniversary - Nickel wedding

The Nickel wedding is the second “incomplete” wedding anniversary. According to Russian customs, it is celebrated after 12.5 years, but it is quite acceptable to celebrate it six months earlier - at 12 years. The symbolism of a 12 year wedding anniversary is similar to the symbolism of a tin wedding: the sparkle of nickel indicates the need to refresh the shine of the relationship. Accordingly, the theme of the gift for the 12th wedding anniversary is obvious - shiny nickel-plated items should be given, for example, dishes.

13th wedding anniversary - Lace (lily of the valley) wedding

Celebrated on the 13th anniversary of family life. Despite the “unlucky” number (and perhaps as a “compensation”), the celebration of the 13th anniversary of the family, just like the celebration of the pink wedding, is accompanied by the theme of love. Light, delicate, sophisticated and fragile, like love, lilies of the valley are a symbol of the 13th wedding anniversary.
Refinement is also inherent in lace products, so the name “lace wedding” harmonizes very well with the name “lily of the valley.” Lacemakers spend many months, and sometimes even years, weaving their wonderful products. When they finish their work, it is impossible to take your eyes off these creations. In the same way, subtle, harmonious relationships in the family take years to build.
On the 13th wedding anniversary, guests give gifts made of lace and items knitted from fine wool. It would be ideal for a husband to give his wife a bouquet of lilies of the valley for their 13th wedding anniversary. But, firstly, lilies of the valley are listed in the Red Book. And secondly, they bloom only in May.

14th wedding anniversary - Agate wedding

Only 14 years after the wedding, folk tradition begins to assign the family the status of a precious stone, and this first stone is agate. A husband can give his wife agate jewelry for her 14th wedding anniversary; for guests, celebrating a “precious” anniversary is not too wasteful - you can give bone figurines to match the stone.

15th wedding anniversary - Glass wedding

The glass wedding is celebrated 15 years from the wedding day. The name of the 15th wedding anniversary indicates the purity and clarity of the relationship between the spouses. On the festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary there is crystal and glassware; guests are recommended to wear something light-colored, perhaps with transparent details.
Gifts for the 15th wedding anniversary - naturally, made of glass and crystal - vases, glasses, salad bowls, etc. Perhaps Swarovski rhinestones are quite suitable. Husband and wife exchange crystal glasses. The feast, according to custom, continues until someone deliberately breaks a glass, glass or plate.

16th wedding anniversary - Topaz wedding- not noted
17th wedding anniversary - Pink wedding- not noted

18th wedding anniversary - Turquoise wedding

Often the 18th wedding anniversary coincides with the coming of age of the first-born. The brightness of turquoise is a symbol of the end of difficult and crisis situations associated with the growing up of a son or daughter; family relationships should sparkle with a new light.

19th wedding anniversary - Pomegranate wedding- not noted

20th wedding anniversary - Porcelain wedding

An important family anniversary. It is believed that within 20 years of the wedding, all the dishes given for the wedding were broken... The 20th wedding anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. The name has two interpretations. According to the first version, it is believed that the dishes given for the wedding have already broken, which means that the supply of tea and coffee utensils should be renewed.
The second option says that a happy family union 20 years after the wedding is beautiful and harmonious, like genuine Chinese porcelain, the secret of its manufacture has not been solved to this day. One way or another, porcelain cups, plates, and china sets are presented as gifts for a porcelain wedding.

21st wedding anniversary - Opal wedding(practically not celebrated)
22nd wedding anniversary - Bronze wedding(practically not celebrated)
23rd wedding anniversary - Beryl wedding(practically not celebrated)
24th wedding anniversary - Satin wedding(practically not celebrated)

There is practically no information about the wedding anniversaries listed above, except, in fact, the names of the weddings.

25th wedding anniversary - Silver wedding

25 years of family life - silver wedding. This is the first "famous" wedding anniversary. 25 years later, the name of the wedding anniversary for the first time “reached” the precious metal - silver. There is no need to explain in detail the meaning of such a comparison of a 25-year marriage; in the same way, it is clear that the right gift for a silver wedding is silver items or something silver-plated.
The celebration of a silver wedding is accompanied by some special traditions. On this day, husband and wife can exchange silver rings and wear them in addition to their wedding rings throughout the anniversary year. The silver wedding can also be celebrated “officially” - in the wedding palace or registry office where the marriage took place.

