How to pluck eyebrows: methods without pain. How to pluck eyebrows without pain: tips and correct technique Gel to alleviate pain during eyebrow correction

Plucking or tweezing has long become a common activity for many representatives of the fair sex. Still would! After all, a correctly selected, neat shape of the eyebrows shapes the facial expression.

And if the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the eyebrows are their frame. That is why make-up artists and cosmetologists pay great attention to eyebrow correction, choosing the appropriate shape depending on the color type of appearance, face shape and individual characteristics of your appearance.

Of course, one of the best ways to pluck eyebrows is to entrust the job to a professional. The beauty salon will carry out all the necessary manipulations efficiently and with minimal pain.

But it so happens that many of us prefer to cope with this task on our own. How to pluck eyebrows painlessly? Well, or how to at least reduce pain if it is impossible to completely eliminate the pain?

Preparation for the procedure

There are several methods for reducing pain during eyebrow plucking. But no matter which one you choose, we must not forget about the general rules of this procedure.

  • First, local disinfection. The skin of the hands, eyebrows and the devices used (usually tweezers or tweezers) must be disinfected.
  • Well, and secondly, preparing the place. It includes having a lighted space and a conveniently placed mirror so that both hands remain free and the image in the mirror is not obscured by shadow.

How to painlessly pluck eyebrows, methods

Fat will help you pluck your eyebrows

Before starting the procedure, apply a rich cream to your eyebrows. It will help soften the skin and reduce pain. Pluck the eyebrows, holding the skin in the fold with one hand. Use tweezers to grab the hairs closer to the place of growth.

How to pluck eyebrows without pain using a compress

A warm compress on the eyebrows will help reduce pain, it will soften the hairs and steam the skin. By the way, exposure to cold, just like exposure to heat, produces a beneficial effect.

In this case, a decoction of medicinal plants should be applied to the eyebrows. But you don’t need to overdo it with the cold. Excessive “freezing” can cause headaches.

The optimal time to pluck eyebrows without pain

Perhaps the most unobtrusive way to reduce pain is the optimal timing for this procedure.

It has been noticed that after a warm bath and relaxation of the body, the pain when plucking eyebrows becomes less noticeable. At the same time, pain in women increases during menstruation, so it is better to refuse correction during this period.

Well, since after plucking eyebrows the skin is irritated and red, it is optimal to perform correction in the afternoon or before bed to allow the skin to rest and recover.

Now you know how to pluck your eyebrows without pain, which means this procedure will no longer terrify you.

It’s hard to argue that well-groomed eyebrows are half the success in a harmonious look. You may not have time to apply makeup, or wear the same dress two days in a row, but walking around with bushy hair over your eyelids is unforgivable. Some girls do not know how to pluck their eyebrows without pain, and sometimes use completely unacceptable methods. Let's look at possible errors and correct correction methods.

Eyebrow plucking tools

Everyone wants to get rid of excess hair without it hurting. Sometimes, in this pursuit, girls go to the extreme, using a razor, trimmer or Smooth Away (cosmetic sandpaper). What do they get as a result? The hairs “peck” almost the next day, become dark and hard, and it is impossible to pluck them for at least another week, since there is not enough length. Think about whether you need to wear this coarse stubble on your eyelids? Yes, it didn’t hurt you, but it didn’t make you feel better. Believe me, shaving your eyebrows with a blade or trimmer is the same as following advice on lightening with hydrogen peroxide or removing leg hair with pumice - the result is disastrous.

So, abandon these caveman methods immediately and pick up tweezers. This tool will tell you how to painlessly pluck your eyebrows and give them the ideal shape. For use at home, it is better to purchase tweezers with a beveled tip. Please note - the tool must be well sharpened. Dull equipment constantly slides over hairs, which can cause pain. By the way, if you have a problem with ingrown hairs, thin needle tweezers will help you - you will be able to grab the shortest bristles with them.

