An interesting crossword puzzle on the Christmas theme. Bible crosswords

In Ukraine, it should become fashionable to celebrate Christmas according to ancient traditions, the historian says.

Nadezhda Zyablyuk, senior researcher at the National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine, dreams that it will become fashionable in Ukraine to restore and honor traditions, including the celebration of Christmas.

"It would be good if it became fashionable to revive traditions. Fashion becomes a habit, and traditions are restored," she told reporters in Kyiv today.

According to N. Zyablyuk, traditionally the Christmas holidays last two weeks, starting from Holy evening on January 6 and ending on January 21, after Epiphany.

Holy evening is also called a rich kutya. On this day, housewives usually clean the house, before the holiday they always whitewashed, hung towels and straw spiders in the hut. On this day, the housewives prepared 12 dishes, among which the main one is kutya. It is made from wheat or barley with the addition of poppy seeds and honey or uzvar.

On the Holy evening, you can cook dishes from legumes, mushrooms, dumplings, borscht, pies. But all 12 dishes must be lean.

75% use prayers as psychotherapy

Those who pray find peace and comfort in difficult moments of their lives, according to sociologists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

According to researchers, 75% of Americans who pray weekly are able to manage a range of negative situations and feelings - illness, sadness, trauma and anger - but it is precisely how they find relief in prayers that scientists have missed.

One of the explanations for the relief after prayer was the action of such a mechanism as, for example, an air vent. "Those who seethed with anger said they found a listener in their prayers," said Sharpe, who has researched and described how prayer helps manage emotional pain. "If they took their anger out on a partner who insulted them, the result would probably be more violence," Sharpe said. "But they could be angry with God, praying without fear of backlash."

During any interpersonal interactions, participants care about how they look in the eyes of other people. As for the people who pray, they care about how they look in the eyes of God.

"While praying, the victims began to see themselves as they thought God saw them. Once this perception became more positive, it helped them raise their self-esteem, which prevented them from abusing offensive words," Sharpe explained.

Prayer, Sharpe found, is also a convenient distraction for some people. Simply folding your hands and concentrating on what you are saying removes the anxiety of an abusive relationship. In essence, there is no significant difference from the usual conversation with a close friend or parent.

"I considered the act of a person praying, talking to God, as the same as legitimate social interaction," Sharpe said. "But unlike concrete face-to-face interaction with another person, prayer is communication with an imaginary person."

This does not diminish the role of God by treating him as an imaginary participant in prayer. "On the contrary, I think that prayer would not have such a meaning for people if they believed that God is not real. The important point is that they believe that God exists and this affects the emotional state and behavior, in general ".

Although, the consequences of prayer are not always positive. “Some have learned through prayer to forgive their offenders, calming their anger and resentment. But this is a double-edged sword, as it is good for those who have forgiven and got rid of violence in a relationship to a certain extent. But those who are still under oppression , will not be able to forgive and let go of everything, which can have a bad effect.

Jerusalem pastor shares prophetic word for 2011

Prophetic word for 2011: "Your works are not in vain before Me. I see your desire and jealousy. Take care that no one deceives you and does not stop you in your desire to prostrate to Me, because this year My power will be revealed much more real and powerful than before.The days are coming that I promised to the prophet Joel (see Joel 2:28-29).I pour out My power like never before.My gifts will be revealed in the Body of Christ in the incredible power of the Holy Spirit. This has never happened before. This is a new time for you. And My Spirit brings gifts that have not even been manifested before on earth. The gifts of the Holy Spirit will overwhelm the Church. But, many in My Body will rise up against this, not understanding who they are with. "Past walk and past experience with Me will keep people from understanding what's going on and accepting these gifts and their manifestations. And there will be even more. There will be those who will rise up against their brothers, saying it's not of God. Some will do so quite sincerely without being able to see what it is I move and work miracles.

But some will do this out of envy, not entering into what is happening themselves, and not allowing others to enter and taste how good the Lord is. But, remember what John said: "He came to his own, and his own did not receive him. But to those who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God" (John 1:11-12). And it is also written that: "Jesus did many other things; but if they were written about in detail, then I think that the world itself could not contain the books that were written. (John 21:25) And therefore I say, many of these what I have created - you never read about it, because it is not written in the Bible. But, it is written there: "Truly, truly, I say to you: he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do, and greater than these he will do because I am going to my Father" (John 14:12) And remember that: "... if the owner of the house was called Beelzebub, how much more so of his household?" (Mat. 10:25; Matt. 10:25; Luke 11:15)

And my Word is true, that in the last times "because of the increase of iniquity, the love of many shall grow cold" (Mat. 24:12). All this will happen in order to test you: will you defend yourself and try to defend yourself, or will you leave Me retribution, and will you do your part? I will pour out these gifts so that you can glorify Me and save the people I have meant for salvation. I give these gifts because I am jealous and thirsty to glorify My Church, which is My Bride.

Behold, I told you ahead of time what was going to happen. Within just 3 months you will see a change in your spiritual life. Choose My path and do not turn to the side of the road. And the gifts that will be poured out by Me - they are not the goal, the goal is to bring My Love and My Glory to this earth, because it is there, in My supernatural presence, that colossal changes will take place that will affect the entire planet.

IN VICTORY and Christian Telegraph Name 2010 Ministers of the Year

The 2010 Influential Ministers List includes: Evangelist of the Year - Reinhard Bonnke
The legendary evangelist who brings millions of people to Christ in Africa, in his 70s, updates his Facebook page every day with his own hands and is sure that the Internet is a huge field for Evangelism. In addition, Reinhard Bonnke has prepared a successor for himself and is eager to awaken spiritually sleeping Europe.

Writer of the Year - Lisa Bevir
As an international speaker, best-selling author and television host, Lisa Beaver is one of the few who encourages women around the world to raise their voices and change the world for the better. In 2010, Lisa wrote the book Rising Lioness: Wake Up and Change Your World in which she laid out a prophetic message for women.

Missionary of the Year - Jaerock Lee
The pastor of Manmin Korean Megachurch spares no effort and resources to bring revival and the gospel of holiness to the farthest corners of the earth. Israel, Peru, Estonia, USA, India, African countries - the geography of the ministry of the church is very extensive. Pastor Lee believes that holiness and God's power should always accompany Christians.