26 years - Jade wedding
27 years - Mahogany wedding

29th wedding anniversary - Velvet wedding

30th wedding anniversary - Pearl wedding

Pearl wedding is celebrated on the 30th wedding anniversary. Pure natural pearls are a symbol of the purity and impeccability of the relationship between a husband and wife who have lived together for 30 years. As a gift for a pearl wedding, the husband presents his wife with a necklace, which, naturally, should contain 30 grains of pearls - according to the number of years that have passed since the wedding day.
Anything made from pearls, such as jewelry, can be a gift for your 30th wedding anniversary. Guests can afford a simpler gift for a pearl wedding - interior items decorated with pearls, but not natural, but artificial pearls.

31 years old - Dark wedding

34th wedding anniversary - Amber wedding

35th wedding anniversary - Coral wedding (linen wedding)

Linen (linen, coral) wedding - celebrated 35 years after the wedding. The 35th wedding anniversary even has a third name - linen, but it is rarely used so as not to be confused with the 4th linen anniversary. A linen tablecloth personifies peace, well-being and comfort. Corals - health and long life together.
Gifts for 35 wedding years - red coral jewelry, linen tablecloths, bedspreads, napkins, towels, clothing items, etc. A wife can give her husband a linen shirt.

37th wedding anniversary - Muslin wedding
37.5 Wedding Anniversary - Aluminum Anniversary

The second “half” wedding anniversary, which, moreover, is better known than the previous “whole” wedding name. Maybe because the very name of this wedding anniversary symbolizes the ease and strength of family relationships.

38 years - Mercury wedding
39 years - Crepe wedding

40th Anniversary - Ruby Wedding

Congratulations on the ruby ​​wedding on the fortieth anniversary of marriage. The name of the wedding comes from the ruby ​​gemstone, which is a symbol of love and fire. Its color is the color of blood, which means that the relationship between spouses is “blood”. To commemorate their ruby ​​wedding anniversary, husband and wife may choose to have a ruby ​​set in their wedding rings. The hardness of a ruby ​​is similar to that of a diamond, and it is believed that no trials can split a family.

44 years - Topaz wedding

45th wedding anniversary - Sapphire (Scarlet) wedding

Another “jewelry” name for a wedding, but not without meaning. The years tell us to think about health, and sapphire, according to popular belief, is a healing stone that relieves heavy thoughts, refreshes feelings, and gives strength to fight fatigue and illness.

46th wedding anniversary - Lavender wedding

A very touching name for the wedding and touching symbolism of the wedding anniversary. This day symbolizes tenderness and kindness and the longevity of marital relationships. The plant is southern, but if possible, it is good to give each other at least dry flowers or leaves of this plant, which can retain its delicate scent for many years, for a lavender wedding anniversary.

47 years - Cashmere wedding
48th anniversary - Amethyst wedding
49th wedding anniversary - Cedar wedding

50th wedding anniversary - GOLDEN WEDDING

The Golden Wedding is the second “famous” 50th anniversary of the family. Only love, devotion, and respect from the spouses helped achieve this date. On the day of the golden wedding, there are special traditions - the husband and wife give each other new wedding rings, and pass the old ones on to their unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren as a family heirloom. This anniversary can not only be solemnly celebrated at the registry office at the place of registration, but even asked to arrange a second wedding ceremony.
Gifts for a golden wedding, of course, are gold items. Guests can also give gold-plated jewelry and interior items.

55th wedding anniversary - Emerald wedding

The name of the wedding is associated with emerald - a green stone that symbolizes the eternity of life. The appropriate wish for the wedding anniversary is to live, love and never grow old.

60th wedding anniversary - Diamond (platinum) wedding

The husband and wife lived together for 60 years, withstanding the storms of fate like the hardest stone - a diamond. A cut diamond is called a diamond. This means that no one and nothing can dissolve such a long marriage. The diamond is the symbol of this anniversary and is the hardest of all precious stones. It symbolizes the strength of the marriage union.
On this day, children and grandchildren give spouses jewelry with diamonds.

65th wedding anniversary - Iron wedding

This anniversary is a rather rare event, which testifies to the strength of family ties that over such a period of time have become as hard as iron. Usually on this day openwork iron stands or iron souvenirs are given as gifts.