In addition to tweezers, there are at least two more ways to pluck eyebrows - hot wax and cotton thread. They can be called painless, but for beginners they can be uncomfortable. In addition, for wax you need to grow hairs up to 5 mm (it simply won’t capture shorter ones), and you still need to know how to handle thread. When you get the hang of it, try combining methods.

Recipes for pain relief from eyebrow plucking

Beauty requires sacrifices and women are undoubtedly ready to make them. But if you can avoid discomfort, why not take this opportunity. So, how to pluck eyebrows without pain, using home remedies?

  • The simplest method of pain relief is thick cream or Vaseline. Apply the product to your eyelids and eyebrows, let it absorb well and carefully blot off any remaining residue with a napkin. The cream will soften hard hairs and it will not hurt you to pull them out. This method of pain relief is relevant for girls with coarse, thick hair.
  • To learn how to pluck your eyebrows painlessly, use the steaming method. Immerse cotton pads in hot water (or better yet, in a herbal decoction), squeeze lightly and apply to your eyebrows. Place a towel on top to retain heat longer. Hair comes out of steamed pores much easier and more painlessly.
  • If you have fine hair, the absolutely opposite method will help you - ice cubes. It is enough to pass them over your eyelids several times, the skin will become numb, lose sensitivity and it will not be painful for you to correct your eyebrows. It is better if instead of water you freeze chamomile infusion - such ice has not only an anesthetic, but also an antiseptic effect.
  • If you are terrified of pain, you can apply a special pain-relieving ointment to your eyelids. For example, the one used during eyebrow tattooing. But this method may have an unpleasant side effect - there is a risk that you, although you do not feel pain, will be so carried away that you will not notice how you damage the skin. Therefore, no matter how comfortable you are, take your time.
  • To kill several birds with one stone, perform eyebrow correction after a bath or sauna.
  • Do not handle tweezers or floss during menstruation - the pain threshold usually increases during this period.

Eyebrow correction without pain

Having gathered your courage, begin the correction. Believe me, in a couple of minutes you will be carried away and forget about the pain.

  1. Disinfect your hands and tweezers.
  2. Using a contour pencil, draw the desired eyebrow shape.
  3. Sit so that the light is located at your free hand (for right-handed people it will be on the left, for left-handed people it will be on the right).
  4. Take tweezers and grab one hair with it, as close to the root as possible (if you grab a bunch at once, the pain will increase several times).
  5. With a sharp, short movement at an acute angle (as close to the skin as possible, not upward), pull the bristles.
  6. Move from the “head” of the eyebrow to the “tail”.
  7. If necessary, remove hairs on the bridge of the nose and on top.
  8. At the end of the procedure, treat your eyebrows with an antiseptic and refrain from using creams containing fruit acids that day - they can cause skin irritation.

The correct eyebrow shape is the key to a successful appearance. They should be well-groomed, combed, natural. Often, plucking out excess hairs helps create a natural shape. It is better to initially pluck your eyebrows in a salon, where a specialist will help you create the best shape. It is quite possible to carry out the correction at home. This should be done carefully, following the rules, then the procedure itself will not cause discomfort, and the result will please you.


Necessary materials and preliminary preparation

Before you start plucking your eyebrows at home, it is advisable to prepare the necessary tools so that everything is at hand at the right time. To work, you will need a large mirror, which must be fixed (on the wall or on a stand), then both hands will be free. The light should be bright enough to illuminate the entire work area.

The tweezers used for plucking are chosen to be well-sharpened and of the correct shape. Its ends should be beveled and close tightly. In addition, prepare an alcohol solution or lotion with a deodorizing effect in advance.

Before starting work, hands should be thoroughly washed, tweezers should be disinfected, and eyebrow makeup should be removed. It is better to determine the shape of the eyebrows right away, otherwise the result may be unexpected. Correcting the shape of the eyebrow is possible only after it grows back, and this takes more than one month.