Diplomat of the Year - Rick Warren
Saddleback mega church pastor Rick Warren was named one of the most famous and influential Twitter users this year. Rick Warren is one of the few pastors who speaks publicly with senior officials. So, in 2010, he conducted an interview with former US President George W. Bush in his church.

Philanthropist of the Year - Franklin Graham
As president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse Charitable Organization, Franklin Graham has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel and helping those in dire economic or medical need. Charity ministry operates in more than 100 countries and many hot spots.

Pastor of the Year - Paul Melnichuk
Being the son of Ukrainian emigrants, Paul (Paul) Melnychuk managed to build a multi-national mega-church "Palace of Prayer" in Toronto, Canada's largest city, and despite the liberal society surrounding him, he preaches an uncompromising gospel. "Palace of Prayer" unites believers of more than 50 nationalities.

Leader of the Year - James Davis
Co-founder of the growing Billion Soul Network, a growing coalition of churches and denominations to date, with over 350,000 churches, James Davis is a gifted leader who has set the goal of strengthening relationships among pastors to plant five million churches and bring one billion people to Christ.

Reformer of the Year - Mark Driscoll
Mars Hill Pastor Mark Driscoll is reforming the way church building is done with the latest technology. Mars Hill Church has specially developed an intra-church Internet network, which is a virtual community, and helps all parishioners of the church to build strong relationships.

Broadcaster of the Year - James Dobson
This year, after more than 30 years of serving as the leader of Focus on the Family, one of the leading family organizations in the United States, James Dobson left the ministry he founded and began a new radio program, Family Talk, through which the institution of the family is strengthened by serving , in his opinion, the basis for a strong society.

Strategist of the Year - Leonard Sweet
As both a historian of American culture, a futurist who sees societal trends invisible to most, and a writer who evangelizes the postmodern era, Leonard Sweet is a consultant to many churches and denominations and develops strategies to fulfill the Great Commission in the digital 21st century.

Would you go for a new prophet?
Forgive me for asking such a question. Perhaps when there is such a situation, not many will dare to take such a step. Are we ready to receive another prophet? In the current situation, when the world has moved to the dark side and Satan wants to create a good life for people on earth, so that people do not strive for improvement, but burn their souls. When false prophets predict the end of the world and use weak-minded people and drive them into the forests, in order to further discredit the faith of other people. Mankind has gone not because of the way with the benefit of Satan for the craftsmen to present for the sake of their power. What about miracles? Many smart and wise people understand that a person is capable of much. After all, Jesus said that I did not come for the righteous, but for sinners, to those who are controlled as a crowd, the mass of which needs to know that the soul is free not by bread alone man lives, but by faith in God and in himself. How would we be governed if we were strong in spirit and everyone could work miracles like Jesus.

Would you go for a new prophet?

86% No
14% Yes
0% Miracles
0% No Miracles

"Theological Cafe" opened in Italy, where hot topics of the Church are discussed

In the Italian city of Termoli, an unusual institution has appeared - the Theological Cafe. In fact, it is far from the first in Italy, but fits into the new evangelization project aimed at proclaiming the Christian good news in the most inaccessible corners of the city, and in non-standard ways. In other words, in places where people usually come for other purposes, an ideal space is created for witnessing the Christian message in a cozy atmosphere - at a table where several people gather to drink a cup of coffee or tea. Such an environment is really ideal for the most in-depth discussion of a particular topic.

In Termoli, the cafe was implemented by the Youth Counseling Service, Radio Vatican reported. In mid-December, the first meeting on the topic “Does God exist?” was already held. Theological talks are held on Thursdays and touch on very "prickly" topics. At the beginning of January there will be a talk “Are Homosexuals Born?”. Participants will then look for answers to the questions “Does the Church oppose sex?” and “Are priests pedophiles?”. And in the spring, over a cup of tea, it will be possible to talk about “Why God allows evil” and “Is the embryo a person.”

Famous priest urged not to celebrate the New Year

Archpriest Georgy Gorodentsev: "We must adhere to our Orthodox rules, the Julian calendar." A well-known priest urged to abandon the celebration of the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar.

The expediency of holding New Year's prayers is very doubtful. Some believe that it is necessary to celebrate the New Year, others believe that it is not necessary. As a result, the Catholics imposed their ideas on us, and now everything is turned upside down. The celebration of the New Year according to the old style, according to the Julian calendar, is absolutely normal, because in this case the New Year will always fall on a fast day, on Christmas time. We now have the opposite, and in this, of course, one can see the anti-Christian principle. The Christmas fast in the first days of January according to the new style is quite strict, this is a special fast. And we see that around the holiday, revelry, expanse.

As a priest, I often hear how parishioners repent at confession for various sins they committed during this special fast. People repent that they did this and that, for example, they drank alcohol, ate meat or sausages. And thus, on New Year's days, we are constantly in a state of animal temptation.

What can be said about this? Of course, we must adhere to our Orthodox rules, the Julian calendar. Why is it important? There was a very good commentary on this subject from Deacon Vladimir Vasilik. The fact that our calendar should be Julian, he said correctly. I want to add to this that holidays are celebrated not only on earth, but also in heaven, and they are celebrated there at a certain time, namely, according to the Julian calendar. And for Catholics and those Orthodox who adhere to the new style, it turns out that a holiday is celebrated on earth, but not in heaven, and vice versa.

I note that the Holy Fire also descends on the day before St. Easter according to the Julian calendar. That is, we, Orthodox, adhering to the old style, celebrate church holidays together with heaven. Accordingly, we fast on those days on which fasting is laid down by the Lord God.

We should all try to avoid sin. I used to celebrate the secular New Year by inertia. The fact is that there was such a Soviet tradition - to celebrate official holidays - November 7, May 1, Constitution Day, and the New Year, unlike these holidays, was a neutral holiday, more natural, humane, and therefore we all celebrated it. And then it was very difficult for me to lag behind this tradition. Now the New Year is no longer a holiday for me, but a burden. This year my service falls on Saturday, January 1st, and here it will just turn out that fireworks will go off at midnight. It will be impossible to fall asleep from this cannonade. I don’t need all this fun, but I just need to sleep. Memorial Day of Basil the Great, the Old New Year and the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord - these are our holidays, which we will celebrate on January 14th.

I advise Christians to eliminate the civil New Year from their lives, or at least do it gradually. Because the celebration of the New Year during Lent is nothing but rampant passions, fornication, drunkenness and demonic possession.