67.5 anniversary - Stone wedding

The name of the wedding again confirms that the relationship between husband and wife is like a rock in the stormy ocean of life.

70th wedding anniversary - Blessed (grateful) wedding

That wedding anniversary when they look into the past and understand that love sent from heaven is grace and true happiness. And they thank God for this. On this day, children and grandchildren give the heroes of the day whatever they wish.

75th Wedding Anniversary - Crown Wedding or Second Diamond Wedding

The name means that the wedding anniversary crowns family life. This anniversary crowns the long and happy life of two loving spouses. Celebrated by a wide circle of relatives, children and grandchildren.

80th wedding anniversary - Oak wedding

Oak is a symbol of longevity, the name of the wedding is obvious. Your family life is as strong as oak branches and lives as long as an oak tree lives. On this day, spouses are given oak rosaries.

100th wedding anniversary - Red Wedding

The red color, as we already know, symbolizes love and passion, and also speaks of the eternal union of two souls, which does not end after earthly life. Of course, rare love unions survive to such impressive dates, but the main thing is that they spend all the years that are allotted to the spouses in love and harmony.

The first year of marriage has flown by, and now the very day on which a year ago the newly-made spouses legalized their relationship is approaching. Still so fresh in my mind! No matter what has changed this year - perhaps a new addition is coming to the young family or the housing issue has somehow been resolved - feelings are still so new, and passion and tenderness still rule the roost in relationships.

This day cannot be ignored, regardless of whether a magnificent celebration or modest home gatherings are planned. Close people should express their attention and love to each other by presenting pleasant gifts. And if guests are invited to the holiday, they should not come empty-handed either!

We will help you choose original and traditional ideas for choosing a gift for your significant other or a young couple for their first wedding anniversary.

The meaning of the first date together

The first wedding anniversary is popularly called “calico.” This not so romantic meaning is due to the fact that many couples by the end of the first year of seed life have already acquired or are about to acquire offspring, and chintz will be useful to them “for diapers.”

Another version of the origin of this interpretation is related to the fact that chintz is a fragile material, it is easy to break, just like relationships that have not yet gained strength. In addition, chintz is something ordinary, everyday, like everyday life, into which the first festive months lived together gradually turn.

There is a third, most frivolous version - it is the chintz that goes into fabric for bed linen that probably needs to be replaced by the end of the first married year, since it was very actively used by loving newlyweds all year.

If you want to choose a gift, certainly based on holiday symbols, then you have several options:

  • traditionally following the “chintz” direction is not very romantic, but practical and certainly “in tune”;
  • choose a gift that symbolizes the strength and construction of relationships that become stronger day after day;
  • gift the newlyweds or your significant other with something individual that will allow them to get closer and remind them of passion and mutual attention;
  • forget about stereotypes and give a simply useful or pleasant gift!

Gifts for a young family

The calico anniversary is not always celebrated grandly, but sometimes couples do not want to leave this day unattended by inviting guests. Of course, you need to think about a good gift that will make the newlyweds happy. And we will help you with ideas: surely, among the mass of options, you will come across “exactly that!”

Calico gifts

As part of the traditional approach, you can purchase gifts for a married couple that are related to the material declared as a symbol of the anniversary:

“Paired” chintz

Such gifts can be given to newlyweds, giving both husband and wife at the same time: this will further emphasize their unity and hint at strengthening joint feelings. Such gifts can be both useful and funny:

  • paired T-shirts or T-shirts with funny photographs, drawings or inscriptions (you can make them to order, then your gift will also be exclusive!);
  • paired aprons for husband and wife (nothing brings people closer together than spending time together in the kitchen!), of course, also take care of originality;
  • a pair of bathrobes or bathrobes (not necessarily the same color, it is quite possible to maintain a common style or embroider memorable inscriptions or at least the names of the recipients on the pockets);
  • two cozy pajamas (of course, women's and men's), which will be so pleasant to put on and, more importantly, to take off each other in a fit of passion;
  • if you are planning a very modest gathering, it is quite possible to give chintz scarves (it will be better if you decorate them with embroidery or original appliqué).