Determining the shape of the eyebrows

To highlight individual facial features, you need to correctly determine the shape of the arch:

  1. Round face. For visual lengthening, eyebrows should be created with a pointed, high-raised bend. A short, rounded tip will visually narrow the face.
  2. Square face. The shape is the same as for a round face, it is only possible to slightly move the curve towards the middle of the eye. For an angular face, eyebrows should be smooth. Thin and straight shapes are not suitable for this type.
  3. Triangular or heart-shaped face. Here we need soft lines; it is advisable to place the beginning and end at the same level. Slightly rounded or round eyebrows are ideal. Straight lines will not work.
  4. Long or elongated face. Straight shapes without bends are suitable for this type, since the latter only lengthen the face.
  5. Oval face. This type allows you to experiment with any shape.

The shape of the eyebrows is also influenced by facial features. The thickness of the arch depends on the size of the eyes. Small eyes require visual enlargement, which thin eyebrows can do; thick eyebrows suit large eyes.

If your eyes are set close to each other, you need to increase the distance between the eyebrows. For wide-set eyes, it is better to reduce the distance.

For a high forehead, curved shapes or an arch are created. For a wide forehead - only slightly curved, raised towards the middle. Rounded or straight eyebrow shapes will suit a low forehead.

How to pluck eyebrows at home: procedure sequence

A correctly drawn eyebrow line will help you quickly and accurately pluck your eyebrows at home. It is built using three base points drawn from the wing of the nose. The first is the intersection with the inner corner of the eye, the second is the outer corner, the third is the conditional intersection with the pupil, this is the curve of the eyebrow. This point can be located either as high as possible for “house” eyebrows, or absent altogether for a straight shape.

Once all the points have been worked out and set, you can begin to remove excess hairs around the eyebrow arch. The eyebrow plucking process consists of several steps:

1. Mark the points of the beginning, end and bend of the eyebrow with a washable cosmetic pencil.

2. Comb the hairs in the direction of growth with a special brush or comb.

3. Take tweezers in your hand and grab the unwanted hair at its very base. With your free hand, lightly stretch the skin under the hair. A sharp movement of tweezers pulls out the hair.

4. The steps are repeated until every excess hair is removed.

To reduce the amount of pain, you can periodically apply hot compresses to the treated area. At the same time, the pores expand, and the hair removal process is accelerated and made less painful.

After removing all unnecessary hair, the area where plucking was carried out is disinfected with an alcohol solution or a special lotion, then wiped with an ice cube to close all pores. Such actions will prevent infection from entering the resulting micro-wounds.

Some hairs can be missed during the first treatment, so after 3-4 days you will need to make additional corrections. Then periodically, as excess hairs appear, you need to pluck them.

If there are not enough hairs, they will have to be grown. On average, recovery will take a month. Before you get a new shape, you can use cosmetics and draw on your eyebrows. Adjustments are made only when symmetry is achieved.

Daily eyebrow care after plucking

In the morning, eyebrow hairs are often ruffled. To give the correct direction, they are slightly moistened or laid with a special gel. It is better to do this with a cleaned brush from old mascara.

Castor oil applied to the eyebrows stimulates hair growth, heals wounds, and softens the skin. A few drops are used before bed, rubbed in with massage movements in the direction of hair growth. Burdock and other oils of organic origin add shine to hair. Apply slightly heated oil or a mixture of oils to the hairs with a cotton pad for 5-10 minutes.

After thinning or plucking your eyebrows, you should first get rid of the redness, calm the skin, and only then apply makeup.

If eyebrow hair needs to be dyed, this should be done before plucking the hairs or a few days after the procedure. Otherwise, the paint will clog the pores and cause inflammation. You cannot use hair dye on your head to color your eyebrows.

Video: How to make the desired shape and make up your eyebrows

Fashion changes every day, and there is no point in adapting to it, since each type of face has its own eyebrow shape and thickness. We must remember that well-groomed and neat eyebrow arches are always relevant, which can be obtained at home.