Could you fast like Jesus did?

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, and after fasting forty days and forty nights, he finally became hungry.
And the tempter came to Him and said: If You are the Son of God, say that these stones become bread.
He answered and said to him, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Then the devil takes him to the holy city and sets him on the wing of the temple, and says to him: if you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written: He will command his angels about you, and in their hands they will carry you up, so that you will not stumble on your foot against a stone. Jesus said to him, It is also written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Again the devil takes him to a very high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and says to him: I will give you all this, if you fall down and worship me. Then Jesus said to him, Get away from Me, Satan, for it is written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him alone.
Then the devil leaves him, and behold, the angels came and ministered to him.

Could you fast like Jesus did?

83% No
13% Held
5% yes

Patriarch once a month will communicate with viewers

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' will once a month answer questions from viewers in the program "The Shepherd's Word", aired on Saturday mornings on Channel One. This, according to RIA Novosti, was announced by the head of the Information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir Legoyda.

According to him, the editors of the program "Word of the Shepherd" receive numerous letters with a request that the patriarch answer questions from viewers.

“Despite the difficult schedule, the patriarch made the decision to do it once a month,” Legoyda said.

The broadcast of the first such program is scheduled for January 9 (Sunday) in connection with the transfer of holidays.

The faces of saints on a sandwich, a weeping wall, the Virgin Mary in the glare of light - the most interesting anomalous phenomena (photo)

For several years, unusual things happened to different people in many countries of the world, which they took as a sign from above. We present a selection of the most interesting "apparitions of the saints" that have occurred over the past fifteen years.

Stuart Hadwin shows a Jesus sheet after he placed it in a Salvation Army box in Melbourne in March 2005.

The walls at Lean Tennos' home in Guildford, Western Sydney, were bleeding oil as her son Mike died.

Lisa Swinton in Sydney noticed the image of Jesus on the skin of a banana she purchased from Woolworths.

The image of Christ on a sandwich.

John Mize of Beckley, West Virginia, holds Funyuns chips he found under the seat of his car in 2005. Maizu, these chips resemble the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus. They were sold on eBay to an anonymous auction for $609.

A crowd gathered around a reflection resembling the Virgin Mary on a financial corporation building in Florida, USA in 1996.

Created the smallest Christmas card in the world - twice as thin as a hair (photo)

Thanks to nanotechnology, the University of Glasgow has created the smallest Christmas card in the world. It is so small that 8,000 miniature nanopostcards would fit on a standard postcard.

Professor David Cumming stated: “Our nanotechnology is among the best in the world. We decided that the production of this Christmas card is the easiest way to prove how accurate and impressive the development of modern technologies can be,” the VseNovosti online newspaper reports.

According to scientists, the production of this unique postcard took about 30 minutes. For comparison, a human hair turned out to be twice as thick as this product.

Veronica Vorship started teaching vocals via Skype

On December 1, 2010, the famous vocal teacher, author and performer of worship songs Veronika Warship, began an unprecedented, for the Russian-speaking world, training in professional vocals through the Skype system, reports the Agency with reference to the press center of Veronika Warship.

According to Veronica, this decision was dictated by numerous requests for individual vocal lessons. “Tens of thousands of people have watched my video vocal lessons on the Internet, as well as on leading Christian TV channels. Despite the intelligibility and simplicity of the lessons, the students felt the need for feedback, interaction and correction on my part. That is why I started Skype vocal lessons,” Veronica emphasized.

Thanks to modern technology, all a student needs to master the skills of a professional vocalist is a webcam, microphone and fast Internet.

“For the first two weeks, we have already conducted lessons with students from the USA, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Latvia and other countries. For those who, for some reason, cannot study with me individually via Skype, a video version of the lessons is being created, which will be posted on the Internet and on central Christian TV channels,” says Veronika.

In conclusion, the teacher added that she was very happy that the Lord gave her wisdom on how to use modern technologies and be truly a head, not a tail. “After all, secular teachers do not have such lessons, and once again they will have to “copy and catch up” with the children of God,” she noted.

It is worth noting that Veronica Warship is the absolute leader on the video service - for key queries on the subject of vocal training.

That's all. See you soon!
May God richly bless you as you seek to know Him!

1. Bible crossword with keyword.

Horizontal: 5. Greek name for a prophetic book, the last of the New Testament books. 9. Homeland of Samuel. 10. Angel of the abyss. 11. Moabite, daughter-in-law of Naomi, after whom one of the books of the Bible is named. 12. The capital of the Ammonites, during the siege of this city, Uriah was killed. 16. The eldest daughter of Job. 18. Chronicler of David and Solomon. 19. Son of Esau. 20. Laban's youngest daughter, Jacob's beloved wife. 24. The Pharisee who came to talk to Jesus at night. 25. A Jew who tried to turn the proconsul away from the faith, for which God, through Paul, struck him blind. 26. An honorary title given to lawyers in the time of Jesus Christ. 29. One of the evangelists. 31. Unrighteous wealth, earthly goods. 32. What was formed on the spot where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah stood? 33. King of Assyria who twice invaded Palestine.

Vertical: 1. Original name of Sarah. 2. Precious stone, the second in the breastplate of the high priest. 3. Tree, a genus of woody plants from the Olive family, common in Palestine, its name is found in the book of Isaiah. 4. One of the sons of Jacob. 6. The city where Mephibosheth fled after the death of his father Jonathan and grandfather Saul. 7. Brother of Martha and Mary whom Jesus loved and raised from the dead. 8. The youngest son of Aaron, was chosen for the priestly ministry. 13. The city where Jesus Christ was born. 14. A city in Galilee, which, along with Bethsaida, received a formidable warning from the Lord. 15. Priest, father of John the Baptist. 17. A tree that grows in abundance in Palestine, from the fruits of which oil is obtained. 21. The giant who was killed by young David. 22. The wisest king of the Israelites. 23. Prophetess and judge in Israel. 27. One of the best fastening materials, which even now the Dead Sea throws out from the bottom. 28. The commander of the Israelite king Navat, who, having killed the king, reigned in his place. 30. Thorny ****, which burned with fire and did not burn. 32. A fragrant plant of the evergreen genus, growing in abundance in Palestine.