Other family gifts

Gifts “for two” are always in trend, because they are presented specifically to the family as a whole. Today, a responsible donor has a wide range of opportunities to please a young family by giving, for example:

  • wedding calendar - you can order it from a printing company, using good photos for sketches, if you can get them (you can use exclusively wedding ones or expand the assortment with reminders from joint events);
  • paired gifts “for lovers” - a couple will be pleased to remember those carefree days by intertwining their hands under a cozy blanket “for two” (with holes for heads), wearing paired mittens designed for holding hands inside them, or opening them above themselves “paired” umbrella;
  • cups from sets “for two”;
  • decoration divided into two symbolic halves;
  • a board game for family pastime (today you can order copies with any names or inscriptions on the boxes);
  • multi-photo frame for family photos, of which there are probably a lot already accumulated;
  • a useful gift - household appliances, if the family has not yet had time to purchase them, for example, a meat grinder, coffee maker, blender, high-quality iron, etc.;
  • always “with a bang” - gifts-impressions, for example, to a spa or swimming pool, to an interesting master class, horseback riding, photo shoot, even tickets to a concert, theater or cinema. Well, the height of generosity, for example, parental, can be a tourist trip.

Be careful with such gifts!

The first, original meaning of the calico anniversary - “in the swaddling clothes” - today should no longer be taken literally. Young spouses have a different attitude towards childbirth than was customary in earlier times. Therefore, gifts hinting at a new addition to the family should be made with caution, and if in doubt, it is better to choose other options.

But if the young wife is already pregnant or has recently given birth, then a gift related to her new role as a mother may well please her if it is appropriate.

Do not give children's clothes - most people prefer to choose them themselves, and besides, many still have strong prejudices regarding the preliminary purchase of things for a newborn. But a children's blanket or blanket may well come in handy. An original night light, perhaps an air heater, clothes dryer or other useful household accessory will also come in handy in the future.

It is better not to make such gifts as a “surprise” if you are not a very close person to the family.

What to give to your beloved husband

If a wife wants to please her significant other with some kind of “themed” gift on this significant day, she won’t have to rack her brains for long. We offer a wide range of possible surprises for the “husband with a year of experience”:

  • If we talk about traditions, on this day the wife presented her husband with a shirt that she had once sewn with her own hands; now, of course, you need to buy a model you like that will suit your husband;
  • personalized gadget (depending on what exactly your man is committed to); today you can choose from a variety of options, ranging from a flash drive with his name in various designs, a personalized external battery for a computer or charger, to a custom-made case for his smartphone;
  • a comic “award”: a medal, a statuette, a diploma with an inscription, the meaning of which will be clear to you two like no one else;
  • a useful technical souvenir (men love all kinds of devices), for example, a thermometer, pedometer, barometer, compass, etc. original design;
  • a gift that will remind your loved one of you while he is in the office: a beautiful fountain pen with his name (so that no one accidentally takes it!), a notebook or diary with embossing on the cover, a pencil with an interesting engraving, an individually made folder organizer, an original press -papier;
  • a lovingly chosen lunch box in which loving hands have placed the lunch “snack” will always remind you of your care;
  • if your man is a dandy, then please him with beautiful cufflinks or a tie pin;
  • An interesting gift could be a bottle of champagne or beer with a personalized label made especially for your loved one;
  • It’s always nice to receive a keychain, personalized watch, wallet or other men’s accessory as a gift.

How to please your beloved wife on this day

First of all, pay attention! Many women, as experience and numerous questions show, are even inclined to be offended by an overly practical and utilitarian gift from a loved one, but for the attention shown to her feminine essence they are ready to forgive many past and future insults! Give your wife:

  • something new: a woman is partial to new and beautiful clothes! Traditions spoke of a cut for a sundress presented by the spouse, but modernity dictates different norms. In such situations, “surprise” may well give way to appropriateness: even if you go to choose clothes together, your wife will be happy, and you will be spared the problem of choice and possible failure with the size;
  • beautiful lingerie: this is in your interests, let her have something to seduce you with;
  • jewelry: a win-win option any day; it could be a ring, a bracelet, new earrings or a set (and if you get a personalized engraving, your spouse will be smitten!);
  • if your wife already has a lot of jewelry, give her an original organizer for her jewelry;
  • if the budget is more limited, sweets can be an excellent choice, just present it in an original way. Today you can order a personalized chocolate wrapper with a portrait of your loved one, a box of individually designed chocolates, a package of tea with an original picture or inscription, or even a caramel with a precious name;
  • beautiful lamp with name engraving;
  • New “clothes” for her smartphone, tablet or e-reader will also be relevant;
  • flowers: if not a bouquet, then a blooming flower in a flowerpot;
  • poems of your own composition or written to order (you can also arrange such a gift in an original way).