A beautiful woman attracts men's gaze like a magnet. You can look much more attractive with the help of a little secret - properly plucked eyebrows. After all, even without makeup they create a holistic, harmonious image. Almost all representatives of the fair sex have their eyebrows shaped once every week and a half.

It is very difficult to imagine a beautiful girl with overgrown eyebrows that meet on the bridge of her nose. Neither expensive cosmetics nor an experienced makeup artist will help here. The image will look inharmonious and quite funny. To prevent such embarrassment from happening, it is advisable to clean yourself up at least once every 7-10 days (depending on the speed of hair growth).

It is also much easier to maintain the correct shape and correct it periodically. Of course, this procedure is not the most pleasant. There are some nuances that will help avoid discomfort. It should be remembered that with each new correction the pain goes away. A separate story is women with hypersensitivity.

Cleanliness comes first

Dirty hands are a breeding ground for various infections. Therefore, it is imperative to wash your hands with soap first. The tweezers should be wiped with a cotton swab soaked in an alcohol solution. You can also use special disinfectants (sold at the pharmacy): bacillol, chlorhexedine, sterilium, etc.

Plucking your eyebrows with cleanly washed hands and treated tweezers will protect you from the appearance of rashes and unwanted pimples. It is much easier to devote a little time to hygiene than to then run to doctors and cosmetologists to cure acne.

Useful nuances to reduce discomfort

To reduce the pain sensitivity threshold, it is recommended to take a hot bath. This procedure will not only give you a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, but will also help steam your facial skin. Softened skin reacts less to external irritants, and the process is more comfortable. If you can't pamper yourself with a bath, there is another alternative.

It is necessary to boil water, pour it into a suitable container, cover your head with a towel and breathe in the hot steam. Five minutes will be enough. The skin will have time to steam, and accordingly will become less sensitive.

To enhance the effect, you can use olive oil. If you don't have olive oil on hand, use whatever you have at home. Apply the product using cotton wool and leave for a couple of minutes. A rich cream is suitable as an alternative.

Also, for pain relief, the completely opposite method is suitable - cooling. Take ice cubes, wrap them in a tissue and apply to your eyebrows for a few minutes. The discomfort will become much less. It is good to use frozen ice cubes made from a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, marigold).

Modern technologies can help solve this problem. Pharmacological companies have launched a special cream on the market that has anesthetic properties. You can buy painkillers at any pharmacy.

It must be applied to the skin in a thin layer for 20-30 minutes, and covered with cling film on top. This method is often used in cosmetology before performing uncomfortable procedures. A cheaper method is teething gel for children. You can apply it to the skin with a thin ball, leave it for a few minutes and get to work.

Pluck hairs, taking into account the direction of their growth. Use tweezers to grab each hair individually, closer to the base. Pulling the skin with your fingers can relieve the pain slightly.

Try to pick up a few hairs on one eyebrow, and then the same amount on the other. This way you will create a more even shape. Sometimes it is easier for a woman to endure unpleasant manipulation when it is done by a stranger. In a beauty salon, a master will easily remove unnecessary hairs and correct your eyebrows. It is much easier to tweak an existing shape than to create it yourself.

At home, to create a beautiful look, it is better to use an eye or eyebrow pencil. Draw the desired line and pluck out everything that goes beyond the boundaries of the drawn outline. Use a special brush to comb your eyebrows. This will make unnecessary hairs more noticeable. It is not recommended to pluck your eyebrows along the top edge. Go over the bottom edge with slow, steady movements. After the manipulation, wipe your eyebrows with an alcohol solution. This will prevent redness from appearing.

Remember that every woman is beautiful in her own way. But it’s quite easy to make yourself more impressive – just highlight the shape of your eyebrows. Your eyes will be more noticeable, and your image will be harmonious and complete.