2. An insect that the Pharisees strained while they devoured the camel. 5. Good news. 8. Part of the temple from which the devil tempted Jesus to throw himself down. 9. An agreement based on the shedding of blood. 12. The first high priest in the history of the people of Israel. 13. The prophet who predicted the birth of Jesus Christ from a virgin. 16. The woman who donated the most money, according to Jesus. 17. A prisoner who interpreted Pharaoh's dreams and was released for it. 19. The name of the great commander, as a result of whose conquests the New Testament was written in Greek. 20. Part of God's full armor, symbolizing righteousness.


1. "I am Alpha and *****, the beginning and the end." 3. Glorification, praise, doxology. 4. The mountain where God gave the 10 commandments. 6. Speech to God's people. 7. The name of the heavenly city. 10. The promised son of Abraham. 11. A bird that was forbidden to eat by the law of Moses. 14. The first righteous man on earth who was killed for his faith. 15. Timothy's grandmother, in whom an unfeigned faith dwelt. 18. A plant used to sprinkle sacrificial blood.


Horizontally: 7. Elder angel. 8. The Babylonian king, in front of whom supernatural hands inscribed: "Mene, mene, tekel, uparsin." 11. The eldest son of David, who committed a crime against his sister Tamar. 12. Roman procurator in Judea who handed over Jesus to be crucified. 13. The son of David, who tangled his hair in the branches of an oak tree and hung between heaven and earth. 16. The commander of the Syrian king, who was miraculously healed by dipping seven times in the Jordan according to the word of the prophet. 17. The flower is a symbol of the prosperity of Israel in the future. 18. ****** Apostles, fifth book of the New Testament. 21. The Jewish king, to whom God gave a sign of his recovery from illness - the shadow returned back 10 steps. 22. Judge, prophet who anointed Saul to reign in Israel. 23. The Old Testament prophet, for believing in God, was thrown into the lions' den and pulled out intact. 24. The ruler of ancient Egypt. 29. A jewel that should not be thrown to pigs. 30. Father of Moses, Aaron and Miriam. 31. General collection of books of the old and new testament. 35. The name of the conqueror of Judea in 332 BC, because of which the Jews were under the rule of the Greeks. 37. Christian woman in Colosse, mentioned in the letter of Paul to Philemon. 38. The mountain where Jehovah appeared to Israel in fire and smoke and where He gave His law. 39. “At that time there were ******** on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong, glorious people from ancient times.” 40. The younger son of Jacob, whose share at Joseph's feast was five times the share of each of the brothers.

Vertical: 1. The city where Joseph came from, who laid the body of Jesus in his new tomb. 2. The second son of Isaac and Rebekah, by cunning bought the right of primacy from his brother. 3. One of the names of God. 4. The island where the apostle John received apocalyptic visions of the end of the world. 5. Receiver of Moses. 6. A well-known Pharisee in Jerusalem, from whom the Apostle Paul studied from childhood. 9. In Greek - Christ, in Russian - Anointed One, in Hebrew - ******. 10. The coin that Peter found in the fish's mouth. 14. The city where Jesus preached a lot and performed many miracles. 15. The capital of Israel. 19. The name of a woman from the city of Thyatira who sold purple, who heard Paul preach, was baptized with all her household and received the evangelists into her house. 20. The cunning uncle of Jacob, who deceived him several times. 25. The event, because of which Joseph and the pregnant Mary had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem. 26. The fruits of trees growing in ancient Israel, which were used as a nutrient and medicine. 27. A measure of money buried by a crafty and lazy servant from the parable of the Savior. 28. Wife of David, mother of Solomon. 32. Biblical name for the Romans. 33. The country which took its name from Esau, after the color of the lentil stew, for which he sold his birthright to Jacob. 34. Clothes of Christ, about which the soldiers cast lots. 36. Grandson of Noah, younger son of Japheth.


Horizontally: 2. Abraham's wife. 4. Author of the shortest of the four gospels. 5. House of God. 6. A Syriac word for wealth, the service of which is incompatible with the service of God. 9. Minister in Colossae during the time of the Apostle Paul. 10. Abraham's servant who brought Rebekah to Isaac. 11. A portable tent built by Moses at the command of God for worship. 12. A Syrian military leader who was healed of leprosy by immersing himself seven times in the Jordan. 14. Roman greeting, from which the famous song performed by Robertino Loretti begins, which is a presentation of the biblical passage of Elizabeth's appeal to the Virgin Mary. 15. Adam's wife. 18. Hebrew word, translated meaning "teacher", who was called Jesus Christ. 21. An island in the southeast of modern Greece, past which the apostle Paul sailed on his way to Rome. 22. Edible fruit of a tree common in ancient Israel. 23. The author of the gospel, who vividly described the torments of hell in the story of the rich man and Lazarus. 24. A Benjamitite from the tribe of Saul who threw stones at David and cursed him. 25. The city where the apostle Paul was born.

Vertical: 1. A beautiful fragrant, evergreen plant, from which tabernacles were sometimes built. 2. Animal in ancient Israel, which is a symbol of beauty and speed. 3. Brother of Moses. 7. The tribe that came from the wicked intermingling of Lot with his daughter. 8. The sign of the covenant between the Jews and God. 13. Wife of Isaac. 14. The name of one of the sons of Enakov, whose gigantic growth was frightened by 10 spies.16. Forefather of the Jewish people. 17. Monetary unit in Rome at the time of Jesus Christ. 19. Wife of Joseph, mother of Ephraim and Manasseh. 20. The city where Jesus Christ was born.

Horizontally: 5. The fruit used to make communion wine. 6. Reptiles, which, according to the promise, believers will step on. 11. Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. 16. Precious stone of green color, from which the fourth foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem is composed. 17. The seventh day of the week according to the Jewish calendar.

Vertical: 1. The capital of the Assyrian kingdom in Biblical times. 2. The name of the New Testament elder. 3. The island on which John received the revelation of events in the last times. 4. Veil at the entrance to the Holy of Holies. 5. The book that Moses wrote specifically for the new generation that entered the promised land. 7. The kind of seed that heavenly manna was like. 8. The name of one of the Christian denominations, widespread in Rus'. 9. “It is difficult for those who hope for *** to enter the Kingdom of God!” 10. “If you have faith with *** grain and say to this mountain: “move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." 12. The animal mentioned in the book of Job as the top of the ways of God. 13. The sign of the covenant after the flood. 14. A bird about which the Bible says that she is cruel to her children. 15. The Epistle of Paul, from which is taken the well-known expression "Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."