Some of the personalized gifts listed above can be purchased using the links below.

MEN, REMEMBER! A woman will appreciate not so much the amount of money invested in a gift as the personal attention given to her. Spend just a little time on the selection and process of presenting a gift, and believe me, it will pay off handsomely.

And never, never, and especially on the first family anniversary, give your better half a few bills with the words: “Buy yourself something.” And forgetting to give gifts to your beloved woman, especially on such a day, is a direct path to discord in the relationship. Let love and mutual understanding always reign in them, and gifts in such a matter, along with everything else, are also a good “glue” that unites close people.

What to gift:

Calico wedding - first marriage anniversary

A year after marriage, the young spouses celebrate their first joint anniversary - their wedding anniversary. This important date for the family is called a “calico wedding,” and it has quite a lot of traditions. You should know what you need to give each other, with whom to celebrate your first wedding anniversary, where to celebrate the festive event.

A lot depends on how the first anniversary goes, so it is important to observe all the customs and have a fun celebration with your loved ones. Such a holiday should be remembered for many years.

Explanation of the name “calico wedding”

To the question why the first wedding anniversary is called calico, there is a simple answer - it symbolizes the degree of strength of the marriage. Chintz is a very thin material that can tear without the slightest effort. However, it has many bright colors, and the cost per meter is low. This is the meaning of the name “calico wedding” - the relationship after 1 year from the wedding day is still fragile, fragile, and can collapse due to troubles and quarrels.

The love between young spouses does not subside after 1 year of marriage; it is as bright and varied as the colors of chintz. Even frequent quarrels are not worth attention, quickly forgotten after hugs and kisses. In addition, it is believed that this is the time for young people to have a child. Often, thin diapers for newborns, baby vests, scarves, and bed linen are sewn from chintz; this is another hint at the name of the anniversary.

Previously, guests gave spouses pieces of chintz fabric for baby diapers, and wide strips of chintz for sheets and duvet covers for the family bed. They wished the future or born baby health, strength, long life, so that he would quickly jump out of calico swaddling clothes. Young spouses, on the contrary, were advised not to get out of bed for a longer time, washing the clothes on it with active actions until it became gauze. It is because of such hints that a chintz wedding is also called a gauze wedding.

Traditions associated with the first marriage anniversary

The first anniversary of marriage is rich in interesting traditions and customs that will be remembered for many years. A year after the wedding, the spouses must take several actions to contribute to the longevity of the marriage bond and strengthen family life. You should not neglect the signs on your first common anniversary, because each year of marriage involves observing its own customs and rules.

A chintz wedding has long had the following traditions:

  • on the first anniversary of marriage, spouses are obliged to invite all friends, relatives present at the wedding, and witnesses to the wedding;
  • on this day, the husband and wife open one of two bottles of champagne that were kept at home from the date of the wedding celebration, the second had to be uncorked after the birth of the first child;
  • the husband must give his beloved wife an elegant chintz dress, and the wife must prepare a new chintz shirt for her husband as a gift;
  • the room for meeting guests should be decorated with chintz curtains, a bright tablecloth made of this symbolic material should be laid on the table, napkins and towels should be prepared;
  • guests should give the newlyweds things made of chintz for their anniversary, accompanying the presentation of the gift with wishes and instructions to live in happiness for many years.

The most important tradition is tying knots on scarves. In the morning, spouses are obliged to give each other, in addition to their outfits, a new cotton scarf for the first anniversary of their marriage. Moreover, you need to not just exchange scarves, but tie knots on them. You need to take the handkerchief by the opposite ends, holding it diagonally, tie a knot on the side of the husband and wife, wishing each other many years of marriage and love.

The charmed handkerchiefs should be kept throughout your life together, so that after many years you can take them out, remember this ritual and enjoy the happy years of marriage.

Tips for guests on what to give for a chintz wedding anniversary

A chintz wedding involves a noisy celebration and inviting friends to the anniversary of marriage. No matter how many other anniversaries there may be over many years, this is the very first, which is why it is so important for spouses. Guests must decide in advance how to congratulate the newlyweds and what to give for their anniversary.