Ladies who take care of themselves know firsthand the role the shape of the eyebrows plays in their appearance. Not everyone is blessed by nature with moderately thick, beautifully curved eyebrows, so we have to resort to correction. Such an unpleasant procedure as plucking is familiar to many women. But not everyone knows how to pluck eyebrows without pain. It will not be possible to completely remove the unpleasant sensations, but it is possible to significantly relieve pain from the procedure.

Eyebrow care rules

If you plan to correct the shape of your eyebrows for the first time, it is better to entrust this procedure to a professional. The master himself will carefully give the eyebrows the necessary contours, so that later at home all that remains is to correct them from time to time.

The most suitable eyebrow shape is considered to be the one given by nature. There is no need to pluck them “into a thread” or, on the contrary, make them visually too thick. This will disrupt the overall harmony of the face and ruin the image.

Eyebrow care

Too clearly defined, graphic eyebrows have lost their relevance. Natural contours and colors are in fashion. Therefore, instead of an eyebrow makeup pencil, it is better to use shadows or a special liquid product. There is no need to apply them too thickly.

On a note. If your eyebrows lack thickness, you can add it with mascara that matches the color. This product will make your eyebrows more “fluffy” and neat in appearance.

Those with thin eyebrows with stray hairs cannot do without a fixing gel. It is applied to the eyebrows using a special brush. This helps to lay the hairs evenly and visually expand the eyebrows. Hairspray or hygienic lipstick can temporarily replace such a gel if it is unavailable.

An eyebrow brush should be double-sided: on one side there are hard teeth for smoothing the eyebrows, on the other there are soft beveled bristles for coloring. Like any cosmetic accessory, the brush must be kept clean.

If you don’t want to tint your eyebrows every day, you can use a special paint. It will preserve the color for quite a long time. There is no need to abuse this product; coloring once a month is enough. It is better to refuse eyebrow tattooing. Permanent makeup looks unnatural and does not harmonize with any makeup.

Eyebrow tinting

Why do you need to pluck?

Why do women pluck their eyebrows?

  • This is a tribute to fashion;
  • Imitating friends, acquaintances, movie stars;
  • The natural shape of the eyebrows leaves much to be desired;
  • Eyebrows are excessively thick;
  • Very sparse eyebrows that need frequent coloring;
  • The desire to frequently change the shape of the eyebrows to suit a certain look.

Unfortunately, not all ladies are guided by taste and a sense of proportion when plucking excess eyebrow hairs. Some of them remove almost the entire eyebrow, while others, on the contrary, do not do any correction at all. Men, judging by the reviews, prefer the golden mean: beauties with a natural, neatly shaped eyebrow line. This trend remains unchanged from year to year.

Tool selection

The first step is to decide on a plucking tool. This could be a thread or tweezers.

Threading - hair removal using thread

The procedure for removing excess hairs using a thread has its own name - threading.

Its essence is that the thread is intertwined in a special way and applied to the skin in the place where there is unwanted hair. The master, moving his fingers, catches the hair with a thread and pulls it out. Using this method, you can treat a fairly large area of ​​skin at the same time, removing several hairs at a time. Moreover, you can pluck even light fluff.

Trading has been known since ancient times. Oriental beauties shared his secret with European women. In Ancient Persia, it was believed that by removing hair with a thread, a girl became an adult woman.

The main advantage of working with thread is the speed of plucking. The procedure is not too painful and does not take much time, but not everyone can cope with it. Therefore, trading remains primarily a salon procedure.

For your information. At home, to pluck out excess hairs, it would be better to use small tongs, that is, tweezers.

The main disadvantage of working with this tool is the rather strong pain. If used incorrectly, “stumps”, or remnants of broken hairs, may remain as a side effect. To avoid such troubles, you need to choose comfortable tweezers that are not subject to deformation and rust. Before each use, the instrument must be treated with a disinfectant.