Horizontally: 1. The material from which the vessels for storing world oil were made. 4. Beloved brother of Joseph, born on the road to Bethlehem. 8. The room of the holy of holies of Solomon's temple, in which stood the ark of the covenant. 9. The title that Jesus Christ was called by His disciples, meaning "Teacher". 11. The name of the mountain where Moses died. 12. Giants who were frightened by 10 spies. 13. The sacrificial animal with which Isaiah compares Jesus Christ. 16. The Jewish high priest, who returned after the Babylonian captivity and recreated the Jewish statehood on the basis of the Scriptures. 17. Coins in ancient Israel. 20. Spy who took the side of Joshua. 22. Allegorical name of Jerusalem by the prophet Isaiah, meaning "Lion of God". 24. A plant from which the Pharisees did not forget to tithe. 25. Good treatment on the part of God and people, which the one to whom it is given does not directly deserve. 28. Feeder for cattle, in which the newborn Jesus Christ was placed. 31. Husband of Priscilla, in whose house the Ephesian house church met. 32. Head of the synagogue in Corinth, who came to believe thanks to the preaching of the Apostle Paul. 33. "As a sparrow flutters, as *** flies away, so an undeserved curse will not come true." 34. One of the ancestors of Jesus Christ, who was born because Hezekiah begged God for an additional 15 years of life.
Vertical: 1. A word meaning "angel chief" or "elder angel." 2. The Hebrew word that Jesus and Christians use to refer to their Father. 3. A battering ram that the king of Babylon intended to use against Jerusalem. 5. Son of Joseph, ancestor of Joshua. 6. The book of the Old Testament about the great sufferer. 7. The son of Jacob, whom Rachel gave the name as a sign of victory over her sister. 8. The shepherd who defeated the giant. 10. The name of the stream near which Jacob wrestled with God. 14. A criminal freed from death on the cross instead of Jesus Christ. 15. Statue, sculptural image of a pagan deity, idol. 18. David's adviser, whose advice was valued as if it were asked from God. 21. The grandmother of the Apostle Timothy, in whom an unfeigned faith dwelt. 23. A plant used by the Jews as a sprinkler. 26. The son of the aged Abraham and Sarah, who became the bearer of all the promises given to him. 27. The name of the plant in the Septuagint that God raised over Jonah's head. 29. A drink used for communion. 30. A season in which it will be very difficult to flee in the abomination of desolation.



Horizontally: 5. Apocalypse. 9. Frame. 10. Abaddon. 11. Ruth. 12. Rabbi. 16. Elima. 18. Jehoshaphat. 19. Eliphaz. 20. Rachel. 24. Nicodemus. 25. Elima. 26. Rabbi. 29. Mark. 31. Mammon. 32. Sea. 34. Shalmaneser.

Vertical: 1. Sarah. 2. Topaz. 3. Ash. 4. Asir. 6. Lodevar. 7. Lazarus. 8. Ifamar. 13. Bethlehem. 14. Chorazin. 15. Zechariah. 17. Olive. 21. Goliath. 22. Solomon. 23. Deborah. 27. Resin. 28. Vaasa. 30. Bush. 32. Myrtle.

the material of the temple is Gold, the reference point for the Jews in the desert is a pillar, the Lord of hosts is Sabaoth, the Father of Saul is Kish, Paul was stoned in it - Lystra, the sacrificial animal is a sheep, the City of Egypt from the book of Jeremiah - Nof,
On what Jesus Christ will come - Cloud, Son of Saul - Jonathan, Addressee of the gospel of Luke - Theophilus

Horizontally: 2. Mosquito. 5. Gospel. 8. Wing. 9. Testament. 12. Aaron. 13. Isaiah. 16. Widow. 17. Joseph. 19. Alexander. 20. Armor.

Vertical: 1. Omega. 3. Praise. 4. Sinai. 6. Sermon. 7. Jerusalem. 10. Isaac. 11. Seagull. 14. Abel. 15. Loida. 18. Hyssop.

Horizontally: 7 ..., 8 - Belshazzar, 11 - Amnon, 12 Pilate, 13 - Absalom, 16 - Noeman, 17 ..., 18 - Acts, 21 - Hezekiah, 22 - Samuel, 23 - Daniel, 24 - Pharaoh, 29 - pearls, 30 amrams, 31 Bibles, 37 ..., 38 sinai, 39 giants, 40 Benjamin,

Vertical: 1-Arimathea 2 Jacob 3 Jegotha, 4 Patmos 5-Nun, 6 Gamaliel 9 Messiah, 10-Statyr, 14-Capernaum, 15 Jerusalem, 19-Lydia

2-Sarra; 4-Mark; 5 temple; 6 mammon; 9-Epaphras; !10-Eliezer 11-tabernacle; 12-Naaman 14-ave 15-Eve; 18-rabbi; 21-Sidon (Acts 27:3); 22-olive 23-Luke; 24-Families (3 Kings, 2:8); 25-Tars; 1-myrtle; 2-chamois; 3-Aaron; 7-Moabites; 8-circumcision 13-Rebekah; 14-amalik (Numbers, 13:30); 16-Abraham; 17-assarium; 19-Aseneth; 20-Nazareth;

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Orthodox calendar

Shmch. Eusebia, ep. Samosatsky (380).

Mch. Alban of Britain (III-beginning of IV). Mchch. Zinon and Zina (304). Mchch. Galaction and Juliana. St. Gregory, Mr. Wallachian (1834) (Romanian).

Sshmchch. Theodore Smirnov and Gabriel of Arkhangelsk deacons (1938).

Rom., 101 credits, IX, 6–19. Matt., 38 credits, x, 32-36; XI, 1.

We congratulate birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Hieromartyr Eusebius of Samosata, Bishop

Hieromartyr Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata , firmly stood for the Orthodox confession, approved at the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325, for which he suffered persecution from the Arians, who repeatedly deprived him of his chair and banished him to prison. Emperor Constantius (337-361), the patron of the Arians, having learned that St. Eusebius kept the conciliar act on the election of the Orthodox Archbishop Meletios to the See of Antioch, sent him an order to issue this act. The saint resolutely refused to carry out the order. The enraged emperor sent to say that if he did not give the act, then his right hand would be cut off. Saint Eusebius extended both hands to the messenger with the words: “Cut off, but I will not give up the act of the council, in which the malice and lawlessness of the Arians is exposed.” Emperor Constantius was surprised at the boldness of the bishop, but did not harm him.