The very name “chintz wedding” dictates the guests’ requirements for souvenirs and gifts - they must be made of chintz. There are many options for gifts for the anniversary of married life. As many guests as there are, so many different packages or boxes with chintz items should be received by the spouses at the holiday, because any store will offer a lot of options to choose from.

Here are some ideas for gift ideas for your first marriage anniversary:

  • cotton bed linen, bright beautiful pillowcases, sheets, duvet cover;
  • sets of thin diapers, if the family already has a baby;
  • tablecloths, chintz napkins, colored curtains for the kitchen;
  • an apron with oven mitts for the wife, towels;
  • scarves, handkerchiefs with bright designs;
  • toys with soft fillings, panels.

A friend, sister or mother can give a young wife a cotton robe for the house, a dress, a sundress, a shirt, packing the gift in a bag tied with ribbons and a bow. In turn, the mother-in-law or sister can give the husband a shirt or bright rompers for his son. Spouses will also enjoy funny toys made with their own hands from colored scraps.

For the first anniversary of married life, you can give a pair of identical soft toys, made yourself or purchased in a store. These can be two hares, a bear cub, a hedgehog, funny people, soft hearts made of fabric. Many years later, the spouses will take them off the shelf and remember the bright moments of the first year of marriage.

If you have the ability and talent, you are encouraged to donate handmade crafts made from chintz material. It can be:

  • fashionable apron with lace inserts;
  • fabric-covered sofa cushions;
  • a napkin or tablecloth embroidered with bright threads;
  • letters from fabric, for example, can be cut out using a stencil and sewn into soft three-dimensional letters for the words “wedding”, “1 year anniversary”, “anniversary”.

You can give anything you choose, the main thing is that the gift pleases the spouses and even after many years of marriage reminds them of the first anniversary of their life together.

Ideas for celebrating your first marriage anniversary

There are many options for celebrating your first wedding anniversary. It all depends on how many guests will come to the celebration and where the holiday will be celebrated. If the main question for guests is what to give to the newlyweds, then the spouses begin to think about how to celebrate the date.

Here are some interesting tips for a fun party:

  • if the anniversary falls in the summer, you can gather friends and celebrate the anniversary in nature - all you need is treats, drinks and a good mood;
  • you can celebrate at home, in the country, by the river, in a cafe or restaurant - it all depends on the desires and capabilities of the married couple;
  • if you want to spend a holiday together, you need to prepare dinner in advance, decorate the room, table, choose music at home or book a table in a restaurant;
  • when decorating a room or hall, it is better to use white, decorating walls, windows, tables with chintz stripes;
  • in the warm season, you can ask all guests to come to the anniversary in cotton clothes, just like spouses should dress;
  • It wouldn’t hurt to arrange a fun photo session with all the guests, using fabrics and toys for decoration;
  • In order not to get bored, you should think through the scenario in advance, select competitions and tasks;
  • You can end the holiday with fireworks, shots from firecrackers, lanterns launched into the sky, or bundles of balloons.

Competitions for guests at the chintz wedding anniversary

To avoid getting bored at the holiday table, you can play fun games or competitions with your guests. Here are a couple of examples to get you in a fun mood.

Compliment competition

All guests should be divided into 2 teams - a husband and wife support group. Spouses should be at the head of the teams, let them stand opposite each other. Guests should take turns giving compliments and gentle words of affection, praising spouses from someone else’s team. Whose team, husband or wife, turns out to be more talkative, will win.

Button competition

The housewife should prepare in advance 2 pieces of calico, 2 needles and threads, scissors, and various buttons. Guests are divided into identical teams. For a period of time, for example 10 minutes, team members must take turns sewing a button onto the fabric each, while giving each husband and wife a compliment. Whoever turns out to be more original and faster will receive a prize - a potholder, handkerchief or napkin from the spouses.

You can remember the fun competitions from the wedding and repeat them with the guests, choose your favorite music, hire a toastmaster and a photographer - let the memories of your chintz wedding anniversary remain in your memory and in photographs even after 30-40 years. The more interesting the anniversary, the stronger the relationship between the spouses will be in the future.

What else can we do to make each other happy?