How to pluck eyebrows

How to reduce pain

The question of whether it is possible to pluck eyebrows without pain cannot be answered in the affirmative. Unpleasant sensations will arise one way or another. But by applying the methods described below, you can reduce them to almost nothing.


The procedure is not only noticeably pain-relieving, but also beneficial for the facial skin as a whole. A steam bath allows you to open the skin pores as much as possible, making hair removal less sensitive.

To steam, you can apply a warm compress to your face, lie in the bathroom, or sit over a container of hot water, covered with a towel, as if you were inhaling at home. Of course, you don’t need to use boiling water for these purposes; the temperature should be comfortable for the skin.

Facial steaming

Fat cream

A rich cream can help soften the skin. It is applied to the face and, after waiting 10-15 minutes, is carefully removed. Otherwise, the tweezers will slide over the hairs without pulling them out, which will only cause more pain. The method is not practical, but it is quite effective.

There is a special anesthetic cream for eyebrows containing lidocaine. This product is a very good anesthetic, but many are deterred from purchasing it by its price. For a small package of the drug you will have to pay about 300 rubles.


The most common method of pain relief is applying ice to the skin. It also helps relieve swelling and redness of the eyelid. The ice must be clean. This may be a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs. An ice cube is applied to the skin, left for about 3 minutes and removed. While the sensitivity of the cooled skin is reduced, you need to pluck the hair.

Ice for cooling the face

Selecting a location

You need to start the process of getting rid of excess hair by choosing a suitable place.

The main selection criterion is good lighting, preferably sunny. Each hair will be clearly visible in the light, which will allow removal to be carried out correctly and accurately, without plucking out excess hair.

It is important to choose a comfortable mirror. It should be large to reflect not only the hair removal area itself, but the entire face. This will allow you to see the full picture of the correction. Do not use a magnifying mirror - it will visually enlarge the eyebrow, and it will appear wider than it actually is. Many women, trusting the reflection, manage to make their eyebrows too thin by plucking them too hard.

It is better to choose a well-lit place for the procedure.

To prevent the unpleasant sensations from plucking from being added to the fatigue of your back and legs, you should choose a comfortable place to sit at home. You will have to spend a lot of time in this position, because eyebrow correction is a process that cannot be rushed.

Eyebrow plucking: basic technique

To keep your eyebrows neat and symmetrical, you must follow certain rules when plucking:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to outline the contour of the eyebrow. This will help remove only excess hair;
  • Hairs are pulled out only in the direction of growth - this way they break off less;
  • Each hair, even the thinnest one, must be pinched separately;
  • The skin is slightly stretched during plucking;
  • You need to pull out the hair sharply. Slow pulling is much more painful;
  • You should try to capture the hairs at the very root;
  • Before and after correction, tweezers must be disinfected.

Interesting. To avoid unnecessary pain with plucking, you can carefully trim your eyebrows. This painless method will make them neater.

Cosmetologists advise those who use coloring to do it before plucking their eyebrows using painless methods.

Coloring will help determine the shape of the eyebrows and indicate the “necessary” hairs. In addition, the paint will not get into the microdamages left on the skin after plucking hairs. This will protect you from possible burning and itching.

Eyebrow care tips

For young beauties planning to pluck their eyebrows for the first time, experts do not recommend rushing. At the age of 14-15 you can already make a correction, but it is unlikely that it is so necessary. Natural beauty, natural shape and natural color of eyebrows look most advantageous.

For those who are wondering whether it hurts to pluck eyebrows for the first time, cosmetologists advise not to be afraid. If you initially set yourself up in a negative way, then even a completely tolerable procedure will seem terrible. You should treat it more simply and not be afraid.

To make your eyebrows look natural and neat, you need to spend proper time caring for them. The main stage of such care is the removal of excess hair. Ice, a warm bath or a rich cream will help solve the problem of how to pluck eyebrows with virtually no pain. If you follow all the rules step by step, the result will be very impressive.