After Constantius, Julian the Apostate (361-363) reigned. An even more difficult time came - an open persecution of Christians began. Hierarch Eusebius, hiding his rank, in the clothes of a warrior passed through all of Syria, Phenicia and Palestine, establishing Christians in the Orthodox faith. He supplied priests and deacons to empty churches, ordained bishops who rejected the Arian heresy. After the death of Julian the Apostate, the pious king Jovian (363-364) reigned, during whose reign the persecution ceased. Returning from exile, Archbishop Meletios, on the advice of Saint Eusebius, in 379 convened a Local Council in Antioch. It was attended by 27 bishops and the Orthodox dogma adopted at the First Ecumenical Council was confirmed. The Arians, fearful of the staunch confessors of Orthodoxy, Saints Meletios, Eusebius and Pelagius, who were highly respected by the emperor, put their signatures under the council's definition. After the death of Emperor Jovian, the reign of the Arian Valens (364-378) began. The Orthodox again began to be persecuted. Saint Meletius was exiled to Armenia, Saint Pelagius to Arabia, and Saint Eusebius was sentenced to imprisonment in Thrace. Having received the royal decree, Saint Eusebius left Samosata at night in order to prevent the indignation of the people who revered him. Upon learning of the bishop's departure, the believers overtook him and weepingly begged him to return. The saint refused to fulfill the request of the flock, saying that one should obey the existing authorities. The saint urged the flock to adhere firmly to Orthodoxy, blessed them and went to the place of exile. The Arian Eunomius was sent to the See of Samosata, but the people did not accept the heretic. The Orthodox did not go to the temple and avoided meeting with him. The heretic Arian realized that he could not attract an independent flock.

Emperor Gratian (375–383), who ascended the throne, returned from exile all the Orthodox bishops who had suffered under the Arians. Saint Eusebius also returned to Samosata and continued his work on church improvement. Together with Saint Meletios, they put Orthodox bishops and clergymen in place of the Arians. Around 380, he arrived in the Arian city of Dolichiny to install the Orthodox Bishop Marin in it. An Arian woman threw a tile from the roof, which pierced the head of the saint. Dying, following the example of the Savior, he forgave her guilt and asked those around him not to harm her. The body of Saint Eusebius was transferred to Samosata and buried with weeping by his flock. His nephew, Blessed Antiochus, was elevated to the place of the saint, and the Church of Samosata continued to firmly confess the Orthodox faith, firmly planted by the labors of the Holy Hieromartyr Eusebius.

Troparion to Hieromartyr Eusebius of Samosata

And a partaker of character, / and having been the vicar of an apostle on the throne, / you found deeds, O God-breathed, / in visions of the sunrise, / for the sake of correcting the word of truth, / and for the sake of faith you suffered even to the point of blood, / the holy martyr / Prayer of Christ. be saved for our souls.

Translation: And becoming a participant in the manners of the Apostles and their throne, having become, by deeds, you, inspired by God, have reached the ascent to contemplation; therefore, proclaiming the right word of truth, you suffered to the point of blood for the faith, Hieromartyr Eusebius, intercede before Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to Hieromartyr Eusebius of Samosata

Having piously lived in holiness / and passed the torment, / quenched the idol’s sacrifices, Saint Eusebius, / but as you have boldness towards Christ God, / / ​​pray that our souls be saved.

Translation: Having reverently served in the rank of hierarch and having gone through torment, you abolished idol sacrifices, Saint Eusebius, but as having boldness towards Christ God, pray for the salvation of our souls.

Reading the Gospel Together with the Church

The Holy Church reads the Gospel of Matthew. Chapter X, 32-36; XI, 1.


32 Therefore, whoever confesses Me before men, I will confess him also before My Father in heaven; 33 but whoever denies me before men, I will also deny him before my Father in heaven.

34 Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; not peace I came to bring, but a sword, 35 for I have come to divide a man from his father, and a daughter from her mother, and a daughter-in-law from her mother-in-law.

36 And the enemies of a man are his household.


1 And when Jesus finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went from there to teach and preach in their cities.

(Matthew 10:32-36; 11:1.)

cartoon calendar

Orthodox educational courses

CHRIST - A SOURCE OF LIVING WATER: Word on the 5th Week of Easter, O Samaritan

AT O name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

AT Today Sunday we remember the gospel conversation with the Samaritan woman. The liturgy sings of Christ, Who, in a conversation with a woman from the village of Sychar, made it clear that the Source of living water, leading a person to eternal life, is He. Whoever wants to quench his bodily thirst can go to a well dug in the ground, whoever wants to quench his spiritual hunger must go to Christ.

(MP3 file. Duration 09:34 min. Size 8.76 Mb)

Hieromonk Nikon (Parimanchuk)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

AT section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: online courses " Archpriest Andrey Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to be baptized themselves, or who want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R The section consists of five categorical conversations, which reveal the content of the Orthodox dogma within the framework of the Creed, explain the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism, and provide answers to common questions related to this Sacrament. Each conversation is accompanied by additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

O The lectures of the course are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course Topics:

    • Conversation #1 Preliminary Concepts
    • Conversation #2 Sacred Bible Story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation #4 Christian Morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


    • Frequently asked Questions
    • Orthodox saints

Reading the lives of the saints of Dmitry Rostov for every day

new entries

Radio "Vera"

Radio VERA is a new radio station that talks about the eternal truths of the Orthodox faith.

TV channel Tsargrad: Orthodoxy

Pravoslavnaya Gazeta, Yekaterinburg

Pravoslavie.Ru - Encounter with Orthodoxy

  • “I am John (Gutsu), to whose grave you came”

    “We must begin with the fear of God and continue with love for Him. Let us add a lot of humility and prayer between them, and we will reach the Kingdom of Heaven.”

  • Each desecrated temple is like an x-ray of our souls

    How often do we hear lamentations that ancient churches are dying, and there are no funds to restore them! But there are people who find at least a small opportunity to stop the destruction. Here are some stories from the Saratov hinterland.

  • Through the eye of a needle

    The ktitor of the monastery became one of its ordinary inhabitants. And the next generations of monks have already forgotten about him...

  • Sacrament of glorification

    Both believers and those who are not very close to the Church want to be wounded by love, they want a drop of holy grace flowing from the heart to fall on them.

  • Cypriot Church as an arbitrator in the Ukrainian ecclesiastical issue

    The celebration of the namesake of Metropolitan Onufry became a demonstration of the support of the Local Churches of the canonical Church in Ukraine. The statements and actions of representatives of the Cypriot Church caused a special resonance.

  • H There is no doubt that Orthodoxy is such a binding force, but not in the form in which it came to Rus' from Byzantium, but in the form in which it acquired on Russian soil, taking into account the national, political and socio-economic characteristics of Ancient Rus'. Byzantine Orthodoxy came to Rus', having already formed a pantheon of Christian saints, for example, such as Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Baptist and others, deeply revered to this day. By the 11th century, Christianity in Rus' was only taking its first steps, and for many ordinary people of that time it was not yet a source of faith. Indeed, in order to recognize the holiness of the alien saints, one had to believe very deeply, to be imbued with the spirit of the Orthodox faith. It is a completely different matter when before one's eyes there is an example in the person of one's own, a Russian person, sometimes even a commoner, performing holy asceticism. Here the most skeptical person towards Christianity will come to believe. Thus, by the end of the 11th century, the Russian pantheon of saints began to form, revered to this day on a par with common Christian saints.

ice message

Arrange the letters according to the symbols. In the received phrase, you will read the name of the winter holiday, which is loved by adults and children.

Christmas story

Entertaining spruce

Christmas crossword

Having correctly solved the crossword puzzle, in the highlighted column you will read the name of the most important winter celebration - the Orthodox twelfth holiday:

1. Travelers went to the census for a long time,
They did not find a place in the city:
Under Bethlehem - bare steppe,
The miserable became their shelter ...

2. Cave, manger, haystack,
Born on earth today...

3. In the temples, the face of those who sing sings:
"The Virgin of the Most Substantial..."

4. This song, we know so
It's called -...

5. She shone in the dark sky then,
Lighting the way, holy...

6. Ordinary people learned the message.
In the night when the roosters did not sing yet,
They hurried to the baby's manger
And God was glorified...

7. From the distant countries of the East, the wise men came
Myrrh, ... and frankincense brought.

8. Behind the star, appearing from the road blue,
They ride camels to Bethlehem...

9. Angels flew over Bethlehem.
Their chants brought sweetness to the heart.
And "Glory to God in the highest!" chanted,
And people were told...

Christmas snowdrift

Put the snowflakes together to make words related to Christmas. Among them you will find the names of the cities where you were born, where the Infant Christ lived, the names of the parents of Jesus Christ and the Magi who came to worship the born God.

Help the magi

Find the right entrance to the labyrinth and help the Magi get to the Star of Bethlehem. On the way, you will find out what they told King Herod about the Messiah (Gospel of Matthew chapter 2, verse 2).

What did the angel say to the shepherds?

Who else was in the den?

In what city was Jesus Christ born?

Choose from the given options the correct answer to the question: a). Nazareth; b). Jerusalem; in). Bethlehem; G). Capernaum.

On what road?

Help the Magi find the right path and bring their gifts to the Holy Child.

Festive serpentine

Look closely and you will read the names of biblical characters, the names of books and cities.

Count how many words did you find? We found 24.

The Gospel of Luke in the Itelmen language has been published

The Bible Translation Institute has published another diglotta in a series of publications in the languages ​​of the peoples of the North and the Far East. The Gospel of Luke in the Itelmen language was published with a parallel Russian Synodal translation and an audio recording on CD.

The project was carried out at the request of and in cooperation with the Diocese of Peter and Paul and Kamchatka, which actively participated in the distribution of the Gospel of Luke in Itelmen with an interlinear Russian translation, which was published in 2002. The book was the first translation of the Gospel into the language of one of the indigenous peoples of Kamchatka, which is on the brink of extinction.

During the 2010 Russian census, out of 3,193 Itelmens, only 56 indicated that they knew their native language. Taking this into account, it was decided to include in the new edition a parallel Russian Synodal translation and to make an audio recording of the Itelmen text. This format will make it easier to understand the translation for those who do not speak their native language well, but are ready to activate their knowledge, and will help those who wish to learn the language from scratch.

The Gospel was translated into Itelmen by the chief researcher of the Institute of Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philological Sciences, prof. A.P. Volodin. The text for the audio recording was read by Viktor Ryzhkov, teacher, expert and enthusiast of the Itelmen language and culture.

Bishop Artemy of Petropavlovsk and Kamchatka pointed out the special role of reading the Holy Scriptures in the native language in his introductory speech to the book. “Language is the soul of the people, its special connection with the outside world,” the archpastor noted.

The main circulation of the publication is still on its way to the Far East, but the first copies have already arrived in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and were presented by Bishop Artemy to the public in the Kamchatka Regional Library named after S.P. Krasheninnikov.

The plans of the diocese include the transfer of the book to national communities, libraries, schools, groups for the study of the Itelmen language, as well as the spread of the Gospel during missionary trips around Kamchatka, including - already traditionally - during the annual Beringia dog sled race. .

The staff of the diocese and the ISP hope that the new edition will help the Itelmens preserve and enrich their native language and bring them closer to the values ​​of Christian culture.

Each new Bible translation takes more than 20 years of work

On the eve of the All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature (VGBIL), a meeting with the staff of the Institute for Bible Translation (IPB) was held.

Vitaly Voinov, director of the IPL, and Andrey Desnitsky, scientific consultant of the institute, spoke about the tasks of the IPL, the specifics of the work of translators, and plans for the future.

The Bible, through the efforts of the IPB, has been fully translated into four languages ​​of the peoples of Russia: in addition to Russian, these are the Chuvash, Tuvan and Chechen languages. The last three translations were published in 2010, 2011 and 2012 respectively. Work on each of them lasted more than 20 years.

Various books and fragments of the Bible have been translated into 80 non-Slavic languages ​​of the peoples of Russia (in Russia there are 100-130 languages ​​in total). However, the Institute is not going to stop there.

According to authoritative international sources, there are approximately 7,000 languages ​​in the world, with 95% of the population using only 5% of the total linguistic diversity. The complete edition of the Bible today exists in more than 500 languages, and the New Testament has been translated into 1,500 languages. The need to translate the Bible into the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia was realized in the early 1990s, this task was taken up by the Institute of Biblical Translation, which in 1992 was first registered as a branch of the Swedish Bible Translation Institute, and in 1995 became an independent Russian organization, the leading Russian center for Bible translation into the languages ​​of non-Slavic peoples.

According to Vitaly Voinov, director of the institute, each translation project brings together completely different people in a common work: native translators, theological editor, scientific consultant, coordinator, and others - these are both Christians of different confessions and non-believers.

“We had one goal - to make a Tuvan translation as soon as possible. We are all different, but we worked together, there was no confessional “overweight,” said the director of the Institute of Bishops.

Speaking about the prospects for the work of the IBT, the speakers said that complete translations of the Bible into the Uzbek, Turkmen, Tatar and Crimean Tatar languages ​​are being prepared for publication. In addition to the "paper" editions, the IPB prepares electronic and audio versions of its translations.

Roman aristocrats fabricated the story of Jesus Christ

American bibliographer Joseph Atwill believes that the Roman aristocrats of the 1st century wrote the New Testament, while they completely fabricated the story of Jesus Christ, writes the Independent newspaper.

According to Atwill, the Romans were tired of Jewish sect uprisings that were expecting a "Messiah-warrior", so they resorted to psychological warfare. That is, they created a competing faith - a story about a peaceful Messiah who called for "turning the other cheek" and paying taxes, Mignews reports.

The scientist said that he made a discovery when he studied the New Testament in parallel with the "Jewish War" of Josephus. According to the researcher, "the sequence of events and places of Jesus' sermons more or less coincide with the sequence of events and places of the military campaign of Titus Flavius ​​in the description of Joseph." Thus, the biography of Jesus is constructed on the basis of "earlier stories, but especially on the biography of one of the Roman Caesars," he concludes.

In "Gravity" found an allegory of the death and resurrection of Christ

Christian critics have said that Alfonso Cuarón's Gravity can be considered an allegory for the death and resurrection of Christ, as well as a personal relationship with God and life after death.

"One of the strongest things about the film is that it reminds us of Jesus, who died, descended into hell, but rose again to give us hope for a new life," said Paul Asay, Editor-in-Chief "Focus on the Family's review blog, Plugged In".

Following the tragic death of his daughter, research astronaut Ryan Stone embarks on his first space mission, commanded by veteran astronaut Matt Kowalski. Traveling in space, they suffer a catastrophe, but survive. After it turns out that Stone is running out of oxygen, and at that moment she becomes a witness to a “visit”, after which she gains strength and goals in life.

“In an empty and dark space, it seems to be experiencing a rebirth. For some, death and rebirth is like an ancient myth, but it can also be related to the story of Christ,” writes Asey.

“The film is dedicated to spirituality, but, frankly, does not quite adhere to the Christian point of view. However, you can consider it partly spiritual,” the editor-in-chief emphasized.

Asei also acknowledged that "Gravity" does not carry an overt Christian worldview, but argues that there are overt undertones of Christianity in the film.

According to Eric Hann, professor of film and media arts at Biola University, the film symbolizes the death of Christ. He is convinced that it shows a God who works miracles and who interacts with ongoing events, and also that God helps and gives a new meaning or purpose to life for those who are experiencing some kind of difficulties and suffering.

“She literally says thank you,” said Craig Detweiler, director and professor at Pepperdine University. “She doesn’t say the name of God directly like that, but she talks about the One who lives in heaven, believes in the afterlife and chooses gratitude to the Almighty,” he added.

According to Dketweller, the film raises such pressing questions as: “Why did I come into this world? What am I living for? What will happen to me after I die?” which is not often seen in other films.

The film "Gravity" was awarded the highest ratings in the world film press and currently holds the record for the number of positive reviews this year, surpassing last year's thriller "Target Number One". The film is one of the key contenders for the 2014 Oscars.

The film stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.

In the US, a pastor conducts a Bible study over a glass of beer

Pastor John Donnelly at the American Church in Oxford, Connecticut, is conducting a beer Bible study, according to the Associated Press.

About 10 people came to the first Bible study, which took place in the banquet hall of the Brookside Inn restaurant, according to Donnelly. They drank beer and searched the Scriptures. Donnelly said that he and his wife had previously held similar meetings at their home when they lived in New Jersey.

The pastor also said that together with the audience this time they did not just read the Scriptures, but singled out certain words or phrases, analyzed their meaning and then said them out loud.

“Many men don't want to study Scripture in church, but they are quite open over a glass of beer at a bar. Our church wants to have something in common with the people of the world, and not just try to pull them out of it. When we did similar studies in New Jersey, we had a good relationship - the men were quite open, we could joke, laugh and communicate together. In such an environment, people are able to perceive more of God's love and understand that they need to have a personal relationship with Him,” said the pastor.

Donnelly said he plans to conduct a Bible study with Saddleback Megachurch Pastor Rick Warren's 40 Days of Scripture Study program. Conducting Bible studies with the pastor will be retired Colonel Bob Knapp, who now works for the church. So far, only 15 people, of whom only 10 have come, have signed up for the study, but the ministers hope to gather about 50 people. The age category of invitees is from 21 to 59 years.

French Bishops Changed the Text of the Lord's Prayer

The highest clergy of France considered it necessary to make changes to the text of the translation from the ancient Greek language of the main prayer in Christianity - "Our Father".

This decision was taken by the Conference of Bishops of France.

The changes being made were approved by the Vatican, the hierarchs of the church emphasized, ITAR-TASS reports.

This is the line in the Lord's Prayer, which says: "And lead us not into temptation." It caused confusion among many believers because it sounded as if the temptation came from God, which was a clear misunderstanding of the text, the conference of bishops noted.

In the new version adopted today, the phrase has only one possible interpretation - it sounds: "And do not let us fall into temptation."

The new French text of the prayer will be included in the Book of Hours, published under the auspices of the Assembly of Francophone Bishops for Liturgy. In France, the book will be distributed from 22 November. In the future, the new text of the translation will gradually be included in other liturgical books of the Catholic Church.

"Our Father" is the most frequently said prayer by Christians. Its use dates back to the earliest Christian times.

That's all. See you soon!
May God richly bless you as you seek to know Him!